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WEBWORKTRAVEL Table of contents

Table of contents
Foreword 4
IMPORTANT: Destination info on Cost of Living 6
Asia 7
WHEN TO GO WHERE IN ASIA..................................................................................... 7
COST OF LIVING IN ASIA ............................................................................................ 8
ASIAN DESTINATIONS ............................................................................................... 9
CHINA, BEIJING EXPLORE THE REAL CHINA..................................................................13
CHINA, SHANGHAI BE INSPIRED BY MODERN CHINA......................................................15
INDONESIA, KUTA LOMBOK LAID-BACK SURFERS PARADISE ...........................................21
INDONESIA, UBUD BALIS PEACEFUL CULTURAL HUB ......................................................27
MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR EXPLORE MODERN MALAYSIA ............................................33
UNAWATUNA, SRI LANKA WORK ON THE BEACH .........................................................39
THAILAND, BANGKOK A DIGITAL NOMADS ASIAN HUB.................................................41
THAILAND, KOH PHA NGAN ANYTHING YOU WANT PARADISE .........................................45
KOH TAO, THAILAND DIVERS PARADISE ....................................................................49
THAILAND, KO SAMUI THAI LONG-TERM ISLAND GETAWAY ............................................51
VIETNAM, HANOI EXPATS FAVOURITE ......................................................................55


Central America & Caribbean 59

WHEN TO GO WHERE .............................................................................................. 59
COST OF LIVING ..................................................................................................... 60
DESTINATIONS CENTRAL AMERICA & CARIBBEAN......................................................... 61
Europe 83
WHEN TO GO WHERE .............................................................................................. 83
COST OF LIVING IN EUROPE...................................................................................... 84
DESTINATIONS EUROPE ........................................................................................... 85
CZECH REPUBLIC, PRAGUE HISTORIC EUROPE AT A DECENT PRICE ................................... 85
CROATIA, SPLIT MEDITERRANEAN CHARM AT ITS BEST.................................................. 87
LATVIA, RIGA WILD NIGHTLIFE AND A TASTE OF RUSSIA ................................................ 93
LITHUANIA, VILNIUS HISTORIC TOWN WITH LIVELY NIGHTLIFE ........................................ 95
PORTUGAL, LISBON AFFORDABLE EUROPEAN GETAWAY ............................................... 99

WEBWORKTRAVEL Table of contents

South America 109

WHEN TO GO WHERE.............................................................................................109
COST OF LIVING IN SOUTH AMERICA.........................................................................110
SOUTH AMERICAN DESTINATIONS............................................................................111
ARGENTINA, CRDOBA STUDENT CITY WITH COLONIAL CHARM .....................................113
BOLIVIA, LA PAZ LIVE THE HIGH LIFE ON A SHOESTRING ............................................115
COLOMBIA, BOGOTA DISCOVER THE NEW COLOMBIA .................................................131
ECUADOR, BAOS ECUADORS VOLCANIC ADVENTURE CAPITAL.....................................137
Southern Africa 145
WHEN TO GO WHERE.............................................................................................145
COST OF LIVING ....................................................................................................146
SOUTHERN AFRICAN DESTINATIONS .........................................................................147
SOUTH AFRICA, JEFFREYS BAY WORLD FAMOUS SURFING MECCA ..................................151


Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources 157

TOP DESTINATIONS BASED ON INTEREST ................................................................... 157
WORK FROM ANYWHERE....................................................................................... 158
IMPORTANT SKILLS ............................................................................................... 158
BUSINESS IDEAS FOR DIGITAL NOMADS ..................................................................... 160
BEFORE YOU GO .................................................................................................. 161
REDUCING YOUR FIXED COSTS ................................................................................. 161
HOW TO TELL YOUR CLIENTS YOU ARE GOING TO WORK ON THE ROAD .............................. 162
ESSENTIAL TECH GEAR FOR YOUR TRIPS ..................................................................... 163
THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU GO ............................................................................... 165
HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR NEXT DESTINATION ................................................................ 167
TIPS FOR FINDING CHEAP LONG-TERM ACCOMMODATION.............................................. 169
ON THE ROAD ..................................................................................................... 170
FIVE WAYS TO MAKE FRIENDS QUICKLY, WHEN TRAVELING ALONE ................................. 170
HOW TO BE STREETWISE SAFE NOMAD TRAVEL ......................................................... 171
WEB RESOURCES ................................................................................................. 173
ADVICE FOR DIGITAL NOMADS ................................................................................ 173
TOOLS, RESOURCES & SOFTWARE FOR DIGITAL NOMADS.............................................. 174
Copyrights & Free Updates 175
COPYRIGHTS AND LEGAL STUFF ................................................................................ 176


It was 2006, I was a German national living in Cape Town and I
had a problem.
After a lot of travelling to many parts of the world I realized
Cape Town is one of my favorite places. My problem? I
desperately wanted to stay, but wasnt making enough money
to give me the quality of life I wanted nor the flexibility to visit
my home country whenever I needed.
I started thinking about my options, researching business ideas
that would result in the kind of lifestyle I was looking for - and
Online Marketing won the day. Providing marketing services
online would enable me to service my clients wherever I was
Europe, Africa, or anywhere else for that matter. Not only that,
but I would be able to work for German clients, with German
budgets, in Euro currency, providing me with the means to
enjoy quality of life in South Africa that I am not able to afford in
Germany, with all the flexibility of being my own boss.
Before long I had started doing Local Online Marketing for
German companies, enjoying some success and effectively living
my dream. After some years in Cape Town I needed a change,
so I packed my bags, my laptop and my client portfolio and
headed off to travel the world again and visit places I had always
wanted to see or had not been to for a couple of years.
I have travelled South East Asia, South America and much of
Europe doing what I love best: kite surfing, learning new
languages and meeting new people, all made possible by
continuing to work with my clients clients who receive the

same quality of service from me no matter where I am, what

time of day it is or whether I have spent the morning kite surfing
or sitting on a crowded commuter train.
Make no mistake, achieving a true location-independent
lifestyle has been harder than I could have ever imagined at the
outset. I had many valuable lessons to learn along the way.
However, now I have got there, I can say it was worth the highs,
the lows and all the effort a hundred times over!
Whenever I do meet like-minded souls, we still share our mutual
amazement that there arent more people out there using their
skills and client base to live a location-independent lifestyle,
rather than choosing the more traditional work/vacation or
work/sabbatical route.
It may not be feasible, or even advisable to go on travelling for
forever. However, we all have dreams to discover new places
we have always wanted to visit and theres no better way to do
so than to travel without time limit, knowing that you dont
have to be back in the office in a week or two.
If you are considering taking your virtual business around the
world, I hope this book will give you the inspiration to pursue
your dream, as well as providing a valuable reference tool to get
you started on choosing your destinations.
Starting out may be the hardest part, so I have selected each of
the destinations in this book carefully to provide you with some
great options for quality of life at minimum cost. You never


know, you might even be able to save a bit of money while

The key to live and work anywhere is simple: choose a locationindependent job that you can carry out from anywhere; select
your destinations carefully; and reduce or eliminate your fixed
costs in your home country. These three simple steps will set
you up to experience a lifestyle that most people only dream
about. The rest is simple. Buy your first plane ticket, ensure you
can achieve a constant income of at least $1,000 a month and
be prepared to have the time of your life as you visit some of
the truly amazing destinations featured in this book.
Enjoy, keep me posted on your progress and dont forget to LIKE
Webworktravel on Facebook for more updates on Digital
Nomad Travel!
Enjoy your journey!
Johannes Volkner |

Update 2.0 Notes

This is the first major
update for the
Webworktravel guide.
After travelling in Asia (Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia,
Indonesia) recently, I felt
there is a real need for
new destinations. I also
added the Destination
Overviews for all
destinations. It will help you to find out essential things about a
new destination without having to read the whole article.
The overviews also include some recommended resources and
direct links to accommodation options which are always a good
indicator on the current price situation in the specific
I also added some favourite destinations based on interest and
a chapter on the most essential skills you need to learn to be
able to work from anywhere; I hope you like it!
In future versions I would like to include more of your feedback
in this guide so I am offering product lifetime updates for any
reader who contributes to improve this guide. Read more about
this in the final chapter.



IMPORTANT: Destination info on Cost of Living

Each destination contains a short summary about the cost of
living. In order to understand the pricing better, please read the
following info for each index.
Example Cost of Living Info
Night in Hostel: $5
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $550
Price Index for a Night in Hostel
The figure quoted relates to the average price for a night in a
hostel usually the best accommodation option when you
arrive at a new destination. Remember though that this price is
based on the fact that you have to share your room with other
travellers. The exception to this is South East Asia, where
hostels are less common and you will usually get a private room
for the price mentioned.
Short-term hostels are usually the cheapest option and a great
place to meet people and get to know your new destination.
Price Index for Small Apartments
The price index for small apartments is an average long-term
rate for 1-2 bedroom apartments in popular tourist areas for a
period of 1-3 months. To be able to stay within the minimum
budget (mentioned below) you would have to share the
apartment with someone else or simply move into your own


room in a shared apartment, which is usually even cheaper than

spending nights in dorm rooms in hostels.
Finding good apartments that offer long-term rates can be a bit
tricky though. Please read the article: Tips for finding cheap
long-term accommodation in the resources chapter for further
Pricing Index for Inexpensive Meals
The food index shows you how much you would pay for an
inexpensive meal in a restaurant. It is another good indicator of
how much value for money you can get at your destination.
Eating out in Europe is a lot more expensive than in the other
destinations mentioned, so you would have to cook for yourself
more often or eat street food to stay within budget.
Price Index for Minimum Budget
The minimum budget is a suggestion of the minimum monthly
funds you should have available in order to stay on location. It
includes basic living in shared apartments or long term rates in
hostels. 70 meals and enough pocket money for two day trips
and the odd night out.
Things that are not included in the minimum budget: Car rentals
(useful in locations such as Cape Town), excessive partying (can
become expensive in places like Indonesia) and excessive use of
cabs instead of local transport.
Also remember that accommodation prices change in peak


When to go where in Asia
Most of Asia enjoys a tropical and sub-tropical climate but it is
such a huge continent that climate conditions can vary
enormously accordingly to geographical location and season.
High summer season on the South East Asian mainland
countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Burma
generally runs from November to March, when temperatures
are comfortable and rains sparse. This is the time to head to
Thailand, not just for its favourable climate, but also for its high
season festivals such as Loi Krathong.
The best time to visit most of Thailand is between November
and February, because it rains the least and is not too hot. This
period is also Thailands main season for festivals, like Loi
Krathong. After this North-eastern and Central Thailand get too
hot for comfort, although visiting Chiang Mai and the Northern
provinces is still an option. The rainy season kicks in from July to
October but this shouldnt rule Thailand out of the Digital
Nomads itinerary as the rains are offset by the lush greenery of
the landscape, lower prices and fewer crowds.
Vietnam offers greater variation still, with the far north prone to
frosts and snow during the rains and temperatures in the far
south rising to over 40C in the dry season. Two monsoons
means twice the trouble in Vietnam, so to be sure of
comfortable conditions whether you are in Ho Chi Minh City or
Hanoi, stick to April, May or October. Also try to avoid Tet, the
Vietnamese New Year, which takes place in late January/early

February. While the festivities sound intriguing in theory, in

practice Tet stands for big crowds, high prices and overstretched infrastructure.
The Monsoon season really kicks in across much of the
continent from June to August, when high temperatures, high
humidity, high winds, typhoons and cyclones are the order of
the day.
Thankfully, Indonesia and Malaysia escape the monsoon at that
time, giving you the perfect opportunity to travel to Indonesia
or Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur offers some fun exploration while
the Balinese towns and resorts continue to provide beach life,
culture and a touch of glamour within affordable backpacker
March is the best time to visit Kathmandu in Nepal as trekking in
the foothills of the Himalayas is best at that time of year.


Cost of living in Asia

As a general rule, the Asian continent represents the best value
for money for a Digital Nomad looking to stretch their hardearned dollars as far as possible. There are of course significant
differences from one country to the next, and within countries
themselves, depending on whether you are looking for an
urban, beach or rural setting. But no matter which of our Asian
destinations you choose, $1,000 per month will deliver you all
your necessities, a decent standard of living and memories that
will stay with you for a lifetime.
Aside from its obvious geographic delights, one of the real
beauties of Asia is its food. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
Indonesia, India, Nepal, the Philippinesall are legendary for
their fragrant spices, exotic ingredients and a lightness that
defies the piling-on of travellers pounds. Stick to the local
cuisine and make the most of tasty street food and your dollars
will stretch far.
Hanoi is Asias cheapest city - certainly amongst the major urban
destinations, though as a general rule Vietnam, Cambodia and
Laos all offer excellent value for money. A Digital Nomad can
enjoy a fine standard of living in any of these countries for just
$600. Even the major Thai urban centers such as Bangkok and
Chiang Mai offer great city benefits without a costly price tag to
There are some Asian cities that should be included in this guide
as they really are up there with the leaders on the world stage
major urban centers such as Singapore and Hong Kong. But
while they are definitely worth a visit their costs sadly make

them prohibitively expensive for Digital Nomads looking to eke

out their budgets and for this reason they are not included in
this guide. Try Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai for better value for
money and similar experiences instead.
There are also differences between the island destinations
throughout Asia, but there are some real gems just waiting to
be discovered. With a little careful planning even the more
developed islands such as Ko Samui in Thailand and Bali in
Indonesia can still be enjoyed on a Digital Nomads budget. If
you are after all the benefits of beach life, sophistication and
the chance to get some work done in paradise, all for under
$1000 a month, these are the places for you. Go to the
Philippines less touristy islands (except Boracay) if you want to
stretch your budget even further.


Asian Destinations
Cambodia, Phnom Penh Asian hub offering great value
for money
Phnom Penh is Cambodias capital and largest city. Located at
the point where the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers meet, Phnom
Penh also represents the meeting point of Cambodias past and
present, its rich and its poor, as well as its culture and its
Digital Nomads come here for the countrys individuality, for its
temples, museum and for the Royal Palace. They long to
discover the South East Asia that prompted them to jump on a
plane in the first place. Phnom Penh is varied and inexpensive,
chaotic and fun.
Things to see and do
Phnom Penh is a hectic sprawl of colonial buildings, temples,
wide walkways, bustling markets and a beautiful riverfront
walkway dotted with eateries and bars, popular with expats and
Phnom Penh is edgier than many South East Asian cities and the
riverfront has developed something of a reputation as a tourist
target for theft and attacks recently. However, so far it has
retained its popularity and is also heavily populated by
Cambodians, especially at sunset, when they flock there to
enjoy the cool breeze and party atmosphere the area adopts.
There are a number of weekend trips from Phnom Penh worth
considering. Further afield Sihanoukville, Battambang, Siem

Reap and
Angkor are
all within a
few hours
reach and
Kampot, Kep
and Bokor
Park are
options. The city also provides good onward travel options to
Vietnam via Chau Doc on the Vietnamese/Cambodian border.
Phnom Penh boasts an interesting, sophisticated and
mouthwatering mix of Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian and
Cambodian cuisine with a few French bistros thrown in for good
measure. This is the place to sit down and sample some
culinary treats as well as backpacker staples. Most restaurants
are located in the riverfront area, where youll also find a
number of stalls remember, this is Asia, so be selective when
eating from these.
Nightlife is buzzing with plenty of bars and clubs, which are
great fun despite their slight edge. There are also a good many
hostess bars catering to foreigners but beware around one in
eight of Cambodias female sex workers is HIV positive and
there are plenty of them working Phnom Penh.


Destination Overview
Good to know
Accommodation ranges from budget hostels right up to budgetbusting 5-star luxury hotels. Most have Wi-Fi with speed and
reliability being about standard for South East Asia. If you prefer
to get out and about for your online requirements, there are
plenty of Internet cafs to choose from instead.

Pros & Cons

+Cultural Hub in Asia
+One of the cheapest capitals in Asia
+Great value for money
- Prostitution
- Petty crime

Bag snatching is on the rise and western women are particularly

targeted. Let common sense prevail: if you dont carry a bag it
cant be snatched, but if you cant do without one, try to keep it
out of sight and out of reach.

Learn & Do
Volunteer work, museums, temples, cooking courses, shooting
ranges, spas, weekend trips to temples & beaches
Get things done
Caf: Bloom Cafe
Coworking: Coworking CoLab
Coworking: SmallWorld
Travel Resources
Video: A journey through Phnom Penh
Budget Accommodation
Cost of Living Phnom Penh
Night in Hostel: $5
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $500



Cambodia, Sihanoukville Cheap alternative to Thai

Sihanoukville, or Snooky as it is affectionately referred to by
aficionados, is an excellent option for Digital Nomads seeking a
cheaper and less well-travelled destination to Thailand. Nestled
on the coast of Cambodia, this stunning seaside town is not as
crowded as many of its Thai counterparts and is a great option
for some rest and relaxation. Come to Sihanoukville to immerse
yourself in the expansive white sands and cobalt blue waters,
discover its coastline peppered with lush greenery and
undeveloped tropical islands.
Things to see and do
If you are a scuba diving fan, Sihanoukville is the place for you.
Its many offshore islands are home to a plethora of coral and
fish, all waiting to be discovered. The towns thriving port area
is the departure point for all of Cambodias dive boats and there
are four PADI dive centers located in the port itself. Youll find
plenty of diving available within a day trip, the main sites being
at Ko Rong Samloem, 14 miles off shore, and some shallow
diving at Ko Tas is available a little closer to the port. For divers
with some experience it is well worth taking the overnight trip
to Ko Tang Island, 35 miles from Sihanoukville, where the
visibility in the crystal waters is double to what you will find at
the nearer sites. Snorkelling and game fishing trips are also
available and for an alternative taste of Cambodian culture,
several dive schools offer overnight trips that combine diving
with a visit to a Khmer fishing village, where you can experience
a traditional way of life.

Back in
town, a
string of
beaches line
the western
flank of the
city from
North to
South, from
Victory, Lamherkay, Ko Pos and Independence to Sokha,
Serendipity, Ochheuteal and Otres.
All provide the perfect backdrop for enjoying a cold bottle of
Angkor, the Cambodian national beer that is brewed in the
town. All the beaches, especially Ochheuteal, offer plenty of
food stalls and restaurants serving snacks of grilled meats, fish
and seafood.
Sihanoukville has a surprisingly diverse selection of bars and
restaurants that cater well for the Digital Nomads budget and
blend a variety of local and international cuisine.
Many of the guesthouses and hotels have internet access and
more and more are offering free Wi-Fi as part of their package.
Good to know
Getting around in Sihanoukville is easy. Although the beaches
are a little too spread out to be fully accessible on foot you can
move about very easily using one of the bike taxis that feature
in abundance. Standard price is $1 and they will usually be
happy to pile on an extra body and luggage for no extra cost.


Medical services
here are basic
with the best
services on offer
at the CT Clinic.
This is the only
clinic deemed
trustworthy by
the expat
population that
lives in
Sihanoukville. Avoid the public hospital at all costs!
All in all though, for Digital Nomads looking for a base to work,
explore and enjoy some fun and relaxation in and out of the
water, Sihanoukville certainly ticks plenty of boxes.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ less crowded beaches than in Thailand
+ cheaper than neighbouring beach destinations
- off bit of the beaten track
Learn & Do
diving, snorkelling, volunteer work, nightlife, get things done
Get things done
The Look Bar
Grand Sihanoukville Hotel
Mikes & Craigs Restaurant
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation
Video: Sihanoukville Cambodia
20 Things to do in Beijing that are not on your guidebook
Cost of Living Sihanoukville
Night in Hostel: $7
Small Apartment p/m: $250
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $450



China, Beijing Explore the real China

Beijing is a beguiling mix of ancient China, communist paranoia
and sparkling, powerful modernity. It is the perfect stop for a
Digital Nomad looking for a taste of the real China.
Visit Beijing to see the Great Wall of China, watch the Beijing
Opera or tread the paths of the 2008 Olympic athletes.
Things to see and do
Start your visit to Beijing by meandering through its broad,
modern streets to get a feel for the energy and diversity that
the city offers. Explore the Hutongs, Beijings ancient alleyways,
where you will find hidden architectural treasures dating back
some 700 800 years to the Yuan dynasty. Inhabited by
aristocrats until the 1949 Communist take-over, many buildings
have since been handed over to the poor and are now facing
demolition to make way for new development.
Performing arts play a major role in Beijings cultural calendar.
You can spend your weekends visiting the Beijing Opera, the
most famous venue in China for traditional opera. Other great
places to watch are at the Huguang Theatre and the Lao She
Teahouse in the Xuanwu District or at the Changan Grand
Theatre in Dongcheng. The new complex at the National Center
for the Performing Arts, specialising in opera, music and theatre
is also worth a visit.
English is not widely spoken here though since the Olympic
games of 2008 representatives at the major tourist spots have
become more proficient. Unless you have conversational
Mandarin it is wise to have your destination names written

down in
Chinese to
give to taxi
drivers and
note down
any other
useful words
or phrases.
There are
many expats
working as
English language teachers in Beijing where the industry is
thriving to meet the booming demands of commerce and
tourism. Finding a job is relatively easy. Bear this in mind, in
case you get into trouble with your travelling budget. An English
language teaching qualification is required in theory though in
practice schools are falling all over themselves to employ native
English speakers. It is worth taking steps to ensure that your
school is officially registered to ensure you meet visa regulations
as this has been known to be a problem.
Beijing is a short ride from some of the most famous sections of
the Great Wall of China. Badaling is located an hours distance
from the city, but it has become crowded in recent years. To
appreciate the Wall at its best it is worth travelling a little
further afield to Jinshanling or Huanghuacheng or Smatai. Bear
in mind the weather at the wall is more extreme than in the city
so bring sleeves in winter and plenty of fluids in summer.


