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Electricity free refrigerator system throughout which we can make refrigeration

system in electricity less areas. There are so many areas in India where
electricity not available. So in that areas to preserve food, medicine, meat the
electricity refrigeration must be required. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is the
combination of propane, isobutene and highest amount of butane with
56.4%.The use of LPG for refrigeration purpose can be environment friendly
since it has no ozone depletion potential (ODP). In these electricity refrigerator
system we have to use LPG as refrigerant because of it having low boiling point
property and it also have high pressure. When high pressure LPG passed
through the capillary tubes because of small internal diameter the pressure of
LPG dropped suddenly due to isentropic cycle. While changing property of
LPG from liquid to gas latent heat of refrigerant increased, and temperature will
be dropped and it acts as a refrigerant predominately.


According to the Indian Government, the refrigerator is the 3rd heaviest

consumer of power amongst household appliances. It is one of the few
appliances that is running 365 days a year, increasing the importance, whenever
possible, to have an eco-friendly refrigerator in your household. A new ecofriendly refrigerator in 2006 was estimated to consume 481 kilowatt hours per
year. The energy consumption of refrigerators has improved steadily year over
year.It works on the principle that during the conversion of LPG into gaseous
form the expansion will be take place. Due to this expansion in LPG gas the
pressure will drops. And the volume will be increase this will be result into
dropped in temperature and it acts as refrigerant. According to second law of
thermodynamics, this process can only be performed with the aid of some
external work. It is thus obvious, that supply of power (say electrical motor) is
regularly required to drive a refrigerator. The substance which works in a heat
pump to extract heat from a cold body and to deliver it to a hot body is called
When we think about refrigerator we only remember refrigeration in kitchen,
but actually divided in three types in which each type having their own type of
functioning. One which used in Industrial purpose called as Industrial

refrigerator. Which used as food processing, chemical processing & cold

storage. Industrial refrigeration, which frequently uses ammonia refrigeration to
maintain temperature, is necessary for computer, foodstuffs, blood, vaccines,
and quite a few other goods that must maintain a constant and steady
temperature at all times. Temperatures matters in industrial refrigeration
companies to pay attention at all times. Domestic refrigerant consumes 17500
metric tons of traditional refrigerant as CFC, HFC and which contribute high
ozone depletion potential (ODP) and Global warming potential (GWP). Good
progress is being made with the phase out of CFC 22 from new equipment
manufacture by replacing LPG since it possesses an environmentally friendly
nature with no ODP. LPG is expected to results in comparable product
efficiencies based on its characteristics. Therefore, this two types of refrigerants
(LPG and CFC 22) to be examined using a modified domestic refrigerator in
term of their performance characteristics parameters such as pressure and
temperature at specified location at the refrigerator and the safety requirements
while conducting the experiment. By performing the tests on new system, it is
indicate that the successful of using LPG as an alternative refrigerant to replace
CFC 22 in domestic refrigerators is possible by getting LPG. n India, more than
80% of the domestic refrigerator utilize HFC 134a as refrigerant, due to its
excellent thermodynamic and thermo physical properties. But, HFC 134a has a
high global warming potential (GWP) of 1300. There is a need of assess various
refrigerant option considering the existing refrigerators in the field and for the

future market. CFCs are principally destroyed by ultraviolet radiations in the

stratosphere; the chlorine released in the high stratosphere catalyzes the
decomposition of ozone to oxygen; and ultraviolet radiations penetrates to lower
altitudes. Credible calculations of the magnitude of the effect (Hoffman 1987)
and his team predicted 3% global ozone emissions of 700 thousand tonnes/year
after a hundred years. The ozone impact of car air conditioners also can not be
ignored. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) can be thought of as a replacement, but
unfortunately the radiation properties of HFCs like R-134a make them
powerful global warming agents. HFC 134a and the HC blend have been
reported to be substitutes for CFC 12, but they have their own drawbacks in
energy efficiency, flammability and serviceability aspects of the systems. HFC
134a is not miscible with mineral oil, and hence, polyol ester oil is
recommended, which is highly hygroscopic in nature. This hygroscopicity
demands stringent service practices, which otherwise results in moisture entry
into the system.

Components of Zero Cost Refrigeration System

0.36mm Copper header
3/8 inch copper pipe
Pressure Gauge
1/4 inch flaring nut
1/4 inch Copper pipe
Gauge adapter
1/4 inch Hand set valve
Refrigeration Box (Insulated type)
Digital Temperature Sensor
Gas Burner Pipe
Pressure Valve
Accumulator Valve
LPG gas Cylinder

The combustion of LPG produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour but
sufficient air must be available. Inadequate appliances flueing or ventilation can
result in the production of carbon monoxide which can be toxic.

Vapour Pressure
LPG is a stored as a liquid under pressure. It is almost colourless and its weight
is approximately half that of an equivalent volume of water. The pressure inside
a closed container in which LPG is stored is equal to the vapour pressure of the
liquid and corresponds to its temperature.


LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This is general description of Propane (C3H8)

and Butane (C4H10), either stored separately or together as a mix.
This is because these gases can be liquefied at a normal temperature by
application of a moderate pressure increases, or at normal pressure by
application of LPG using refrigeration. LPG is used as a fuel for domestic,
industrial, horticultural, agricultural, cooking, heating and drying processes.
LPG can be used as an automotive fuel or as propellant for aerosol, in addition
to other specialist applications. LPG can also be used to provide lighting
through the use of pressure lanterns

LPG is used as a fuel for domestic, industrial, horticultural, agricultural,
cooking, heating and drying processes. LPG can be used as an automotive fuel
or as propellant for aerosol, in addition to other specialist applications. LPG can
also be used to provide lighting through the use of pressure lantern. LPG is
Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This is general description of Propane (C3H8) and
Butane (C4H10), either stored separately or together as a mix. This is because
these gases can be liquefied at a normal temperature by application of a
moderate pressure increases, or at normal pressure by application of LPG using
refrigeration. LPG is used as a fuel for domestic, industrial, horticultural,
agricultural, cooking, heating and drying processes. LPG can be used as an
automotive fuel or as propellant for aerosol, in addition to other specialist
applications. LPG can also be used to provide lighting through the use of
pressure lantern.







Thermodynamic cycles can be categorized into gas cycles and

vapour cycles. As mentioned in the previous chapter, in a typical gas cycle,
the working fluid (a gas) does not undergo phase change, consequently the
operating cycle will be away from the vapour dome. In gas cycles, heat
rejection and refrigeration take place as the gas undergoes sensible cooling and

heating. In a vapour cycle the working fluid undergoes phase change and
refrigeration effect is due to the vaporization of refrigerant liquid. If the
refrigerant is a pure substance then its temperature remains constant during the
phase change processes. However, if a zeotropic mixture is used as a refrigerant,
then there will be a temperature glide during vaporization and condensation.
Since the refrigeration effect is produced during phase change, large amount of
heat (latent heat) can be transferred per kilogram of refrigerant at a near
constant temperature. Hence, the required mass flow rates for a given
refrigeration capacity will be much smaller compared to a gas cycle. Vapour
cycles can be subdivided into vapour compression systems, vapour absorption
systems, vapour jet systems etc. Among these the vapour compression
refrigeration systems are predominant.

Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems

As mentioned, vapour compression refrigeration systems are the most
commonly used among all refrigeration systems. As the name implies, these
systems belong to the general class of vapour cycles, wherein the working fluid
(refrigerant) undergoes phase change at least during one process. In a vapour
compression refrigeration system, refrigeration is obtained as the refrigerant
evaporates at low temperatures. The input to the system is in the form of
mechanical energy required to run the compressor. Hence these systems are also
called as mechanical refrigeration systems. Vapour compression refrigeration


are available to

suit almost

all applications







few Watts to few megawatts. A wide variety of refrigerants can be used in these
systems to suit different applications, capacities etc. The actual vapour
compression cycle is based on Evans-Perkins cycle, which is also called as
reverse Rankine cycle. Before the actual cycle is discussed and analysed, it is
essential to find the upper limit of performance of vapour compression cycles.
This limit is set by a completely reversible cycle.

The Carnot refrigeration cycle Carnot refrigeration cycle is a completely

reversible cycle, hence is used as a model of perfection for a refrigeration cycle
operating between a constant temperature heat source and sink. It is used as
reference against which the real cycles are compared. Figures 10.1 (a) and (b)
show the schematic of a Carnot vapour compression refrigeration system and
the operating cycle on T-s diagram.

As shown in (a), the basic Carnot refrigeration system for pure vapour consists
of four components: compressor, condenser, turbine and evaporator.
Refrigeration effect (q4-1 = qe) is obtained at the evaporator as the refrigerant
undergoes the process of vaporization (process 4-1) and extracts the latent heat
from the low temperature heat source. The low temperature, low pressure
vapour is then compressed isentropically in the compressor to the heat sink
temperature Tc. The refrigerant pressure increases from Pe to Pc during the
compression process (process 1-2) and the exit vapour is saturated. Next the
high pressure, high temperature saturated refrigerant undergoes the process of
condensation in the condenser (process 2-3) as it rejects the heat of
condensation (q2-3 = qc) to an external heat sink at Tc. The high pressure
saturated liquid then flows through the turbine and undergoes isentropic
expansion (process 3-4). During this process, the pressure and temperature fall
from Pc,Tc to Pe, Te. Since a saturated liquid is expanded in the turbine, some
amount of liquid flashes into vapour and the exit condition lies in the two-phase
region. This low temperature and low pressure liquid-vapour mixture then
enters the evaporator completing the cycle. Thus as shown in Fig.10.1(b), the
cycle involves two isothermal heat transfer processes (processes 4-1 and 2-3)
and two isentropic work transfer processes (processes 1-2 and 3-4). Heat is
extracted isothermally at evaporator temperature Te during process 4-1, heat is





during process 23.



