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CISA REC 01/ F55

Question PAPER Of

Issue/Rev NO:

Issue Date/ Rev

Oct 20 11/

Max. Marks: 80

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

General Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question Nos. 1-14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed
30 words each.
3. Question Nos. 15-21 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not
exceed 80 words each.
4. Question Nos. 22-25 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not
exceed 200 words each.
5. Question Nos. 25 is of 6 marks and is to be answered with the help of the passage given.
1. Define simple society.

2. Define primary group.

3. Write two functions of family.
4. Give the names of means of socialization.
5. List two objectives of survey method.
6. List the different types of conflict.
7. What is achieved status?
8. What are the different forms of social change?
9. Why is the population of the cities increasing?
10. What do you mean by resource depletion?
11. Write the causes of air pollution.
12. Differentiate between Mechanical and Organic Solidarity.
13. Write the names of two books written by Karl Marx.
14. Who established the Indian sociological society?
15. Distinguish between closed and open systems of stratification.
16. List the main characteristics of the nature of social change.
17. Give at least four reasons for soil pollution.
18. How was the industrial revolution responsible for giving rise to sociology?
19. Write Ghuryes views about rural and urban areas.
20. Describe various forms of family.
21. Differentiate primary and secondary groups.
22. Differentiate between competition and conflict.
23. Describe the major changes which have occurred in the rural life recently.
24. Write an essay on Karl Marxs theory of class struggle.
25. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Peddolla Napidi Bhumana hanged himself at home in Donchanda village of Morthad Mandal late on
Friday night. Its learnt that the 55-year old farmer, faced with crop failure, was driven to desperation
because he was unable to clear his mounting debts. Most suicides in Andhra Pradesh have been reported
from the arid regions of Telangana and Rayalaseema where farmers are heavily dependent on rain.
As in Vidarbha last year, most of the suicides have been farmers who had borrowed heavily from private
money-lenders at exorbitant interest rates. The loans were taken to dig borewells to tap ground water for
cotton and other vegetable crops in the absence of rain. The situation has been exacerbated by the falling
water table in these districts.

(Taken from a report in The Times of India of 16/08/09)

(a) Which are the regions where most farmers suicides have taken place? Why have these
regions been affected?
(b) What are some of the changes in rural society and the agrarian economy that are
responsible for farmers suicides?

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