Present Continuous Tense: To Be + Verb-Ing

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Present Continuous Tense

TO BE + VERB-ing
I am

We are

You are
am playing.

You are

He, she , it is

They are

+ na glagol dodamo nastavak ing (play+ing playing) I

Kada govorimo o neemu to se dogaa u trenutku govora

Please be quiet. Children are sleeping.

Neto to mislimo da e se uskoro promeniti (da je trenutno)

I am working in London for next two weeks.

Da pokaemo da se neto menja, razvija

Children are growing quickly.

Your English is improving.
Neto to se konstantno ponavlja
Its always raining in London.
They are always arguing.

Da govorimo o budunosti
What are you doing next week?
She is meeting him tomorrow at 10 oclock.

Are they visiting you next summer?

More and more people are becoming vegetarian.
You are studying English grammar.
He is constantly complaining.
Im seeing Anthony later.
He is playing basketball now.
Are you playing football on Sunday?
Is she working at the moment?
Im not coming to the cinema later.

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