supplied to the


compression (12) of refrigerant vapour from evaporator pressure Pe to condenser pressure Pc,
and work is produced by the system as refrigerant liquid expands isentropically
in the turbine from condenser pressure P c to evaporator pressure Pe. All the
processes are both internally as well as externally reversible, i.e., net entropy
generation for the system and environment is zero.
Applying first and second laws of thermodynamics to the Carnot refrigeration

Carnot refrigeration system T-S diagram

thus the COP of Carnot refrigeration cycle is a function of evaporator and

condenser temperatures only and is independent of the nature of the working
substance. This is the reason why exactly the same expression was obtained for
air cycle refrigeration systems operating on Carnot cycle (Lesson 9). The Carnot
COP sets an upper limit for refrigeration systems operating between two
constant temperature thermal reservoirs (heat source and sink). From Carnots
theorems, for the same heat source and sink temperatures, no irreversible cycle
can have COP higher than that of Carnot COP.
Carnot refrigeration cycle represented in T-s plane qea b 1 2 3 4 s T Tc Tewnet

It can be seen from the above expression that the COP of a Carnot
refrigeration system increases as the evaporator temperature increases and condenser
temperature decreases. This can be explained very easily with the help of the T-s diagram
(Fig.10.2). As shown in the figure, COP is the ratio of area a-1-4-b to the area 1-2-3-4. For a fixed
condenser temperature Tc, as the evaporator temperature Te increases, area a-1-4-b (qe) increases
and area 1-2-3-4 (wnet) decreases as a result, COP increases rapidly. Similarly for a fixed


temperature Te, as the condensing temperature Tc increases, the net work input (area 1-2-3-4)
increases, even though cooling output remains constant, as a result the COP falls. Figure 10.3
shows the variation of Carnot COP with evaporator temperature for different condenser
temperatures. It can be seen that the COP increases sharply with evaporator temperatures,
particularly at high condensing temperatures. COP reduces as the condenser temperature
increases, but the effect becomes marginal at low evaporator temperatures. It will be shown later
that actual vapour compression refrigeration systems also behave in a manner similar to that of
Carnot refrigeration systems as far as the performance trends are concerned.

Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG or LP gas), also referred
to as simply propane or butane, are flammable mixtures of hydrocarbon gases
used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles.
It is increasingly used as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant[citation


replacing chlorofluorocarbons in an effort to reduce damage to the ozone layer.

When specifically used as a vehicle fuel it is often referred to as auto gas.
Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are primarily propane (C
3H8),primarily butane(C4H10) and, most commonly, mixes including both
propane and butane. In the northern hemisphere winter, the mixes contain more
propane, while in summer, they contain more butane. In the United States,
primarily two grades of LPG are sold: commercial propane and HD-5. These
specifications are published by the Gas Processors Association (GPA) [3] and the

American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). [4] Propane/butane blends

are also listed in these specifications.
Propylene, butylenes and various other hydrocarbons are usually also present in
small concentrations. HD-5 limits the amount of propylene that can be placed in
LPG to 5%, and is utilized as an autogas specification. A powerful odorant,
ethanethiol, is added so that leaks can be detected easily. The internationally










tetrahydrothiophene (thiophane) or amyl mercaptan are also approved odorants,

although neither is currently being utilized. LPG is prepared by refining
petroleum or "wet" natural gas, and is almost entirely derived from fossil fuel
sources, being manufactured during the refining of petroleum (crude oil), or
extracted from petroleum or natural gas streams as they emerge from the
ground. It was first produced in 1910 by Dr. Walter Snelling, and the first
commercial products appeared in 1912. It currently provides about 3% of all
energy consumed, and burns relatively cleanly with no soot and very few sulfur
emissions. As it is a gas, it does not pose ground or water pollution hazards, but
it can cause air pollution. LPG has a typical specific calorific value of
46.1 MJ/kg compared with 42.5 MJ/kg for fuel oil and 43.5 MJ/kg for premium
grade petrol (gasoline).[6] However, its energy density per volume unit of 26
MJ/L is lower than either that of petrol or fuel oil, as its relative density is lower
(about 0.50.58 kg/L, compared to 0.710.77 kg/L for gasoline). As its boiling

point is below room temperature, LPG will evaporate quickly at normal

temperatures and pressures and is usually supplied in pressurised steel vessels.
They are typically filled to 8085% of their capacity to allow for thermal
expansion of the contained liquid. The ratio between the volumes of the
vaporized gas and the liquefied gas varies depending on composition, pressure,
and temperature, but is typically around 250:1. The pressure at which LPG
becomes liquid, called its vapour pressure, likewise varies depending on
composition and temperature; for example, it is approximately 220 kilopascals
(32 psi) for pure butane at 20 C (68 F), and approximately 2,200 kilopascals
(320 psi) for pure propane at 55 C (131 F). LPG is heavier than air, unlike
natural gas, and thus will flow along floors and tend to settle in low spots, such
as basements. There are two main dangers from this. The first is a possible
explosion if the mixture of LPG and air is within the explosive limits and there
is an ignition source. The second is suffocation due to LPG displacing air,
causing a decrease in oxygen concentration.

