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Interviews Questions

Why star delta starter is preferred with induction motor?

Star delta starter is preferred with induction motor due to following reasons:
Starting current is reduced 3-4 times of the direct current due to which voltage drops and hence
it causes less losses.
Star delta starter circuit comes in circuit first during starting of motor, which reduces voltage 3
times, that is why current also reduces up to 3 times and hence less motor burning is caused.
In addition, starting torque is increased and it prevents the damage of motor winding.
State the difference between generator and alternator
Generator and alternator are two devices, which converts mechanical energy into electrical
energy. Both have the same principle of electromagnetic induction, the only difference is that
their construction. Generator persists stationary magnetic field and rotating conductor which rolls
on the armature with slip rings and brushes riding against each other, hence it converts the
induced emf into dc current for external load whereas an alternator has a stationary armature and
rotating magnetic field for high voltages but for low voltage output rotating armature and
stationary magnetic field is used.
Why AC systems are preferred over DC systems?
Due to following reasons, AC systems are preferred over DC systems:
a. It is easy to maintain and change the voltage of AC electricity for transmission and
b. Plant cost for AC transmission (circuit breakers, transformers etc) is much lower than the
equivalent DC transmission
c. From power stations, AC is produced so it is better to use AC then DC instead of converting it.
d. When a large fault occurs in a network, it is easier to interrupt in an AC system, as the sine
wave current will naturally tend to zero at some point making the current easier to interrupt.
How can you relate power engineering with electrical engineering?

Power engineering is a sub division of electrical engineering. It deals with generation,

transmission and distribution of energy in electrical form. Design of all power equipments also
comes under power engineering. Power engineers may work on the design and maintenance of
the power grid i.e. called on grid systems and they might work on off grid systems that are not
connected to the system.
What are the various kind of cables used for transmission?
Cables, which are used for transmitting power, can be categorized in three forms:
Low-tension cables, which can transmit voltage upto 1000 volts.
High-tension cables can transmit voltage upto 23000 volts.
Super tension cables can transmit voltage 66 kV to 132 kV.
Why back emf used for a dc motor? highlight its significance.
The induced emf developed when the rotating conductors of the armature between the poles of
magnet, in a DC motor, cut the magnetic flux, opposes the current flowing through the
conductor, when the armature rotates, is called back emf. Its value depends upon the speed of
rotation of the armature conductors. In starting, the value of back emf is zero.
What is slip in an induction motor?
Slip can be defined as the difference between the flux speed (Ns) and the rotor speed (N). Speed
of the rotor of an induction motor is always less than its synchronous speed. It is usually
expressed as a percentage of synchronous speed (Ns) and represented by the symbol S.
Explain the application of storage batteries.
Storage batteries are used for various purposes, some of the applications are mentioned below:
For the operation of protective devices and for emergency lighting at generating stations and
For starting, ignition and lighting of automobiles, aircrafts etc.
For lighting on steam and diesel railways trains.

As a supply power source in telephone exchange, laboratories and broad casting stations.
For emergency lighting at hospitals, banks, rural areas where electricity supplies are not
9. Explain advantages of storage batteries
Few advantages of storage batteries are mentioned below:
Most efficient form of storing energy portably.
Stored energy is available immediately because there is no lag of time for delivering the stored
Reliable source for supply of energy.
The energy can be drawn at a fairly constant rate.
10. What are the different methods for the starting of a synchronous motor.
Starting methods: Synchronous motor can be started by the following two methods:
By means of an auxiliary motor: The rotor of a synchronous motor is rotated by auxiliary
motor. Then rotor poles are excited due to which the rotor field is locked with the statorrevolving field and continuous rotation is obtained.
By providing damper winding: Here, bar conductors are embedded in the outer periphery of the
rotor poles and are short-circuited with the short-circuiting rings at both sides. The machine is
started as a squirrel cage induction motor first. When it picks up speed, excitation is given to the
rotor and the rotor starts rotating continuously as the rotor field is locked with stator revolving
11. Name the types of motors used in vacuum cleaners, phonographic appliances, vending
machines, refrigerators, rolling mills, lathes, power factor improvement and cranes.
Following motors are used: Vacuum cleaners- Universal motor.
Phonographic appliances Hysteresis motor.
Vending machines Shaded pole motor.
Refrigerators Capacitor split phase motors.

Rolling mills Cumulative motors.

