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The Colour of Rainbows

written by Chng Xin Xuan

Woman 1
Woman 2

Content Page:
1. The Goddess Venus
2. Lets Talk about the Weather
3. The Invisible People
4. He who Slays
5. The Invisible People 2.0
6. The Shellfish and the Quantifier
7. The Jack-in-the-Box
8. The Goddess Venus 2.0

1. The Goddess Venus
Woman 1 walks in from downstage left and sits in a chair, watching the television, eating a fruit.
Maid walks in upstage left and puts up a mirror slowly. Man enters and reads from a book.
Man: The goddess, Venus. Lying on her side,naked. At the bottom of her feet, a dog
sleeps. A corridor.The maids are at work.Two of them; one has her head in a chest.The
cold air stirs.
It's dark but she's lit. Her breasts are full.A bouquet ofRed, she holds in her hand. A
bracelet on her wrist.
White. blue. red. yellow.
She smiles.She sees.She agrees.
Man closes book and stares into space. Woman 1 finishes fruit, drops the fruit on the floor, before
she leaves downstage right. Woman 2 comes to foreground, picks up the fruit.
Woman 2: The destruction of a man begins from childhood. So many places I bore with
me, in me, within me, but only in my mind. This one place I was in; clouds surrounded
me, and at some point, I couldnt tell if I was flying, or if I were choking. In one minute
or another, I heard my mothers voice calling me.
Woman 1 returns to stage and sits in chair. Woman 2 returns to her daily chores. Woman 1
watches a thriller on the television, now with her back facing the audience, and starts laughing.
Woman 1: Oh my god! No!!!! No, no, no. Dont! Arrrgghhhh!!! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Oh
my god! This is shit.
Woman 1 takes a sharp intake of breath. She starts getting upset and makes excessive sounds,
finally decides to turn it off. Man enters. Woman 1 leaves as Man speaks. As Man speaks, Woman
2 enters and walks towards the mirror and begins to floss her teeth.
Man: Green meadows, little brown hill tops, the blueness of the sea; of the sky. The deep
blue. The most difficult question Ive been asked. What is your favourite colour? How
do you answer that? I said all of them, all colours are beautiful to me. And just to be
funny, I say Well, you know, except the shitty ones. The ones that are blackishly brown,
or brownishly teal or purplishly black. The real shitty ones They never laugh.
As Man speaks, he notices Woman 2 flossing her teeth. After he finishes speaking, Woman 2
realizes that shes being watched. She stares back, do you have a problem?. Man continues

Man: She prays every night before she sleeps. Sometimes I think I hear her crying, but I
choose to ignore it. I didnt think it was clever to talk to her past the deadly hour. She
was so beautiful. So I hid in a corner while she prepared for bed. I dont know when or
how but I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. And the next day, I would always
see, on my table; fresh flowers. She really loved flowers. She loved lavender especially,
and I grew to like them too, inadvertently.
Woman 1 begins to read from a journal. She reads, flips pages and tears two pages out.


Lets Talk about the Weather

Woman 2: Tuesday. Nothing more hateful than a Tuesday with rain pouring outside. I see
this clearly in my head, you know. People running to seek shelter in big buildings, people
huddled under a bus stop; umbrellas held tightly, empty sidewalks, cars trapped on the
highway with nowhere else to go. They all seem to have somewhere to be at next. And
then, a child in rain-boots. Adorable rain-boots. Adorable child. Little hand in big hand,
swinging, swinging, swinging.
Man: I drove along the streets at four in the morning. It was so quiet. The day went by so
quickly, I couldnt remember any of it. All I could feel was the cool air on my skin, and
the silence of the early hours. In another few hours, she will be awake. She will have her
breakfast, prepare for work and then she would be lost. As lost as I am right now, with no
cars on the streets, no living person sitting on the streets; drunk to death. My day has
only just begun, and already, Im winding down.
Woman 1: I was just thinking this I don't think people ever know quite how to deal
with loss. They say they do, but im not quite sure it ever works out. A friend of mine had
a cardiac arrest in his sleep. He never woke up. He was 25. I heard the news over a phone
call and this wave of sadness just hit me. As though a gentle wave passed through my
entire body. I felt it. This gentle rocking motion. I felt it. Like this. And death, death at
that moment for me wasn't elusive.
Man: Its cold here. Very cold.
Woman 1: Must be the rain. Motherfucker.
Woman 2: Ive heard that if a great person dies, there will be a thunderstorm on the day
of the funeral, because the heavens are crying for the loss.
Woman 1: You believe that bullshit?
Woman 2: yeah Yeah, I do.
Man: Why is it so fucking cold in this place? Cant someone do something about this
fucking temperature?
Woman 2: Just enjoy the day. Move swiftly. Think of nothing. Work hard and live hard.
Life can only get better.
Man: Are we talking about the same thing here?