LPG is a mixture of commercial butane and commercial propane having both

saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. LPG marketed in India shall be
governed by Indian Standard Code IS-4576 (Refer Table 1.0) and the test
methods by IS-1448

Capillary valve

Capillary force valves are fluid control structures that use

superficial tension at the interface between different fluids to
block and/or restore the entrance of fluids in microchannels
filled with a second immiscible fluid. For most of the
microfluidic applications the second fluid is air, and the liquid
air interface at a narrow hydrophobic stricture is used to
prevent the liquid from entering a capillary.
Capillary forces result from the interaction of liquid, gas and
solid surfaces, at the interface between them. In the liquid
phase, molecules are held together by cohesive forces. In the
bulk of the liquid, the cohesive forces between one molecule
and the surrounding molecules are balanced. However, for the
same molecule at the edge of the liquid, the cohesive forces
with other liquid molecules are larger than the interaction with
air molecules (Fig. 1). As a result, the liquid molecules at the
interface are pulled together towards the liquid. The overall
effect of these forces is to minimize the free surface of the
liquid that is exposed to air. The proportionality between the
decrease in energy of the surface that results from decreasing
the surface is described by

the surface tension:

= dG
where dG is the change in energy [Nm], dA is the change in
area [m2] and is the surface tension or surface energy [N/m].
Of interest for capillary forces is the contact between three
phases: liquid, solid and vapor (air). Three forces
are present, trying simultaneously to minimize the contact area
between the three phases. At equilibrium, the forces at the
triple interface are balanced) and the relationship between
them is described by the YoungDupree Capillary Force

LAL cos_

where L is the length of the triple contact line and _ is the

contact angle between the liquid and the solid. It is interesting
to observe the vertical component pulling on the solid surface
in the case of wetting and pushing in the
case of non-wetting surfaces. Capillary forces are critical at the
microscale. The surface tension is responsible for the increased
pressure in a bubble trapped in a capillary, and for the
increased pressure required to push liquid into an empty nonwetting






tension and





Basic Methodology
The behaviour of air and liquids in capillaries is of critical importance at the
micro scale. After their fabrication, most of the channels in micro fluidic
devices are filled with air. In general, before the micro fluidic devices are used
Capillary forces at the interaction between air, liquid and solid surfaces. Each of
these forces works to minimize the energy of the interface between liquid and
solid, air and solid, liquid and air: Fls, Fas, Fla, respectively. At equilibrium, the
horizontal projection of Fla and Fls and Fas cancel each other. The
corresponding angle between Fla and Fls is the contact angle between liquid
and solid (_).

Two major strategies for making valves using the capillary forces are through
the use of (a) local changes of contact angle and (b) local changes of surface
geometry. (a) The use of hydrophobic patches in a capillary relies on the
increased pressure that is required to push the liquid over the area of larger

contact angle (Fig. 4). The increased contact angle between the liquid and the
capillary in the region of the hydrophobic patch results in a larger pressure
necessary for moving the liquid over that region. After passing the patch, the
pressure required for moving the liquid returns to pre-patch values. The
combination of hydrophobic patches on the bottom of the channel is of interest
for microfluidic devices where precise valving is required, or for liquids with
different characteristics. One other particular effect of practical interest
whenever capillary forces are used is the difference between advancing and
receding angles for the same fluid in the same capillary. This phenomenon is
also known as hysteresis and manifests itself as larger contact angle at the
advancing edge of a liquidsolid interface compared to the equilibrium contact
angle which is itself larger than the contact angle at the receding edge of the
liquidsolid interface . The origin of this is partially in the roughness of the
surface and can have interesting effects when moving columns of liquids
through capillaries

Capillary Force Valves

Schematics of a capillary valve using a hydrophobic patch. The pressure
required to move the liquid (

P1) is higher when the liquidair interface

reaches the region of increased hydrophobicity (


Copper tubing is most often used for supply of hot and cold tap water, and as
refrigerant line in HVAC systems. There are two basic types of copper tubing,
soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined using flare connection,
compression connection, or solder. Copper offers a high level of corrosion
resistance, but is becoming very costly.
Types Of Copper tube
There are two types of copper tube
1. Soft copper
2. Rigid copper

Soft copper

Soft (or ductile) copper tubing can be bent easily to travel around obstacles in
the path of the tubing. While the work hardening of the drawing process used to
size the tubing makes the copper hard or rigid, it is carefully annealed to make it
soft again; it is therefore more expensive to produce than non-annealed, rigid
copper tubing. It can be joined by any of the three methods used for rigid
copper, and it is the only type of copper tubing suitable for flare connections.
Soft copper is the most popular choice for refrigerant lines in split-system air
conditioners and heat pumps.
Rigid Copper
Rigid copper is a popular choice for water lines. It is joined using a sweat, roll
grooved, compression or crimped/pressed connection. Rigid copper, rigid due to
the work hardening of the drawing process, cannot be bent and must use elbow
fittings to go around corners or around obstacles. If heated and allowed to cool
in a process called annealing, rigid copper will become soft and can be
bent/formed without cracking.
Solder fittings are smooth, and easily slip onto the end of a
tubing section. The joint is then heated using a torch, and
solder is melted into the connection. When the solder cools, it
forms a very strong bond which can last for decades. Solder-

