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Three Day Plan Daily Plan

Reading activities lead up to= main focus

Day 2
Speed Sounds lessons:(10-15 mins) Purpose: To see, hear, say/read and write sounds and words containing
focus sound, mixed with other words.
Teach Set 2/ Set 3 sounds.
Focus: Specific graphemes that children need extra practice of,
(one a day)

Practise all sounds taught to


particularly the vowel sounds + the circled graphemes

Hear and Say:
Word Time:
Spell with Fred Fingers:

Purpose: To read the sounds needed for storybook quickly, particularly

the double letter sounds.
Shift focus: Go over sounds children require more work on.

Reading activity 1:
Practise reading the Speed
Phonics Handbook p67

Reading activity 2:
Read the Green (+ Challenging words
necessary to the story) and Red
Words (Red means Stop and think) p68
Reading activity 6:
for comprehension)

(Second read

Partner Work: Read speed sounds in and out of order with focus on
circled sounds
Purpose: To practice words that will be used in Storybook, particularly the
multi-syllabic words + any slightly tricky words.
Shift focus: Go over words children require more work on.

Partner Work: FT if required & read green and red words

Purpose: (Second read for comprehension) To understand the story
every word, paragraph and page!

Read the story and discuss

the questions to talk about

(Plan Think out loud for each page to explain/

clarify + Plan Find it & Prove it questions.
Sticky on pages)

Reading activity 7:
with expression)




Read the story with fluency

and expression.

Use bubbles (feeling, saying, thinking,

happening); Kung-fu punctuation mimes; power
words (special word that helps us build a strong
mind picture)
Pockets for Power Words
Build links between reading & writing process
p74 - 78

Writing Activity 5:
Hold a sentence


1. Purpose: To use new vocabulary in discussion (2nd&3rd layer words) and

to consider the motivation of characters (Areas of focus: feeling;
thinking; saying; happening)
2. Purpose: To increase fluency and accuracy of reading and to learn how
the author uses punctuation to give meaning to the text.
3. Purpose: To collect strong vocabulary for writing. Power words.

Purpose: To develop the ability to hold a sentence before writing it down.

To practice encoding and secretarial skills.

Punctuation mimes (Kung-fu punctuation)

Phonics Handbook p76-77

Writing activity 7:
Edit for spelling / punctuation
(On CD rom in Get Writing! handbook.)
Make strong links between editing activities
and editing their own work.


Purpose: To develop their own editing skills.

Partner work: Read sentence together and work out errors together.

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