Lathes DC shunt motors.
Power factor improvement Synchronous motors.
12. State Thevenins Theorem:
According to thevenins theorem, the current flowing through a load resistance
Connected across any two terminals of a linear active bilateral network is the ratio open circuit
voltage (i.e. the voltage across the two terminals when RL is removed) and sum of load
resistance and internal resistance of the network. It is given by Voc / (Ri + RL).
13. State Nortons Theorem
The Nortons theorem explains the fact that there are two terminals and they are as follows:
One is terminal active network containing voltage sources
Another is the resistance that is viewed from the output terminals. The output terminals are
equivalent to the constant source of current and it allows giving the parallel resistance.
The Nortons theorem also explains about the constant current that is equal to the current of the
short circuit placed across the terminals. The parallel resistance of the network can be viewed
from the open circuit terminals when all the voltage and current sources are removed and
replaced by the internal resistance.
14. State Maximum power transfer theorem
The Maximum power transfer theorem explains about the load that a resistance will extract from
the network. This includes the maximum power from the network and in this case the load
resistance is being is equal to the resistance of the network and it also allows the resistance to be
equal to the resistance of the network. This resistance can be viewed by the output terminals and
the energy sources can be removed by leaving the internal resistance behind.
15. Explain different losses in a transformer.
There are two types of losses occurring in transformer:
Constant losses or Iron losses: The losses that occur in the core are known as core losses or iron

losses. Two types of iron losses are:

o eddy current loss
o Hysteresis loss.
These losses depend upon the supply voltage, frequency, core material and its construction. As
long as supply voltage and frequency is constant, these losses remain the same whether the
transformer is loaded or not. These are also known as constant losses.
Variable losses or copper losses: when the transformer is loaded, current flows in primary and
secondary windings, there is loss of electrical energy due to the resistance of the primary
winding, and secondary winding and they are called variable losses. These losses depend upon
the loading conditions of the transformers. Therefore, these losses are also called as variable
16. Explain different types of D.C motors? Give their applications
Different type of DC motors and their applications are as follows: Shunt motors: It has a constant speed though its starting torque is not very high. Therefore, it is
suitable for constant speed drive, where high starting torque is not required such as pumps,
blowers, fan, lathe machines, tools, belt or chain conveyor etc.
Service motors: It has high starting torque & its speed is inversely proportional to the loading
conditions i.e. when lightly loaded, the speed is high and when heavily loaded, it is low.
Therefore, motor is used in lifts, cranes, traction work, coal loader and coal cutter in coalmines
Compound motors: It also has high starting torque and variable speed. Its advantage is, it can
run at NIL loads without any danger. This motor will therefore find its application in loads
having high inertia load or requiring high intermittent torque such as elevators, conveyor, rolling
mill, planes, presses, shears and punches, coal cutter and winding machines etc.
17. Explain the process of commutation in a dc machine. Explain what are inter-poles and why
they are required in a dc machine.
Commutation: It is phenomenon when an armature coil moves under the influence of one polepair; it carries constant current in one direction. As the coil moves into the influence of the next

pole- pair, the current in it must reverse. This reversal of current in a coil is called commutation.
Several coils undergo commutation simultaneously. The reversal of current is opposed by the
static coil emf and therefore must be aided in some fashion for smooth current reversal, which
otherwise would result in sparking at the brushes. The aiding emf is dynamically induced into the
coils undergoing commutation by means of compoles or interpoles, which are series excited by
the armature current. These are located in the interpolar region of the main poles and therefore
influence the armature coils only when these undergo commutation.
18. Comment on the working principle of operation of a single-phase transformer.
Working principle of operation of a single-phase transformer can be explained as
An AC supply passes through the primary winding, a current will start flowing in the primary
winding. As a result, the flux is set. This flux is linked with primary and secondary windings.
Hence, voltage is induced in both the windings. Now, when the load is connected to the
secondary side, the current will start flowing in the load in the secondary winding, resulting in
the flow of additional current in the secondary winding. Hence, according to Faradays laws of
electromagnetic induction, emf will be induced in both the windings. The voltage induced in the
primary winding is due to its self inductance and known as self induced emf and according to
Lenzes law it will oppose the cause i.e. supply voltage hence called as back emf. The voltage
induced in secondary coil is known as mutually induced voltage. Hence, transformer works on
the principle of electromagnetic induction.
19. Define the following terms: Reliability,
Maximum demand,
Reserve-generating capacity,
Availability (operational).
Reliability: It is the capacity of the power system to serve all power demands without failure
over long periods.
Maximum Demand: It is maximum load demand required in a power station during a given