If you plan to eat

well and cheaply in
Beijing, street food
is generally
excellent and very
cheap, with savoury
pancakes being a
popular option.
Good to know
Beijing offers good high speed internet connections. Bear in
mind though, the Internet in China is under censorship;
therefore, keeping in touch with your friends and family via
Facebook might be a problem as it is one of the many sites that
is blocked. There are ways, however, to bypass the system.
Beijing is extremely safe and violent crime is rare, but do watch
out for scams around the tourist areas, especially in the inner
city around Tiananmen Square. Air pollution is considerable,
which is something to bear in mind if this is a problem for you.
Driving style here is unique, so take care when crossing the
roads. Otherwise, relax and enjoy your visit to the other side of
the modern world.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ The cultural hub of China
+ Amazing to get to know the Chinese culture
+ Good expat community (English language teachers)
- Internet roadblocks
- basic Chinese required / not much English spoken
Learn & Do
learn Chinese, volunteer work, immerse in Chinese culture,
visit Great Wall of China, nightlife
Get things done
Caf Garage
Beijing's best WIFI Cafs
Coworking: BURO.Asia
Coworking: Bright Sparks
Travel Resources
Beijing Tourism Website
Video: EF - Live the Language
Budget Accommodation in Beijing
Cost of Living Beijing
Night in Hostel: $9
Small Apartment p/m: $700
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $850



China, Shanghai Be inspired

by modern China
Shanghai is the face of modern
china and is a must-see
destination for a Digital Nomad.
Even if time is limited, squeeze in
a short stay to experience the
sheer scale and dynamism of this
city that is leading the way in Chinas emergence as a worldleading nation.
The city has a cosmopolitan feel. Towering modern architecture
dominates the skyline in Shanghai, but take the time to explore
in between and you will still stumble across a delightful array of
shiny temples, bustling street markets and classical Chinese
Things to see and do
Take a wander along Shanghais Nanjing Road, Chinas premier
shopping street, for budget-busting high-end boutiques. A more
affordable and equally fun alternative is the Yuyuan Bazaar for
Chinese crafts and jewellery.
Dont leave Shanghai without visiting a tea house at least once.
Delight in the bewildering array of teas on offer along with
traditional Chinese delicacies, many of which are included free
of charge.


A river tour is a great way to see the city from another

perspective and the views from the water are both dramatic
and picturesque.
As a coastal city Shanghai offers a wonderful combination of
urban and beach location. Take a trip out to the Jinshan City
Beach on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay for great scenery and
beachside entertainment to get a taste of Chinas history and
culture or take a visit to one of Shanghais many temples.
Jinshan Donglin temple is over 700 years old and has been
painstakingly renovated to its magnificent former glory. It is also
the holder of several Guinness World Records!
English speakers are still scarce in China although there are
more here in Shanghai than in other cities on the mainland, so
having some basic phrases to help you get by is a good idea.
Have your destination address written down in Chinese for taxi
drivers, along with any key words or phrases that will help with
hotels, shops and restaurants; staff at the major tourist
attractions and higher end hotels will usually have some level of


Enrol at an accredited
language school for some
Mandarin lessons and the
chance to meet some
fellow expats or travelers.
Good to know
Major brand supermarkets
are dotted throughout the
city, giving you an opportunity to stock up on some home
comforts at relatively low cost. Purchase a Shanghai Jiaotong
travel card when you arrive to save your budget and give you
plenty of freedom to get about during your stay.
Crime is rare here other than the usual pickpocketing and bike
theft but be careful during Chinese New Year, when crowds are
at their worst.
Air pollution is a problem and tap water, even when boiled,
should be avoided. Stick to bottled mineral water, which is
widely available and you should not have any problems.
Business communications are excellent in Shanghai and Wi-Fi
widely available, making it an excellent choice for digital
nomads on the move. Remember that Internet use in China is
censored and you may not always be able to access sites that
you need to, however, there are ways around this for those in
the know.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ modern China at its best
+ cosmopolitan city at reasonable prices
- air pollution is a problem
Learn & Do
shopping, Marshal arts, cooking, taking tea, learn Chinese, get
to know modern China & get things done
Get things done
Coworking: Xindanwei
Popular Free Wi-Fi Cafes
Free WIFI at Starbucks
Travel Resources
Video: Shanghai in Motion (Shot on IPhone)
Budget Accommodation in Shanghai
Mandarin Chinese Language School
Cost of Living Shanghai
Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $850
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


India, Palolem Beach destination with great Goan

If you are a Digital Nomad in search of beaches, nightlife, an ok
Internet connection and cheap food, look no further than
Palolem on the southern coast of Goa. Palolem is no longer the
unspoiled beach paradise it once was. It is now filled with
restaurants, beach huts, music and rickety shacks protruding
from the jungle, which is how it earned its name the
alternative Glastonbury. However, it still remains one of the
most beautiful beaches in Goa with a natural bay fringed by
palm trees; it is surrounded by towering headlands on each side,
forming a wide, gently sloping beach of pristine white sand.
Things to see and do
Palolems center is based around a main street where bars,
restaurants, rental shops and travel agencies cluster together
vying for custom. It is easily navigated on foot though mopeds
and bicycles are popular for heading to beach areas out of town.
Rickshaws and taxis are also available for short hops or
venturing further afield.
Life here is laid back and focused on little more than where to
bathe, where to eat and where to drink. The easy option is to
find a space on Palolem Beach and plot there for the duration
but it is well worth exploring to make the most of the beauty of
the area. Butterfly Island is a popular destination at low tide
when you can reach it via a rock crossing, or try taking a boat to
one of the more secluded beaches, inaccessible by land. Time
your trip so you are returning at sunset for some worthwhile,

magical dolphin
spotting. Try
taking a moped
or taxi to Karwar
or Agonda for
some quieter
further off the
beaten track.
Away from the beach there are some lovely trips including the
Dudhsagar Falls, the Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary and the local
spice farms or, if you feel like you need something a bit more
spiritual, check in at one of the yoga workshops for a spot of
relaxation and reflection.
The cuisine in Palolem has earned a reputation for catering to
Western tastes; however, most restaurants serve a mixture of
international and Indian food with some superb curries and rotis
being included on just about every menu. Fish features heavily
and will invariably have been freshly caught, making it a great
and cost-effective option.
Most of the eating and drinking takes place right on the beach
at Palolem. The legendary Goa parties are now all but extinct
but the town is still lively and its bars and restaurants are good
places for hanging out, drinking local Kings Beer and meeting
fellow travelers. The Silent Noise Parties are an entirely
different experience. Gather with the crowds, pick up a wireless


headphone set, tune in to one of several channels on offer and

dance the night away under the stars.
Good to know
There are plenty of
beach shacks along
the length of
Palolem beach
offering a costeffective and
relaxing way to
spend your time.
Stick to the left hand
side of the beach away from the bars to benefit from a good
nights sleep. Most will have mosquito nets but it is worth
bringing your own to be sure of one without holes in. Do check
your hut before you hand over your cash to be sure the bed
linen has been changed and the hut cleaned. You will be
expected to haggle over the price of your room and generally
the more temporary it looks the cheaper it should be. More
robust rooms are found around the main street, though they
will be more expensive and not necessarily more comfortable.
For cheaper options it is worth considering staying a bit further
afield at Agonda.
All in all Palolem is cheap and relaxing. The only danger facing
you here is the possibility that you may not want to leave again.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ one of the most beautiful beaches in Goa
+ live is a lot less stressful compared to other parts of India
- becoming too touristy
Learn & Do
diving, kayaking, canyoning, nightlife, yoga workshops, variety
of day trips, fishing, massages, reiki, thai chi
Get things done
Caf Inn Palolem (Facebook)
Travel Resources
Video: Pure Palolem
Budget Accommodation in Palolem (Goa)
Cost of Living Palolem
Night in Hostel: $3
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $450


Indonesia, Gili Trawangan A great alternative to touristy Bali

The small Gili archipelago consists of three breath-taking
islands, fringed with white sand and the turquoise waters of the
Indonesian sea. Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan make the
perfect alternative to the far more touristy Bali.
Digital Nomads will love Gili Trawangan for its beach caf
culture, numerous scuba sites and partying until dawn.
Things to see and do
Motorized transport is banned on all the Islands, with horsedrawn carts, push bikes and a good old pair of legs providing the
only means of getting about. As the Islands are only a few
kilometres across at their widest points this is certainly no
hardship and makes for a comfortably relaxed and laid-back
Hopping between the Islands on a Koperasi ferry is easy and
cheap although they are relatively infrequent, so check the
schedules before you set out. If there is a group of you it is often
cost effective to charter one to take you across privately. The
distances between the islands are deceptive and the currents
fierce so dont be tempted to cross under your own steam as
you are sure to come a cropper.
Diving is one of the main draws on the Islands and there are
several dive operators on Gili Trawangan offering PADI courses
and a range of trips to exciting dive sites suitable for all abilities.
There is enough marine life here to satisfy experienced divers
including black and white tip sharks, turtles, moray eels, and
eagle rays to name just a few, while novices will rapidly find

their sea legs diving the

many shallow walls,
slopes and plateaux
just off shore. The
Gilis exposed position
makes them perfect for
trying your hand at
drift diving.
If you prefer something
a bit less energetic, the
Islands are the perfect place just to hang out, relax on the beach
and watch the world go by or write a book. Chartering a boat
and skipper for a day with a group of friends is a great way of
getting a change of scene and visiting the other Islands in this
little archipelago. Pack your snorkelling kit, take a good book
and relax on deck, stopping off for a walk around the Birk Park
on Gili Meno before heading to Gili Air for lunch.
Food features strongly in Island life and the quality is generally
excellent. Barbecued fish is a firm favourite and pizzas baked in
the many wood-fired ovens are delicious. Gili Trawangan has
become much more sophisticated in recent years and offers
plenty of high quality Western-style food in addition to the
delicious Indonesian fare.
If you want to eat cheaply make sure you head to the night
market offering a great variety of fresh fish or eat at the local
warungs close by.


Gili Trawangan
has been wellknown as a
party island
since the
although the
scene has
become a little
upmarket in
recent years.
Good to know
Given the limited size of the Islands accommodation is in
relatively short supply and consequently prices tend to be a
little higher than on rival islands Bali or Lombok. The Islands still
cater well to backpackers with plenty of budget-style
accommodation as well as more comfortable upmarket options
on Gili Trawangan. It is usually possible to negotiate good prices
for longer stays, but do clarify whether the prices you are being
quoted include taxes and breakfast.
Internet options are pretty widespread but speeds match the
Islands pace of life slow and relaxed. Head for the restaurants
and bars on the beach at Gili Trawangan for free Wi-Fi in a
sublime setting. USB modems and SIMs on the Telko networks
work relatively well here and sometimes provide a 3G
connection so consider buying one on the mainland before you
travel to the Islands.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ Lovely beach paradise short boat ride from Bali
+ No cars, no dogs just cats
+ Turtle capital of the world
+ Perfect getaway from Bali
- Internet can be a bit slow here
Learn & Do
snorkelling with turtles, diving, surfing, party til dawn, beach
Get things done
Gili Divers Restaurant
Scallywags Bar
Travel Resources
Gili Paradise Website
Budget Accommodation Gili Trawangan
Cost of Living Gili Trawangan
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Indonesia, Kuta Lombok Laid-back surfers paradise

Kuta has only just begun to stick its head above the parapet and
feature on the itineraries of the knowledgeable backpacker. It is
home to some of the most spectacular scenery in Indonesia and
as yet is almost entirely unspoiled by the ravages of tourism and
It is at once a surfers paradise and a laid-back beach-lovers
dream and is the perfect place for a Digital Nomad to stop off
on their travels through South East Asia.
Things to see and do
Despite its growing popularity Kuta has not lost its sleepy,
natural charm. The economy revolves primarily around fishing
and the local residents remain largely untouched by the tourism
that surrounds them. They are exceptionally welcoming to the
islands many visitors who will delight in exploring the rugged
dirt roads of the compact village on foot.
Motorbikes with riders, known as Ojeks and Bemos, small pickup trucks, are the most common form of transport here. Ojeks
are significantly more straightforward than navigating the
complex Bemo system, although the latter certainly provide a
real feel for the tradition and colour of the local culture.
The area around Kuta offers some stunning beaches, generally
considered to be some of the best in Indonesia. Kuta Beach
itself has plenty of accommodation and restaurants and is a
central hangout for visitors.
The real draw of Kuta is its surfing, with world-class shore, reef
and point breaks to be found all along the coast. Pantai Seger

makes for a good choice for experienced surfers and offers the
added benefit of a lovely sunset view from the hill behind. Mawi
is another great option, as is Mawun with its crystal clear water
and powder white sand. Mawun is a good bet for mixed groups,
providing plenty of safe waters for swimmers and good waves
for surfers. Real enthusiasts should head to Gerupuk, the most
popular break in Kuta and hire a boatman to take you out to the
breaks offshore.
Sport fishing is a fun day out and can be organised directly with
one of the local wooden outriggers moored on Kuta beach.
Away from the water, try the three-day trek to Mount Rinjani,
one of Indonesias highest mountains, taking in the crater lake,
hot springs and magnificent views across the rolling hills of
For such a small village Kuta offers plenty of options, from
traditional Indonesian snacks and meals to a range of
international cuisine served in the many beach bars and


restaurants. The beach bars come into their own at night,

representing the highlight of the islands relaxed but lively night
Good to know
Kuta offers a range of accommodation from basic beach
bungalows and guesthouses to the four-star Novotel. Most of
the accommodation is located along the beach strip on the edge
of the village. Rack rates are fully negotiable, especially in low
season when there is usually a surplus of accommodation.
Free Wi-Fi is offered by many restaurants here. Head to Magic
Bar for one of the fastest internet connections. Generally
though, the Internet can be slow here. So do not expect to get a
lot of work done, if you need to browse a lot.
Kuta is exceptionally safe and generally free of crime but do
watch out for bike theft on the more remote beaches. It is
worth paying one of the willing local lads to watch your bike
while you surf to avoid a long walk home and a hefty bill from
the bike rental shop.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ world-class surf
+ vibe like Bali used to be many years ago
+ stunning scenery & amazing beaches
- infrastructure not as good as in Bali
Learn & Do
surfing, snorkelling, fishing & get things done
Get things done
Magic Lounge Bar
The Spot Bungalows
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Kuta Lombok
Cost of Living Kuta Lombok
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Indonesia, Seminyak A Digital Nomads dream

Seek and ye shall find
And whatever it is, Digital Nomads will almost certainly find it
in Bali.
This stunning Indonesian islands reputation as a world-wide
tourist destination is well-deserved. Visitors flock here in droves
to sup cold beers in its mellow beach towns, surf the foaming
breakers, party until dawn to the tunes of world class DJs, trek
the mountains and volcanoes of the islands interior, enjoy the
rich international cuisine, retreat to a yoga sanctuary or just
wrap themselves in the 5-star luxury of a boutique hotel.
Seminyak has evolved over the past 10 years to become Balis
principal high-end destination. It has become increasingly busy
as a result and through continued development has all but
swallowed up the nearby villages of Petitenget, Umalas and
Kerobokan. But despite its crowds it is still the destination of
choice for many long-term visitors and has plenty of affordable
accommodation options if you choose to base yourself there.
Things to see and do
Balis palm-fringed coastline plays host to some of the best
diving and surfing in the world.
Thanks to the number of high-end hotels in Seminyak, the beach
is actually quieter here than in some of the other popular
towns. There is some surfing here but it is more a place to chill

out in front of one of the

high-end beach hotels and
people-watch. Stay for the
end of the day as sunsets
here are famous.
For the best surf however,
head south down the sands
to Kuta beach where roller after roller curves its way up the
white sand beach. Kuta is a major tourist destination in its own
right. Loud and proud, it is popular for noisy bars and knock-off
Bali is a relatively small island and it is possible to drive around
its entire coast in a day. Hire a car or motorbike and dont leave
without exploring the inland area, meandering slowly through
the lush vegetation of the jungle, terraced rice fields and
towering volcanic peaks.
Perhaps Balis best-known attractions are its numerous Hindu
temples located in every single village across the island. The
nine Directional Temples are the largest and are located
strategically across Bali to provide protection for the island and
its people. The mother temple of Besakih on the slopes of the
Agung Mountain is the most important and well worth a look
Back in town, Seminyak is a shoppers paradise. If you are
looking to bust your budget or just window shop, youll find row
upon row of boutiques, art studios and designer names. Once
you have shopped to your hearts content, rest your weary legs
and book in for a massage and spa treatment at one of the
towns 5-star establishments. Pampering in such a sophisticated


setting comes at a price but will still be around half the price of
the same treatment at home.
Seminyak comes
to life at night.
Some of the
worlds best
chefs can be
found cooking
here and it is
your budget at
least once on a
quality meal.
Good to know
If your funds wont stretch to luxury, fear not. Seminyak is still
affordable on a budget and is highly popular with Digital
Nomads who come here to enjoy its party atmosphere,
pumping surf and traditional Indonesian culture.
Bali is generally safe despite concerns following the terrorist
bomb attacks of 2002 and 2005. In truth the roads pose more of
a threat on an everyday basis than the threat of further terrorist
attack. Drug use is rife on the island but the government is
cracking down hard. Several high-profile tourist arrests have
taken place and harsh prison sentences are the norm. Steer
clear and you will have no problems.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ very good infrastructure
+ great variety of restaurants & lively beach bars
+ best place in Asia too meet expats of all walks of live
- most expensive part of Bali (Kuta and Legian nearby are
Learn & Do
shopping, spas, surfing, yoga, eating out, exploring Bali
Get things done
Grocer & Grind
Seacircus Bali
Blue Ocean (Legian)
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Seminyak
Cost of Living Seminyak
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000



Indonesia, Tuk-tuk The place to get things done on Lake

Lake Toba was created around 75,000 years ago by the eruption
of a super volcano. Perched right in the middle of the lake is
Samosir Island where you will find the village of Tuk-tuk.
Situated well above sea level, the climate is a lot less humid
than in most Asian destinations, making it the perfect yearround destination for working, relaxing and breaking up your
travels between Thailand and Indonesia.
Lake Toba was a backpackers haven in the 1990s until Thailand
stole its fame. Sumatras increasing reputation for being an
island prone to natural disasters such as tsunami, volcanic
eruptions and flash floods resulted in a further decline of
Thanks to its former popularity, Tuk-tuk has a decent
infrastructure already in place but is lacking the visitor numbers
to make the most of it. Tourism is slowly increasing but due to
the surplus of rooms it remains one of the best value-for-money
destinations in South East Asia - adding the beautiful setting its
a fantastic place to get things done and focus for a while.
Things to see and do
Just like many other places in Asia the area around Tuk-tuk is
best explored by hiring a motorbike. Drive from the peninsula to
the main road, turn left and you will be able to enjoy the
spectacular views of the lake as you drive along the fascinating

Batak Graves and through villages with children waving at you

along the way.
If you do not feel like going on day trips, simply relax and enjoy
a swim in the lake or ask one of the friendly local Batak people
to teach you to play guitar. The same group of people usually
hosts concerts in one or other of the bars almost every night
and you cannot fail to be impressed by their musical expertise.
If you are looking for more adventure, try leaving Lake Toba for
a couple of days to climb the volcanoes or see the orangutans in
the wild in the Gunung Leuser National park. The best way to
find out about these trips is to ask in your guesthouse or at one
of the many travel agencies in town.
Good to know
When you start researching how to get to Tuk-tuk many guides
will tell you about the bad condition of the roads around


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ fantastic scenery in mild climate
+ great value for money due lack of tourists
+ perfect place to focus and get things done
- not much to do, might become boring soon
Sumatra and how long it takes to get to Lake Toba. While this is
certainly true for some parts of Sumatra, the roads between
Medan and Samosir Island are brand new. Take a plane to
Medan and arrange your trip from there and you will find that
Tuktuk is infinitely accessible. Once you arrive in Medan the
guesthouses will be able to help you organize a seat with one of
the many cab companies that go to Lake Toba every day.


Learn & Do
scooter tours, swimming, playing guitar, reading a book
Stay & Get things done
Carolina Cottages
Samosir Cottages
Cost of Living Tuk-tuk
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $550


Indonesia, Ubud Balis peaceful cultural hub

Perched in the center of the island of Bali, Ubud is a charming
town, a spiritual place that draws you in and keeps you there
long after you intended to move on. It has long formed the hub
of Balis cultural scene. Home to temples and ancient sites, it
morphed into a Mecca for travelers and artists before being
adopted by the rich and famous as a five-star resort destination.
Yet, despite its popularity Ubud has retained much of its
bohemian feel and is a delightful destination for a Digital Nomad
to rest a while and be immersed in Balinese culture.
Things to see and do
Despite its appearance as one town Ubud is in fact a cohesive
collection of fourteen individual small villages, each boasting an
array of temples and ancient sites and joined together as much
through rice paddies and winding paths as the sprawling resort
developments that radiate out for some 5km in each direction
from the central market.
The streets of Ubud offer a more tranquil alternative to the
more urbanized areas of the island. The center of the town is
easily explored on foot but many of its key attractions are some
way out so you will need to hire bicycles or mopeds to get the
most out of your time here. Ubud has established itself as a
center for decorative arts and there are several excellent
collections amongst its art museums, which also offer
workshops if you are interested in Balinese art and culture.
Dont visit Ubud without seeing the Goa Gajah Elephant Cave
that dates back to the Ninth Century and has been designated a

UNESCO World Heritage Site. Poet Mountain is another mustsee destination located at Tampaksiring, some 18 kilometres
northeast of the town. Here, nestled at the bottom of a steep
valley swathed with paddy fields and in almost eye-wateringly
beautiful setting, is the burial complex of King Anak Wungsu and
his many wives, with further tombs located another kilometre
If water sports are you thing, head to the Ayung River close to
town for a spot of rafting deep inside the majestic Ayung gorge.
The rapids are best during the rainy season and trips can be
organized through well-established operators located on the
main road at nearby Sayan.


