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Elementary School Math Tutor

(Meta Description: How to handle elementary school children? The role of

math teachers at elementary school and the need for constant up gradation of
math skills)
Having a good teacher is an important ingredient in determining how good our
kids perform at school. The importance of a good teacher especially for
primary and elementary school children need not be stressed. Math teachers
at these levels need endless patience, as different students learn mathematical
concepts at different paces. A teacher should not be frustrated with slow
learners. Unlike other subjects, you cannot move on by skipping a concept in
In the classroom, a teacher should be able spot errors and solve problems
quickly without referring to answer-keys or other such reference material. This
helps gain the confidence of students. Elementary school math tutors
should articulate with clarity where the students went wrong and help them
correct the errors on their own. The problems given in the classroom and as
homework should be focused problems that are an extension of what was
taught already.
Good teachers do not live in the past. This is especially true for Math teachers
as the mathematical concepts and algorithms have been undergoing constant
change. It is important for a teacher to keep learning. A teacher at the
elementary level has to engage with the young ones and motivate them, lest
they lag behind. Though at times it is difficult to keep young children
attentive, it is possible with a strong bonding.
Teachers at this level have to love interacting with young children and enjoy
their presence. Sympathy and patience are two virtues for handling
elementary school children. Teachers spend hours standing in the class room.
Physical and mental strength are the other important virtue.
There is no better way to make friends than humor, especially with young
children. Even children who do not find math that attractive will await a math
class, if the teacher has a good sense of humor.
The learning methodology has changed drastically over the years and our
children are learning math in new ways, obviating the need for plain
memorization. The focus is on understanding rather than memory based
solutions. Parents who are not used to this methodology are not able to help

their children in clearing doubts or render homework assistance. Methods such

as Chunking for division, Grid for multiplication and Partitioning for adding
HTUs are new concepts that make it possible to do mental mathematics. The
role of Elementary school math tutor assumes the greatest significance in
this scenario. The teachers should talk to the parents often to keep them
apprised of the new developments.

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