Reserve generating capacity: Extra generation capacity installed to meet the need of scheduled
downtimes for preventive maintenance is called reserve-generating capacity.
Availability: As the percentage of the time a unit is available to produce power whether needed
by the system or not.
20. Mention the disadvantages of low power factor? How can it be improved?
Disadvantages of low power factor:
Line losses are 1.57 times unity power factor.
Larger generators and transformers are required.
Low lagging power factor causes a large voltage drop, hence extra regulation equipment is
required to keep voltage drop within prescribed limits.
Greater conductor size: To transmit or distribute a fixed amount of power at fixed voltage, the
conductors will have to carry more current at low power factor. This requires a large conductor
21. State the methods of improving power factor?
Methods of improving power factor:
By connecting static capacitors in parallel with the load operating at lagging power factor.
A synchronous motor takes a leading current when over excited and therefore behaves like a
By using phase advancers to improve the power factor of induction motors. It provides exciting
ampere turns to the rotor circuit of the motor. By providing more ampere-turns than required, the
induction motor can be made to operate on leading power factor like an overexcited synchronous
22. State the factors, for the choice of electrical system for an aero turbine.
The choice of electrical system for an aero turbine is guided by three factors:
Type of electrical output: dc, variable- frequency ac, and constant- frequency ac.
Aero turbine rotational speed: constant speed with variable blade pitch, nearly constant speed
with simpler pitch- changing mechanism or variable speed with fixed pitch blades.

Utilization of electrical energy output: in conjunction with battery or other form of storage, or
interconnection with power grid.
23. What are the advantages of VSCF wind electrical system?
Advantages of VSCF wind electrical system are:
No complex pitch changing mechanism is needed.
Aero turbine always operates at maximum efficiency point.
Extra energy in the high wind speed region of the speed duration curve can be extracted
Significant reduction in aerodynamic stresses, which are associated with constant speed
24. Explain the terms real power, apparent power and reactive power for ac circuits and also the
units used.
Real Power: It is the product of voltage, current and power factor i.e. P = V I cos j and basic
unit of real power is watt. i.e. Expressed as W or kW.
Apparent power: It is the product of voltage and current. Apparent power = V I and basic unit
of apparent power is volt- ampere. Expressed as VA or KVA.
Reactive Power: It is the product of voltage, current and sine of angle between the voltage and
current i.e. Reactive power = voltage X current X sinj or Reactive power = V I sin j and has no
other unit but expressed in VAR or KVAR.
25. Define the following: Average demand, Maximum demand, Demand factor, Load factor.
Average Demand: the average power requirement during some specified period of time of
considerable duration is called the average demand of installation.
Maximum Demand: The maximum demand of an installation is defined as the greatest of all
the demand, which have occurred during a given period. It is measured accordingly to
specifications, over a prescribed time interval during a certain period.
Demand Factor: It is defined as the ratio of actual maximum demand made by the load to the
rating of the connected load.
Load Factor: It is defined as the ratio of the average power to the maximum demand.

26. Explain forward resistance, static resistance and dynamic resistance of a pn junction diode.
Forward Resistance: Resistance offered in a diode circuit, when it is forward biased, is called
DC or Static Resistance: DC resistance can be explained as the ratio of the dc-voltage across
the diode to the direct current flowing through it.
AC or Dynamic Resistance: It can be defined as the reciprocal of the slope of the forward
characteristic of the diode. It is the resistance offered by a diode to the changing forward current.
27. How does Zener phenomenon differ from Avalanche breakdown?
The phenomenon when the depletion region expands and the potential barrier increases leading
to a very high electric field across the junction, due to which suddenly the reverse current
increases under a very high reverse voltage is called Zener effect. Zener-breakdown or
Avalanche breakdown may occur independently or both of these may occur simultaneously.
Diode junctions that breakdown below 5v are caused by Zener Effect. Junctions that experience
breakdown above 5v are caused by avalanche-effect. The Zener-breakdown occurs in heavily
doped junctions, which produce narrow depletion layers. The avalanche breakdown occurs in
lightly doped junctions, which produce wide depletion layers.
28. Compare JFETs and MOSFETs.
Comparison of JFETs and MOSFETs:
JFETs can only be operated in the depletion mode whereas MOSFETs can be operated in
either depletion or in enhancement mode. In a JFET, if the gate is forward-biased, excess-carrier
injunction occurs and the gate-current is substantial.
MOSFETs have input impedance much higher than that of JFETs. Thus is due to negligible
small leakage current.
JFETs have characteristic curves more flat than that of MOSFET is indicating a higher drain
When JFET is operated with a reverse-bias on the junction, the gate-current IG is larger than it
would be in a comparable MOSFET.