Like Seminyak, Ubud

has an excellent
reputation for its
restaurants, offering a
variety and quality that
rivals major worldwide
destinations. Yet
despite its culinary
finesse there are plenty
of options for budget travelers happy to survive on the delicious
Indonesian staples.
The town operates 10.30 pm curfew on music that is strictly
enforced so if you are looking for busy nightlife, this is not the
place for you. If on the other hand you are looking for a place to
relax over some fine food and a drink or two, you will be well
catered for in Ubud.
Good to know
This is a delightfully safe destination where the only trouble you
are likely to encounter is petty theft by the monkeys in the
nearby Monkey forest. They are experts at snatching handbags
and just about anything that shines!
Internet coverage is widely available, though speeds are still
relatively low, matching the towns relaxed pace of life. Ubud
has many options for accommodation, ranging from five-star
luxury to low budget. If you are planning on staying a while,
head out to one of the nearby rural areas for a low cost room
and a feel for what Ubud is all about.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ peaceful artist village in Bali rice fields
+ good places to focus and get things done
+ cultural hub in Bali
Learn & Do
cooking courses, visit temples & art galleries, art workshops,
white-water rafting, bike tours, yoga classes
Get things done
Clear Caf
Coworking: Hubud
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Ubud
Cost of Living Ubud
Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $650



Indonesia, Yogyakarta Cultural hub of Indonesia with

unique adventures nearby
The popular student city of Yogyakarta, also known as Jogya, is
well known for its arts and crafts, markets, drama and the
famous temples of Borobudur and Prambanan. It is becoming
more and more popular amongst the traveler population and,
while many people only stay for a few days, there are many
reasons to extend your stay and discover what lies beneath the
surface of this vibrant urban center.
Some say Yogyakarta is just like Chiang Mai was 20 years ago
another popular hub for Digital Nomads in the north of Thailand
and to some extent this is true, except for the fact that
Yogyakarta technology advanced in line with its traffic! Both
cities offer great value for money, a unique cultural experience
and a bunch of interesting adventures; while Chiang Mai makes
the perfect base for exploring the delights of northern Thailand,
Yogyakarta makes the ideal hub for any Digital Nomad travelling
around Java, Indonesia.
Things to see and do
To find your bearings in Jogya, start by taking a stroll around
Marliboro the cultural heart of the city. There is some great
shopping for arts and crafts such as batik plus the chance to visit
the Sultan Palace and other historical parts of the city, all of
which will present you with a better understanding of what
Jogya is all about.

The two temples of

Borobudur and
Prambanan, a little
distance from the
city center, make for
an interesting
excursion, while
caving or tubing are
great day trips for
the more
If your nerves and stamina are up to it, consider hiking to the
Top of Mount Merapi, which last erupted in 2010. This is one of
the most active volcanos in the world and reaching the top in
time for sunrise is the experience of a lifetime. Do take a guide
and sensible precautions, including assessing the current
situation, since Mount Merapi is liable to erupt at any time; be
aware that the final hour of the hike, through the eerie moonlike landscape, can be dangerous.
If you plan to spend longer than a few days in Yogyakarta
consider taking a trip to Karimunjawa, an archipelago of 27
picture-perfect paradise islands which you will be likely to have
almost entirely to yourself. It takes a good day of travelling to
reach them but organized tours are available from Jogya and if
you choose your group well you will be in for the time of your
life. Dont expect extensive internet access though, so get any
outstanding work done before you travel!


The nightlife in
Jogya mainly
revolves around
attending one of
the many
universities. There
is always
happening and
going out is a
great way to meet the friendly locals. Just ask around and you
will find people are always happy to tell you whats happening.
Good to know
If you want to base yourself in Jogya for a while but dont feel
like renting an apartment, head for Jalan Prawirotaman or
Tirtudipuran. There you will find plenty of accommodation to
suit your budget as well as some great cafs with free Wi-Fi.
Jogya is generally a very safe city and you can find your way
around at any time of day without incident. Do watch out for
the traffic though there is a lot on the road and motorbikes
come from every direction so take care when crossing the


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ artist & cultural hub in Indonesia
+ fantastic adventures nearby
+ very good value for money
- lots of traffic (like almost everywhere in Indonesia)
Learn & Do
visit temples, art workshops, caving, climb volcanos, yoga
Get things done
Viavia Caf
Travel Resources
Yogyakarta Tourism
Budget Accommodation Yogyakarta
Cost of Living Yogyakarta
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $550


area. Take a
stroll along the
Mekong in the
afternoon and
watch as the
sun sinks into
the water,
etching into
your mind the
memory of

Laos, Luang Prabang Colonial charm & cascading

The small colonial town of Luang Prabang is the former capital
of Laos and a UNESCO World Heritage city. Considered by many
to be the most charming city in Asia, it is a popular destination
for Digital Nomads seeking a warm expat vibe, good food, cheap
accommodation and a sense of peace against the backdrop of
breath-taking scenery.
The best way to arrive at Luang Prabang is by two-day boat ride
down the Mekong River from Huay Xai on the Thai border,
making a stop-over at Pakbeng en route. Lose yourself to your
senses as you emerge from the flower-laden banks of the river
to the glistening temple roofs and colonial architecture which
merge almost imperceptibly with the unique smells and sounds
of this forgotten city.
Things to see and do
Luang Prabang may be highly popular with travelers but a party
destination it is not. An 11.30pm curfew imposes peace on the
city and ensures a good nights sleep. This is a place to come
and relax, regroup and catch up on some of those things youve
been meaning to do for weeks.
The city is best enjoyed on foot, ambling through the clustered
Lao wooden houses that stand side by side with crumbling
French architecture, punctuated by golden-roofed temples such
as the famous Wat Xieng Thong. Visit the Haw Kham Royal
Palace Museum before climbing to the top of Phou Si, the citys
main hill, to take in the view over Luang Prabang and the

one of the most beautiful sunsets imaginable.

Once darkness falls, check out the night market, which features
vendors selling clothing, tea, jewellery and Laotian arts and
crafts and before stopping for cold Beerlao and dinner.
Eating in town is a delight, ranging from traditional Lao dishes
through to quality French cuisine. Most of the restaurants are
centred on the Sisavangvong Road and along the roads towards
the Mekong and Kahn Rivers where a number of market stalls
are also located selling cheaper snacks. Try buffalo sausage for a
traditional taste of Laos!
If you are looking for true natural beauty head out of town to
the Kuang Si Falls - a huge terraced waterfall located some 30
km outside the city and popular with travelers. Check out the
adjacent Bear Rescue Center too, which has an enclosure for
endangered Asiatic Black Bears. The Pak Ou Caves, alternatively
known as the Buddha Caves are also worth a trip as are the
Tad Sae Waterfalls, not as large as the Kuang Si but very


beautiful. Elephant rides are also available here to give you a

different perspective on your surroundings.

Destination Overview

Cooking classes are a popular way to meet people while

learning about Laotian cookery and there are several schools in
town. Your day will include a tour of the food market and
provide a wealth of interesting information about local cuisine
before you sit down to eat the results of your hard efforts.

Pros & Cons

+ fantastic place to focus and get things done
+ inexpensive & peaceful city with village feeling
+ superb setting next to Mekong river
- not much to do once youve ventured around all tourist

Good to know
Luang Prabang offers the most varied accommodation in Laos.
Almost every guesthouse offers free Wi-Fi.

Learn & Do
read a book, enjoy good food, visit waterfalls & temples
and get things done

The city is exceptionally safe and theft and other problems

experienced by tourists are rare. It is a hidden gem though how
long it will remain so is uncertain as it bows to pressure to
embrace the growing package tourist market from nearby China
and beyond. Go and visit soon while its charm is still intact.

Get things done

Joma Bakery Cafe
Riverloft Restaurant
Travel Resources
Tourism Luang Prabang
Video: I love LP
Budget Accommodation Luang Prabang
Cost of Living Luang Prabang
Night in Hostel: $6
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $450



Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Explore modern Malaysia

Home to some of the worlds cheapest luxury hotels, superb
shopping and world-class food, Kuala Lumpur is high on the
travellers list of must-visit Southeast Asian destinations.
Malaysias capital city is a melting pot of different cultures, a
place where several million native Malays, Chinese, Indians and
British colonials have created one of the most Asian of Asian
This is the perfect destination for a Digital Nomad in search of
an authentic Asian experience in a buzzing urban setting, with
affordable accommodation, a highly-developed infrastructure
and super-fast Internet facilities.
Things to see and do
From its very architecture one can see that Kuala Lumpur is a
city bursting with contrasts, a place where temples and
traditional houses jostle side by side with modern malls and
world-famous landmarks such as the World Trade Center and
the Petronas Twin Towers.
At the very heart of Kuala Lumpur lies its colonial center, home
to the famous Kerdeka Square and the citys Chinatown, while
the high-class area to the Northeast is known as the Golden
Triangle and is where most of the modern malls and top end
hotels are located. The famous Petronas Twin Towers are also
found here, adjacent to the colourful festival district of Jalan
Tuanku Abdul Rahman, which has regained its popularity in
recent years.

Kuala Lumpurs
transport system is
fast improving and
now provides a
relatively efficient
monorail and bus
network, but traffic
is a problem on the
busy roads. The
streets are well signposted so walking here is a pleasure, particularly for exploring
the old colonial center where many a pleasant day can be spent
wandering through the winding streets, stopping for shopping,
food, drink and to take in the local colour of this lively city.
Eating in Kuala Lumpur is a delight, with a range of Malaysian
and international options for all budgets. Coffee shops and food
stalls are best for low-cost eating and offer plenty of variety.
The streets come alive at night and the Golden Triangle is found
at the heart of most of the action, with plenty of western-style
bars and clubs as well as the eternally popular hostess bars.
Good to know
Volunteering is a very popular way of spending time in Kuala
Lumpur and there are many official projects to choose from
focusing on either wildlife conservation or improving the lives of
the local children, depending on your calling.


Malay is the main

language but
English is also
widely spoken,
leaving travelers
with few
is plentiful and
suits a travellers budget, with cheap rooms all over the city and
especially in the Chow Kit area. Mid-range hotels offer less value
for money, but back at the top end there are plenty of luxury
options at relatively low cost.
Kuala Lumpur is essentially a very safe city though as with any
capitals you should watch out for pickpockets and petty crime in
crowded or very isolated areas.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ authentic Asian experience in a buzzing urban setting
+ cheaper than neighbouring Singapore
+ great hub to explore other Asian destinations
- air pollution can be a problem
Learn & Do
volunteer work, enjoy big city life, golfing, rock climbing
Get things done
KL Cafs for mobile workers
Coworking: Paper &Toast
Coworking: Urban Village
Coworking: Nook
Travel Resources
Lifestyle Guide KL
Budget Accommodation in KL
Cost of Living Kuala Lumpur
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $600
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $750



Nepal, Kathmandu Spiritual and adventurous nomad

Kathmandu has been the destination of many a travellers
pilgrimage since the 1960s. Fifty years on its popularity is
distinctly lower amongst the tie-dyers and higher amongst the
mountaineering brigade but it takes only a moment to stray
from the concrete bustle of the citys burgeoning center into its
backstreets to discover the bewitching beauty of Nepals capital
Despite its abundant charm Kathmandu itself possesses little to
keep you occupied for long, other than some interesting
temples and the general experience of just being there.
However, it is the ultimate starting point for plenty of trekking,
rafting, jungle expeditions and adventure sports in every corner
of the country as well as the launch pad for some more famous
mountain climbing.
Things to see and do
Sights in town include the Kasthamandap temple, located in
Durbar Square it is the citys namesake and said to be one of the
oldest wooden buildings in the world. This ancient square is
known as the Heart of the Kathmandu Valley and is one of six
designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the area. Visit first
thing in the morning or evening to appreciate the square at its
best and make time to visit its Durbar Square Museum and the
numerous temples and palaces clustered around this historic


Dont visit Kathmandu without stepping out into the Himalayas

to experience the magic and enormity of the worlds greatest
mountain region. There is plenty to explore within various daily
walks from the city, a rewarding option and one that is less
demanding than some of the more high-profile treks.
Treks are available for booking in advance from a range of
companies world-wide or can be organized upon your arrival in
Kathmandu. There are various options available depending on
your budget, fitness levels and spirit of adventure. One of the
most popular routes is out into the Annapurna region, beginning
with a drive or short flight out over the Trisuli River Valley to the
picturesque lakeside town of Pokhara. It is the starting point for
several itineraries, mostly lodge-based, taking in eye-catching
villages, terraced hillsides and rhododendron forests, all against
the backdrop of the magnificent Himalaya.
Back in Kathmandu there are plenty of massages available for
tired trekking legs and some hearty food to build up your
strength. Eat at locals restaurants for the best prices but if you


do feel the need for something a bit more international the

Thamel area has a good selection of tourist restaurants catering
for just about every taste.
Try the Raksi or Chang, the Nepali wine and beer, for a taste of
the local grog, though these are not up every travellers street.
Nightlife is buzzing here and there are plenty of bars serving the
more conventional beer brands and plenty of spirits. Most are
clustered around Durbar Square and the Thamel area and stay
open well into the night. Jazz plays a big part in the local music
scene, culminating annually in the Jazzmandu jazz festival that
takes place in October.
Good to know
English is widely spoken and understood in Kathmandu along
with smatterings of many other European languages thanks to
its long-established reputation as an international travel
Thamel is the main area for cheap tourist accommodation with
the Kathmandu Guesthouse at its heart, along with a further
cluster of affordable guesthouses in the streets around Durbar
Square. Excellent rates are available for longer stays. Ignore the
touts and find your own accommodation to save on
Steer clear of demonstrations and observe curfews if they
happen to occur during your time here. Watch out for dark
streets and opportunistic pickpockets but on the whole
Kathmandu is a safe, welcoming and spiritual destination for the
adventurous Digital Nomad.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ trekking capital of the world
+ lots of adventure activities nearby
+ UNESCO world heritage site
- expensive detour from most other Nomad destinations
Learn & Do
trekking, yoga and massage classes, cooking courses, climbing,
many mountain adventures nearby
Get things done
Caf Kaldi
Cozy Caf
Flavors Caf
Travel Resources
Tourism Kathmandu
Budget Accommodation Kathmandu
Cost of Living Kathmandu
Night in Hostel: $5
Small Apartment p/m: $200
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $400


Philippines, Boracay Sporty Island paradise with worldfamous beach

Boracay is an award-winning island paradise, perfect for couples
and backpackers seeking stunning beaches, reliable facilities,
scuba diving or one of the best kitesurfing destinations in Asia.
Situated about an hours flight from Manila in the Philippines,
Boracays beaches rival its Asian counterparts and provide an
exciting and cheap alternative to the Caribbean.
Digital Nomads come here to enjoy the fantastic island life and
immerse themselves in the myriad water pursuits the island has
to offer, finishing their days with long evenings socialising in the
islands vibrant restaurants, clubs and bars.
Things to see and do
White Beach is a 4km stretch of fine white sand and is the
commercial center of the island. Divided into three Stations,
Station One is home to the luxury hotels and resorts, Section
Two is where all the shopping, partying and eating go on, and
Station Three is the least developed and the travellers favourite
for low-priced accommodation.
Kite enthusiasts are drawn from all corners of the globe to
sample Boracays world-class boarding. The action is centred at
Bulabog Beach, a short walk from White Beach on the other side
of the island. The wind blows constantly from November
through to April. There are plenty of kite schools located on the
beach offering courses from beginning to advanced and all
instructors are IKO-certified.

The Philippines are

a major favourite
amongst scuba
divers of all levels.
White Beach is
home to a number
of dive centers, all
of whose prices are
the same, to save
you shopping
around. There are around 30 dive sites within the immediate
vicinity of the beach, ranging from gentle 10m dives to
complicated wall dives for experienced divers such as the Yapak
where it is fairly common to see sharks and stingrays.
A 30-minute organised trip to Ariels Point from Station 1 is well
worth the trouble. Here you can try your hand at cliff diving and
snorkelling and explore the volcanic caves, mangrove forests
and deserted beaches in the company of fellow travelers.
Boracay has a surprisingly international range of options for
eating and there are plenty of bakeries selling pastries and
snacks throughout the day.
Nightlife is lively and varied with a good many establishments
open well into the early hours to the delight of the islands
revellers. If you want to escape the mass tourism nightlife make
sure you check out whats happening at Jungle Bar on the other
side of the island close to Bulabog beach. Every driver will be
able to take you there.


Destination Overview

Good to know
Accommodation varies and is busy at peak times but there is
usually plenty of choice. An alternative to White Beach is to stay
at Bulabog, a tempting and sometimes even cheaper option for
kite enthusiasts. When looking for accommodation make sure
you negotiate weekly/monthly rates and check their Internet
connection speeds before you commit if these are important to
If you are looking for an extremely fast and reliable Internet
access on the island check out the Cyber Caf on the main
beach close to Station 2.
You may become irritated with the many vendors touting their
products to you seemingly 24-hours a day, wherever you are
but on the whole being a traveller on Boracay is peaceful, safe
and a delicious break from reality.


Pros & Cons

+ one of the world most beautiful beaches
+ wide range of activities for everyone
+ everything you need in walking distance
- becoming more upmarket
- a bit of sex tourism happening on the island
Learn & Do
kite surfing, snorkelling trips, diving, spas, quad biking, nightlife
Get things done
Lemon Caf
Mamas Caf
Travel Resources
Boracay Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Boracay
Cost of Living Boracay
Night in Hostel: $17
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $900



Unawatuna, Sri Lanka Work on the beach

Unawatuna is a small beach town on the south-western flank of
Sri Lanka just 5km South of Galle. Having been devastated by
the 2004 Tsunami, this charming former fishing village has now
been rebuilt, revitalized and revamped into the perfect Digital
Nomad spot.
If you are looking for little corner of paradise where you can get
your work done, this is the ideal location. Here you can live just
five meters from the beach, surrounded by turquoise waters,
golden sands and palm trees swaying softly in the breeze, with
every bit of infrastructure you need to deliver to your clients.
When you need a break, simply take two giant leaps and
immerse yourself in the welcoming waters of the Indian Ocean.
Things to see and do
Unawatuna is a small village and offers little beyond diving and
swimming but therein lies its charm. This is a place to relax,
regroup and get to grips with some of lifes necessities before
heading out on safari or venturing deep into the Sri Lankan
For something entirely different something that is offered by
few world-wide destinations - try heading out on a whale
watching expedition. Sri Lanka has developed a reputation in
recent years as being the best place on earth for sighting blue
whales, the worlds largest mammals. Tours usually start in
Mirissa (one hour to the south) and the high-season months of

November to April are the best time to visit, as the sea can
become rough in low season.
Good to know
Despite its burgeoning tourist scene, Sri Lanka is still relatively
cheap as long as you know what to buy and where to buy it. If
you enjoy spicy food, be sure to eat where the locals eat in
order to secure the tastiest cuisine and the best value for
money. Excellent value for money is available at establishments
known as City Hotels; they are essentially buffet restaurants
where you can enjoy all you can eat curries and rice for less than
2$ per head. No matter where you are in Sri Lanka, there is
never any supply of good local eateries and Unawatuna is no


There are several

destinations worth
consideration by
Digital Nomads in
additional to
Hikkadua is around
one hour north by
car and is a great
base for exploring
the local area. It is slightly more touristy but the flip side of this
is that it there is a little more to do than in Unawatuna. One
hour south of Unawatuna is Mirissa, the famous destination for
blue whale sightings. Mirissa is less developed than both
Hikkadua and Unawatuna, offering plenty of surf and an
attractive, wide beach with golden sand. If you have the time to
spare, it is worth a visit to all three destinations to appreciate
their individual charms, otherwise choose any one as your base
with the aim of visiting the others to get an idea of what they
are all about and you wont be disappointed. Die-hard surfers in
search of waves further afield may want to check out Arugam
Bay further to the east, an ideal destination to discover the
charms of Sri Lankas less developed areas.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ live 5 meters from the beach while enjoying Wi-Fi
+ fantastic & inexpensive local food
+ superb base to explore other parts of Sri Lanka
- overpriced excursions & food like everywhere in Sri Lanka
Learn & Do
Read a book, see blue whales, go swimming and explore the rest
of Sri Lanka from here.
Get things done
South Ceylon Restaurant
Tartaruga Restaurant
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Unawatuna
Cost of Living Unawatuna
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Thailand, Bangkok A Digital Nomads Asian hub

Bangkok is a city of extremes, a modern metropolis where
infamous, vibrant nightlife and luxury brands vie for position
against the traditional Buddhist temples and bustling street
markets of Thailand.
It is one of the most traveller-friendly cities in Asia and a perfect
stop for Digital Nomads to reflect, regroup and catch up before
heading to your next destination.
Bangkok serves as a great hub from which to explore many
Asian destinations. Thinking about spending your weekends in
Bali or Malaysia? Exploration this far afield is perfectly possible
thanks to the huge international airport offering cheap flights to
anywhere in Asia.
Things to see and do
It can take some time to acclimatize to Bangkok. Try heading out
on foot to explore before jumping on the modern sky train for a
spending spree at one of the shopping malls.

massage afterwards, which are readily available around the

popular Khao San Road and in Sukhumvit.
Head out of the city to fully appreciate its exotic setting, where
green paddy fields, orchid farms, lotus fields and traditional Thai
villages beckon to awaken your senses. One good way to do this
is by bike, either informally or on an organized tour, which is a
popular way to meet fellow travellers.

Visit Bangkoks temples to scratch the surface of its cultural

background. Wat Pho and Wat Arun are well worth a visit as is
the enormous Grand Palace, where you can also visit the Wat
Phra Kaew the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand, within
its grounds.

The city boasts a mind-boggling 50,000 eateries, ranging from

traditional Thai fare to world-class international cooking. The
best restaurants are located in Sukhumvit although prices can
be high here but there are options literally all over the city.
Street food is delicious and cheap and ideal for the discerning
Digital Nomad on a tight budget.

If culture is not your thing, you can go and watch popular Muay
Thai Boxing fights pretty much every day. You can even learn it
yourself at one of the many classes on offer at the Muay Thai
schools in Bangkok. Make sure you treat yourself to a Thai

At night you can start off with a wonderful roof-top, sun-set

Thai dinner on top of the State Tower Sirocco or the Banyan
Trees Vertigo and then head to an IMAX cinema or go ten pin
bowling to work off all that Thai curry you had earlier.



