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A)ao mi je da vas moramo obavijestiti da smo imali ozbiljan incident dok smo se pribliavali

Doverskom tjesnacu. Zbog guste magle, slabe vidljivosti i loeg manevriranja Australski brod
sudario se s nama u 12:35 LT.
Na je brod pretrpio ozbiljno oteenje na desnoj pramcanoj strani. Iako je oteenje veliko nije
ugrozilo nau stabilitnost i plovidbu. Posada i teret su sigurni. Nezgodu smo prijavili vlastima u
Doveru ispisali brodski dnevnik i Vama poslali izvjee. Proslijedili smo zatim za London, gdje
oekujemo dolazak u ponedjeljak u 12h po lokalnom vremenu.

A) I am sorry to inform you that we had a serious incident while we were approaching the Dover strait.
Beacuse of dense fog, reduced visibility and poor manouveribility the Australian vessel has collision
with us at 1235LT.
Our ship suffered serious damage on the stbd bow. Though the damage was huge, it did not affect to
our stability and voyage. Crew and cargo are safe. We reported the accident to the authorities at
Dover, the deck log book was filled, and report sent. We've proceeded to London, where we expect the
arrival on Monday at 12 am local time.

B)Nakon ukrcaja tereta u Rijeci, brod je proslijedio na uobiajenoj ruti za London. Kad smo
se pribliili Engleskoj obali more je bilo mirno, ali je vidljivost bila slaba zbog guste magle i
ograniena na svega nekoliko metara. Struje su bile snane. U 11:45 LT udarili smo o
stijenu u blizini otoka Wight. Brod je pretrpio teko oteenje na kobilici. Nasukali smo se
da sprijeimo potonue i hitno zatraili pomo. Dosla su dva tegljaa s teglenicama na koje
smo iskrcali teret. Nakon pregleda oteenja odlueno je da se brod otegli u najblii suhi
dok radi popravka.

B) After loading the cargo in Rijeka the vessel proceed on usual route to London. When we approached
English coast, the sea was calm, but visibility was poor due to dense fog and reduced on just few
meters. The currents were strong.
At 11:45 LT we hit a rock close to Wight island. The ship has suffered huge damage on the keel.
We run aground to avoid sinking and immidietly requested assistance.
Two tugs arrived with barge on which we discharge our cargo. After reviewing the damage it was
decided to tow the ship into the nearest dry dock for repairs.

C)Dva je dana bjesnila strana oluja. Vjetar jaine 7Bf, na mahove 10 bf, uz jake pljuskove i
grmljavinu. Kada je nevrijeme bilo na vrhuncu, teret na pramanoj palubi se pomaknuo zbog
izuzetno snanog valjanja. To je ugrozilo stabilnost broda, pa jeurno odlueno baciti dio palubnog
tereta u more. Bio je to jako opasan posao. Operacija je trajala neko vrijeme, i uspijeno ju je vodio
prvi asnik. Valovi su bili veliki i snani i preljevali su se preko palube, pa su mornari bili u velikoj
opasnosti. Svi smo odahnuli kada je operacija uspijeno izvrena, a cijeli tijek toga asnik u gvardiji
upisao je u brodski dnevnik.
C) Terrible storm was raging for two days. Winds of 7Bf, gusting up to 10 bf, with heavy downpours and
thunder. When the storm was at its peak, the cargo on the foredeck shifted due to the extremely strong rolling.
It endangered the stability of the ship, so we hastily decided to jettison part of the deck cargo into the sea. It
was a very dangerous job. The operation lasted for some time, and was successfully handled by the chief
officer. The waves were big and strong and spilled over the deck, and the sailors were in great danger. We were
releived when the operation was successfully carried out, and the whole course of events was entered in the
logbook by the officer on the watch.
D)Za vrijeme putovanja mb Otok naao se pokraj duboke ciklone kada je bio otprilike 350NM juno
od New Founlanda. Bilo je potpuno oblano s povremenom kiom. Brod je posrtao i valjao se na
jako nemirnom moru. Valovi su se prelijevali preko palube, a vidljivost je bila slaba. Kurs broda se
mijenjao prema naredbama zapovjednika. Vremensko izvjee je pokazivalo postojanje jake ciklone,
vjetrom jaine 7Bf, u pojaanju. Oekivala se temperatura zraka ispod nule. Upozorenje je
najavljivalo i mogunost leda zbog toga su poslani promatrai na lijevu i desnu stranu broda. Brzina
je smanjena na sasvim polagano naprijed.
D) During the voyage mb Otok found himself next to a deep cyclone when he was about 350NM south of New
Founlanda. It was overcast with periodical rain. The ship pitching and rolling on very rough seas. The waves
have been pouring over the deck, and visibility was poor. Ship's course changed as per Master's orders. Weather

report showed the existence of a strong cyclone, wind strength 7Bf, and increasing. Sub-zero temperatures were
expected. Due to the possibility of ice as per weather forecast additional lookouts were posted on port and
starboard side of the vessel. The speed is reduced to dead slow ahead.

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