30. Explain thin film resistors and wire-wound resistors

a. Thin film resistors- It is constructed as a thin film of resistive material is deposited on an
insulating substrate. Desired results are obtained by either trimming the layer thickness or by
cutting helical grooves of suitable pitch along its length. During this process, the value of the
resistance is monitored closely and cutting of grooves is stopped as soon as the desired value of
resistance is obtained.
b. Wire wound resistors length of wire wound around an insulating cylindrical core are known
as wire wound resistors. These wires are made of materials such as Constantan and Manganin
because of their high resistivity, and low temperature coefficients. The complete wire wound
resistor is coated with an insulating material such as baked enamel
31. What is a differential amplifier? Also, explain CMRR.
Differential Amplifier: The amplifier, which is used to amplify the voltage difference between
two input-lines neither of which is grounded, is called differential amplifier. This reduces the
amount of noise injected into the amplifier, because any noise appearing simultaneously on both
the input-terminals as the amplifying circuitry rejects it being a common mode signal.
CMRR: It can be defined as the ratio of differential voltage-gain to common made voltage gain.
If a differential amplifier is perfect, CMRR would be infinite because in that case common mode
voltage gain would be zero.
Transmission and Distribution System
Q:Why temperature rise is conducted in bus bars and isolators?
Ans: Bus bars and isolators are rated for continuous power flow.Due to handling of heavy
currents rise in temperature occurs.So it is necessary to test these devices for temperature rise
within permissible limit.

Q:How to calculate capacitor bank value to maintain unity power factor with some suitable
Ans: Tan(theta)=KVAR/KW
KVAR= KW(Tan(Cos-1(1)e)- Tan(Cos-1(1)d) )

e= Existing P.F
d= Desired P.F

Q.Why all transmission and distribution systems are 3 phase systems?

Ans: A 3 phase a.c circuit using the same conductor size can carry three times the power which
can be carried by a 1 phase circuit and 3 conductors for the phases and one conductor for the
neutral is used for 3 phase 4 wire system.Thus a 3 phase circuit is more economical than single
phase circuit in terms of initial cost as well as the losses.Therefore all transmission and
distribution systems are 3 phase systems.

Q.Why the transmission systems are mostly overhead systems?

Ans:Because of the cost consideration, the transmission systems are mostly overhead systems.

Q.Why all overhead lines use ACSR conductors?

Ans: ACSR conductors comprises of hard drawn aluminum wires stranded around a core of
single or multiple strand galvanized steel wire. Aluminum provides the necessary conductivity
while the steel provides the necessary mechanical strength. Has less corona loss.The breaking
load is high and has less weight.

Q.Why transmission lines are 3 phase 3 wire circuits while distribution lines are 3 phase 4 wire
Ans:A Balanced 3 phase circuit does not require the neutral conductor, as the instantaneous sum
of the 3 line currents are zero.Therefore the transmission lines and feeders are 3 phase 3 wire
The distributors are 3 phase 4 wire circuits because a neutral wire is necessary to supply the 1
phase loads of domestic and commercial consumers.

Q.Why overhead line conductors are invariably stranded?

Ans:They are stranded to make them flexible during erection and while in service.

Q.Stat the advantages of interconnected systems.

Ans:Any area fed from one generating station during overload hours/ fault condition can be fed
from another power station and thus reserved capacity required is reduced,reliability of supply is
increased and efficiency is increased.

Q.What is a ring distributor?

Ans:A ring distributor is a distributor which is arranged to form a closed circuit and is fed at one
or more than one point.

Q.State any two advantages of ring main system.

Ans:Less voltage fluctuations at consumers terminals. Less copper is required as each part of
the ring carries less current than in radial system.

Q.Mention the disadvantages of a 3 wire system.

Ans:The safety is partially reduced .A balancer is required and therefore cost is increased.

Q. What are the advantages of a 3 wire dc distribution system over a 2 wire dc distribution
Ans:If 3 wire system is used to transmit the same amount of power over the same distance with
same efficiency with same consumer voltage we require 0.3125 times copper as required in 2
wire system.
DC Motor Part-II
Q. State faradays law
Ans: a) Whenever the magnetic flux linking a circuit changes an emf is always induced in it.
b) The magnitude of such an emf is proportional to the rate of change of flux linkages.

