What Are My Options?

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Hi, my name is X and I am a master student at the University of Lausanne.

The story I am about to tell you happened 6 years ago while I was in my
last year of high school.
I met that girl. Her name was Myriam. We loved each other, but our
situation was complicated. She was Muslim and I was Christian. She told
me that her family would not accept our relationship, so we decided to
keep it secret. We were happy this way, but as time passed some people
started to notice our love. And one day, I received a message on Facebook.
It was Myriams brother. He asked me to tell the truth about the nature of
my relationship with his sister. At that moment, I was completely lost and I
did not know what to answer
What are my options?
Option 1: Tell the truth, i.e. Myriam is my girlfriend
Option 2: Lie and say that his sister is just a good friend of mine
Which are the values hidden in each option?
Option 1: Honesty is a value that is really important for me. Myriams
brother is worried about his sister so he deserves to know the truth.
Option 2: Telling the truth can negatively affect Myriams relationship with
her family. We decided to keep our relationship secret, so I do not want to
break my promise and to see her suffer because of me.

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