Woman 1: Do apples grow on trees?
Man: No need to be rude there.
Woman 1: Oops, sorry.
Woman 2: She couldnt keep it in. She had nothing to see, nothing to lose, nothing to
hide. And so, there she was, in her little rain-boots, watching people pass her by. Swirling
motion. Then, she stops and she heaves a princesss sigh. Adults are just no fun at all.
Thats what she told me.
Unfazed was I, as a little girl, of the rain. Only feeling the aftermath. Cold wet socks in

3. The Invisible People
Woman 1: I hope to god, no one knows me. I hope to god, no one will ever remember
Woman 2: I like to build the world a home.
Woman 1: I hope to god, that Im invisible.
Woman 2: And furnish it with love.
Woman: Can invisibility be a thing?
Woman 2: Grow apple trees.
Woman 1: Its going to be a thing.
Woman 2: And honey-bees.
Woman 1: Its gonna be my thing.
Woman 2: And snow-white turtle doves.
Woman 1: I dont want to remember anything.
Woman 2: Id like to teach.
Woman 1: I dont want to be heard.
Woman 2: The world to sing.
Woman 1: I dont need to be heard.
Woman 2: In perfect harmony.
Woman 1: I dont wish to be heard.
Woman 2: Id like to hold it in my arms.
Woman 1: I just need to

Woman 2: And keep it company.
Woman 2 takes out sparkles and they start to dance, holding hands. Canvas falls down at each
interval of the dance.

4. He who Slays
Man returns onstage with a glass of ice cubes and a kaleidoscope, he puts one in his mouth and
chews on the ice. He puts another ice cube into his mouth. Continues doing so till he can no longer
hold any ice cubes in his mouth. Hes enjoying himself; his senses alive.
Woman 2: The destruction of man, begins in childhood. The young child looks at the
environment around her and starts to construct in her mind, expectations. Is there a
secret formula to carrying out this long, arduous life?
Man takes out a kaleidoscope and starts playing like hes an explorer.
Woman 2: He watches her being beaten up. She takes one in her face. Shes bleeding.
She gets up, only to be knocked down once more. She wears a scarf, to hide - a mask that
she has so carefully crafted with intention, so unconsciously crafted in tears. He runs to
his father - his unapologetic father who picks him up and takes him for a walk. She cries,
not because shes weak, not because shes helpless, not because she cant do any better,
not because shes in love. Shes not in love. But just because
Woman 1 walks in and pours a cup of water on Man. Man starts crying and she hugs him.
Woman 2: They return late at night. And they pray.
Man keeps crying and his sobs get louder.
Woman 2: They pray for love and they pray
Man sobs even harder and Woman 1 tries to calm him down.
Woman 2: for health
Man is uncontrollable. Woman 1 covers his mouth with her hand. Man starts to giggle.
Woman 2: They pray to be better people.
Man and Woman 1 both start giggling.
Woman 2: They pray for courage and for the lost children of the world.
Man and Woman 1 burst out laughing.
Woman 2: Stop it! Stop it!!!! Stop it!!! Would you two just stop it???

They both stop and look at Woman 2.
Woman 2: They pray to be better people.
Man: She started it!
Woman 2: The next day, the scene begins again. She awaits his return, a bottle in her
hand. He returns home, a bottle in his hand. Shes afraid and she wants to cry, but shes
not going to let him see that. Never again.
Man and Woman 1 pretend to fight with each other.
Woman 2: He grabs the bottle out of her hand and smashes it on the floor. He pulls on
her hair. Scarf falls to the ground. She looks at him and begins to chant. She puts a spell
on him; a curse. He laughs. And then, he starts crying. He kneels over the pieces of
smashed bottle, picks them up and starts pushing them one-by-one, into his face. On his
cheeks, in his eyes, in his mouth. When hes done, he looks up at her with hands covered
in blood.
Man and Woman 1 look up at Woman 2.
Woman 2: What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
Only of that which youve done to me.

5. The Invisible People 2.0
Woman 1: I hope to god, no one knows me. I hope to god, no one will ever remember
Woman 2 looks at Woman 1.
Woman 1: I hope to god, that Im invisible.
Woman 2: Right.
Woman 1: Can invisibility be a thing?
Woman 2: Im not sure. Only in books I guess.
Woman 1: Its going to be a thing.
Woman 2:
Woman 1: Its gonna be my thing.
Woman 2: Enough.
Woman: I dont want to remember anything.
Woman 2: Thats enough.
Woman 1: I dont want to be heard.
Woman 2: Lets not get carried away.
Woman 1: I dont need to be heard.
Woman 2: I said enough, alright.
Woman 1: I dont wish to be heard.
Woman 2: Are you listening? Hello?
Woman 1: I just need to

Woman 2: Oh my fucking god. Just shut the fuck up. Just shut up! Enough alright.
Enough. Thats enough! Shut. Up.
They both look like they are about to cry.