connected rigid copper is the most popular choice for water

supply lines in modern buildings. In situations where many
connections must be made at once (such as plumbing of a new
building), solder offers much quicker and much less expensive
joinery than compression or flare fittings. The term sweating is
sometimes used to describe the process of soldering pipes.
Compression connections
Compression fittings use a soft metal or thermoplastic ring (the compression
ring, "olive" or "ferrule") which is squeezed onto the pipe and into the fitting by
a compression nut. The soft metal conforms to the surface of the tubing and the
fitting, and creates a seal. Compression connections do not typically have the
long life that sweat connections offer, but are advantageous in many cases
because they are easy to make using basic tools. A disadvantage in compression
connections is that they take longer to make than sweat, and sometimes require
re-tightening over time to stop leaks.

Flare connections

Flare connections require that the end of a tubing section be spread outward in a
bell shape using a flare tool. A flare nut then compresses this bell-shaped end
onto a male fitting. Flare connections are a labor-intensive method of making
connections, but are quite reliable over the course of many years.
Crimped or pressed connections
Crimped or pressed connections use special copper fittings which are
permanently attached to rigid copper tubing with a powered crimper. The
special fittings, manufactured with sealant already inside, slide over the tubing
to be connected. Thousands of pounds-force per square inch of pressure are
used to deform the fitting and compress the sealant against the inner copper
tubing, creating a water-tight seal. The advantages of this method are that it
should last as long as the tubing, it takes less time to complete than other
methods, it is cleaner in both appearance and the materials used to make the
connection, and no open flame is used during the connection process. The
disadvantages are that the fittings used are harder to find and cost significantly
more than sweat-type fittings


The evaporators are another important parts of the refrigeration systems. It

through the evaporators that the cooling effect is produced in the refrigeration
system.It is in the evaporators when the actual cooling effect takes place in the
refrigeration systems. For many people the evaporator is the main part of the
refrigeration system, consider other part as less useful. The evaporators are heat
exchanger surface that transfer the heat from the substance to be cooled to the
refrigerant, thus removing the heat from the from the substance. The
evaporators are used for wide variety of diverse application in refrigeration and
hence the available in wide variety of shape, sizes and designs. They are also
classified in different manner depending on the method of feeding the
refrigerant, construction of the evaporator, direction of air circulation around the
evaporator, application and also the refrigerant control. In the domestic
refrigerators the evaporators are commonly known as freezers since the ice is
made in these compartment. In the evaporators the refrigerant enters at very low
pressure and temperature after passing through the capillary tube. This
refrigerant absorbs the heat from the substance that is to be cooled so the
refrigerant gets heated while the substance gets cooled. Even after cooling the
substance the temperature of the refrigerant leaving the evaporator is less than
the substance. In the large refrigeration plants the evaporator is used for chilling
water. In such cases shell and tube type of heat exchanger are used as the
evaporators. In such plants the evaporators are classified as:

An evaporator is used in an air-conditioning system to allow a compressed

cooling chemical, such as R-22 (Freon) or R-410A, to evaporate from liquid to
gas while absorbing heat in the process.[1] It can also be used to remove water or
other liquids from mixtures. The process of evaporation is widely used to
concentrate foods and chemicals as well as salvage solvents. In the
concentration process, the goal of evaporation is to vaporize most of the water
from a solution which contains the desired product. In the case of desalination
of sea water or in Zero Liquid Discharge plants, the reverse purpose applies;
evaporation removes the desirable drinking water from the undesired product,
salt. One of the most important applications of evaporation is in the food and
beverage industry. Foods or beverages that need to last for a considerable
amount of time or need to have certain consistency, like coffee, go through an
evaporation step during processing. In the pharmaceutical industry, the
evaporation process is used to eliminate excess moisture, providing an easily
handled product and improving product stability. Preservation of long-term
activity or stabilization of enzymes in laboratories are greatly assisted by the
evaporation process. Another example of evaporation is in the recovery of
sodium hydroxide in kraft pulping.[2] Cutting down waste-handling cost is
another major reason for large companies to use evaporation applications.
Legally, all producers of waste must dispose of waste using methods compatible
with environmental guidelines; these methods are costly. By removing moisture

through vaporization, industry can greatly reduce the amount of waste product
that must be processed.
The solution containing the desired product is fed into the evaporator and passes
across a heat source. The applied heat converts the water in the solution into
vapor. The vapor is removed from the rest of the solution and is condensed
while the now-concentrated solution is either fed into a second evaporator or is
removed. The evaporator, as a machine, generally consists of four sections. The
heating section contains the heating medium, which can vary. Steam is fed into
this section. The most common medium consists of parallel tubes but others
have plates or coils typically made from copper or aluminium. The
concentrating and separating section removes the vapour being produced from
the solution. The condenser condenses the separated vapour, then the vacuum or
pump provides pressure to increase circulation.
Forced circulation Evaporator
Natural circulation evaporators are based on the natural circulation of the
product caused by the density differences that arise from heating. In an
evaporator using tubing, after the water begins to boil, bubbles will rise and
cause circulation, facilitating the separation of the liquid and the vapour at the
top of the heating tubes. The amount of evaporation that takes place depends on
the temperature difference between the steam and the solution.

