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Bijak Sifir An Interactive Mobile Application

There are four basic fundamental in arithmetic operation, addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division, and their relations are basic mathematical
concepts to be taught at primary education level. Learning these four concepts and
their relations enables students to develop their understanding for numbers and
calculating strategies, as well as associating them with daily life problems. However,
children at primary school always have trouble mastering this arithmetic operation,
especially memorizing multiplication table. Thus, developing an interactive android
application might help them memorize the multiplication table and mastering them

- To aid primary school user in learning and mastering multiplication table.
- To develop strong mathematical skill at early age
- To develop android application that makes memorizing multiplication table seems
fun and easy.

Problem Statement
-User have trouble memorizing multiplication table.
-User cannot solve most mathematical problem that involve multiplication because
they cannot memorize multiplication table.
-User feel that mathematic is hard and boring subject, thus causing them to feel
demotivated to learn mathematic.

Scope /Module
1. Lesson
-Consist of interactive flash player that teaches user various multiplication table
memorizing technique.
2. Multiplication Game
- Consist of games that test user their multiplication skill in such interactive


fun way.
- To familiarize user with multiplication by make them answer a lot of
multiplication question.
3. Practice
-Help user practice memorizing multiplication table by providing a series of
Multiplication question that need to be answer (in voice) before the computer
-Consist of game score of various player.
5. Notification
-To remind user to complete their memorizing multiplication table task.

Target user

Primary school student that have difficulties memorizing multiplication table

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