Q. How do you find the direction of force produced using Flemings left hand

Ans: The thumb, the forefinger and the middle finger of the left hand are held so that these
fingers are mutually perpendicular then
Forefinger >field
Thumb->motion (due to force)
Middle finger-> current

Q.What is the basic principle of operation of d.c motor?

Ans: The basic principle of operation of d.c motor is that a current carrying conductor placed in
a magnetic field, experiences a force tending to move it.

Q.What is the purpose of interpoles in modern d.c machine?

Ans: In modern d.c machines commutating poles or interpoles are provided to improve
commutation i.e. to reduced sparking at brushes.

Q.What is the use of commutator and brush in a d.c machine?

Ans: The commutator converts the alternating emf into unidirectional or direct emf.
The brushes are mainly used to collect current from the commutator.

Q.Write down the voltage equation of a d.c motor?

Ans: Voltage equation of a d.c motor is given by
Where V-applied voltage

Eb-back emf
Ia- armature current
Ra- armature resistance

Q. Why are carbon brushes preferred for dc machines?

Ans: The high contact resistance carbon brushes help the current
the coil undergoing commutation to attain its full value in the reverse direction at the end of
commutation. The carbon brushes also lubricate and give less wear and tear on commutator

Q. How will you find the direction of emf using Flemings right hand rule?
Ans: The thumb, the forefinger and the middle finger of the right hand are held so that these
fingers are mutually perpendicular then
Forefinger direct>field
Thumb direct ->motion
Middle finger direct -> current.

Q.What is the basic principle of a dc generator?

Ans: Basic principle of a dc generator is Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. That is
whenever a conductor is moved in a magnetic field dynamically induced emf is produced in that
conductor. Voltage induced [e=Blv] in volts, where B is flux density, l is effective length of
conductor, v is speed.

Q. How are hysteresis and eddy current losses minimized?

Ans: Hysteresis loss can be minimized by selecting materials for core such as silicon steel &
steel alloys with low hysteresis co-efficient and electrical resistivity.
Eddy current losses are minimized by laminating the core.
Motor Part-I
Q. Define electric current.
Ans: Electric current is defined as rate of flow of electric charge i=dq/dt amperes where q is the
charge in coulombs. The unit of current is the amperes which is the current that flows when 1
coulomb of charge is transferred in one second.

Q. State ohms law.

Ans: When the temperature remain constant current flowing through a circuit is directly
proportional to potential difference across the conductor. i.e V I or V=IR, Where R is constant
of proportionality.

Q. State Kirchoffs laws.

Ans: Kirchoffs current law: The sum of the currents flowing towards a junction is equal to the
sum of the currents flowing away from it.
Kirchoffs Voltage law: In a closed circuit the sum of the potential drops is equal to the sum of
the potential rises.

Q.Define Form factor and Crest factor.

Ans: Form factor= RMS value/Average Value
Crest(peak) factor=Maximum Value/RMS value

Q.Define average value.

Ans: The average value of an alternating current is that value of steady direct current which
transfers the same charge as the alternating current flowing for the same time.

Q.Define RMS value.

Ans: The effective value of an alternating current is that value of steady, direct current which
produces the same heat as that produced by the alternating current when passed which produces
the same heat as that produced by the alternating current when passed through the same
resistance for the same interval of time.

Q. Write down the equation for frequency of emf induced in an Alternator.

Ans: Frequency f is expressed in cycles per second or Hz, is given by the following equation
F = (PN)/120 Hz, Where P- Number of poles and N-Speed in rpm

Q.How are alternators classified?

Ans: According to type of field system

Stationary field system type

Rotating field system type

Q.Name the types of Alternator based on their rotor construction.

Ans: Alternators can be classified into the following two types according to its rotor

Smooth cylindrical type alternator

Salient pole alternator

Q. Why is the stator core of Alternator laminated?

Ans: The stator core of Alternator is laminated to reduce eddy current loss.

Q.State the principle of 3 phase Induction Motor?

Ans: While starting, rotor conductors are stationary and they cut the revolving magnetic field and
so an emf is induced in them by electromagnetic induction. This induced emf produces a current
as the circuit is closed. This current opposes the cause by Lenzs law and hence the rotor starts
revolving in the same direction as that of the revolving magnetic field.

