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MS1 level

Name :

Test 1 ( 1st term)

Date : October 26th ,2016

Text :


12,Elquds City,
October 10th
My name is Ahmed Yacine. I am 10. I am from Palestine . I live in

Ghaza, Palestine . My school is Yasser Arafet Middle School in Ghaza .

How about you?

Your friend ,

Part One ( 14 points) :

Read the text and do the following activities.
A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts):
Activity One (2pts) : Answer the following questions .
1. Is the text a dialogue?

2. Is Ahmed Yacine from Algeria?

Activity Two (3pts): Read the following statements and put a cross in the right box .
1- Ahmed Yacine is ten.
2- Palestine is nice country
3- Ghaza is in Algeria.



Not mentioned

Activity Three : Lexis .

Match the words in column A with their opposites in column B:( 2pts)
1. bye
2. out


a- in
b- hi

by Mr Samir Bounab( )

Part One :
B/ Mastery of language (7points)
Activity One (3pts) : Re-order the following words to get coherent sentences .
is / name

/ my / Hello / . /Aziz

Activity Two (2pts) : Correct the underlined mistakes .

Hello ? my name is Karima ! what is your name :

Activity Three ( 2pts) : Cross the odd sound ( the word with NO short vowel sound /i/) .

class - eraser elephant book- window copybook- door scissors mouse picture

Part Two: Written Expression( 6pts)

Ahmed Yacine is your pen friend and he wants to know about you.
Write a letter talking about your :
1) Fill in the form
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. School:
4. Town:
5. Country:
B) The letter:

Hi, my . is. I am from.

I live in .. My school is

Good luck

By Mr.Samir Bounab ( )

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