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How United and Free are the States of America?

- Learning Target Assessment

Since you have reached the end of this unit, we will be holding a debate about the question above
to get some closure and give you a chance to show what you know. This debate is designed so that you
use what you have learned in this unit to make an argument. Therefore, your grade is based on how much
you explain specific details of historical events accurately. As you complete the debate planning
document and participate in the debate I will be looking to see that you are able to state a point and argue
it using multiple historical examples that we have talked about throughout the unit. The rubric below
explains the criteria I am looking for when I grade this assessment.

Proficiency Level

Proficiency Level

Taxonomy Level

Assessment Items


Student infers beyond

what was taught to create
an infer an argument.

Using Knowledge

Student uses their

explanation of the
social, political, and
economic effects of
the war to create and
support their own


Student understands the

short term and long-term
social, political, and
economic outcomes of
the Revolutionary War.


Student explains
specifically social,
economic, and
political effects of the
Revolution on the
new country and the
current US.


Student knows that the

Revolution had critical
outcomes on the country
but does not specifically
explain each.


Student vaguely
explains the
outcomes/impacts of
the Revolution.


Student needs more time

to reach the 2.0


Student shows little

to no work or
understanding of the

Grade: ____________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________

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