Tortoise and Rabbit: Lida Puspita Ningrum 06-004-050-7 /XII IPA-2

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06-004-050-7 /XII IPA-2


One bright, sunny morning a tortoise
was taking a walk when suddenly he met a
rabbit, that liked to mock and laughed at the
tortoise. Nevertheless, the tortoise smiled
and greeted him, Good morning, Mr. Rabbit.
How are you? he didnt answer, even though
he laughed aloud to him.
The tortoise got very angry, but he just
smiled. He said, Im sure I can run as fast as you can you? As fast as me? Poor
Mr. Tortoise, dont you know that Im the fasters creature in the forest?
We shall see, said the tortoise. I have a good plan. Do you see that tree
over there on the top of the hill? Yes, I do. now, lets have are race and see
which of us can reach that tree first. One, two, there! The tortoise and the
rabbit were off. Of course the tortoise was quickly left far behind by the
rabbit. When the rabbit had run for about half an hour he thought, I thing I
will just lie down here to rest a while. When the tortoise comes, I will jump up
and run away from him again. What a fool is Mr. Tortoise to have a race whit
me, the fastest creature on legs! so the rabbit lay down to rest, and soon was
fast asleep.
It was already late in the afternoon when the rabbit woke up. goodness!
He cried out. Wheres Mr. Tortoise? He looked up towards the hill and saw the
tortoise, very far of and very small! Mr. Tortoise can be only a few meters
from the tree by now! The rabbit started to run just as fast as he could go. Ten
minutes more! Three minutes more! Thirty seconds Ten seconds Three
Two One! At that moment the tortoise reached the tree! The rabbit was late
Only one second!
Ashamed, tired and very exhausted because of running so very fast, the
rabbit rolled over on the ground and died!

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