Q. Induction motor can run at synchronous speed? Explain.

Ans: No, if the speed of induction motor is Ns then the relative speed between the rotating flux
and the rotor will be zero and so no torque is produced.

Q.Define power factor.

Ans: The power factor is the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current. In other
words PF is the ratio of Real Power/ Apparent Power.

Q.What is a prime mover?

Ans: The basic source of mechanical power, which drives the armature of the generator, is called
prime mover.

Q. How is the direction of induced emf determined?

Ans: Direction of induced emf is determined by using :

(i) Right Hand Rule.
(ii) Cork Screw Rule.

Q. State Lenzs law?

Ans: Any induced emf will circulate a current in such a direction as to oppose the cause which
producing it.
e = -N df/dt
Circuit Breaker Part-II
Q: What is Vacuum Circuit Breaker? Where it is used?
Ans: In VCB vacuum as a dielectric medium is used to quench the arc.
VCB can be applied up to 35KV. Multi-unit VCB have been employed at voltages up to 72.5
The space required smaller than OCB and employed in both indoor and outdoor services.

Q:Why we use VCB at High Transmission System, why not ACB?

Ans: Vacuum has high arc quenching property compare to air. The dielectric strength of vacuum
equal to 8 times that of air. That is why always VCB used as in HT breaker and ACB used as in

Q:What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit breaker?

Ans: When breaker is close at one time by close push button, the anti-pumping contactor prevent













Q: What is SF6 Circuit Breaker?

Ans: In SF6 circuit breaker SF6 gas is used as arc quenching medium.SF6 is Sulfur hexafluoride
gas. SF6 gas has excellent insulating strength because of affinity for electrons. It is 100 times as



Q. What are the tests carried out of a CB?

Ans: 1. Short Circuit tests:
a) Making capacity test
b) Breaking capacity test
c) Short time current test
d) Operating duty test
2. Dielectric tests:
i) Power frequency tests:
a) One minute dry withstand test
b) One minute wet withstand test
II) Impulse voltage dry withstand test
3. Thermal test
4. Mechanical test
Circuit Breaker Part-I
Q: State difference between MCB & MCCB, Where it is used?
Ans: MCB (miniature circuit breaker) thermally operated device and used for overload and short
circuit protection in small current rating. Usually it is used not more than 125A and factory set
O/L and S/C setting.

MCCB (molded case circuit breaker) is thermal operated for over load current and magnetic
operation for instant trip at short circuit condition.Thermal and Magnetic protections are
adjustable.Under voltage and under frequency may be incorporated.Now a days microprocessor
based protections are available.

Q: What is the difference between Isolator and Circuit Breaker?

Ans: Isolator is a no-load device which is used to isolate the downstream circuits from upstream
circuits for maintenance purpose. Isolator cannot operate in fault conditions, actually they used
for isolating the circuit breakers for maintenance. It is manually operated and does not have any
automatic trip mechanism like in circuit breaker.
Whereas circuit breaker is on-load automatic device used to make and break circuit in both
normal and abnormal conditions like short circuit, overload etc.

Q.What is RCD/RCCB?
Ans: RCD/RCCB (Residual current device/Residual current circuit breaker).
Phase and neutral connected through RCD. It trips the circuit to be protected during earth fault.
The amount of current flows through phase should return to neutral. In case of earth fault there is
mismatch which is sensed by RCD and trips the circuit.
RCD/RCCB trips for leakage current of order 30mA, 100mA, 300mA .

Q: Why ELCB can't work if N input of ELCB do not connect to ground?

Ans: ELCB is old name of RCCB.ELCB is used to detect earth leakage fault. Phase and neutral
of service line are connected to ELCB.
The current will flow through phase and that much current will have to return neutral so resultant
current is zero. During ground fault in the load side, current from phase will directly pass to

earth, not return through neutral of ELCB. That means there is mismatch of current and ELCB
will trip.
If the neutral is not grounded, fault current will return back through ELCB so there will be no
mismatch in current hence no tripping of ELCB.

Q: What is Air Circuit Breaker(ACB)? Where it is used?

Ans: In ACB air is used as arc quenching medium.
Rated current up to 400 to10000A. Thermal or thermal-magnetic, under voltage, over voltage
protections are available in ACB. This type of CB is used up to 11 KV.

Q: What is MOCB? Where it is used?

