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Innovation Challenge

Why and What it is?

Everybody has an Idea. But entrepreneurship is all about making your idea work and
having others help you implement it
Never has an opportunity such as now arisen where trailblazers regardless of their age have
the means to attempt at executing their one wonderful idea that has given them restless
nights. More so for a graduate fresh out of college, bustling with energy and unbounded
imagination. dQuotient Innovation Challenge is the initiative designed to provide a
springboard for the young entrepreneurs to take their ideas right from college to the business
world. With Industry talismans and academicians alike offering their knowledge and becoming
the guiding light, the participants win a chance to drive their ideas from conception to a
scalable business proposition while receiving sizable cash awards for the same.

How it is going to be achieved?

The challenge seeks the fellow entrepreneurs to develop solutions using Artificial Intelligence
and Internet of Things addressing the drawbacks in across any domain and industry. The idea
should be properly implemented and a prototype of the model developed. The preliminary
concept of the product is to be submitted before 15th October. The shortlisted final entries
shall be announced on 16th October. The Final candidates stand to present the model and
their vision for the product to an expert panel who shall grade the product based on matrices
which include the business opportunity, Innovation Quotient, the roadmap for the future,
competency etc. The winners shall receive a cash price of Rs. 50,000/- post the event and a
paid bootcamp worth Rs. 50,000/- to be held during the summer,2017. During the bootcamps,
the team shall get the chance to interact with industry pioneers and technocrats to take the
idea forward. dQuotient shall also strive to provide funding opportunities to successful team.
Partners Invovled.
The event is organized under the Aegis of National Institute of Technology-Calicut , dQuotient
Business Consultancy Services and NITC Alumni Association who all strive to kindle the fire of
entrepreneurship amongst the youngsters. It shall also be the official innovation challenge
conducted under the banner of Tathva, the annual Techno management festival of the
institute that currently stands tall as a hub of social and innovative thinking in India. We look
forward to having you onboard for the event.

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