Problems can arise if the tubes are not well-immersed in the solution. If this
occurs, the system will be dried out and circulation compromised. In order to
avoid this, forced circulation can be used by inserting a pump to increase
pressure and circulation. Forced circulation occurs when hydrostatic head
prevents boiling at the heating surface. A pump can also be used to avoid
fouling that is caused by the boiling of liquid on the tubes; the pump suppresses
bubble formation. Other problems are that the residing time is undefined and the
consumption of steam is very high, but at high temperatures, good circulation is
easily achieved.
Falling film evaporator
This type of evaporator is generally made of 48 m (1326 ft) tubes enclosed by
steam jackets. The uniform distribution of the solution is important when using
this type of evaporator. The solution enters and gains velocity as it flows
downward. This gain in velocity is attributed to the vapour being evolved
against the heating medium, which flows downward as well. This evaporator is
usually applied to highly viscous solutions, so it is frequently used in the
chemical, food, and fermentation industries.

Rising film (Long Tube Vertical) evaporator

In this type of evaporator, boiling takes place inside the tubes, due to heating
made (usually by steam) outside the same. Submergence is therefore not

desired; the creation of water vapor bubbles inside the tube creates an
ascensional flow enhancing the heat transfer coefficient. This type of evaporator
is therefore quite efficient, the disadvantage being to be prone to quick scaling
of the internal surface of the tubes. This design is then usually applied to clear,
non-salting solutions. Tubes are usually quite long, typically 4+ meters (13+ ft).
Sometimes a small recycle is provided. Sizing this type of evaporator is usually
a delicate task, since it requires a precise evaluation of the actual level of the
process liquor inside the tubes. Recent applications tend to favor the falling-film
pattern rather than rising-film.
Climbing and falling-film plate evaporator

Climbing and falling-film plate evaporators have a relatively large surface area.
The plates are usually corrugated and are supported by frame. During
evaporation, steam flows through the channels formed by the free spaces
between the plates. The steam alternately climbs and falls parallel to the
concentrated liquid. The steam follows a co-current, counter-current path in
relation to the liquid. The concentrate and the vapor are both fed into the
separation stage where the vapor is sent to a condenser. This type of plate
evaporator is frequently applied in the dairy and fermentation industries since
they have spatial flexibility. A negative point of this type of evaporator is that it
is limited in its ability to treat viscous or solid-containing products. There are
other types of plate evaporators, which work with only climbing film.

Multiple-effect evaporators

Unlike single-stage evaporators, these evaporators can be composed of up to

seven evaporator stages (effects). The energy consumption for single-effect
evaporators is very high and is most of the cost for an evaporation system.
Putting together evaporators saves heat and thus requires less energy. Adding
one evaporator to the original decreases energy consumption to 50%. Adding
another effect reduces it to 33% and so on. A heat-saving-percent equation can
be used to estimate how much one will save by adding a certain amount of
The number of effects in a multiple-effect evaporator is usually restricted to
seven because after that, the equipment cost approaches the cost savings of the
energy-requirement drop.
There are two types of feeding that can be used when dealing with multipleeffect evaporators. Forward feeding takes place when the product enters the
system through the first effect, which is at the highest temperature. The product
is then partially concentrated as some of the water is transformed into vapor and
carried away. It is then fed into the second effect which is slightly lower in
temperature. The second effect uses the heated vapor created in the first stage as
its heat source (hence the saving in energy expenditure). The combination of
lower temperatures and higher viscosities in subsequent effects provides good
conditions for treating heat-sensitive products, such as enzymes and proteins. In

this system, an increase in the heating surface area of subsequent effects is

Another method is using backward feeding. In this process, the dilute products
are fed into the last effect which has the lowest temperature and are transferred
from effect to effect, with the temperature increasing. The final concentrate is
collected in the hottest effect, which provides an advantage in that the product is
highly viscous in the last stages, and so the heat transfer is better. Since some
years there are also in operation multiple-effect vacuum evaporators with heat
pump, well known to be energetically and technically more effective than
systems with mechanical vapour recompression (MVR) because due to the
lower boiling temperature they can handle highly corrosive liquids or which
may form incrustations.
Gauge pressure is zero-referenced against ambient air pressure, so it is equal to
absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure. Negative signs are usually
omitted. To distinguish a negative pressure, the value may be appended with the
word "vacuum" or the gauge may be labeled a "vacuum gauge."
Differential pressure is the difference in pressure between two points.
The zero reference in use is usually implied by context, and these words are
added only when clarification is needed. Tire pressure and blood pressure are

