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Assignment A


What is ERP? Explain the general Implementation methodology of ERP.

Describe various evaluation criteria at the time of selection of ERP packages.
Discuss the role of vendors, consultants and users for selection of ERP.


Briefly enumerate some of the key ERP modules keeping in view the
Manufacturing perspective.


What is Knowledge Management? What pitfalls should be avoided while

aligning Knowledge Management with the Business Strategy?


Enumerate various Knowledge Management tools and techniques.


What is Supply Chain Management? What are its key drivers?

What is Customer Relationship Management? What are the various types of
CRM software/CRM tools available in the market?
What is Enterprise Application Integration? What is the purpose of implementing EAI? What
are the EAI Implementation pitfalls?

Assignment B
Read the case study given below and answer the questions given at the end
Case Study

A typical U.S. Wal-Mart has 142,000 items, so multiplying those savings makes sense
that Wal-Marts efforts on enforcing new SCM technology on their suppliers makes a big
impact on the bottom line. Wal-Mart has definitely started a ripple effect within its own
supply chain.
Ever since 2002, when Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology proponents
began insisting that it would dramatically change the way companies track goods in the
supply chain, it has remained a niche technology because of the cost of RFID tags. The
most generic RFID tags cost around 10 cents a piece, whereas latest generations of chips
are getting better with standardization and improved functionality. Consumer goods
companies always talk about 5 cent tags as a price that would open RFID up to broader
uses remove the difficulties pioneers like Wal-Mart have had pulling in a critical mass of
Just 600, or about 3 percent, of its suppliers have started using RFID since the retailer
announced its famous supply-chain mandate to use RFIDs in 2003. Wal-Mart distribution
centers that stock goods from suppliers that place RFID tags help them to reduce out-ofstock situations and, more recently, to drive promotions.
On the store front, Wal-Mart has expanded its RFID use from 100 to 1000 stores.
Readers (that read and locate RFID chips) are typically located at loading dock entrances,
at entrances leading from back rooms to sales floors, and at trash compactors where
boxes are destroyed. Data is collected when product moves, including at the cash register,
allowing Wal-Mart to generate print-outs for employees to prioritize restocking duties.
Suppliers can link into Wal-Marts e-SCM system over the Web to check exactly where their
products are. In addition, Wal-Mart is also starting to give employees hand-held RFID
readers that beep based on proximity to specified products, making them easier to find.

One Wal-Mart supplier, consumer goods company Kimberly-Clark, is focusing on sales

promotion through a pilot program that uses RFID to monitor promotions of its Paper
Towels. Using software from OATS Systems, Kimberly-Clark could see on a colour-coded
dashboard how many stores received the product in the stock-room and how many put it
on the store floor.


What is the main aim of Supply Chain Management? What are the key issues faced in
In what ways, the introduction of RFID tags benefited Wal-Mart in its Supply Chain

Assignment C
Question No. 1

Marks 10

Planning of ERP Implementation Process should be done:

Should be done after the start of ERP Implementation
None of the above.

Question No. 2
How can management of the enterprise makes a decision about the necessity of
implementing an enterprise resource planning system:

By outsourcing this analysis to experts in ERP.
By conducting a comparative study of ERP Implementations in enterprises that
fall in the same domain.
By determining a set of evaluation measurements.
All of the above.

Marks 10

Question No. 3

Marks 10

Enterprise-wide resource planning systems (ERP systems) attempt to:

Integrate all corporate information in one central database
They do not allow information to be retrieved from many different
organizational positions
They allow any organizational object to be made invisible.
They allow information to be stored in multiple databases.

Question No. 4

Marks 10

In Manufacturing organizations, ERP implementation necessarily automates the following


Inventory Control
Material Requirement Planning
Both a and b
None of the above

Question No. 5
For the success of an ERP Implementation, factor(s) important is/are:

Strategic support from the top management.
Readiness of employees to embrace the change.

Marks 10

Adherence to time schedules.

All of the above.
Question No. 6

Marks - 10

Customization of an ERP package is enhanced if the ERP Package is:

Both a and b
Either a or b

Question No. 7

Marks 10

The project driven enterprise deals with the design and manufacturing of unique products
and services(projects)for:

Multiple clients
Multiple clients of same vertical
Individual clients
Depends upon client to client.

Question No. 8
Key success factor that decide about product competitiveness:

Efficient knowledge

Marks 10

Business experience management

Knowledge of Best Practices in the domain
All of the above.

Question No. 9

Marks 10

Inventory of a company refers to:

Raw materials
Work In Process
Finished Goods
All of the above

Question No. 10

Marks 10

SCM Drivers are:

Facilities and Inventory
Transportation and Information
Both a and b
None of these.

Question No. 11
Which of the following statements is false:

Marks 10

Forecasts are never right.
The longer the forecast horizon, the better is the forecast.
The longer the forecast horizon, the worse is the forecast.
Aggregate forecasts are more accurate.

Question No. 12

Marks 10

One of the benefits of Supply Chain Management is:

Improved forecasting precision.
Increased Inventory throughout the chain.
Increased Bull-whip effect.
Unreliable financial information.

Question No. 13

Marks 10

Factor(s) that contribute(s) to Bull Whip Effect:

Demand forecasting practices.
Longer lead times.
Batch Ordering
All of the above.

Question No. 14

Marks -

Which of the following statements is true about ERP Implementation:

As-Is stage follows To-Be stage.
To-Be stage follows As-Is stage.
Go-Live stage and As-Is stage can proceed simultaneously.
None of the above.