For a bit of dancing head for the clubs like the RCA, Sukhumvit
11 or Thong Lor, which have international DJs.
Good to know
Accommodation in Bangkok is plentiful with most of the
cheaper options on the Khao San Road, though beware some of
the budget hotels can be grotty. Always ask to see your room
before you commit. Siam Square, Sukhumvit and Silom also
have plenty of low-price places alongside their mid-range and
luxury alternatives.
Bangkok has a huge expat community so finding your own
apartment shouldnt be a problem should you decide to stay for
a longer period.
Like most Asian cities Bangkok is safe and violence is rare.
Beware of scams leaving you out of pocket. Tap water, although
said to be safe, often is not and the hot climate tends to take its
toll on fresh produce so use discretion to avoid any problems
when choosing what to eat and drink.
Average daytime temperatures in Bangkok are 32 degrees
Celsius all year round. Avoid visiting in the monsoon season
between May and October though.
For Digital Nomads looking for widespread Internet access
Bangkok is an excellent choice. Internet shops about and
increasing numbers of cafs and bars offer free Wi-Fi to their
customers. TrueMove is an excellent option and can often be
accessed directly from your hotel room depending on where
you are staying, regardless of whether the hotel has its own
service or not.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ high digital nomad density
+ world class nightlife
+ perfect hub to explore Asia
- air pollution and sex tourism
- humid climate with no beaches close by
- sex tourism
Learn & Do
shopping, nightlife, temples and museums, learn Thai boxing,
visit spas
Get things done
Wi-Fi Restaurants BKK
Improve you Web design Skills
Coworking: ThirdPlace Bangkok
Coworking: The Synch
Coworking: Hubba Thailand
Travel Resources
Video: About Bangkok
Budget Accommodation
Cost of Living Bangkok
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $600


Thailand, Chang Mai A true favourite amongst Digital

Chiang Mai is Thailands largest and most culturally significant
city. It is known as the gateway to Northern Thailand and is a
major visitor hub, attracting up to two million foreign tourists a
Chiang Mai is exceptionally popular amongst Digital Nomads
(especially Poker Players) who flock to the city in their droves to
use it as a place to work, relax and explore the unique scenery
and villages of the North. Many have fallen under its beguiling
spell and find themselves still here months or even years after
their arrival.
Chiang Mai offers an excellent standard of living at very low
cost. Food and drink are cheap and varied, monthly motorbike
rental is a steal at around $60 and opens up numerous options
for getting out of the city to explore, and rooms or apartments
are plentiful and good value. Digital Nomads love the free Wi-Fi
available in most cafes and restaurants and cheap local SIM
cards with data plans to keep them in touch.
Things to see and do
Chiang Mai has expanded in all directions, especially to the east
of the town towards the Ping River. This area, known as Thanon
Chang Klan is home to the famous Night Bazaar and is also
where most of the tourist hotels and guesthouses are clustered.
Chiang Mai has a reputation for being liberal and laid back,
nightlife extends well into the early hours and pretty much
anything goes. Most of the action is centred around the Loi Kroh

Road, where the

streets are packed
full with bars, dance
clubs and live music
venues as well as
karaoke lounges and
a couple of more
dubious hostess
bars catering for
tourists. The
Playhouse Theatre off Chang Puak Road is an interesting cultural
spot offering nightly shows and entertainment by Thai national
Things to tick off your list should include checking out the view
from Doi Suthep, eating a bowl of kao soi and buying an
umbrella from Bo Sang. Dont miss the Sunday night walking
street market on the Ratchadamneon Road which stretches
from Thapae Gate to the popular Wat Phra Singh.
Despite its large visitor numbers, Chiang Mai is in fact not overly
touristy and provides a great launch pad for day trips or longer
treks out to the tribal villages of Northern Thailand and up to
the Burmese border.
Volunteer work in Chiang Mai is plentiful and taking part in a
program can really enhance your experience of this beguiling
city and province. Many of the trekking companies offer
volunteer opportunities as part of their treks such as laying
down pipes and building water tanks to contribute to


volunteers are
also highly
sought-after and
this kind of work
can be very
Good to know
Chiang Mai is served by its own airport and is easily accessible
from Bangkok via air or road. Medical care is ultra-affordable
and in plentiful supply.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ great place to focus & meet other digital nomads
+ fantastic value for money
+ lots of activities that keep you busy
- far away from turquoise water beaches
- less exciting than Bangkok
Learn & Do
yoga, trekking, ziplining, volunteer work, Thai cooking classes
Get things done
Best Wi-Fi Spots in Chiang Mai

Air pollution is a problem in the early months of the year but

usually improves by April. Tap water is not drinkable and liquids
should only be consumed from sealed bottles, though ice served
in bars and restaurants is generally safe.

Travel Resources
Chiang Mai Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Chiang Mai
Video: Impressions from Chiang Mai

Crime is rare and limited to the occasional bag-snatching

incident by passing motorbikes. In general the people of Chiang
Mai are exceptionally welcoming and co-exist happily side by
side with the towns fluid traveller population.

Cost of Living Chang Mai

Night in Hostel: $6
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $550




Thailand, Koh Pha Ngan Anything you want paradise

If you have never heard of Koh Pha Ngan you have probably
heard about Thailands Full Moon Parties. Koh Phan Gahn
Haad Rin to be precise is where these legendary parties take
place every month. With between 8,000 and 30,000 party lovers
(depending on season) flocking onto the island every month the
Full Moon Party may not be everyones cup of tea but for many
they are the holy grail of a travelling experience through
South East Asia. For Digital Nomads, one of the benefits of their
popularity is that the island has developed a solid infrastructure,
making it the perfect destination for squandering a few weeks
or months in a paradise location, whether or not a Full Moon
Party is your idea of fun.
Package tourism is developing here, but it is doing so slowly and
Koh Pha Ngan remains one of the cheapest islands in Thailand.
The island is large and best explored by motorbike, opening up a
world of sweeping coves and sandy beaches, perfect for any
discerning Digital Nomad in search of their island paradise.
Things to see and do
Discovering the hidden coves and sweeping shoreline is one of
the biggest joys of spending time on Koh Pha Ngan but once you
have done so there is plenty more besides to keep you
entertained. Neighbouring island and nomad destination Koh
Tao may be the better choice for diving but many of the
beaches in Koh Pha Ngan are shallow with gentle waters,

perfect for
snorkelling and
One of the
best beaches is
Haad Yao,
located on the
islands west
Haad Rin offers no snorkelling but more than makes up for this
with its huge array of water sports activities, fantastic swimming
and daily games of beach volleyball to keep the sunbathers
Adventurous Digital Nomads will find plenty of activities to keep
them occupied. Try your hand at kite surfing, wakeboarding,
kayaking, mountain biking, quad biking or shooting on a
dedicated range. There is also a water obstacle course called
Wipeout and a canopy course on the island.
The best way to meet other people who are staying on the
island for an extended stay is to sign up for a cookery class,
jewelry-making course or the Jungle Gym a fitness studio that
offers Thai boxing courses as well. If you are into football you
can join FC Farang the team meets up three times a week and
welcomes anyone interested in joining in.


If you need to
recharge your
batteries, head
to one of the
yoga retreats,
where you can
even train as
an instructor.
Note, all health and spa related activities are a lot cheaper here
than in most other locations in Thailand.
Apart from the Full Moon Parties, at least one big event takes
place every week on the island. In fact, these parties are usually
considerably better than the crowded and much-hyped Full
Moon Parties themselves.
Good to know
Koh Phan Ngan is very hilly. The roads are ok but do take care
on a motorbike make sure you wear a helmet and dont be
tempted to drive while under the influence of alcohol. A lot of
fatal accidents happen here so take precautions and stay safe.
Tourism is expected to grow in Koh Phan Ngan over the next
few years and there is a lot of land for sale on the island. If your
budget stretches to this, now could be the perfect time to buy
your very own piece of paradise, start a business and create
your very own long-term getaway. How about setting up the
islands first co-working space, creating a place where likeminded individuals can come together to work and play?


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ island vibe with the right beach for every liking
+ best value for money island in Thailand
+lots of activities to entertain you in your free time
Learn & Do
kite surfing, wakeboarding, kayaking, mountain biking ,shooting,
canopy courses, snorkelling, jet ski, beach volleyball,
health & yoga retreats
Get things done
Crave Bar
Booms Cafe
Beachlounge, Thong Sala
Travel Resources
Koh Pha Ngan Tourism
Budget Accommodation Koh Pha Ngan
Cost of Living Koh Pha Ngan
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $600


Thailand, Koh Phi Phi - Former backpackers paradise

turning mainstream
If scuba diving and natural beauty are your thing, with a good
helping of climbing thrown in for good measure, the Thai island
of Koh Phi Phi may be the place for you.
Situated next to the now-famous island where The Beach
starring Leonardo di Caprio was filmed, Koh Phi Phi Don is
something of a mecca for travellers hopping across the islands
floating in the crystalline Thai waters in search of white sand
beaches and tropical jungle. Before the devastating Tsunami of
2004 it was known as a hedonistic travellers paradise and it has
returned faster to its former glory than many of its
counterparts. Following concerted rebuilding efforts tourists
have returned to its beaches in droves but while Koh Phi Phi
may now look the same as it always did prices are a-changing.
The cost of living is now higher than in most Thai destinations;
where once a backpack was hoisted, today increasingly a
suitcase is wheeled.
That said paradise rarely comes cheap. Koh Phi Phi is a worldclass destination, is still considerably cheaper than other island
destinations across the globe and merits a place on the Digital
Nomads destination hit list.
Things to see and do
Dont leave Koh Phi Phi without taking a trip by long tail boat to
Maya Bay where the move The Beach was filmed.
Snorkelling is a favourite pastime for everyone who visits here.
Swim out from Long Beach to Shark Point and bask amongst the

harmless Blacktip reef

sharks if you dare.
Several of the dive
shops also run boats
out to nearby Bamboo
and Mosquito Islands
for some other
interesting reef action,
though these are best
visited at low tide.
Thankfully, the main scuba sites were largely unaffected by the
Tsunami and divers are returning in their droves. There are
several dive clubs offering PADI courses and open dives and
prices are regulated so dont worry about shopping around
other than to compare kit and the vibe you get from the
different operators. A trip to the King Cruiser wreck followed by
Shark Point and Anemone Reef is one of the most popular
excursions and Hin Daeng is worth a look for some of the
steepest drops in Thailand, complete with Manta Rays and
Whale sharks.
Back on dry land yoga is a popular pastime and there are several
places to practice. For the more adventurous there are some
great rock climbing options on Phi Phi with equipment rental
shops and guides a-plenty, though it is not as famous as nearby
Rai Leh beach which certainly also deserves a spot in this guide.
Nightlife is busy though eating and drinking are more pricy than
in the days of old and entertainment is a little more


Good to know
Motorized transport is
officially banned on Koh
Phi Phi although you will
come across a good
helping of motorcycles
with truck sidecars for
transporting goods and
construction materials.
Otherwise transport on
land is by foot or bicycle.
Cheap backpacker bungalows are scarce these days and those
that do exist are small and dark and seem overpriced for what
you get; hotel accommodation is expensive by Thai standards.
The problem is exacerbated by the soaring costs of fuel, which is
used to power the generators (there is no electricity supply
from the mainland). Couple this with poor internet supply and
Digital Nomads wont want to spend too long on Ko Phi Phi but
it is still definitely worth a short hop to experience the unique
vibe of one of the worlds best-known islands. Do make sure
you go before it joins the official ranks of the mainstream.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ paradise destination with daily beach parties
+ no motorized transport
- overpriced > stay longer to pay local
- very difficult to get focused
Learn & Do
snorkelling, diving, boat trips, beach parties, climbing, cliff
jumping, kite surfing
Get things done
Unlike many other places in Thailand, most cafes and
restaurants dont advertise free Wi-Fi on signs. Check with them
if you can get access before you order.
Travel Resources
Koh Phi Phi Travel Guide
Video: Koh Phi Phi Impressions 2009
Budget Accommodation in Koh Phi Phi
Cost of Living Koh Phi Phi
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $850



Koh Tao, Thailand Divers Paradise

Ask any backpacker returning from their around-the-world trip
where they learnt to scuba dive, chances are you will hear the
answer Koh Tao. This former island prison colony boasts
perfect conditions for beginners and with so many diving
schools to choose from, high competition is keeping prices
consistently low.
The growth of the diving industry has seen the island develop
the perfect infrastructure for Digital Nomads in search of
earning a living whilst spending time on some of Thailands most
beautiful beaches. Even if diving is not your thing there are
many other reasons to consider making this little paradise island
your home for a while.
Things to see and do
When you arrive on Koh Tao, start by renting a motorbike and
exploring the island. There are many beautiful coves to discover
so dont be tempted to settle in the main tourist centers of
Mae Haad or Sairee Beach without leaving your base and
discovering the islands hidden gems such as Mango Bay or
Tanote. Be careful when riding your bike - some roads are
without tarmac and the steep gradients can make them
treacherous for riders not taking due care.
If water sports are not your thing and you are looking for some
spare time alternatives to simply lazing on the sands, try
learning yoga, Thai cooking or even the Thai language. For
something a little more active there is also a flying trapeze

school on the
island and a
fitness studio
offering weekly
or monthly
memberships or
simply relax in
one of the
islands many
Koh Tao offers excellent value for money eating and drinking.
Thanks to its well-developed infrastructure you can pretty much
find any type of food you want, though imported goods will
come at a cost. To keep the budget down and experience the
best of Thai cuisine, try the islands impressive selection of
street food culinary gems just waiting to be discovered.
Some may say nightlife on Koh Tao lacks variety, but just like its
neighbor, Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Tao promises to deliver a party
every day of the week. The Fishbowl is the islands favorite
starting point before the crowds head on to party into the small
hours at a different destination every night. Look out for flyers
and posters on the streets to find out what is happening every
Good to know
Koh Tao is growing in popularity with the package tourist crowd,
which is beginning to push prices up. A decent room with air
conditioning right on the beach is now beyond the budget of
most backpackers but there are still plenty of good deals to be


had. Dont be put off if

your first impression of
the island leads you to
think it is not an option
for a long-term stay. Just
200 meters back from
the front line
accommodation starts to
be far more affordable
and there are a large
number of guesthouses offering monthly deals for rooms with
Wi-Fi included look out for signs as you explore the island.
Bear in mind that food in the main beach area comes with a
high price tag but again, if you are looking to eat on a budget
there are plenty of tasty options to be found.
Remember that Koh Tao is not necessarily a divers paradise but
rather a paradise for those learning to dive. There are better
dive sites to be had in other destinations but Koh Tao is one of
the worlds cheapest locations to earn the PADI qualification in
a location with a well-developed infrastructure. Once you have
received your certificate head to destinations such as the
Philippines or Indonesia nearby for world class dive sites.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ laid back divers island with good infrastructure
+ some of Thailands best beaches for swimming
+ a good scene of dive masters staying long term
- power shortcuts happen sometimes (no internet)
Learn & Do
diving, trapeze flying, mini golf, shooting, learn Thai, snorkelling
Get things done
Caf del Sol
Reef Bar Koh Tao
Travel Resources
Koh Tao Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Ko Tao
Cost of Living Koh Tao
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $650


Thailand, Ko Samui Thai long-term island getaway

Ko Samui has long been a travellers favourite and despite its
increasing popularity and continued development, it is not
chock-a-block with package tourists compared with other Thai
islands such as Phuket. It offers plenty to do and makes the
perfect base from which to explore nearby islands such as Ko
Pha Ngan, the original party island, and Ko Tao which is famed
for its dive sites.
One major bonus of Ko Samui is the presence of high-speed
Internet infrastructure, which is absent from most of the Thai
islands, making it a great choice for digital nomads. There are
plenty of Internet cafes and Wi-Fi abounds.
As a result there is a fast-growing expat community flourishing
on the island with people of all nationalities coming together to
enjoy its laid back lifestyle. Life for digital nomads is easy here.
The island has adapted and developed over the years to offer
many home comforts without losing its distinct personality.
There is plenty of shopping to be found, with Western
supermarket chains and new shops stocking major clothing
brands opening up all the time.
Things to see and do
The main draw of Ko Samui is its beaches. Chaweng and Lamai
have suffered somewhat from the large-scale development that
has taken place over the past two decades but there is still
plenty of golden sand on which to relax and watch the world go
by with a cold beer in hand while the water laps at your toes.
Choose to hang out with the crowds watching the jet skis

cutting their tracks

out to sea or retreat
to the seclusion of an
off-beat cove for
some peace and
Southern Thailand is
home to some of the
most idyllic and
safest diving opportunities in the world. Diving here is available
all year round and is the perfect place to take your first
tentative steps under the water. There is plenty to keep the
seasoned diver busy too within the Angthong Marine National
Options for eating are plentiful with cheap food kiosks and topend restaurants jostling side by side for position with big-name
high street food retailers. Travelers and tourists pack the bars
and restaurants, eager to sample everything that Ko Samuis
nightlife has to offer.
If partying is your thing no visit to Ko Samui should end before a
pilgrimage to the monthly Full Moon Party on Haad Rin beach
on neighbouring Ko Pha Ngan.
Good to know
Ko Samui is ripe for a visit at any time of year but the driest
months from February to June are generally considered to be
the best.


Accommodation in
cheap fan
bungalows is still
available but harder
to come by than in
the past with
increasing numbers
of high-end
boutique hotels
eating up the virgin
coastline. If you take a bit of time or come during less touristy
times you will still be able to find some great bargains though.
Vehicle hire is affordable and generally safe although
motorbikes can be risky. Watch out for potholes and drunk
On the whole Ko Samui is safe and subject to the usual care
about beaches at night, it is the perfect stop for a digital nomad
keen to spend some productive work time while living on a true
paradise island.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ Thailands island with great infrastructure
+ still bargains to be found
- popular package tourism destination
- sex tourism
Learn & Do
diving, scooter tours, shopping, wake boarding, shooting,
Get things done
June Art Caf
Magnolia Caf
Travel Resources
Koh Samui Travel Guide
Video: Samui - Amazing Thailand Promo
Cost of Living Ko Samui
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


Thailand, Pai Plan a three day visit and end up staying for
Pai is the perfect Thai town for those seeking a getaway from
Chiang Mai or Bangkok. It is in many ways less a Thai town than
a little-known travellers paradise that happens to be in
Thailand, home to an eclectic mix of expat foreign hippies and
native Thais.
Come here to explore the beautiful outlying scenery, bathe in
waterfalls, eat great food, hear live bands and buy some original
art. Pai is one of those towns where travellers plan to come for
a few days and end up staying a couple of months.
Things to see and do
Pai has no specific sights of note, more this is a place to come
and amble through the streets, hang out and socialize at cafs,
and check out the latest offerings from the towns many
resident artists. English is widely understood here and spoken
by much of the expat community so you should have little
trouble communicating.
The real day-time attractions of Pai are out of town. Rent a
bicycle or motorbike and head out into the countryside to visit
the nearby paddy fields, waterfalls and hill-tribe villages. If you
are on a motorbike there are plenty of fun off-road
opportunities to add an extra dimension to your trip.
This is very much a travellers hub with dozens of touring
activities on offer. Most guest houses and plenty of travel
agents offer a wide range of trips to suit every taste.

The elephant trek is one of the most popular trips, in which you
have the chance to ride an elephant before finishing up in the
Pai River being soaked by your steed. Floating down the Pai in
an inner tube is another favourite amongst South East Asian
backpackers or for the more adventurous try white water
rafting through the spectacular rapids between Pai and Mae
Hong Song.
The hot springs at Tha Pai are highly popular on a cooler day,
when you can immerse yourself in the sulphuric water bubbles
that fizz at temperatures of up to 80 degrees Celsius.
Pai is something of a culinary mecca and is home to a huge
variety of restaurants. Many are targeted specifically at the
tastes of foreign travellers but that is not to say that they do not
do so very well, and for those in search of some more traditional
Thai fare there is plenty of regional cooking on offer.
There is no shortage of places to drink and dance the night away
in Pai. Most are centred along the main street that leads to the
Chiang Mai bus stop, where Thai bands play live in an
indulgence of their love of reggae, while a further cluster of
mostly late-night bars can be found on the edge of town across
the bridge.
Good to know
Accommodation has boomed in Pai in recent years to match its
popularity. In low season there is plenty of surplus capacity
while in high season it can be hard to find a room. Try the
bamboo hut on the river for good value accommodation with a
bit of flair.


Internet availability in town has improved and now offers

decent speed and connectivity making it a viable option to stay
for an extended period.
Pai has become increasingly popular and despite its sleepy
disposition it is not without its problems. The Thai drug
enforcement police are particularly active here due to the
towns proximity to the drug routes from Burma. However, on
the whole this is an excellent place to come and relax for a while
with few cares in the world.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+perfect Chiang Mai getaway
+ chilled out vibe with great food
+ many waterfalls and stunning scenery
Learn & Do
rafting, cooking courses, trekking, ride your bike & get things
Get things done
Witching Well Restaurant
Travel Resources
All about Pai
Budget Accommodation in Pai
Cost of Living Pai
Night in Hostel: $7
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $550



Vietnam, Hanoi Expats favourite

Hanoi is a true favourite amongst expats, a place where old
French colonialism, Chinese culture and modern new
development meet and blend with surprising results.
You will love Hanoi for its developed infrastructure, numerous
restaurants, buzzing nightlife, grand architecture and
surrounding natural beauty.
The Hanoian expat community is large and active. There is a
significant diplomatic community, plenty of NGOs and a good
smattering of expat-employing businesses in the city. It offers
plenty of opportunities for teaching English and internet speed
is generally good, making working online a viable option. Belying
its position as a major Asian city, the cost of living in Hanoi is
very cheap, with plenty of accommodation options to suit every
budget. It also has the added benefit of good health care,
education facilities and numerous western-orientated grocery
stores and restaurants for when you are in need of a quick-fix of
home comforts.
Things to see and do
Eating out in Hanoi is a delight, with thousands of restaurants
catering to every taste. Vietnamese cooking has blossomed over
the past two decades and the country now boasts one of the
most diverse, delicious and healthy cuisines in the world. There
are hundreds of street restaurants and food stalls throughout
the city with seating areas flowing out across the pavements
offering traditional meals and snacks. For a time-honoured

flavour try the

Pho Ga or Pho
Bo, chicken or
beef noodle soup,
or one of the many
fish and seafood
For something a
little different take
a trip to the suburb
of Le Mat, also known as Snake Village where tasty cobra dishes
are the order of the day. Each cobra is turned into about 10
dishes suitable for sharing between three or four people who
may or may not fight over who gets to drink the famous cobra
blood wine
Try one of the restaurants along the Red River to sample
another local delicacy, dog meat, or a tasty noodle dish laced
with giant water bug. Just the thing to keep those hunger pangs
at bay.
Cooking classes are a fun way to meet fellow expats in Hanoi
and are held by a number of companies across the city. Hidden
Hanoi offers a range of classes with menus changing daily as
well as walking tours, language classes and dance lessons
making it a great starting point for Digital Nomads arriving in the
The sights, sounds and colours of Hanoi are myriad, exotic and
exhilarating and are best enjoyed on foot. Explore the curving


narrow streets of the Old Quarter before heading for the 1,000year-old Temple of Literature for a unique experience.
Take time to
escape the
hustle and
bustle of the
city and head
out into the
countryside or
the famous Ha
Long Bay.
Good to know
As a modern Asian metropolis, Hanois elegant charm is
counter-balanced by noise, air pollution and traffic. Watch out
for motorbikes at every turn and take particular care around the
Old Quarter where they seem to swarm solidly through the
narrow streets 24-hours a day.
In general though, Hanoi is pretty safe. Check with your hotel or
fellow travellers for reliable taxi companies to avoid racing
meters and if you are travelling with a fair amount of baggage,
make sure the driver unloads it all before taking off into the
A city bursting with opportunity and life, Hanoi is the dynamic
face of new Asia, a must-see destination for any Digital Nomad
and a great option for a long-term stay.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ well built up expat scene
+ extremely good value for money
+ buzzing nightlife
+ fantastic culture
- busy city life with air pollution and traffic
Learn & Do
rock climbing, cooking classes, volunteer work, teach English,
lots of weekend trip options
Get things done
Puku Caf, Hanoi
5desire Coworking Space
Travel Resources
Video: March Travelogue - Hanoi
Cost of Living Hanoi
Night in Hostel: $7
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $600


Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Affordable luxury for

Nomads on a budget
Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as its still known to all but
officialdom, is a breath-taking ball of energy.
There is something compelling about this city where cultural
heritage and past troubles merge seamlessly with the designer
brands, five-star cuisine and towering skyline of the present day.
Every year thousands of travellers come to discover Saigon and
every year many of them forget to leave again.
Saigon has everything the Digital Nomad could wish for in an
urban setting. Affordable and luxury, designer and budget,
sights and sounds, commerce and culture, Saigon life is there for
the taking so jump on the ride and hold on tight.