gauge pressures by convention, while atmospheric pressures, deep vacuum

pressures, and altimeter pressures must be absolute.
For most working fluids where a fluid exists in a closed system, gauge pressure
measurement prevails. Pressure instruments connected to the system will
indicate pressures relative to the current atmospheric pressure. The situation
changes when extreme vacuum pressures are measured; absolute pressures are
typically used instead.
Differential pressures are commonly used in industrial process systems.
Differential pressure gauges have two inlet ports, each connected to one of the
volumes whose pressure is to be monitored. In effect, such a gauge performs the
mathematical operation of subtraction through mechanical means, obviating the
need for an operator or control system to watch two separate gauges and
determine the difference in readings.
Moderate vacuum pressure readings can be ambiguous without the proper
context, as they may represent absolute pressure or gauge pressure without a
negative sign. Thus a vacuum of 26 inHg gauge is equivalent to an absolute
pressure of 30 inHg (typical atmospheric pressure) 26 inHg = 4 inHg.
Atmospheric pressure is typically about 100 kPa at sea level, but is variable
with altitude and weather. If the absolute pressure of a fluid stays constant, the
gauge pressure of the same fluid will vary as atmospheric pressure changes. For

example, when a car drives up a mountain, the (gauge) tire pressure goes up
because atmospheric pressure goes down. The absolute pressure in the tire is
essentially unchanged.Using atmospheric pressure as reference is
usually signified by a g for gauge after the pressure unit, e.g.
70 psig, which means that the pressure measured is the total
pressure minus atmospheric pressure. There are two types of
gauge reference pressure: vented gauge (vg) and sealed gauge
A vented gauge pressure transmitter for example allows the outside air pressure
to be exposed to the negative side of the pressure sensing diaphragm, via a
vented cable or a hole on the side of the device, so that it always measures the
pressure referred to ambient barometric pressure. Thus a vented gauge reference
pressure sensor should always read zero pressure when the process pressure
connection is held open to the air.
A sealed gauge reference is very similar except that atmospheric pressure is
sealed on the negative side of the diaphragm. This is usually adopted on high
pressure ranges such as hydraulics where atmospheric pressure changes will
have a negligible effect on the accuracy of the reading, so venting is not
necessary. This also allows some manufacturers to provide secondary pressure
containment as an extra precaution for pressure equipment safety if the burst
pressure of the primary pressure sensing diaphragm is exceeded.

There is another way of creating a sealed gauge reference and this is to seal a
high vacuum on the reverse side of the sensing diaphragm. Then the output
signal is offset so the pressure sensor reads close to zero when measuring
atmospheric pressure.
A sealed gauge reference pressure transducer will never read exactly zero
because atmospheric pressure is always changing and the reference in this case
is fixed at 1 bar.
An absolute pressure measurement is one that is referred to absolute vacuum.
The best example of an absolute referenced pressure is atmospheric or
barometric pressure.
To produce an absolute pressure sensor the manufacturer will seal a high
vacuum behind the sensing diaphragm. If the process pressure connection of an
absolute pressure transmitter is open to the air, it will read the actual barometric


Many techniques have been developed for the measurement of pressure and
vacuums. Instruments used to measure pressure are called pressure gauges or

vacuum gauges.A manometer could also referring to a pressure measuring

instrument, usually limited to measuring pressures near to atmospheric. The
term manometer is often used to refer specifically to liquid column hydrostatic

A Bourdon gauge uses a coiled tube, which, as it expands due to pressure

increases cases a rotation of an arm connected to the tube.In 1849 the Bourdon
tube pressure gauge was patented in France by Eugene Bourdon. The pressure
sensing element is a closed coiled tube connected to the chamber or pipe in
while the pressure is to be sensed. As the gauge pressure increases the tube will
tend to uncoil, while a reduced gauge pressure will patented France by
EugeneBourdon. The pressure sensing el cause the tube to coil more tightly.
This motion is transferred through a linkage to a gear train connected to an
indicating needle. The needle in presented in front of a card face inscribed with
the pressure indications associated with particular needle deflections. In a
barometer, the Bourdon tube is sealed at both ends and the absolute pressure of
the ambient atmosphere is sensed. Differentials Bourdon gauges use two Bourdon
tubes and a mechanical linkage that compares the readings


The LPGrefrigerator shown in figure. We make the one box of the GI sheet

size is 2mm for used the LPG refrigerator. The size of the refrigerator is
724*457*381 mm3. The evaporator is fitted on the upper portion of box
insideInside the refrigerator, we also put the thermo-coal sheet, because of the
cold air cannot the transfer from inside to outside of refrigeratorThe
schematically diagram of the LPG refrigeration system is shown in next page.
The gas tank is connect by pipes to the capillary tube. The capillary tube is
fitted with evaporator. The evaporator coiled end is connect to the stove by
another gas circulation pipe. When two pressure gauge is put between capillary
tube and gas tank, and another is put the end of the evaporator.
the gas flow throw the pipe and we also that the LPG is Highly pressurised
liquid petroleum gas so when it comes to a little bigger open surface its press
certainly its pressure goes down and when pressurised thing loses pressure it
come to very cool state so in that case High pressure LPG is converted in low
pressure at capillary tube with enthalpy remains constant.
After capillary tube, low pressure LPG is passed through evaporator. LPG is
converted into low pressure and temperature vapour from and passing through
the evaporator which absorbs heat from the chamber. Thus the camber becomes
cools down. Thus we can achieve cooling effect in refrigerator. After passing
through the evaporator low pressure LPG is passed through pipe by burner. And
we can uses the low pressure of LPG is burning processes. In this project instead
of compressor a recompressed LPG cylinder is used. The compressed gas in

cylinder is expands adiabatically while using for cooking purpose or

combusting, as result of its adiabatic expansion a refrigeration cycle takes place.
Causes cooling of surrounding.

