Remarks and Conclusion

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Remarks / Analysis of Data

All magnets produce a magnetic field at all points in the space around it. The
lines of this field always form a closed loop. By convention, the field direction is
taken to be outward from the North pole and into the South pole of the magnet. But
these magnetic flux of lines also depends on the orientation of the magnets. From
part A, like poles tend to move away from each other and unlike poles tend to
attract, while still obeying the N-to-S convention. In a case where an iron ring, is
placed in a magnetic field, the flux may be redirected to take advantage of the
greater permeability of the magnetic material. That is why no trace of field was
Part B of the experiment focuses on magnetic force on current-carrying wire.
The magnetic force is mathematically defined as

F=BIl sin . From the equation,

the magnetic force is greatly affected by the strength of the magnetic field, the
current passing through, length of the wire and the orientation. Table (a) relates the
magnetic force and magnetic field given an initial current of 5 Amps. The result
showed that increasing the number of magnets increases the magnetic force as
well. This is due to a higher occurrence of magnetic field produced by each magnet.
In table (b) of Part B, the magnetic force was tested with varying current (0 to
5 Amps) while taking the number of magnets to be content. It can be inferred from
the data that the current is directly proportional to the magnetic forcethat is
increasing the current will increase the magnetic force and vice versa. Whenever
electrons flow through a conductor, a magnetic field will develop around that
conductor. Magnetic fields effect the alignment of electrons in an atom, and can
cause force to develop across space. Thus, increasing the current will result to an
increase in magnetic field in that area which increases the magnetic force in return.
The next part, table (c), relates the magnetic force and the length of current
loop. From the obtained data, it can be observed that as the length of current
increases the magnetic force also increases. This relation can be based on the

F=BIl sin , which indicates a linear relationship between the force and

the length.
The last part of the experiment includes the relationship between magnetic
force and orientation of coil. Similar to previous factors, the orientation of the coil
has a linear relation to the magnetic field, based on the data. Meaning increasing
the angle of the coil, assuming from 0 to 90, will increase the magnetic force. In
While performance of the experiment, there were few sources of error which
prevented us from obtaining an accurate result. One of these was the sensitivity of
the apparatus. A slight turn or adjust of it caused a huge difference. Second was
that there werent enough significant figures on the balance which made the data
points unreliable.

In summary, the experiment was able to achieved each objective, based on
the result we have obtained. I was familiarized on the nature of magnetic fields
around a magnets and how a magnetic material affects its behavior. I figured out
the magnitude of magnetic force on a current carrying wire which was tested with
four factors: Magnetic field, length, current and orientation of the wire. These four
factors were found to have a linear relation to the magnetic forcethat is increasing
The experiment mostly focused on magnetism. It studied the nature of
magnetic field which can be represented by flux lines. These lines were invisible but
theoretically found to form closed path. And they always travel from N pole to S
pole. In addition, a current-carrying wire was found to also produce a magnetic field
of its own. Another thing is that when a current was introduced a magnetic force is
produced. This is due to the electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of
the particles. This force was mathematically defined as

F=BIl sin . From the

equation it can be seen that magnetic force is dependent on the strength of

The performance of the experiment was quite interesting. It allowed me to
explore things beyond what my eye could see. I was able to understand different
application it imparts in life. Like how a simple parameter can contribute greatly to
our needs. One important example is the MRI. The heart of the machine operates
through magnetic field. Another examples include: Television, speakers,
transportations, etc. And just imagine how important its impact will be when we all
have understood magnetism.
them would increase the force as well.

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