Question No. 15

Marks 10

Which of the following factor does not contribute to the success of ERP?

Focus on business processes and requirements first.
Focus on achieving a healthy ERP ROI (Return on Investment), including postimplementation performance measurement.
Strong project management and resource commitment.
Lack of budget.

Question No. 16
Who plays and important role in the selection of ERP Package?


Marks 10

All of the above.

Question No. 17

Marks 10

Knowledge Management cannot be exercised through:

Data Entry Operation
Expression Management
Database Management
Hypertext Management

Question No. 18

Marks 10

Which of the following is not part of Customer Relationship Management?

Sales Force Automation
Contact Management
Lead Management
None of these

Question No. 19
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true with respect to Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI)?

EAI is an integration framework composed of a collection of technologies and

Marks 10

EAI is the process of linking applications within a single organization together
in order to simplify and automate business processes.
EAI system could front-end a cluster of applications, providing a single
consistent access interface to these applications and shielding users from having to
learn to interact with different software packages.
All of the above.

Question No. 20

Marks 10

Which of the following ways is not appropriate to bring in stabilization and acceptance in
the Go-Live stage?

Training of end-users
Training of only process owners
Data fixes to resolve data migration issues
Help desk for troubleshooting.

Question No. 21

Marks 10

ERP Vendor should be evaluated on:

Business functions or modules supported by their software.
Features and integration capabilities of the software.
Both a and b
Neither a nor b.

Question No. 22

Marks -

Before trying to implement a major ERP system, organizations can assess their ability to
be successful through:

Capability Maturity Model, CMM
Peoples Capability Maturity Model, PCMM
ISO Certification
Any one of these.

Question No. 23

Marks 10

Which one of the following is key ERP Vendor(s):

Microsoft Dynamics
All of the above.

Question No. 24
Which one of the following is the key SCM Vendor(s):

Only a

Marks 10

Both a and b

Question No. 25

Marks 10

Which one of the following is the key CRM Vendor(s):

Only a
Both a and b

Question No. 26

Marks 10

Which of the following statement is false:

ERP systems are set to proliferate locally.
ERP systems implementation is a complex organizational activity.
ERP systems implementation requires strong project management oversight.
ERP systems provide improved and added functionality for an organization.

Question No. 27
Which of the following is/are limitation(s) of system integration:

Leveling the Competitive Environment.

Marks 10

High initial set-up costs.

Power and interdepartmental conflicts.
Both b and c.

Question No. 28

Marks 10

Which of the following stage is not part of Business Process Reengineering:

As-Is analysis
To-Be mapping
Post-Implementation support
Measuring new processes based on meeting goals and vision.

Question No. 29

Marks 10

Which of the following is not a core SCM process:

Sales Force Automation
Order fulfillment

Question No. 30
Collaborative Design and Product Development is part of:

Marks 10

None of these.

Question No. 31

Marks 10

Which of the following statement is false about EAI:

EAI facilitates the flow of information.
Straps together transactions among disparate and complex applications and
business processes.
Helps in communication among applications only within an organization and
not among organizations.
EAI facilitates the move towards market globalization.

Question No. 32
Which one of the following is not a benefit of EAI:

Increased efficiency.
Higher Costs.
Improved Customer service.
Enhanced access.

Marks 10

Question No. 33

Marks 10

Which of the following statement is false about SCM:

SCM plays a major role only in the success of e-business and not e-commerce.
A good SCM is designed in collaboration with the organizations partners.
ERP vendors have started including SCM as a component or module of the
SCM provides a link for services, materials, and information across the value
chain of the organization.

Question No. 34

Marks 10

Which one of the following is not a component of CRM system:

Market Research tools
Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO) software
Sales Force Automation software
Customer service and support tools

Question No. 35
Which of the following statement is true about CRM Implementation:

CRM Implementation must never focus on a technology solution.
CRM solutions must be part of corporate strategy from the beginning.

Marks 10

CRMs can be an afterthought as they are not critical in an organization.

Both a and b.

Question No. 36

Marks 10

Which one of the following processes does not fall in the purview of CRM:

CRM delivery process
CRM support process
CRM analytical process
CRM recruitment process

Question No. 37

Marks 10

Which of the following architecture(s) is/are found in ERP implementations:

N-tier architecture
Web-based architecture
Service Oriented Architecture
All of these

Question No. 38
Assessing readiness in an ERP implementation is critical to the overall implementation
process. Which one of the following ways does not contribute towards ensuring ERP


Marks 10

Project managements focus on the issues, tasks, and activities to being ready.
Knowledge Transfer Process in place.
Discontinue training and complete focus on issues.
Support functions are in place for post-production support for operationalizing
the ERP.

Question No. 39

Marks 10

Which one of the following roles does not fall in the purview of the owners, ie, senior
management of the company, with respect to ERP Implementation:

Maintain financial integrity of the project.
Provide strategic policy and procedure direction.
Establish project planning guidelines and methodology.
Publicly demonstrate support and commitment to the project.

Question No. 40
Which of the following statement(s) is/are false with respect to ERP Implementation

The emphasis on the ERP software life cycle is whether to customize the
software or to change the organizations processes to match those embedded in the
The implementation strategy can be a comprehensive one, vanilla, or middleof-the road strategy.
ERP life cycle must incorporate traditional SDLC stages.

Marks 10

Rapid Implementation methodologies have been developed by ERP consulting


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