Ans: Minimum oil circuit breaker(MOCB) uses mineral oil as arc quenching medium.
Usually used between 11- 66 KV. This type of CB is available up to 8000MVA at 245 KV.

Q: What is Air Blast Circuit Breaker? Where it is used?

Ans: In ABCB air blast is used as arc quenching medium.This is of two types a)Axial blast
b)Cross blast type.
It is used for HV application up to 400 KV.
Parallel Circuits :
Note 1: Total resistance is always less than the smallest resistor RT = 1/(1/R1+ 1/R2+ 1/R3+ ...)
Note 2: Total current is equal to the sum of the currents of all parallel resistors
Note 3: Total power is equal to the sum of power of all parallel resistors
Note 4: Voltage is the same across each of the parallel resistors

Series Circuits :
Note 1: Total resistance is equal to the sum of all the resistors
Note 2: Current in the circuit remains the same through all the resistors
Note 3: Voltage source is equal to the sum of voltage drops of all resistors
Note 4: Power of the circuit is equal to the sum of the power of all resistors

Considering 50Hz frequency:

Capacitive Reactance (Xc) in Ohms = 1/(2f C)
Inductive Reactance (XL) in Ohms = 2 f L
Effective (RMS) AC Amperes = Peak Amperes x 0.707
Effective (RMS) AC Volts = Peak Volts x 0.707
Peak AC Volts = Effective (RMS) AC Volts x 2
Peak Amperes = Effective (RMS) Amperes x 2
Power Factor (PF) = Watts/VA
VA (apparent power) = Volts x Ampere or Watts/Power Factor
VA 1-Phase = Volts x Amperes
VA 3-Phase = Volts x Amperes x 3
Watts (real power) Single-Phase = Volts x Amperes x Power Factor
Watts (real power) Three-Phase = Volts x Amperes x Power Factor x3

Formula for Efficiency:

Input = Output/Efficiency
Output = Input x Efficiency
Efficiency (%) = Output/Input x 100
Efficiency = Output/Input
Horsepower = Output Watts/746
Electrical Formula Part-II


Secondary Amperes 1-phase=VA/Volts

Secondary Amperes 3-phase=VA/Volts x 3

Secondary Available fault 1-phase=VA/(Volts x %impedance)

Secondary Available fault 3-phase=VA/(Volts x 3 x %impedance)

Delta: Line Voltage=Phase Voltage

Delta: Line Amperes=Phase Amps x Sqrt(3)

Wye : Line Voltage=Phase Voltage x Sqrt(3)

Wye: Line Amperes=Phase Amps

Base Current = Base KVA / Base Voltage

Base Impedance = Base Voltage / Base Current

Base Impedance=Base Voltage KV2/Base MVA

Per Unity Quantity = Actual Quantity / Base Quantity

Per Unit Impedance = Impedance in ohms x MVA(Base) / KV(base)2

Znew(pu)=Zold(pu) x (MVAnew/MVAold) x (KVold/KVnew)2


Fault withstand capacity of Busbar = 35 KA RMS for one second

Area of Circle= r2
Length of Coiled Wire=Diameter of coil x Number of coil x
Temperature oC = (Temp F - 32) / 1.8
Temperature oF = (temp C x 1.8) + 32
DC Motor-1

Q. State different types of rotating machines?


i)Direct current machines: DC current in both stator and rotor winding.

ii) Synchronous machines: AC current in one winding and DC in other.
iii) Induction machines: AC current in both stator and rotor.

Q. State the types of winding in DC machine?

Ans: Lap winding and Wave winding. The number of parallel paths of a lap wound machine is
equal to the number of poles. However, a wave wound machine always has two parallel paths,
regardless of the number of poles.
Lap winding is used for low voltage high current machines where as wave winding is used for
high voltage low current machines.

Q. What is the function of commutator?

Ans:In a dc motor commutator reverses the direction of current in armature coil to produces
rotating magnetic flux.
In a dc generator commutator is used to provide unidirectional current to the external circuit.

Q. Why brushes are used in DC machine?

Ans: Brushes are used to make connection between the external circuit and commutator.

Q. Define commutation?
Ans: The process of reversal of current in a commutating coil is known as commutation.

Q.Why starter necessary for DC motor?

Ans: When d.c. motor is at standstill the back emf generated in the

armature is zero and hence Eb= 0 and V = Ia*Ra for a shunt motor and V = Ia(Ra+ Rse) for a
series and compound motor(value of Raand Rse is low).

