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Court Review Presentation

Teacher Name:Mr. Maxsimic

Student Name: ________________________________________

Federal Appeals Court Maine State Supreme
Supreme Court Justice Judge
Court Judge

Maine District Attorney

Student is able to
accurately answer almost
all questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is able to
accurately anwer most
questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is able to
accurately answer a few
questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is unable to
accurately answer
questions poosed by
classmates about the

Speaks Clearly 10%

Speaks clearly and

distinctly all (100-95%)
the time, and does not
misuse any key words.
Presentation is 5-6
minutes long and is
meaningful and

Speaks clearly and

distinctly most (8475%) of the time
and/or misuses 3 to 5
key words.
Presentation is 3
minutes long and is
meaningful and
engaging at times.

Often mumbles or can

not be understood
and/or misuses more
than 6 key words.

Time-Limit 20%

Speaks clearly and

distinctly most (9485%) of the time,
and/or misuses 1 or 2
key words.
Presentation is 4
minutes long and is
meaningful and

Preparedness 20%

Student is completely
prepared and has
obviously rehearsed
and/or has a well
planned script in front
Listens intenlty, does
not make distracting
noises or

Student seems pretty The student is

prepared but might
somewhat prepared
have needed a couple but it is clear that
more rehearsals and/or rehearsal and/or the
their script needed a script was lacking.
Listens intently but has Sometimes does not
1 or 2 distracting
appear to be listening
noise(s) and/or
but is not distracting.

Student does not seem

at all prepared to

Fills out peer evauluation

completely and always
gives scores based on the
presentation rather than
other factors.

Fills out almost all of the

peer evaluation and
always gives scores based
on the presentation
rather than other facors.

Fills out less than half

of the presentation
and/or scoring appears
to be biased.

Comprehension 20%

Listens to Other
Presentations 15%

Evaluates Peers 15%

Date Created: Sep 21, 2016 01:27 pm (CDT)

Fills out most of the peer

evaluation and almost
always gives scores based
on the presentation and
not other factors.

Presentation is either
shorter than 3 minutes or
longer than 6, and is
neither meaningful or

Sometimes does not

appear to be listening
and/or has more than 3
distracting moments.

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