Things to see and do

A visit to the Reunification Palace, also known as the
Independence Palace is a must for any visitor to Saigon.
Formerly the Presidential Palace to South Vietnam, this was the
place that marked the end of the Vietnam War when a tank
dramatically crashed through its gates. A replica of the tank now
stands outside, while the inside remains a monument to the
1960s which is when the building was last updated.
The traditional Ben Thanh Market has some superb shopping
including clothing, fruit and vegetables, local crafts, food,
flowers and kitchen wares. Expect to haggle.

Heat can be a problem in

Saigon and there are
several waterparks
around the city where
you can hurtle down a
few tubes and chutes.
Dam Sen Water Park in
District Three is a good
bet but do watch
yourself on the installations as they are not built to the
standards you might expect There is a caf and restaurant on
site for refreshments along with some random animatronic for
your entertainment.
Head out to Dai Nam Tourist Park, some 40km from Saigon, to
experience Vietnams largest and newest tourist attraction. This
is the site of the Dai Nam Van Hien Temple, an entertainment
area, zoo, shopping and full resort area, not to mention the
largest man-made mountain range in Vietnam. Despite
sounding a little brash it is actually well worth the effort. Stay in
the hotel overnight and enjoy a break from the urban bustle.
Saigon offers Vietnams largest variety of local, national and
international cuisine, though restaurant prices are rising in
response to their popularity. The local cuisine has discernible
French influences and bakeries serving delicious fresh baguettes
are very popular. Omelettes, soups and delicious fresh
ingredients abound. And if you love coffee, Saigon serves it by
the gallon.


There are plenty of places to drink in Saigon, with expats,

travellers and locals beginning to socialize together.
English is spoken by most of the younger well-educated upper
class and many older citizens still speak French.
Good to know
Accommodation is plentiful and reasonably priced with luxury
as well as backpacker options. Internet connections are
excellent and widely available.
Beware of scammers throughout the city. Lock up anything
valuable in your hotel and listen out for warnings about the
latest tourist rip off. Keep your wits about you and you should
find it easy to fall under Saigons spell.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ great value for money
+ interesting Vietnamese culture
- traffic (see video)
Learn & Do
learn Vietnamese, teach English, visit waterparks & museums,
enjoy city life
Get things done
Hideway Cafe
Caf Terrace
La Habana
Travel Resources
Video: Traffic in HCMC
Video: 48hours in HCMC
Budget Accommodation Hoh Chi Minh City
Cost of Living Ho Chi Minh City
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $600
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $650


WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Central America & Caribbean

When to go where
For a sojourn into the Caribbean Islands, November to April is
the time to travel. Idyllic temperatures averaging 28 C and an
absence of rains, hurricanes and other unfriendly weather
conditions make for perfect diving, surfing and chilling-out
The same is roughly true of Central America in general, though
the Caribbean coast is more prone to rain at any time of year
than the Pacific coastline to the West.
If you are after an urban setting, Panama City makes a great
stop for the festive season or the early months of the year,
when there is little rain and plenty of action, though bear in
mind that prices, too, can be higher unless you plan well ahead.
Carnival takes place in the days leading up to Ash Wednesday
and is particularly busy, but as one of the worlds largest it is
well worth a visit.
Heading into the lowlands of Panama and Honduras is best
done in dry season, especially if you are considering doing some
strenuous hiking. Bear in mind that if you are heading to
altitude you will need warm clothing at any time of year. If you
do choose to travel to Central America later in the year, head to
the inland waters for rafting and waterfalls to make the most of
the seasonal rains.
Costa Rica has a lot of weather variation for such a small
country. Cold in the highlands, mist in the cloud forest and
soaring heat and humidity on the coasts pretty much all year

round. Like the rest of Central America, Costa Rica has a distinct
high season from November to April, peaking during the long
school holidays in December and January.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Cost of living
For a cost-effective way to sample Caribbean beach living, head
to Margarita Island, off the coast of Venezuela. Just a few hours
sailing from its better-known windward island neighbours of
Trinidad and Tobago, St Lucia and Grenada, Margarita Island
offers the Digital Nomad one of the most cost-effective ways to
sample an Eastern Caribbean island setting.
Further east, the Caribbean coast of Central America represents
great value. Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala or Panama should
be your first alternative to South East Asia if you are travelling
on a budget. They represent excellent value for money while
offering plenty of beach action, river adventures and jungle
treks. Whether you choose to stay in the mainland coastal
resorts or explore the tranquil islands dotted just off their
Caribbean coast, you will get plenty for your dollars here.
Do your homework carefully if you are planning to head to some
of the island retreats and you could find some added bonuses
besides. Central America provides access to some of the best
diving in the world and islands such as Roatn and Utilia off the
coast of Honduras are the perfect place to secure your PADI
accreditation or notch up some enviable sites in your dive log
for significantly lower costs than in more mainstream
Costa Rica is the most pricey of the Central American options
but even major Costa Rican centers such as San Jos still offer a
cost of living at half the rate of a US or Western European city
and the smaller beach resorts will cost less still. In most
travellers eyes, the quality and breadth of experiences on offer

to travelers to Costa Rica more than offset its higher prices. As a

general rule accommodation is fairly cheap in Central America
and it is clothing and personal care items that rack up the bills
here so pack carefully to reduce your outgoings once youre on
the road.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Destinations Central America & Caribbean

Belize, Caye Caulker Central Americas laid back island
Caye Caulker is a four-mile long island located just off the Belize
Barrier Reef. Digital Nomads come here for its casual
atmosphere, pleasant climate, interesting wildlife and water
Belize has a reputation for being laid back, but nowhere more so
than on Caye Caulker. Bicycles, golf buggies and feet are the
islands only transportation, with all but the latter barely
necessary due to its tiny size.
The island was established some time back as a major
destination for travelers along the route from Mexico down into
Central America and out into the Caribbean. Although it is
growing in popularity its charm is so far intact. While prices may
be higher there than in its neighbouring countries, Belize is still
a cheaper alternative to most Caribbean islands.
Things to see and do
Caye Caulker consists of just three sand roads, two lining its
eastern and westerly shores and one running right through the
middle. The island itself is short on beaches the action is all
about the reef. Its coastline is peppered with plenty of docks
and a number of sea-front restaurants catering for the divers
and snorkelers who flock here to explore the delights of the
Belize Barrier Reef.


There are around a dozen

dive operators on the
island with little to
distinguish one from
another in terms of price
or quality. Local diving
takes place a short boat
ride away at the Marine
Reserve with interesting sites located a little further away at
Spanish Bay and Caye Chapel. Turneffe Atoll and the famous
Blue Hole are also accessible from the island as long-distance
trips which for dedicated divers are not to be missed.
You can also join snorkelling tours in town or head to the
northern part of the island for a spot of kayaking amongst the
mangroves which are home to an amazing variety of birdlife.
Back on dry land, there is little else to do beyond taking a
relaxing swing in a hammock and enjoying the breeze. The main
congregating point on Caye Caulker is The Lazy Lizard which is
where most of the visitors come to top up their tans on a
deckchair, sup a cold beer and sway to the beat of the reggae
that is so popular on the island.
Good to know
Eating and drinking is laid back but surprisingly varied. Most
places are dotted along Front Street, which flanks the eastern
coast of the island. This is also where most of the
accommodation can be found. There are several budget options
which are popular social hangouts for travelers. Talk to the dive
instructors if you are looking for long-term accommodation.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Caye Caulker has

Internet access at
several Internet
cafs and via Wi-Fi
hotspots but it is
served by a single
hard line to the
mainland. As a result
it is prone to
bandwidth problems
and interruptions, so bear this in mind if connectivity is
important to you.
If you are looking for the anonymity of the city, this is not for
you. All 1,000 or so permanent residents know each other and it
wont be long before they know you, too. If this is not a problem
relax and enjoy Caye Caulkers charm. If you are looking for a
destination thats a bit more developed also look into visiting


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ laid back island paradise
+ variety of water sports
+ former English colony (get by with English)
- not much to do besides taking it slowly
- internet connectivity can be a problem
Learn & Do
snorkelling, diving, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing
Get things done
Barrier Reef Sports Bar
Travel Resources
Go Caye Caulker
Budget Accommodation Caye Caulker
Cost of Living Caye Caulker
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $600
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $800

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Costa Rica, Dominical Former fishing village awakening

Dominical is one of Costa Ricas hidden gems. Located on the
Pacific coast it is a popular destination among surfers and
backpackers who come to experience its white sandy beaches,
year-round foaming surf and laid back vibe. Many fall under its
spell and stay far longer than they intended and the town
boasts a good many expat gringos who almost accidentally now
call it home.
Part of Dominicals charm is its lack of development. While
many other towns and beaches on the Pacific coast have given
into mass tourism and construction, Domincals beach remains
largely preserved to forest and the few roads that make up the
village are sandy and rutted.
Things to see and do
Domincal started life as a tiny fishing village and only recently
found its way on to the maps and itineraries of foreign travelers.
Since then the town has grown to incorporate a number of
beach-front restaurants, bars, kiosks and guest houses, though
it is still possible to cover the length of the village in 10 minutes.
The number one attraction here is the beach and ocean and
surfing is a major pastime. There are several surf schools that
operate from the main beach offering lessons to experienced
surfers and novices alike. The area offers some excellent
snorkelling and diving opportunities; try taking a day trip to
Cao Island, one of the best diving sites in the world and home
to an impressive collection of marine species.

Why not head out of town for a spot of day time adventuring in
the surrounding area? Adventure enthusiasts will love ziplining,
caving and hiking as well as a trip to the Parque Reptilandia, a
mini zoo with local snakes, frogs, crocodile and a Komodo
dragon! Take a horseback tour to the nearby Nauyaca waterfalls
or join a whale-watching tour to the Marino Ballena National
Park where whales can be spotted along the shoreline nine
months of the year. This part of the Pacific is one of only two
places in the world where whales from the Northern and
Southern Hemisphere meet, the other being in North Africa.
Dominical has plenty of restaurants given the size of the village.
Most serve typical Costa Rican fare and plenty of seafood,
though a Tex-Mex and a Thai restaurant add a bit of variety.
There is a fair bit of choice for partying with several clubs and
live music venues. Roca Verde is the place to be on a Saturday
night when the influx of Costa Ricans from the nearby towns
and cities descend.
Plenty of surf English is spoken in town so getting by in the
waves and on the beach is relatively straightforward. The many

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

expats who have settled here will help you out if you are stuck
for words.
Good to know
Accommodation is mostly basic although there is a smattering
of boutique hotels appearing in response to the towns growing
popularity. Try El Coco for a budget room or El Castillo for a
budget-buster. Rest in luxury at this restored Colonial house and
cool off in the infinity pool, perched on a cliff 100 meters above
the ocean.
Accidents have been known to happen so do watch out for
currents and riptides and pay attention to the red flags.
This is sleepyville so dont expect high speed Internet access or
too many mod cons. But if youre looking for a place to relax
and write articles or do little and enjoy the vibe, Dominical is up
there with the best of them.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ emerging Costa Rican surfing village
+ perfect to get rest and focus
- not a lot of infrastructure around
Learn & Do
surfing, ziplining, hiking, horse riding, waterfalls
Get things done
Tortilla Flats
Travel Resources
Dominical Tourism
Budget Accommodation Dominical
Cost of Living Dominical
Night in Hostel: $14
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $850

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Guatemala, San Pedro La Laguna Turns travelers into

San Pedro La Laguna is a delightfully laid-back town perched on
the shores of the Lake Atitln in Guatemala. It has developed a
reputation as a major backpacker hub offering great food, lively
music and plenty of relaxation with a pile of adventure sports
waiting for you whenever you can ease yourself out of your
swinging hammock.
This is the kind of place that draws you in as a traveler and turns
you into an expat. There is a large international population here
permanently enjoying its laid back atmosphere and plenty of
hiking and riding opportunities around the lake.
Things to see and do
Life in the town centers round the market and some narrow
streets and alleyways dotted with bars and shops, winding their
way down the hill towards the lake where most of the
accommodation is found.
San Pedro La Laguna has become a popular language school
center with more and more students flocking to this picturesque
location on the shores of the Atitln Lake to improve their
Spanish. Quality of tuition can vary so ask around before
booking up. Most residents here speak Tz Utujil as their mother
tongue but all learn Spanish in school so as long as you have a
smattering of Spanish phrases communication is relatively


Other than Spanish lessons, daytime activities in town tend to

be limited to people-watching in one of its many cafs or gentle
hammock swinging on your balcony.
For the real action head down to the lake for a spot of kayaking
or try your hand at paragliding a great way to get your
adrenalin fix while seeing the lake from another perspective.
Hiking is a major draw around Lake Atitln. The nearby Volcano
San Pedro makes for a popular hike that is possible to do
without a guide, while Indian Nose and Mayan Face are best
tackled as part of a guided group.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Eating and drinking is

varied and affordable,
with a smattering of
some delightful cafs
and bakeries among
the restaurants,
pizzerias and English
pubs. A rather
atmosphere exists throughout the town thanks to the mixed
community of expats.
Good to know
Most of the accommodation is concentrated along the shores of
the lake. As soon as you arrive you will be accosted by hoards of
people clamouring for your custom, especially if you arrive by
boat. Take your time and choose the hotel for yourself to avoid
paying elevated prices with commissions. All the hotels are
within a ten-minute walk of the main dock. The Hotel San
Francisco is a popular option with clean rooms, some with
private facilities and most with balconies offering a great view
of the lake. Wherever you stay ask to see your room before
committing as quality can vary and expect to negotiate,
especially if you are planning on a longer stay as excellent longterm rates can be secured.
There is a fair amount of free Wi-Fi available in the cafs, bars
and hotels making it an easy location for Digital Nomads to
catch up on some business while enjoying some relaxation and

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ One of the cheapest destinations to learn Spanish
+ amazing setting close to volcano
+ fantastic place to focus due to mild climate at 1,600m
- drug abuse amongst expats
Learn & Do
hiking volcanos, learn Spanish, kayaking, read a book
Get things done
Le Jardin
DNoz Restaurant
Caf Atitlan
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation San Pedro Laguna
Cost of Living San Pedro La Laguna
Night in Hostel: $5
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $2
Minimum Budget p/m: $400

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Honduras, Roatn Great long-term escape close to the

The Honduran island of Roatn is world-famous for its scuba
diving. It is the largest of the Bay Islands, located around 50
kilometres from the northern coast of the Honduran mainland.
There is something compelling about Roatn, it draws you in
and before you know it you wont want to leave. People call it
the Roatn vortex people come back time and time again or
simply stop leaving and settle here for good.
The island is 50 kilometres long and on average just 3km wide.
Surrounded by its own reef and close to the Caribbeans largest
barrier reef, Roatn is the perfect place to come for a bevy of
marine adventures.
Things to see and do
There are two main villages on Roatn, West End-West Bay and
French Harbour, which are joined together by a system of paved
roads linking the various communities that dot its shores and
West End-West Bay is the liveliest place to stay on the island
and the most popular choice for travelers. There are several
large resorts that have been built on the beach in recent years
but they have not detracted from its overall charm. Here you
will find bars, restaurants and live music right on the beach,
along with the best sunsets. The reef is a short swim away and
has excellent snorkelling.


Most of the activity

takes place on the
beaches and in the
water out of town.
Snorkelling, diving and
fishing are all major
attractions in Roatn.
Dive attractions include
sea walls, shipwrecks
and night dives, all in the peaceful company of sea turtles,
dolphins and whales.
The fishing is equally good with the waters well stocked with
marlin, barracuda, tuna and all manner of other exotic species.
There are plenty of operators offering daily diving, fishing and
sightseeing trips out to the reef as well as night diving
excursions several nights a week.
For something a bit different take a trip in one of Karl Stanleys
Submarines to depths of up to 2,000 feet. These dont come
cheap but they do cost less than any other submersible tourist
operation in the world so if this is on your list of things to do
before you die, this is the place to do it.
There are a good number of restaurants located at West End
and French Harbour. Seafood abounds and food in general is of
a very high standard. Fill your boots (or your flip flops) and head
out to sample Roatns night life.
Since several cruise lines included Roatn on their itineraries
prices have risen somewhat and many bars have evolved to

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

cater for the North American and European tourist brigade,

however there is still something for every budget.
Try a pub crawl in the
West End to figure out
which is your favourite,
and if you are looking
for something a little
more low key, head
down to French

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ fantastic long term escape close to USA
+ great place to come back again and again
+ well developed infrastructure
- theft can be a problem in some parts of the island
Learn & Do
diving, fishing, snorkelling, horseback riding

Language communication is easy in Roatn as English is widely

spoken along with Spanish and Garifuna. Most individuals who
live on the island are bilingual English/Spanish.

Get things done

Earth Mamas Garden Caf
Javine Caf
Caf Escondido

Good to know
There are excellent accommodation options ranging from US$4
to $400 per night in condos, hotels and beach cabanas as well as
camping options.

Travel Resources
Roatn Tourism
Budget Accommodation Roatn

Roatn is well policed by a tourist service and busy areas are

safe 24 hours a day but stay away from Coxen Hole after dark.
Theft is common here and has increased since the arrival of the
cruise traffic so keep your valuables under wraps and try not to
stay anywhere too remote. Keep these safety tips in mind and
your time on Roatn should be idyllic and trouble free.

Cost of Living Roatn

Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $850

Roatn is served by high-speed Internet making it a great and

affordable option for a long term escape within just a few hours
flight time from the US.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Honduras, Utilia Cheaper alternative to Roatn with

small island vibe
The smallest of the major islands in the Bay Archipelago, Utilia is
considered one of the least expensive and most beautiful places
in the world for scuba diving. Should neighbouring Roatn not
meet your budget, Utilia provides a superb alternative.
For many years a favourite with backpackers, Utilia is starting to
attract more general tourists in the same way that Roatn
experienced a decade or so ago. That said, it is still largely
unspoilt and enjoys a slow, welcoming pace of life where locals
and visitors live side-by-side in happy harmony. If you are after
peace and tranquillity, Utilia is the perfect place for a Digital
Nomad to take a break from reality and explore the depths of
the Caribbean Sea.
Things to see and do
Utilia borders the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef the second
largest in the world after the Great Barrier Reef. More than 60
dive sites are located among the reefs directly off the islands
coastline, playing host to uncountable marine species including
the holy grail of scuba diving: the whale shark.
Diving here is notably inexpensive, hence its traditional
popularity amongst backpackers and, although visitor numbers
are rising, prices have not yet caught up. This is the perfect
place to take a PADI Open Water course or enhance your PADI
credentials by learning advanced diving skills. In fact, the island
certifies more new divers than any other Caribbean location.
There are plenty of dive schools dotted across the island and it

is worth shopping around for the best deal as some schools will
include basic hotel accommodation and food within their
packages while others do not.
Food on Utilia is deliciously basic. Fresh fruits and plenty of crab
and other seafood feature heavily in the local cuisine.
Most Digital Nomads will love the party scene in Utilia. A good
selection of bars offer a laid back vibe coupled with a
sophisticated taste in music. There is a party happening pretty
much every night, with at least one bar remaining open until
dawn. The bar owners appear to have a tacit understanding
over whose turn it is to play host to the late night revellers: if
you are not sure where to go just follow the crowd.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Utilia hosts the largest

electronic music party
in Central America
every year in August
when world class DJs
are flown in from all
over the world. The
island becomes
crowded but it is a magical experience and well worth timing
your visit to coincide. Do book in advance as accommodation
options will be hard to come by.
Good to know
There is lots of cheap accommodation on Utilia. A bed in a
shared dormitory-style room will cost as little as $2 per night
and there are options in luxury private houses and inclusive
resorts to suit all budgets. If you have the funds or can club
together with friends, try renting your own private tropical
island such as Little Cay or The Rocks Cay for as little as $100 per
There are several internet cafs on the island provided by
satellite links to the mainland. Some hotels and hostels also
provide a service. Utilia is much safer than mainland Honduras.
There is some petty theft from drunken revellers and occasional
break-ins but little else to trouble the traveler.
Do not visit Utilia unless your passion is beach, sea sports and
partying as there is nothing else to do on the island. On the
other hand, if these are your passions, this is the place for you.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ inexpensive learn to dive destination
+ good scene of long-term travellers
+ laidback island vibe with good nightlife
- difficult to get focused
Learn & Do
diving, whale sharks, nightlife
Get things done
Babalu Bar & Grill
Mango Caf
Travel Resources
Utilia Travel Guide
Utilia Accommodation Overview
Cost of Living Utilia
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Mexico, Puerto Escondido World famous laid-back

surfers get-away
Puerto Escondido is one of the most important tourist
attractions on Mexicos Pacific coast. This traditional fishing and
market town has evolved into something of a laid back paradise
catering to surfers, backpackers and local Mexican families. Its
main beach, Zicatela, is a major surfing destination and hosts
several high-profile competitions on its white-foam breakers.
However, the area is not without calm waters and to the west of
town there is plenty of swimming, snorkelling, diving, fishing to
be found.
This is the place for Digital Nomads looking for a beach location
with a great caf and restaurant scene, lively nightlife and
affordable accommodation. The lack of high-rise development
and retention of the towns easy charm is an added bonus.

return to land. Whale, dolphin and turtle sightings are an added

bonus on many fishing excursions.