Therefore, with the rated applied voltage, the standstill armature current is very high and may






To limit the armature current to a safe value during starting, external resistance is inserted in the
armature circuit. As the motor accelerates, the induced emf is developed in the armature, and
armature current gradually reduces to a small value. Thus the resistance inserted in the armature
circuit should be decreased as the motor accelerates. This may be done manually or
automatically with the help of starters.
Figure shows three point dc motor starter:

Q. Explain methods of speed control of DC motor?

Ans: The two methods that are commonly used to secure speed control are:
i) Armature control: In this method, the speed control is achieved by inserting a resistance in the
armature circuit of a shunt, series or a compound motor. This method is suitable to operate the
motor at a speed lower than the rated speed while delivering the same torque.
ii) Field control: The field current in a shunt motor can be controlled by inserting an external
resistance (called the field regulator) in series with the field winding. Because the field current is
a very small fraction of the total current intake of a shunt motor, the power dissipated by the
external resistor is relatively small. Therefore, the flux control method is economically better
than the armature resistance-control method.

To control the flux in a series motor, a field diverter resistor can be connected in parallel with the
series field winding. Since the speed of the motor is inversely proportional to its flux, a decrease
in its flux results in an increase in its speed. Thus, the flux-control method makes a motor
operate at a speed higher than its rated speed.

Q.What are the losses in DC motor?

Ans: Losses in a D.C. Machine:
A. Copper losses
i) Armature copper loss
ii) Field copper loss
iii) Brush contact resistance and commutator losses
B. Magnetic losses
i) Hysteresis loss
ii) Eddy current loss
C. Mechanical losses
i) Friction losses in bearings and commutator
ii) Air friction and windage loss of rotating armature
Usually Magnetic losses, Mechanical losses and Shunt field copper loss together is taken as the
constant losses.
Whereas the armature series field and compole and compensating
winding copper loss is called the variable loss.

Therefore, Total losses in a d.c. machine

= Constant loss + Variable loss
= Wc+Ia2R where R includes armature, series, field, compole and
compensating winding, brush contact, commutator resistances.
Arcing Ground

Q. What is arcing ground?

Ans: Arcing ground is a phenomenon which is observed in ungrounded 3 phase system. In an

ungrounded system capacitance are formed between phase and ground. The voltage across this
capacitance is phase voltage. During fault this voltage reduced to zero in faulted line where as in
other phase increased by a factor of 3.

The arc between the faulty conductor and ground gets extinguished and restarts many times, this
repeated initiation and extinction across the fault causes severe voltage oscillations of order
nearly 3 to 4 times that of nominal voltage. This repeated arcing across the fault due to
capacitance between the conductors and the ground is known as arcing grounds.

Q. How can eliminate is arcing ground?

Ans: Arcing ground can eliminate by using Arc suppression coil grounding also known as
Peterson coil. Peterson coil is iron cored coil connected between neutral and ground which
induces inductance in the circuit to neutralize capacitive fault current.

For explanation read Arcing grounding (explained)

Power System Stability-1

Q. Define stability?

Ans: The stability of a system is defined as the ability of power system to return to stable
operation when it is subjected to a disturbance.

Q. Define steady state stability.

Ans: The steady state stability is defined as the ability of a system to remain stable for small

Q. Define transient stability?

Ans: The transient stability is defined as the ability of a system to remain stable for large

Q.What is steady state state stability limit?

Ans: The steady state stability limit is the maximum power that can be transferred by a machine
to receiving system without loss of synchronism.

Q. Define swing curve? What is the use of swing curve?

Ans: The swing curve is the plot between the power angle and time. It is usually plotted for a
transient state to study the nature of variation in angle for a sudden large disturbances.

Q.Define power angle.

Ans: The power angle is defined as the angular displacement of the rotor from synchronously
rotating reference frame.

Q. Define critical clearing time and critical clearing angle?

Ans: The critical clearing angle is the maximum allowable change in the power angle before
clearing the fault without loss of synchronism.

The critical clearing time can be defined as the maximum time delay that can be allowed to clear
a fault without loss of synchronism.

Q. Define equal area criterion?

Ans: The equal area criterion for stability states that the system is stable if the acceleration and
deceleration area under power angle curve is equal.

Q. What is transient stability limit ?

Ans: The transient stability limit is the maximum power that can be transmitted by a machine to
a fault or a receiving system during a transient state without loss of synchronism. The transient
stability limit is always less than the steady state stability limit.

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