Construction Features:
LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This is general description of Propane (C3H8)
and Butane (C4H10), either stored separately or together as a mix. This is
because these gases can be liquefied at a normal temperature by application of a
moderate pressure increases, or at normal pressure by application of LPG using
LPG is used as a fuel for domestic, industrial, horticultural, agricultural,
cooking, heating and drying processes. LPG can be used as an automotive fuel
or as propellant for aerosol, in addition to other specialist applications. LPG can
also be used to provide lighting through the use of pressure lantern. LPG is
Liquefied Petroleum Gas. This is general description of Propane (C3H8) and
Butane (C4H10), either stored separately or together as a mix. This is because
these gases can be liquefied at a normal temperature by application of a
moderate pressure increases, or at normal pressure by application of LPG using
refrigeration. LPG is used as a fuel for domestic, industrial, horticultural,
agricultural, cooking, heating and drying processes. LPG can be used as an
automotive fuel or as propellant for aerosol, in addition to other specialist

applications. LPG can also be used to provide lighting through the use of
pressure lantern.

Capilary tube

L.P.G gas Cylinder

It is in the evaporators when the actual cooling effect takes place in the
refrigeration systems. For many people the evaporator is the main part of the
refrigeration system, consider other part as less useful. The evaporators are heat
exchanger surface that transfer the heat from the substance to be cooled to the
refrigerant, thus removing the heat from the from the substance. Theevaporators
are used for wide variety of diverse application in refrigeration and hence the
available in wide variety of shape, sizes and designs. They are also classified in
different manner depending on the method of feeding the refrigerant,
construction of the evaporator, direction of air circulation around the evaporator,
application and also the refrigerant control. In the domestic refrigerators the
evaporators are commonly known as freezers since the ice is made in these
compartment. In the evaporators the refrigerant enters at very low pressure and
temperature after passing through the capillary tube. This refrigerant absorbs the
heat from the substance that is to be cooled so the refrigerant gets heated while
the substance gets cooled. Even after cooling the substance the temperature of
the refrigerant leaving the evaporator is less than the substance. In the large

refrigeration plants the evaporator is used for chilling water. In such cases shell
and tube type of heat exchanger are used as the evaporators.

High pressure Pipe

Stainless steel pressure gauge

A manometer could also referring to a pressure measuring instrument, usually

limited to measuring pressures near to atmospheric. The term manometer is
often used to refer specifically to liquid column hydrostatic instruments.
Catering to the requirements of to power and allied Industry, we offer quality
array of stainless steel, weatherproof pressure gauges. Renowned for offering
resistance in corrosive environments and modes, these find wide application in
power generation, pollution control equipment, chemicals and petrochemicals
and also exploration. These gauges are available in 63mm, 100mm, and 150mm
sizes and can be customized as per client.

High Pressure Pipes

The range of high pressure pipes covers most application where there is a
requirement to transfer gas at high pressure. They consist of a steel pipe with
steel ball fitted to both ends. Two swiveling connection nipples press these balls
against the seating of the connecting hole and thus sealing against gas leakage.

There are many requirements that need to be met to produce a product that is
both feasible and optimal. There are also some constraints, both geometric and
engineering that also need to be satisfied. The following list describes these
requirements and constraints:

Refrigeration capacity: This is the main requirement and the overall objective
of the device and must be suitable to meet the different cooling loads.
Inexpensive and affordable: This product must be able to make a profit and
be desirable.
Safe to user and environmentally friendly: Safety is always a very important
aspect whenever there is a consumer product.
Economical: The product economical and the products for this design must
be cheaply available.
Reliable: It is important to have a product that is reliable and this
requirement will affect the normal bicycling process and must be easy to use.
Manufacturability: In order to make anything economical, it needs to be
manufacturability, hence the important of having a product that can be made

easily and cheaply. Aesthetically pleasing: This is not a requirement that

needs to be taken heavily, but the design should always have nice look about it,
because looks will persuade the consumer.
Advantages :
1. No moving parts.
2. No vibration or noise on small system.
3. Small systems can operate without electricity using only heat, large systems
require power for chemical pumps
4. Can make use of waste heat

Limitations :

1. Potential refrigerant leaks.

2. Operates under limited vibration and orientations.
3. Complicated and difficult to service and repair.
4. Stalls in a hot ambient
5. Very bulky.
6. Poor efficiency

COP Calculation

The project Analysis and performance of domestic refrigerator using LPG as
refrigerant is based on the principle of adiabatic expansion of a refrigerant (In
this case LPG) from 80 psi to 10 psi so that thermodynamically it absorbs heat
from surrounding and cooling may done. Expected cooling is predicted up to
range of 20 to 50 degrees.

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