Things to see and do

This surfing Mecca is considered to be one of the top ten
destinations for every dedicated surfer. Even if surfings not
your thing it is worth the trip for a beer at the Los Tios
restaurant in the late afternoon sun, where you can watch the
surfers against the backdrop of the Pacific sunset. Mid to late
summer is low tourist season but the best time for waves and
this is when the main international competitions are held
including the ESPN X Games and the MexPipe Challenge.

The Andador Escncico (Scenic Walkway) winds its way from the
town out over the rocky cliffs and past the lighthouse and offers
some wonderful scenery and a chance to get your bearings but
beware the narrow path and high breakers. It is worth renting a
car or motorbike from Puerto Escondido to access some of the
areas away from town such as the Chacuhua lagoon and the
beach towns of Puerto Angel and Huatulco, all of which are
within a couple of hours drive. If you prefer not to drive you can
usually negotiate a good rate for all-day hire of a taxi. Choose
your driver well and you will have the added benefit of a free
guide thrown in.

Puerto Escondidos charm is centred on the sea. Join a fishing

trip to try your luck against tuna, marlin and red snapper and
have your catch cooked for you at a local restaurant when you

Prez Gazga Avenue, known as El Adoqun, forms the center of

town where you will find plenty of bars, restaurants, nightclubs
and dive shops. It is pedestrianized after 5pm when it is


WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

populated by promenading locals and tourists investigating

market stalls selling local crafts and art. Food is mostly rustic
with a local flavour and features plenty of seafood although
there are several Italian restaurants, opened recently by Italian
expats. Nightlife is lively in a laid-back surfy way with plenty of
bars offering a good selection of Mexican and international
beers and several venues for a good after hours dance.

Destination Overview

Good to know
As a tourist destination English is widely understood these days
in Puerto Escondido but a smattering of Spanish will always
help. The town is safe with few risks, but as with many Latin
American coastal locations it is best to avoid the beach area at
night and steer clear of anywhere isolated.

Learn & Do
surfing, fishing, skydiving, diving

There are a number of hotels for budget and mid-range tastes

off El Adoqun and Zicatela beach has some great beachfront
properties offering cheap rooms, especially off-season during
spring and early summer. Apartment rental for stays of over a
month are a cost-effective option here and there is plenty of
choice, making this a fun and budget-friendly stopping point for
beach and surf lovers.


Pros & Cons

+laid-back Mexican beach destination
+ great caf & restaurant scene
+ popular place to learn Spanish and surfing
- beware of crime at night

Get things done

Dans Cafe
Vivaldi Caf
El Cafecito
Travel Resources

Budget Accommodation Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido Travel Info
Cost of Living Puerto Escondido
Night in Hostel: $9
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

San Cristbal is
known for its
filigree jewellery,
wrought iron,
textiles and
ceramics and the
central open air
market is full of
stalls offering high
quality examples of

Mexico, San Cristbal de las Casas Learn Spanish in

Mexican Highlands
Located in the Central Highlands region of Chiapas State,
Southern Mexico, San Cristbal de las Casas is considered to be
the areas cultural capital.
The heart of the city has changed little since Spanish colonial
times and is centred round a delightful collection of cobblestone
streets boasting traditional houses with red tile roofs and
picturesque wrought iron balconies. Nestled in a small valley it
is surrounded on all sides by a backdrop of mountain peaks full
of caves and rivers waiting to be discovered.
San Cristbal is long established on the travellers trail and has a
considerable population of expats who have fallen under its
spell and forgotten to leave again. The city offers plenty of
opportunities for volunteering and for teaching English making
it a good place to stop, enjoy some traditional Mexican culture
and even replenish your finances.
Things to see and do
San Cristbal is a beautiful city and easily explored on foot or by
rented bicycle. Wander through its traditional colonial streets to
the main square, Plaza 31 de marzo but more usually known as
the Zocalo. Lining the Zocalo are the Santo Domingo Cathedral,
one of the citys most well-known landmarks, and the City Hall.
Further afield the monastery, one of the most ornate colonial
buildings in Latin America, is well worth a visit.


excellent value.
Head out of town to the indigenous villages for a better
understanding of the region and the issues the Zapatista
communities face. If your time is limited take a short tour to
the neighbouring villages such as San Juan Chamula and
Zinacantan. Tours leave daily from the small square in front of
the cathedral and it is well worth joining a guide to enhance
your visit as well as to help you observe local custom and
etiquette and stay on the right side of the villagers!
Laguna Miramar is one of the most beautiful lakes in the area,
set in the jungle in the south of the state. It is well worth a visit
but do take a guide as it is inside Zapatista territory.
For an afternoon of relaxation head out to El Arcotete, a few
kilometres out of the village where you can walk in the shade of
the pine trees, enjoy some spectacular views over the city and
across the valley and explore the caves.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

There are
plenty of
options for
eating in San
Budget options
include some
great snacks
from street vendors and the markets as well as local-owned
restaurants and thanks to the citys expat population there is
also a good selection of international food, notably some
excellent pizzerias. Most of the sit-down restaurants are located
around the main square.
The towns nightlife is centerd round the bars located in the
colonial center. Here the citys mixed international clientele
converge to enjoy tequilas, mojitos, lively music and some good
Good to know
Accommodation is cheap, with plenty of hotel and hostel
options at $5 US per night and a little more buys you a very nice
room in a decent hotel close to the main square.
San Cristbal is a population location for learning Spanish and
there are a number of programs combining Spanish lessons with
volunteering in the Zapatista communities. Try La Casa en el
rbol or Tierras Mayas, both of which are well-established and


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ learn Spanish in cultural destination
+ set high above sea level mild climate to focus
+ fantastic value for money destination
Learn & Do
teach English, volunteer, learn Spanish
Get things done
Tierra Adentro
Casa del Pan
Travel Resources
San Cristbal de las Casas Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation San Cristbal
Cost of Living San Cristbal de las Casas
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Nicaragua, San Juan del Sur Adventure alternative to

pricy Costa Rica
San Jun del Sur is a port on the Pacific coast of south western
Nicaragua. It gives access to some of the countrys most
renowned and accessible beaches and is a starting point for
some of Nicaraguas greatest adventures.
Here you can enjoy excellent surf and sunny, dry conditions as
on the nearby Costa Ricas Nicoya Peninsula which is so popular
amongst A-list celebs.
Its beauty comes at the price of its popularity which may be a
consideration for the Digital Nomad in seek of peace and
seclusion but despite the crowds this collection of stunning
sand-fringed beaches, hemmed in by cliffs rising majestically
from the water is well worth adding to your list.
Things to see and do
English is widely spoken in San Jun del Sur. There are several
Spanish language schools here with good reputations and
competitive prices so it is a popular choice for travelers looking
to spend some time improving their Spanish. If you are thinking
of taking a class simply in order to get to know people though,
you shouldnt find it necessary.
Expats, travelers and high-end tourists mingle happily in San
Jun del Sur, united by the towns laid-back vibe and mutual
appreciation of its stunning scenery. Come here to hang out,
chat, eat and drink with the odd bit of surfing thrown in for
good measure.

If you can tear yourself away from the local beaches, renting a
bicycle or taking a water taxi to explore the quieter coves to the
north and south of the town is well worth the effort. Playa
Madera to the north is well merits a visit. The beach can be
accessed by car but the road is tricky and the beach is served by
daily water taxi. To the south, Playa del Coco is a stunning oasis
of charm and seclusion.
San Juan del Sur is home to a number of tour operators
providing access to all the treks, tours and adventures that
Nicaragua has to offer. Whatever you fancy, you are sure to find
it here. Try a yoga retreat in the mountains, diving and surfing
off some of Nicaraguas most unspoilt beaches or kite surfing
and kayaking on one of the largest fresh-water lakes in Central
America. Closer to home, riding enthusiasts will love the
Rancho Chilamate for a hack inland away from the sand and surf
to rural Nicaragua.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Digital Nomads looking

to stay a while in San
Jun del Sur can tap into
the books, reference
sources and IT resources
of Nicaraguas first
lending library, which is
located here. Give up a
few hours to volunteer
in the library or with the
mobile book van and you will be highly popular in town.

Destination Overview

Devotees of the popular US Survivor will appreciate its proximity

to the filming locations of Survivor: Nicaragua and Survivor:
Redemption Island.

Get things done

Banana Hamacas
Barrio Caf
Iguana Beach Bar

Things to know
Accommodation for every budget can be found in and around
San Jun del Sur. Try the Surf Ranch Action Sports Resort if
youre feeling active. This is Nicaraguas first action sports resort
and boasts a skateboard park, jungle paintball course,
restaurants, swimming pools, climbing wall and a whole host of
sporting activities.
San Jun del Sur is generally safe though there are some
muggings and the occasional scammer. Take care walking
between beaches and keep your wits about you if you are on
the beach at night and you should avoid too many problems.


Pros & Cons

+ inexpensive alternative to Costa Rica
+ good to learn Spanish and surfing
+ chilled out adventure town offering many activities
- crime & theft not uncommon
Learn & Do
Yoga retreats, surfing, learn Spanish, skateboarding parks, horse

Travel Resources
San Juan del Sur Guide
Budget Accommodation San Juan del Sur
Cost of Living San Juan del Sur
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Panama, Bocas del Toro Not to be missed on your

nomad adventure!
Located just 32km from the Costa Rican border, the archipelago
of Bocas del Toro consists of six heavily forested islands,
numerous uninhabited islets and the Bastimentos National
Marine Park.
Bocas del Toro, known simply as Bocas is Panamas prime
tourist destination, drawing long-term travellers from all over
the world keen to sample its rugged beauty and laid-back way of
Its sympathetic development and absence of resort hotels
ensure that despite its popularity Bocas has not become a victim
of its own success. The villages, set against the backdrop of
some of the continents most stunning scenery, have retained
their Caribbean charm with even the most developed of the
islands, Isla Coln, boasting strong local flavour and a deliciously
slow way of life.
This is the place to come if you want to leave the real world
behind and immerse yourself in the simpler things in life.
Things to see and do
Bocas town is located on Isla Coln and is the capital of Bocas
del Toro Province. Like its five neighbouring islands, it is covered
in dense jungle of vines and forest palms dropping away to
mangrove glades and pristine white-sand beaches, lapped by
the cobalt-blue waters of the Caribbean.


One of the main draws of Bocas is its scuba diving. Come here to
discover the countless species of tropical fish that inhabit the
extensive coral reef. There are several scuba clubs in town with
little to choose between them. Equipment, prices and tours are
all identical. Dives here tend to be relatively shallow around
15 20 meters and are considered largely recreational,
providing little to seriously challenge a very experienced diver.
But as a place to find your dive legs or simply relax and wallow
in the wonder of your surroundings it is hard to beat.
When you think of Bocas, think wild! A busy day might involve
hiking a distance through the rainforest to access an empty
stretch of virgin shoreline, a snooze in the shade of a swaying
palm, a quick dip to cool down and hiking back home again to a
cool beer.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

For a real rainforest

experience, head
away from Bocas
town to the
Panamanian section
of the Parque
Internacional La
Amistad on the
mainland for a bit
of jaguar- spotting
and a peek at one of the Ngbe-Bugl settlements that have yet
to leave behind their traditional lifestyle.

Pros & Cons

+ laid back islands vibe close to beautiful rainforests
+ turquoise waters and good surf
+ good infrastructure to stay long term
- you might not want to leave again
Learn & Do
surfing, boat trips, good nightlife, diving, rainforest hiking, yoga
Get things done
Ultimo Refugio
Greenhouse Caf
Coworking Holiday: Cocovico

Bocas town is small enough to navigate on foot. If you do need

some wheels for a quicker journey, bicycles and scooters are
available to rent, though scooters are not cheap and there are
plenty of taxis.

Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Bocas del Toro
Bocas del Toro Guide

The town has several spots where you can dance the night
away. Check out Barco Hundido, which stretches out over the
water like a semi-shipwrecked boat and is an end of night
congregating point for most of the towns temporary and
permanent inhabitants. Another island favourite are the weekly
ladies nights at Aqua Lounge.

Cost of Living Bocas del Toro

Night in Hostel: $14
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $850

Good to know
Access to the town is by boat from Almirante or Changuinola
depending on where you are travelling from and costs between
$4 and $7.
Destination Overview

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Panama, Panama City The beating heart of Central


and now boasts some beautifully restored colonial architecture.

This is the citys cultural hub and home to its vibrant arts scene.

Panama City is a melting pot of languages, cultures and colours

from every corner of the globe. This is the place to come for
great shopping, buzzing nightlife, international cuisine and an
explosion of Latin American flavour.

Most of the shopping (and Panama City has plenty of it) is

centred round the Caledonia area where shiny malls jostle side
by side with street markets selling everything from high-end
brands to local handicrafts.

Digital Nomads will enjoy the opportunity to learn Spanish on an

immersion course in a city where English is understood
sufficiently, allowing you to communicate from the word go.

The Panama Canal is the citys main must-see attraction. The

easiest way to visit is to go to the Miraflores lock where the
museum and visitors center is located but if your budget
permits try visiting by boat for a view from a different
perspective. For a view of Panama Citys towering skyline head
out on to the Amadour Causeway that joins the three islands to
the mainland.

Panama City is one of Latin Americas main hubs, providing

excellent access by road, sea or plane north through Central
America to Mexico and beyond, east to the Caribbean and down
through Colombia, the gateway to the South.
Things to see and do
Getting around in Panama City is relatively easy. It has a modern
and well organized bus network and plenty of taxis. It is a
vibrant hub, full of crumbling Colonial elegance and modern day
grit and charm.
Panama Vieja and the Casco Viejo are easily confused by first
time tourists thinking they are one and the
same but they are quite different. Panama
Viejo, site of the old city, is now a national
park, full of crumbling unrestored buildings
dating back to the pre-1600s and is well worth
a visit. The Casco Viejo is the new Old Town
in the heart of the present-day city. It is
undergoing some exciting renovation works

There are some great trips to be taken from the city including
the Chagres River in Gamboa or exploring the San Blas Islands.
Every nationality in Panama City is seemingly represented by its
cuisine. Spanish cafs, Chinese and Japanese restaurants, Italian
pizzerias and Tex-Mex burger houses all vie for the custom of a
multicultural clientele. For some great freshly caught fish at
knockdown prices try the restaurants located upstairs in the fish

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

market in the Casco Viejo.

Destination Overview

Calle Uruguay and the Old Town are home to the most
upmarket nightlife where plenty of cold beer and live music can
be found seven nights a week.

Pros & Cons

+ easy to get around with English
+useful hub to explore South Central America
+ perfect infrastructure to get things done
- safety can be an issue

Good to know
There are several language schools with good reputations
offering Spanish classes for all levels and they are a popular
starting point for travelers who are new to Panama or indeed to
Latin America.
Most of the accommodation suited to a travellers budget is
found in the Old Town and there are some lovely options set in
renovated colonial buildings. Many offer their own tour services
and vehicle rental making it easy to get out and about and
explore what Panama has to offer.
Drug crime is a problem in Panama and certain parts are no-go
areas for locals and tourists alike. El Chorillo is notorious as are
Santa Ana and San Miguel. Care should also be taken around the
Casco Viejo and Panama Vieja though the tourist police are very
visible. Assume that all Panamanian taxi drivers are rogues and
you should be well prepared check the fare before you travel,
give the impression that you know where youre going even if
you dont and keep your luggage in the main cab as bag stealing
is rife!


Learn & Do
learn Spanish, get things done, shopping, nightlife, sailing, golf
Get things done
Super Gourmet
New York Bagel Caf
Coworking: Casco Station
Travel Resources
Panama Tourism
Budget Accommodation Panama
Cost of Living Panama City
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $900

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Dominican Republic, Cabarete Unique Caribbean wind

and wave sport mecca
Cabarete is widely considered to be an affordable Caribbean
hub for surfers and adventure sport enthusiasts.
Located on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic,
Cabarete has grown from a small hamlet into a booming coastal
community, as popular among 5-star devotees as it is for
adventure-seeking backpackers.
If you are travelling in search of thrills and spills in some of the
most famous turquoise waters of the Caribbean, this is the place
for you.
Things to see and do
Renowned for its kite and wind surfing, Cabarete is a mecca for
enthusiasts following the holy grail of top world-wide locations
in which to practice their sport. Kite Beach and Bozo Beach are
the main hubs offering a variety of challenges, and there are a
number of schools on the beach offering lessons for all levels.
Surfers tend to head to Playa Encuentro, just 5 minutes away
from downtown Cabarete where the waves are at the best.
Back on dry land, Cabarete is a great location from which to
explore the lush green landscape of the Domincan Republic.
Take an excursion inland to discover the hills and valleys and
freshwater streams that meander through the tropical
vegetation. Try your hand at jumping the crystal clear waterfalls,
swim with the fish or simply relax to the sounds of paradise. If
this doesnt satisfy your energies, try mount-biking, hiking,

rafting, climbing, horseback riding and just about every other

extreme sport in general. As you can imagine it is hard to get
bored in Cabarete.
When youre ready to take a break from the action, check out
the shopping in Cabarete. The town has a variety of shops
selling an eclectic mix of gifts and local crafts.
Cabarete has a simple yet sophisticated feel about it. It still
remembers where it came from but it definitely knows where
its heading, too and dining is no exception. The town caters for
everyone, offering affordable local food right down to 5-star
dining. Most of the action takes place on the beaches, where
beachside bars have evolved into quality restaurants offering
the ultimate dining experience.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Central America & Caribbean

Finish your evening

at one of the many
bars and clubs
where an
international list of
DJs is lined up
several months in
Good to know
Cabarete has a truly multinational vibe and is a perfect location
for meeting people or just watching them! The town is laid
back with an emphasis on fun and is generally very safe, though
as with any location it is never a good idea to walk alone late at
English is spoken in abundance and most tour leaders, surf
instructors and waiting staff speak a good smattering of several
languages more besides. There are some very smart, budgetbusting hotels in town but it has not yet turned its back on its
more basic posadas with many of them offering monthly
options. Most have free Internet access and telephone
connections to keep you in touch.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ young vibe and Caribbean flair
+ popular & affordable watersport mecca
+ easy to communicate in English
- theft can be a problem at night
Learn & Do
wind & kite surfing, surfing, mountain biking, hiking, rafting,
climbing, horse riding, learn Spanish
Get things done
Caf Pitu
Restaurant Algeria
Kitebeach Hotel
Travel Resources
Cabarete Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Cabarete
Cost of Living Cabarete
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


When to go where
Europe as a whole enjoys a temperate climate. It is warm in the
summer and cold in the winter, with the temperature variations
between the two seasons increasing the further south you go.
During the spring, the best conditions are found in the west and
south. Cities such as Lisbon and Granada become warmer and
drier much quicker than their counterparts in northern and
Eastern Europe and are delightful to visit in the early spring
months. While temperatures tend to be cooler at night still,
warm sunny days can lend themselves to pleasant sightseeing
and even some relaxed days on the beach. Actually, at this time
of year Granada offers the best of both worlds. Basking in the
shadows of the snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada,
Granada is a 45-minute drive from the Sol y Nieve ski station
and the same distance in the other direction to the sandy coves
of the Costas, making it the perfect destination for a Digital
Nomad unable to decide between mountain and beach.
As the snows melt, late spring and early summer are a delight
further east. This is the time to explore other western European
cities such as Berlin, one of Europes most happening
High summer season in Europe lasts only for a couple of months
and can be busy, but many European destinations are worth the
crowds for the chance to visit when conditions are just right.
Head to an island destination to really get away from reality and
sample the best of Mediterranean life.

Late summer and autumn offer plenty of festivals in the central

and eastern European cities and a climate that is still warm and
welcoming. This is a great time to visit cities such as Riga, Tallinn
and Vilnius, before the winter cold sets in.


Cost of Living in Europe

With the Euro in turmoil and financial uncertainty throughout
the entire continent, there has never been a better time to
consider a spot of Digital Nomading in Europe. Europe is home
to some of the most beautiful and historically significant cities in
the world and, if you choose your destinations well, it is entirely
possible to live on $1,000 or less a month while enjoying all the
beauty and benefits of some of the worlds most sophisticated
As a general rule, the further east you go, the cheaper Europe
becomes, and many of the cities of the former eastern bloc
represent excellent value for money but there are still some
affordable gems to be found in the west.
Financial pressure on both Portugal and Spain has pushed down
prices and while this is unfortunate for their domestic markets,
it does make them great options for Digital Nomads on a
budget. Prices in Lisbon have been historically low due to its
position right at the edge of the continent, and right now it is
more affordable than ever. Plenty of good quality, cheap
accommodation is available and it makes a fine base from which
to explore all that Portugal and Western Spain have to offer.
Granada is one of the few bases from which it is possible to ski
in the morning in the majestic Sierra Nevada and sunbathe on
the Costas in the afternoon, without the high cost of expensive
resort hotels.
Historically Europes cheapest capital, Berlin has become more
expensive recently but it has much to offer to the tech-savvy

Digital Nomad to offset its higher cost of living and very much
merits a look.
Towards the east your budget will really come into its own.
Although not the cheapest of locations, St Petersburg and
Prague are just begging to be discovered, while cities such as
Riga in Latvia, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Vilnius in Lithuania make
an excellent base for those looking to combine buzzing nightlife
and cultural delights with a comfortable environment to work
and top up your travelling funds. Tallinn in Estonia is considered
Europes cheapest city and definitely merits a visit. Good food
and decent accommodation can be found at low cost here,
helping to stretch your dollars to their maximum.
Much of the point of exploring Europe on a budget is to take in
its urban centers but there are still affordable beach options to
be found.
The secret to cost-effective living in Europe is to use its
supermarkets well, cook at home and choose transport
methods prudently. A little extra time on the road can save a lot
of dollars in your budget.