6. The Shellfish and the Quantifier
Man enters with his phone and speakers. Hes wearing a pair of socks. He selects a song and plays
it on the speakers. He starts dancing and hes memorising a sales pitch.
Man: Hello there!/ My name is/ Do you have some time?/ Would you like a ?/ Its
guaranteed to/ Have you ever been ?/ Nows your chance to/ Have a?/ We have
the/ Special/ One and only/ Looking for?/ Hoping for?/ Think about it./ If you
Music stops, interrupted by a message. Man walks over to phone, looks at it, changes the track,
returns to dancing.
Man: Hello there!/ My name is/ Do you have a moment?/ Would you like to?/ Its sure
to be/ Have you ever wondered.?/ Dont look/ Special!/ Unique!/ Original!/ We
have/ Take your time to/
Man stops dancing, cracks his neck and stretches his arms. He starts sliding on the floor like hes
on skates.
Man: Hi! My name is.. No.
Man stops moving.
Man: Hello. My name is nobody and Id like to tell you a story of somebody.
Man shakes his head.
Man: Hello. My name is nobody and Id like to tell you a story of somebody. But in order
to hear that story, you first have to listen to nobody. No no no You just have to hear
somebody. You dont have to listen to anybody. Hear nobody out.
Man seems satisfied, continues dancing.
Man: Hi there! You look like somebody! Well Im nobody. Thats not important. Are you
looking for something? Do you have a moment to spare? Can I interest you in a story? Its
going to be special! Unique! Original! Really? Think about it! Just think about it. Hear
me out. Yes? Wow! Thank you! Thats wonderful!
Man pauses.

Man: Really. Are you sure? Im not forcing you to be here right? You have a choice to
leave. You know that right?
Man waits for a reply.
Man: Whats that? You want to be here? Great! Im ecstatic! I really am. Thank you.
Man prepares for his speech.
Man: As I was saying, Im a nobody and I would like to tell you a story of somebody. Its
bound to be unique, exciting and most importantly, original.
Man starts dancing, Woman 1 and Woman 2 enter and dance together with him in the
background. Song finishes and Woman 1 and Woman 2 leave. Man curtsies, as he looks up, he
realises theres no one there.


The Jack-in-the-Box

Purple glitter flies in from the sides at intervals.

Man walks in with a bag. Beat.
He sits down. Beat. Takes out a box. Beat.
He turns the handle. The first time the jack-in-the-box pops out, he flinches. Hes amused.
He repeats the turning of the handle, it pops again, he flinches once more. Beat.
He chuckles. He repeats the turning of the handle, this time, at an increased speed.
Woman 2: Boo.
Man: .
Woman 2: Where did you get that?
Man: I bought it.
Woman 2: You bought a jack-in-the-box?
Man: Yeah
Woman 2: okay.
Purple glitter trickles onto the stage.
Woman 2: Can I see it?
Man: Sure.
Man hands it over to Woman 2. She takes it and starts turning the handle. The jack-in-the-box
pops out. She gets a shock and returns the box to him.
Woman 2: This is silly. Its really ugly.
Man: No, its not.
Woman 2: Yes, it is.
Man: Which is it? Silly or ugly?
Woman 2: Both.

Man: Its not.
Woman 2: Are you angry?
Man: Im not.
Woman 2: Yes you are.
Man: No, Im not.
Woman 2: Its just a box.
Man: Stop it. I told you Im not angry.
Woman 2: Yes, you are.
Man: Okay fine. Im angry.
Man: Happy?
Woman 2: No, Im not.
Man looks at Woman 2. They both look up as purple glitter falls on to the stage. They both smile.

8. The Goddess Venus 2.0
Woman 1 walks in with a balloon with the word Princess written on it. She leaves it by the side.
She paces up and down as shes thinking.
Woman 1: She rests, on a harp. Muted colours. Beige, pastel green. Eyes covered, she's
blinded. The world lies at her feet. Brown. There has to be brown. She speaks, nothing.
She plays the instrument that she has by her side and listens. White. Surrender; she
knows nothing of the world that she lays upon. Still alive, still breathing, still hoping.
"There is always hope" she seems to speak. And then white, once more.
Woman 1 looks up, seemingly delighted with herself, walks to get the balloon.
Its day-time and the light spills in from the window.
Just enough sunlight.
Gingerly, she holds a balance in her hand.
A box of jewelry on the table. The blue cloth.
A faint smile on her face. I think she might be with child.
What is she thinking? Theres a painting on the wall behind her. Its curious. Very
curious. Highly curious.
Woman 1 ties the balloon to her hand, sits down, sighs a happy sigh, closes her eyes.
Man: Laughs to himself. I remember taking her hands in mine. There were warm, way
smaller than mine. And I squeezed them, just for the fun of it. She giggled a little. I
squeezed them a little tighter, just a little Before I knew what was going on. She
screamed, and she started pulling away. I pulled her closer, wanting to bring her into my
arms, to tell her Im sorry and I never meant for it to hurt. She started punching me and
yelling and yelling. And in those yells, I woke up I fucking hate those shit dreams.
Cant a man just get a good sleep?
Man exits and would cease to reappear in the play. Woman wakes as if she has woken from a

Woman 1: Bye bye.

Purple glitter all over the stage.
The End.

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