Destinations Europe
Czech Republic, Prague Historic Europe at a decent price
Prague offers all the charm of the great western European cities
without the prices to match. Beautiful architecture, buzzing
nightlife and great value accommodation makes Prague a firm
favourite with weekend tourists, expats and travelers alike.
The capital of the Czech Republic, Prague is characterized by its
ancient skyline, which has remained unchanged for centuries.
Unlike many European cities it was almost untouched by the
ravages of World War Two and its medieval center still offers a
magical maze of cobbled lanes, squares, cathedrals and church
This is a vibrant cultural center that pulses with the beat of live
music, art, history and fine food. It is a must for any Digital
Nomad looking for a taste of the real Europe.
Things to see and do
Prague is best enjoyed on foot. Start at Wenceslas Square and
meander through the narrow streets to the Old Town Square,
and from here over the Charles Bridge that straddles the Vltava
River before finishing up at the Castle district to get a feel for
the size and history of the city.
The Charles Bridge dates back to the 14th Century and is one of
Pragues most famous and beautiful landmarks. It is a
destination in its own right, bustling by day with buskers, artists
and craft stalls.

Allow plenty of time for visiting Prague Castle. It is the biggest

ancient castle in the world, rising majestically above the city and
offering stunning views of the streets below. The site includes
the St Vitus Cathedral, Castle Picture Gallery, Royal Garden and
several further palaces and museums. The changing of the
guard takes place on the hour and is worth catching.
Eating is a delight in Prague, though bear in mind that thanks to
its climate the food tends to be fairly robust. Meals are typically
based around pork or beef and dumplings and potatoes feature
heavily. It is customary in the Czech Republic to eat a main meal
at lunch time and something lighter in the evening, though with
its large international clientele, decent restaurants in Prague are
just as busy in the evenings and it is worthwhile booking ahead.


Most of Pragues
socializing goes on in
its hospoda or pubs,
although as a capital
city, it does have its
fair share of funky
clubs, too. Pubs tend
to be very friendly; a
place where friends
and strangers mix and share their evening; if you have space at
your table dont be surprised if a group sits down and strikes up
a conversation.
Communications are easy in Prague as most youngsters and
people working in the tourist areas and restaurants possess
good conversational English.
Good to know
Prague has plenty of long-term accommodation options within
walking distance of the old town. Prices in high season rise
considerably so it is worth visiting between October and
November for better value and fewer crowds.
Most accommodation offers good, fast broadband services and
you will find many cafes offering free Wi-Fi throughout the city.


Destination Quick Facts

Pros & Cons
+ medieval center untouched by World War II
+ famous nightlife with fantastic value for money
+ perfect long term destination with expat scene
- can get cold in winter
- prices have picked up in last years go asap
Learn & Do
sightseeing, bar hopping, shopping, river cruises, bike tours
Get things done
Mama Coffee
Coworking: Coffice
Coworking: TheHUB Prague
Coworking: Locus Workspace
Travel Resources
Prague Tourism
Budget Accommodation Prague
Cost of Living Prague
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $630
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


Croatia, Split Mediterranean charm at its best

Split is Croatias largest city, situated on the Adriatic coast. It is a
major transport hub and the jumping-off point for a visit to the
Dalmation islands and beyond. The ancient walled Dicletians
Palace is reason enough on its own to visit the city, with its
impressive cathedral and charming winding streets.
Away from the bustle of the center the town falls away through
woods to the beach below. Its restored harbour makes for a
pleasant place to stroll and people-watch over a delicious
coffee, all against the backdrop of the Adriatic Sea to one side
and the mountain cliffs that rise from the coast to the other.
Things to see and do
Central Split is quite compact and easily explored on foot,
though there is a good bus service across town and to outlying
areas. Another way to experience the city is by bike, with plenty
of hire shops and companies offering accompanied tours. This
can give you an interesting perspective on the city and is a good
way to meet fellow travelers.
The Diocletian Palace is a delight, with many well-preserved
streets and roman architecture that is well complimented by the
gothic and renaissance buildings that were added over the
centuries. Pay the surcharge to visit the excavated remains of
the palace basement and consider viewing the whole palace as
part of a guided tour to get the most out of it. St Dujes
Cathedral, within the palace walls, was built around 305 AD as
the mausoleum of Emperor Diocletion and is the oldest
cathedral building in the world. Climb its bell tower for a 36087

degree view of
before heading
further out of
town (about
10 minutes by
bus) to the
ancient Roman
colony of
Salona and its well preserved amphitheatre, theatre, Basilica
and other Roman buildings.
Part of Splits charm is its mix of urban history and access to the
stunning Adriatic Sea. Follow the harbour south to the beach at
Bavice to take a dip. While this does not do justice to Croatias
reputation for beautiful beaches it does give you a feel for their
charm and makes a welcome alternative to sightseeing. Sailing
is big here, with many charter companies being based in the
harbour. If you have decent sea legs, this is a great place to
charter a boat for a week of island hopping amongst the
Dalmatians but if time or budget wont permit, try taking a day
trip by boat to the attractive town of Hvar to get a feel for the
Adriatic setting and for a great view of Split from the water as
you return.


Splits cuisine boasts

a strong Italian
influence and is
wonderful fusion of
eastern European
and Latin cookery
methods applied to
mostly organic
produce. This is a
place to enjoy great
food and wine in a variety of restaurant settings. You will find a
huge array of restaurants, cafs and bars throughout the old
town and down to the harbour and Split enjoys a lively nightlife.
There are many clubs on Baivce beach where locals and
tourists come together to dance the night away.
Good to know
There are plenty of accommodation options in Split for budget
and luxury travelers located throughout the city. Plenty of Wi-Fi
hot spots make getting online easy and in many places the
service is free. All in all this is a great place to spend a few days
or weeks before heading out for a spot of island hopping or
moving on to explore further into eastern Europe.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ charming city on Croatian coast
+ famous nightlife
- package tourism causing high prices in peak season
Learn & Do
Swimming, snorkelling, sailing, nightlife & get things done
Get things done
Crme de la Creme
Lvxor Caf
Element Bar & Restaurant
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Split Croatia
Cost of Living Split
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $7
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000


The Estonian capital is as charming in winter when it becomes a

magical snow-covered wonderland, as it is in summer when the
sun beams in the blue sky and glistens against the church spires
that punctuate its skyline.

The Tallinn Free Tour is a

great way to explore the
city. Guided by local
young students this is
geared more to travelers
than the package tourist
and includes lots of fun
facts as well as advice on
where to party. Other
paid tours such as the Old Town Walking & Secret Tunnels Tour
are more traditional in their approach but give an excellent
overview of the areas history as well as Estonian lifestyle.

Tallinn is a popular city amongst expats, many of whom are

employed as sought-after English teachers to the increasing
Estonian population desperate to improve their language skills.
It is also high on the list if you are looking for one of the fastest
Internet connections on earth.

Places to see while you are in the old town include Raekoja Plats
(Town Hall Square), the central square fringed with cafs, bars
and restaurants. The Raekoda (town hall) itself stands proudly
at the head of the square and is now open to the public as the
Tallinn City Museum.

Things to see and do

Tallinns old town was nominated a UNESCO World Heritage
Site in 1997 for its incredibly well preserved medieval walled
city, built between the 15th and 17th Centuries. It has
undergone major refurbishment and regeneration and now
boasts sophisticated shopping areas and excellent facilities
whilst retaining its old world charm. The hill of Toompea forms
the medieval heart of the city, where cobbled streets and
alleyways of period houses fan their way out to the remnants of
the city wall.

If art is your thing, you can also try heading away from the old
town to the National Art Museum KUMU, housed in the largest
government commissioned building since the liberation.

Estonia, Tallinn UNESCO heritage, cheap nightlife and

fast Internet
Nominated European Capital of Culture for 2011 Tallinns profile
has well and truly risen over the past year. The city has been
hiding its light under a bushel and the activities and exhibitions
of the past 12 months have finally allowed it to blossom and
take its place amongst the great European capitals.


Located on the coast just a few miles across the sea from
Finland, part of Tallinns charm is its proximity to the beach.
Kakume Beach makes a great spot for relaxing in the sun and
enjoying a dip in some of the areas purest waters. Another
option is the Pirita Marina and Beach. The yachting venue for
the Moscow 1980 Olympic games, it features a large expanse of
fine sand and is highly popular with locals and tourists during
the summer months.


No matter when you travel

there, your trip is bound to
coincide with some event
or other. Tallinn has long
been recognised for its
rich culture; it is the venue
for dozens of music, film,
art and dance events every
Food in Tallinn is expensive by Estonian standards, especially
around the Town Hall Square but still remains affordable and
prices drop as you head into the side streets.
Tallinns nightlife is disproportionate to its size. It is has become
something of a mecca for stag and hen parties but despite their
influx (or perhaps because of it) it is impossible not to have
amazing fun in its many pulsing pubs and bars. If you are here
for a short time sign up for the Tallinn pub-crawl for a raucous
introduction to the citys party scene.
Good to know
While Tallinn is generally safe, watch out for light-fingered
pickpockets, especially in the old town.
The city has a great selection of accommodation for all budgets,
including some excellent value hostels in the central areas. All
have super Internet connections, a great bonus for the Digital


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ charming town with great value for money
+ a favourite amongst expats
+ one of the fastest internet connections worldwide
- extremely cold in winter
Learn & Do
culture, shopping, swimming, ice skating, teaching English
Get things done
Kohvik Komeet
Coworking: Garage 48HUB
Travel Resources
Tallinn Tourism
Budget Accommodation Tallinn
Cost of Living Tallinn
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $6
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


Germany, Berlin Tech-savvy city bursting with nightlife

and culture
Berlin is one of Europes leading cities. A dizzying metropolis
bursting with mouth-watering restaurants, booming clubs,
museums, galleries and a forward-looking arts scene, it is firmly
at the forefront of the worlds cultural stage.
There is a sense of excitement and hard-edged determination in
Berlin that is irresistibly infectious, making it the perfect
location for a Digital Nomad in search of an unmistakeably
European urban fix. Not only is Berlin Western Europes
cheapest city, it is also the home to many tech-savvy start-ups
and has a great entrepreneurial spirit, making it a more and
more popular option for Digital Nomads from around the world.
Things to see and do
Berlin is a large and sprawling city but efficient bus, tram, train
and metro services work together like clockwork to ensure that
it is easily traversable.
Much of the main central area can be explored on foot. The
Mitte and surrounding districts are compact and full of history
and well worth taking the time to get to know. Organised
walking tours are a great way to meet fellow travelers and gain
a better understanding of the history and background of some
of the citys major landmarks and less discovered areas. Several
tour companies compete for trade and offer tours in a variety of
languages, and options include both the traditional routes as
well as tours with an alternative focus. If you are feeling
adventurous try an air or water tour or discover Berlins

architecture, graffiti, technology or music scene all with the help

of a specialist multilingual guide.
Dont leave Berlin without seeing the Reichstag, gutted and
redesigned by Norman Foster some years ago with the addition
of a majestic glass dome as its new crowning glory. Take the lift
up to the top for a stunning view of the city and if funds allow
book in to the roof top restaurant for a fabulous meal and the
chance to jump the lift queues.
Berlin is a city reborn and its cultural scene is booming. Eating,
drinking, clubbing and just living are perhaps more important
here than its architecture and sites of historical significance.
Eating out is refreshingly cheap with staples such as Currywurst
or Dner available on every corner to satisfy the needs of
budget-conscious travelers. The city is a melting pot for
international cultures and this is reflected in its varied cuisine.
Sadly, some of the formerly quirky areas for bars and
restaurants are beginning to conform to multinational
corporations idea of modern culture, but many hidden gems
still exist such as those around the side streets off the
Hackescher Markt and Oranienburger Strae.


Clubs and bars feature heavily on Berlins rich cultural scene.

Cocktail bars abound, especially around Prenzlauer Berg,
Kreuzberg, Schneberg and Friedrichshain. Back in the 90s
seemingly hundreds of illegal bars were the mainstay of Berlins
night scene and while these days the city has somewhat cleaned
up its act, there are still hundreds of exciting options to choose
With over 200 clubs and a Europe-wide reputation for its
progressive music scene, Berlin is a must for the Digital Nomad
in search of some major urban partying. Word of mouth is key,
as some of the citys best clubs are off the beaten track and
little publicised. The main clubbing districts are in the east of
the city around the Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg while more
mainstream clubs can be found in Charlottenburg and at
Potsdamer Platz.
Good to know
It is very easy to live here without speaking a word of German.
Berliners are used to tourists and it wont be a problem getting
by without knowing the local language.
Hotel accommodation is plentiful and due to competition
relatively cheap, while apartment rental may be an option if you
are planning a longer stay. Internet is freely available in hotels
and bars and there are plenty of dedicated Internet cafs
throughout the city. Head to Cafe Sankt Oberholz if you need to
get some work done, or rent one of the many co-working spaces
in town.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ tech-savvy cosmopolitan metropolis
+ different suburbs to suit any budgets
+ Europes Digital Nomad Capital
- Berlin prices are on the rise
- no good destination in winter
Learn & Do
shopping, clubbing, tech meetups, learning German, cycling,
exploring Europe
Get things done
Caf Nest
Caf Sankt Oberholz
Caf Johann Rose
Berlins best coworking spaces
Travel Resources
Berlin Tourism
Budget Accommodation Berlin
Silicon Allee Berlin Techblog by Silicon Valley Expats
Cost of Living Berlin
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $650
Inexpensive Meal: $8
Minimum Budget p/m: $1100


Latvia, Riga Wild nightlife and a taste of Russia

Riga is a delightful city enjoying a renaissance as one of Europes
leading destinations for dazzling architecture and pumping
Latvias capital boasts a historic old quarter, spacious city parks
and a diverse assortment of Art-Nouveau buildings, radiating
out on either side of the Daugava River. This is a bewitching city
that casts its spell on you and keeps many a traveler long after
they planned to leave.
Things to see and do
The city runs an effective tram and bus system but is best
explored on foot and the Old Town itself, the medieval center
on the East side of the River Daugava, is fully pedestrianized.
The area around it boasts plenty of turn-of-the-century
architecture, a wonderful example of German Art Nouveau style
and is definitely worth exploring at leisure. Start at the tourist
information center located in the House of Blackheads, the
former Guild of the Merchants-to-be, which houses a
fascinating museum. Pick up one of the information pamphlets
with detailed descriptions of independent walks around the city.
A more sombre visit to the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia
is a must for anyone interested in gaining an insight into the
countrys history and struggles under Nazi and Soviet
Dont miss the Freedom Monument, one of Latvias national
icons erected during the first independence, which survived
Soviet occupation untouched.

Riga Central Market is located close to the Old Town and merits
a visit not just for its selection of local fruit and vegetables,
cheap clothing and low-cost (probably contraband) cigarettes,
but also for its distinctive architecture: its covering is
constructed from parts of zeppelin hangars bought for the
market in 1920.
Latvian food is wholesome and hearty and some of the best
examples can be found in Riga. As the most vibrant and
cosmopolitan city of the Baltics, it also offers a vast selection of
well-executed international favourites.
The citys nightlife is renowned throughout Europe and offers a
mix of Russian-influenced, Latvian and other international bars
and clubs. Drinking places stay open well into the early hours
and for a late night dance there is a huge selection of clubs to
choose from. The best (and most expensive) are located in the
Old Town but wherever you are in the city you wont have to


walk far for a shot of Riga Balsam also favoured by the large
numbers of foreign tourists in Rigas popular clubs and bars.
Good to know
Riga is a bilingual city where 50% are native Russian speakers,
50% native Latvian and both languages are spoken in equal
measure. English is widely spoken amongst the younger
generation and by anyone in the tourism industry, as is German.
There is a growing demand in Riga for English language
teachers, an excellent option for travelers with a suitable EFL
qualification to finance a prolonged stay in the city.
Accommodation in Riga is good value and varied and the city is
becoming more and more popular with Digital Nomads.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ rising popularity & good place to meet expats
+ good infrastructure to get things done
- cold in winter
Learn & Do
shopping, nightlife, bobsled, bungee jumping, shooting ranges
Get things done
Coffee Inn
Index Cafe
Coworking: BIROJNCA
Travel Resources
Riga Tourism
Budget Accommodation Riga
Cost of Living Riga
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $9
Minimum Budget p/m: $1100



Lithuania, Vilnius Historic town with lively nightlife

Lithuanias capital city is bursting to the seams with picturebook beauty. Vilniuss Old Town was declared a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 1994 for its mix of stunningly-preserved Gothic,
Renaissance, Baroque and Classical buildings. And yet, beneath
its classic surface lies a vibrant, bohemian heart, which was
opened to the world in 2009 when the city enjoyed a year as the
European Capital of Culture.
This is the place to explore dramatic world-class architecture in
a cosmopolitan laid-back setting.
Things to see and do
The city radiates from the Town Hall on its main square out to
the Royal Palace. The Old Town is one of the largest in Europe
and is home to many historic and cultural sites including 65
churches set amongst its network of meandering streets, as well
as the countrys largest art collection, housed in the Lithuanian
Art Museum.
For an alternative view of the city climb from the Cathedral
Square or take the funicular on the other side of the hill to
Gediminas Castle to appreciate its beauty from above. Velo-city
bike tours, which run from spring to autumn, can be a fun way
to get to know Vilnius and will take you not only to the Old
Town but on a sightseeing tour through the artists quarters,
past wooden houses and around the market, too.
Vilnius is a city of contrasts and, despite its cultural heritage it
has a distinctly modern and alternative feel. Check out the
bronze cast of Frank Zappa which was installed in 1995 in the

Naujamiestis district
with the permission
of the Lithuanian
One of the most
popular tourist
activities in
Lithuania is hot air
providing an opportunity to experience the beauty of the
scenery from an entirely new perspective.
Eating and drinking in town is inexpensive and food is good
quality. The most popular local beer is Svyturys, meaning
lighthouse and is available in several different styles. Beer is
something of a national pastime so there are plenty of other
brands to try such as Alaus Namai and Bambalyne along with
the bog-standard European alternatives. Give Lithuanian vodka
a try for something a bit punchier. Nightlife in the city is buzzing
and offers plenty of variety. Clubs and bars are mainly clustered
around the Old Town area but can be found throughout the city
and there are plenty of late night clubs to choose from featuring
DJs and live bands.
Good to know
Vilnius is full of free Wi-Fi hotspots especially in Gedimino
prospect, Vokieciu Street, Gatve, Pilles Street, Cathedral Square
and the Town Hall Square plus in several cafs and restaurants.


Compared to most
capital cities Vilnius
is exceptionally safe,
but it still pays to be
vigilant. Dont walk
alone on dark
streets at night,
keep your wallet
hidden from sight
and look out for
pickpockets in the busy tourist areas.
Accommodation is plentiful and caters for every budget. Try the
Mabre Residence Hotel located in a grand neo-classical Russian
monastery for a bit of class, comfort and in-room Wi-Fi services
together with easy access to the excellent in-house Hazienda
There are plenty of budget options making this the perfect
stepping off point on any Digital Nomads European itinerary.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ historic town with pumping nightlife
+ a unique stopover when exploring Eastern Europe
+ becoming more and more popular with expats
Learn & Do
Hot air ballooning, museums and cathedrals,
Get things done
Vero Cafe
Coffee Inn
Coworking: HubVilnius
Travel Resources
Vilnius Tourism
Budget Accommodation Vilnius
Cost of Living Vilnius
Night in Hostel: $14
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


Macedonia, Ohrid Central European city with chocolate

box charm
Perched on the shores of Lake Ohrid and flanked by dominant
mountain peaks, Ohrid is the spiritual heart of Macedonia and a
focus of great nationalistic pride. Its beautiful setting and
plentiful budget accommodation invite more and more summer
travelers to come and explore the citys cobbled streets, marvel
at chocolate-box churches and soak up the unique atmosphere.
It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980 and
remains a center for many archaeological sites and on-going
discoveries. Lake Ohrid itself is more than three million years
old and the town is believed to be one of the oldest human
settlements in Europe.
Things to see and do
The Old Town in the center is relatively small and easily
explored on foot. Start at the main square and its nearby
museums before heading to the St Sophia Church, the cathedral
of Ohrid archbishops, the Antique Theatre and King Samuils
Fortress. The Old Bazaar starts with a food market on a small
square, home to the Ohrid clock tower, a 1,000-year-old tree
and a pretty fountain. In the quarter right above the bazaar is
the Mesokastro Settlement, the former poor area on the edges
of the historic city limits. Several old houses have remained
intact here, incorporating parts of the city walls; the area offers
some stunning views out over the lake.
Ohrid is the Slavic center for Christianity and boasts 365
churches, one for every day of the year. Most charge a tourist

entry fee but many

are worth it, such as
St Bogorodica
Perivlepta for its
interesting frescoes.
Out of town there
are several beaches
within reach,
generally becoming
prettier the further
from town you go. Gradiste is by far the liveliest while Labino is
tranquil and without crowds. Head to Ljubanista, on the southwest side of the lake for a long sandy beach, clean water and an
unforgettable sunset. If you are visiting in July dont miss the
Ohrid Swimming Marathon, one of the 12 annual FINA events
that take place along a 30-kilometre route from the lakeshore to
the town harbour.
It is worth escaping the city to explore the local area. Try Struga,
just 15km away, for a stroll amongst its cave churches and
monasteries or head a bit further afield to Tirana in Albania or
Pogradec, just the other side of the lake.
Ohrid trout is famous throughout Macedonia and is proudly
offered at restaurants and hotels across the country, however,
visitors should note that trout fishing along the Macedonian
shoreline is actually prohibited as the trout are severely
endangered. There are plenty of eating options in town to suit
all budgets without supporting the illegal fishing trade.


Rakija and Mastika

serve as the
Macedonian tipple
and should be
tried at least once
along with the
national wines,
Kavadarka and
Smederevka and
Skopsko national beer.
Good to know
Though lively, Ohrid is a tranquil city and is very safe.
It offers some delightful accommodation in private houses,
apartments and villas. 10 to 15 will buy you an excellent room
with private facilities in the Old Town.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+outstanding beauty in historical setting
+perfect long-term stopover when exploring the Balkans
Learn & Do
Cultural activities, swimming, read a book and get things done
Travel Resources
Lake Ohrid Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Lake Ohrid
Cost of Living Ohrid
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750


Portugal, Lisbon Affordable European getaway

The Portuguese capital of Lisbon has been reborn in recent
years as an enchanting cultural center, set against a backdrop of
grand architecture and sweeping views over the River Tagus and
the Atlantic Ocean.
It offers all the benefits of a thriving European city location
coupled with proximity to beaches and access to some of
Portugals best-known historical landmarks. It is a popular city
amongst expats, particularly English teachers, who enjoy the
benefits of living and working in the capital and escaping to the
coast, often right down to the Algarve, for long weekends of sun
and fun.
Lisbon is characterized by its winding alleyways, steep hills,
lively street life and easy-going charm, making it a popular
destination at any time of the year.
Things to see and do
Stay in the city center for easy access to all that Lisbon has to
offer. The Baixa is an excellent option, close to the castle, the
Alfama and the Avenida Liberdade and Rua Augusta, the main
shopping areas. The public transport network is excellent,
encompassing metro, trams, buses and funiculars as well as two
main line rail stations so exploring further afield is easy.
Dont come to Lisbon without visiting the lovely castle that sits
above the cliffs, watching over the city from the water. Climb
the cobbled streets to the top, stopping at the Chapito Resto for
a drink and a chance to take in the beautiful view.

The city is bursting

with museums,
parks and
manicured gardens.
Wander at leisure,
and when youve
had your fill head to
the River Tagus for
two of Lisbons
major landmarks, the Oakland Bay Bridge which is sister to San
Franciscos iconic construction and Cristo Rei, the 100 metre
statue so reminiscent of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro;
Lisbons version stands on the opposite bank of the river from
downtown Lisbon.
Lisbons Bairro Alto district is home to the citys burgeoning bar
and club scene and sports many restaurants, cafs, craft
workshops, bookshops and vintage clothes stores. Its winding
cobbled streets looping up and down the steep hills are a
delight to explore on a leisurely stroll. This is the place to have
your fill at one of the excellent restaurants before commencing
the bar-hopping that is so typical of the citys nightlife.
Good to know
English is widely understood here and most young people know
enough for basic communication. Spanish is also well
understood, however, despite the two languages similarities
there is little love lost between the two nationalities and
speaking English is often much better received.


The city is generally

safe, but just like
anywhere else, due
care should be
taken at night. Pay
particular attention
in the Bairro Alto as
muggings and drink
spiking are not
There is plenty of accommodation in the city and finding
somewhere decent to stay is relatively easy. Plenty of hostels
cater for the backpackers and Portuguese language students
who flock here especially during the summer months. Try the
tourist service center at the airport where helpful staff will
listen to your spec and book a room on your behalf. Anything
along the number 28 tram route gives great access to most of
the major sights.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ great value for money in Western Europe
+ fantastic views and cafes to work from all over the city
+ mild climate all year round due to geographic setting
+ interesting mix of nightlife
- hard to get by without Portuguese knowledge
Learn & Do
shopping, nightlife, windsurfing, surfing, sailing
Get things done
Coworking: LIBERDADE229
Coworking: Coworklab
Coworking: Space
Travel Resources
Lisbon Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Lisbon
Cost of Living Lisbon
Night in Hostel: $16
Small Apartment p/m: $700
Inexpensive Meal: $7
Minimum Budget p/m: $1100



Russia, St. Petersburg Where East meets West in modern

In many ways St Petersburg is the perfect example of the
modern European city, a place where East meets West and old
and new come together in a captivating whirl of architecture,
opera and alternative culture.
Russias second city is easy on the eye, swathed for months of
the year in a downy white blanket of snow before giving way to
the White Nights of summer when the parks break into
colourful blossoms and the sun barely sleeps. The large historic
center with its network of canals, baroque and neoclassical
buildings was rightfully designated a UNESCO World Heritage
Site some years ago.
St Petersburg is more welcoming and inexpensive than Moscow
with a cosmopolitan vibe and thriving nightlife making it a mustsee destination on any Digital Nomads urban Eastern European
travel itinerary.
Things to see and do
Bring your comfy shoes as St Petersburg demands a lot of
walking. Public transport is effective, especially the metro
system, but to travel below ground is to miss many of the
marvels of the city.
The Hermitage Museum at the Winter Palace of the Romanov
Dynasty is home to one of the world's greatest and oldest
collections of art, treasures and antiquities, all under one
beautiful roof. Visit on the first Thursday of the month to get in
for free but consider paying for a guide if you are short of time

or there are
particular items you
want to see, as the
museum is vast and
hard to navigate.
For world class
entertainment and
a touch of old St
Petersburg, take in
an opera or ballet at one of its iconic theatres.
St Petersburg can be almost unbearably cold in winter although
the fairy tale frosting and twinkling lights go some way to
offsetting the discomfort, but it is fair to say that summer is the
best time to visit.
Eating in St Petersburg is varied and exciting. Whether you stop
at a street caf for hot crepes or splurge on caviar, champagne
and Russian excess you will not be disappointed.
St Petersburg boasts a huge selection of bars and is the home of
Baltica, by far Russias most popular beer. The citys residents
themselves have a considerable reputation for partying and
squeeze into its pumping clubs every night of the week.
Whatever your music taste you will be well catered for, from
the house and techno that dominate the current scene to rock,
jazz, hip hop and just about anything else in between.


Good to know
St Petersburg is not
without its safety
problems. Armed
robberies can occur
although foreigners
are not singled out
over wealthy
Russians. Avoid
wearing jewellery and take special care with photographic
equipment as theft of cameras is a big problem in the city.
Accommodation is as varied in type and budget as you would
expect of a city with nearly five million inhabitants. Watch out
for mosquitoes during the summer months, which are
encouraged by the large areas of exposed water that run
through the city; as a consequence, budget hotels with no air
conditioning can suffer. You will find good Internet facilities
wherever you stay.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ modern city where East meets West
+ cheaper than capital Moscow
- crime & corruption can be a problem
Learn & Do
shopping, nightlife, boat trips, culture
Get things done
List of Cafes in St. Petersburg (many with WiFi)
Coworking: Zonaspace
Travel Resources
St. Petersburg Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation St. Petersburg
Cost of Living St. Petersburg
Night in Hostel: $16
Small Apartment p/m: $850
Inexpensive Meal: $9
Minimum Budget p/m: $1200


Slovenias capital city is sometimes referred to as Little Prague,

but that does not do justice to its charm and individuality.
Ljubljana is a showcase to the works of the famous architect
Jose Pleznik, a place where traditional and modernist
architecture jostle side by side for attention and in doing so
achieve an unexpected harmony.

Walk up to the
medieval castle
for an incredible
view across the
city and to the
Sava River and
Kamnik Alps in the
distance. There
are some great
located up there if you want to stop for a special lunch or,
alternatively, take your own supplies and settle down for a
relaxed picnic on the manicured lawns.

Ljubiliana is the perfect base for those seeking a mixture of

urban and adventure at more affordable rates than in
neighbouring Austria or Italy, while still having the Alps and the
Mediterranean Sea on your doorstep.

Downtown Ljubljana offers plenty of outdoor seating in the

summer at the numerous cafs and bars and on the riverbanks.
There is plenty of cheap and tasty local Slovenian food to be had
along with a good helping of international cuisine.

Things to see
Ljubljana is a small, picturesque city rising from a centre, where
river banks teem with great restaurants, bars and market stalls
not to mention an imposing historic castle set high on the hill
overlooking the town. It is one of the smallest capital cities in
Europe and can easily be explored in a day.

Most of the nightlife takes place in the bars running parallel to

the river. Take your time to explore the backstreets where you
are sure to stumble across a few hidden gems and make sure
you check with the friendly locals to find out whats happening.

There is an excellent free city tour leaving twice daily in high

season from Preseren Square that is well worth joining taking in
all the major sights of the city center.

Slovenia is a beautiful country and this cosy city makes for a

great base from which to explore the surrounding area and
going further afield, especially in summertime. Three-day
canoeing trips through breathtaking scenery, amazing hikes up
into the Julian Alps or a weekend visit to the Mediterranean

Slovenia, Ljubljana Adventure destination with friendly

Nestled in an alpine valley and straddling the Ljubljanica River,
Ljubljana is a beautiful, compact city teeming with historic
architecture, restaurants, bars and a good smattering of
museums and galleries.


Slovenians love the outdoors and if this appeals to you then

Ljubljana is a good destination to spend a longer period of time.


Sea...even a trip to
Venice all possible
choices, if you select
Ljubljana as your
Meanwhile ski and
board enthusiasts
staying in the city during winter will love the fact that the ski
resort of Kranje is only a 20 minute drive away.
Ljubljana is popular with expat English teachers who make a
pretty good living feeding the Slovenes thirst for language a
good thing to know if you want to mingle with other foreigners.
It is also very popular with weekend tourists who fill the towns
bars at night.
Good to know
Many locals speak English, especially the younger generations,
with many also boasting German, Italian, French and Russian
among their languages; as long as you have a smattering of at
least one of these, communication is not a problem.
Internet in Ljubiliana is not only fast but also very reliable. A
perfect place to get a lot of work done while living in this
charming and affordable European city.
Ljubljana is also a very popular city amongst students, making it
easier for you to find inexpensive long-term accommodation.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ charming town with friendly locals
+ lots of adventures nearby
+ close to creation beaches and Alpes
Learn & Do
teaching English, nightlife, shopping, hiking, kayaking and skiing
Get things done
Free WiFi Spots Ljubljana
Sobe Macek Caf
Slovenia Coworking
Travel Resources
Ljubljana Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Ljubljana
Cost of Living Ljubljana
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $660
Inexpensive Meal: $8
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


Spain, Granada Historic Spain with adventures on your

Nestled at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in
southern Spain, Granada is steeped in history. Famous for the
UNESCO site of the Alhambra, Granada offers much more
besides. Moorish architecture, buzzing student nightlife and
adventure sports on the doorstep all combine to make this one
of Europes most exciting cities in a location that is second to
Where else can you fulfil that dream of spending the morning
on the ski slopes, the afternoon on the beach and the evening
eating tapas and sipping local wine in a traditional Andalusian
Things to see and do
The best way to explore Granadas enthralling mix of winding
alleyways and wide boulevards is on foot. The historic center is
a maze of narrow cobblestone footpaths dotted with
restaurants, shops and bars, all punctuated by superb
architecture dating back many centuries.
The city is most famous for the UNESCO site of the Alhambra
and it is fair to say that no visitor should leave without taking
the opportunity to visit such a famous landmark. The huge
medieval complex sits in an elevated position overlooking the
city and is made up of four key elements the Alcazaba fortress,
the Nazaries palace, the Generalife garden and the ancient
Medina, the government city. It was the last Moorish stronghold

in Europe and offers some of the most spectacular examples of

architecture and ornamentation of its time, set against the
stunning backdrop of the Sierra Nevadas snow-capped peaks.
Book a day in advance if you plan to visit the Alhambra as it
limits daily visitor numbers and can be busy at any time of year.
Granadas charms do not stop at the city limits. Granada
province stretches south from the city through rolling
countryside all the way to the Costa Tropical and is flanked to
the east by the majestic peaks of the Sierra Nevada and rugged
hills of the Alpujarra.
If adventure sports and nature are your thing, a visit to the
Alpujarra is a must. The area is popular with expats looking for a
slower pace of life and an alternative to the cluttered Costas.
There are plenty of opportunities for climbing, horse riding and
trekking and a popular route is to work your way from the spa
town of Lanjarn, right at the foot of the magnificent Mulhacn
peak on the western flank, to Trevelez, home of the famous
jamn Serrano in the east.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ UNESCO historical city in beautiful setting
+ close to beaches & mountains
+ popular destination to learn Spanish

Food and drink are hearty and affordable in Granada. This is the
place to spend warm summer evenings ambling from one bar to
the next, sampling the free tapas that are traditionally served
with every drink. Sangria, sherry from nearby Jerz, and cold
San Miguel beer are all favourites as is the local Costa wine.
Good to know
There are plenty of schools offering Spanish immersion classes if
you decide this is the place to brush up on your language skills,
though a good amount of English is understood in restaurants
and in the main tourist areas.
Exploring the Alpujarra region is very cost-effective, with plenty
of basic, budget accommodation in most of its villages. If you
plan to ski in the Sierra Nevada travel up for the day as
accommodation in Sol y Nieve itself is pricy.
Watch out for pickpockets in Granada center and around the
Alhambra but on the whole the province is delightfully safe,
tranquil and trouble-free.


Learn & Do
shopping, skiing and hiking in Sierra Nevada, weekend trips to
Spains Mediterranean beaches
Get things done
Caf Botanico
Coworking: Cocoroc
Travel Resources
Granada Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Granada
Cost of Living Granada
Night in Hostel: $14
Small Apartment p/m: $600
Inexpensive Meal: $9
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000


Spain, Tarifa European getaway for windsport-loving

web workers
Tarifa is considered to be one of Spains best-kept secrets.
Unknown until 15 years ago, it is still far from the radar of the
package tourists that flock to the pack-them-high and sell-themcheap concrete jungles of the Spanish Costas.
This attractive, laid-back Andalusian village offers some of
Europes best windsurfing and kite surfing conditions and has
become something of a Mecca for the sports devotees. Much
of the surrounding coastline has remained protected by Spanish
planning law, ensuring that this stretch of 10 kilometres of some
of Spains most beautiful white sandy beaches have remained
Tarifa is the ideal location for Digital Nomads looking to discover
another side of Spanish beach life. Come here to learn
kitesurfing or watch the windsurfers against the backdrop of the
Straits of Gibraltar and the contours of the Rif Mountains of
North Africa across the water.
Things to see and do
Start your visit to Tarifa with a walk through the narrow cobbled
streets of the old town, stopping to take in its atmosphere over
a drink at one of the many cafs where tables tumble out onto
its hidden squares. Carry on up to the Church of San Mateo
which dates back to the 16th century and up to the Castillo de
Guzman el Bueno, the Arab castle that is believed to have been
built on the site of an old Roman fortress.

Unsurprisingly, most of Tarifas daytime action takes place on

the beach. The town has established itself as a major test and
training center for world-class windsurf brands and
professionals but it is equally appealing to beginners with plenty
of clubs offering tuition at various locations along the beach.
Check with someone local for the best spot as conditions can
vary from one spot to another along this wide expanse of beach.
Tarifa is widely accepted to be Europes best kite surfing spot
offering an unbeatable mix of good winds and perfect beaches,
all backed up by a full complement of training schools and
cutting edge kit. Head south from Tarifa for a number of
alternative beach spots, each offering equally favourable
Head out of town for a spot of whale and dolphin watching in
the Strait of Gibraltar or hire a car and head to one of
Andalusias award-winning golf courses. If looking out over the
North African coastline gives you a hankering to visit, take a
ferry from the Port of Tarifa to Tangiers and discover the many
delights of that magical city.


Tarifa offers a broad selection of restaurants with plenty of fish

featuring on their menus. Restaurants and accommodation are
located both in the buzzing old town and lining the road that
stretches along the length of the 10 kilometre beach. Dont be
wowed by price some of the best restaurants are often the
cheapest. Just look out for where the locals are going and follow
The old town is full of quirky bars and clubs that stay open until
the early hours featuring DJs, live music and plenty of Cuba
English, French and German are widely spoken and understood
thanks to the international clientele.
Good to know
There are several low cost options in the old town but reserve in
advance in high season as they get booked out quickly and are
popular with the expat population travelling down for weekends
from the Costas. Internet connections are on a par with the rest
of the Spanish mainland plentiful, cheap and fast.
All in all this is a great spot for Digital Nomads to discover the
less touristy side of Spain with an international clientele and
plenty of options for adventures.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ windsport mecca of Europe
+popular getaway for European expats
+ relatively inexpensive Western European destinations
Learn & Do
Windsurfing, kite surfing, get things done
Get things done
Wi-Fi Options Tarifa
Travel Resources
Tarifa Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Tarifa
Cost of Living Tarifa
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $8
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000


South America
When to go where
South America covers such a huge geographical landmass that it
is hard to generalize weather conditions across the continent as
a whole. The further north you go, the warmer the climate and
temperatures around the Equator are, of course, favourable all
year round. Elevated locations in the Andes such as La Paz and
Cuzco tend to be much more temperate and thanks to the
altitude in these areas you will need warm clothing at night no
matter what time of the year you visit. On the other hand, if you
head to Pipa or Salvador in Brazil you should find no sleeves are
required, 365 days a year.
The dry season happens in Bolivia from May to October. At that
time of the year daytime temperatures, even on the Altiplano,
are warm and comfortable and there is little rain safe for the
odd flash flood.
Most South American countries have a long school holiday
period that runs from mid-December to early February. Flight
and other transport costs are likely to be higher at this time, as
are hotel and hostel rates.
Try to consider what activities you are planning to take part in at
each location. Aim to choose the dry season if you are thinking
of hiking or doing other outdoor activities but bear in mind that
any major waterfalls tend to be more impressive in the wet
season when you can often reach them by taking a boat
upstream rather than by air or wheeled transport.

If you are heading further south and dont want to feel the cold,
be sure to visit when temperatures are warmer. Santiago de
Chile and Crdoba in Argentina make delightful spring
destinations so October or November are a great choice. If you
do find yourself there during the cooler months, for winter
sports enthusiasts the ski and boarding opportunities offered in
the Andean resorts from May to September can make the visit
quite compelling.
Brazil is such a large country it covers almost the whole
spectrum of weather conditions just on its own. Down in the
south cities such as Florianopolis have a distinct winter from
May to October but come into their own in the run-up to
Christmas as the temperatures rise and the holiday season kicks
in. Head to any beach destination in Brazil over the festive
season and you can look forward to spending Christmas Day
supping caipirinhas on the sand. Be sure not to leave before
carnival, which takes place every year in the run up to Ash


Cost of Living in South America

Prices in South America are more or less on a par with urban
South East Asian destinations. Bolivia is the place to start your
exploration of this captivating continent, especially if your
budget is limited. Your dollar will get maximum bang for your
buck here where cities such as Sucre and La Paz make the
perfect hub for mountain climbing, Amazon exploration and
jaunts out into the eerie moon-like landscapes of the Bolivian
Quito in Ecuador is claimed by some to be the cheapest city in
South America but the Bolivian cities, Cuzco in Peru and
Medelln in Colombia, certainly give it a run for its money. It is
your accommodation in most South American urban centers
that will take the largest chunk of your budget, but once your
accommodation is paid for there is plenty of change from
$1,000 to send you off to your next destination or to indulge in
some major local adventuring.
Choose your eating options carefully in South America to make
the most of your budget. After months away from the luxuries
of home or days away on a lengthy jungle trek, splurging on
burgers and fast food or a spot of sophisticated fine dining can
seem like a good idea. But they are significantly more expensive
than in the US and Europe both in real terms as well as relative
to your travellers budget. Furthermore South America does not
claim to be the worlds gastronomic center. Sure there is some
great food to be found, but stick to what the locals eat and
where they eat it to get the best from your budget.

In general, the further northwest you are, the lower the cost of
living in South America. Chile and Argentina are pricier but
Santiago is well worth the visit for its sophistication and
ultimate beach-and-mountain setting. Crdoba in Argentina is a
great cost-effective alternative to Buenos Aires for a journey
into Argentinian culture.
Brazil is the most expensive of the South American countries
and prices for accommodation and eating out in some of the
southern cities such as So Paulo can be higher than major US
and Europe destinations. That said the further north you go the
cheaper Brazil becomes. Head to Pipa in the North East for a
happening beach destination with an international atmosphere,
all affordable on a Digital Nomads budget.


South American Destinations

Argentina, Buenos Aires A true favourite with Digital
It is no surprise that Buenos Aires ranks as the most popular
South American destination with Digital Nomads. Whats not to
like? Great food, fantastic culture, the worlds finest steaks and
a nightlife to die for Buenos Aires is also easy to get to, has the
same time zone as the USA and hosts a well-established, huge
expat community, where its easy to make friends.
The nightlife might only start at 2am, but theres plenty to do
and see in the meantime! Argentinas vibrant culture embraces
all the things that make life worth living: music and dance,
football, good food and most of all passion! Inner-city living is
comparatively cheap and there are plenty of Internet cafes to
keep in touch with life back home. The city has stunning
architecture, spanning the futuristic and the countrys past with
equal enthusiasm and there are fantastic parks, theatres,
museums and art galleries for great quality of life and maximum
Things to see & do
Buenos Aires also called the Paris of South America - is great
for learning Spanish, which costs from just $180 per week, but
thanks to the large expat community its possible to get one to
one tuition for less in a friendly language exchange or from
travelling language teachers. Tango is the most popular form of
dance in the city and there are many tango schools around,

where one
can learn the
art and make
new friends
at the same
work is also a
great way of
getting to
know other
people and there are a variety of urban projects involving young
adults or children from an underprivileged background, where
one can get involved.
Palermo is not just a hang-out for co-workers; its also the place
to be for clubs and trendy bars, as are the refurbished docklands
of Puerto Madero. Head for Retiro for great restaurant dining
and to San Telmo for sightseeing by night and nouvelle cuisine
served in 19th century splendour. Public transport is excellent
with metro trains and busses, making it cheap and easy to
explore the city.
Buenos Aires has a fantastic nightlife with hundreds of bars,
restaurants, clubs and live music venues. Belgrano is the district
for museums and art and there are international fashion and
film festivals, and shopping at some amazing shopping malls like
Paseo Alcorta or Patio Bullrich. Keep fit with a gentle stroll or
jog in the Japanese Gardens or visit the Planetarium at Tres de
Febrero Park.


Good to Know
There are plenty
of Internet cafs
and places with
free Wi-Fi
connections, but
for peace and
quiet to catch up
with things back
home one can
also find coworking spaces in trendy Palermo.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ Paris of South America
+ all-time favourite for Digital Nomads
+ lots of apartment options available
+ world class nightlife and inspiring culture
- large co-working community
Learn & Do
learn Spanish, nightlife, shopping, learn the Tango, enjoy
Argentinian steaks, football games

Various rental agencies offer short-term apartments suitable for

any budget. The best suburbs to stay in are Palermo and
Recoletta. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative try San

Get things done

WiFi Cafes in Palermo
Coworking: Areatres
Coworking: Urban Station

Like with all big cities there are pickpockets targeting gringo
tourists, but this is more of a problem at bus and train stations,
where travelers are not as attentive towards their belongings as
they should be.

Travel Resources
Buenos Aires for Gringos
Whats up Buenos Aires
Budget Accommodation Buenos Aires
Cost of Living Buenos Aires
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $700
Inexpensive Meal: $9
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000



Argentina, Crdoba Student city with colonial charm

The city of Crdoba is located in the foothills of the Sierras
Chicas, right in the heart of Argentina. It is the countrys second
largest city after Buenos Aires and offers a compelling
combination of the old and new world a place where student
nightclubs jostle for position alongside 17th century
Crdoba is home to a wealth of historical buildings preserved
from Spanish colonial times, many built by the Roman Catholic
Church. The colonial University campus and surrounding
buildings of the Jesuit Block (Manzana Jesutica) were declared a
world heritage site by UNESCO in 2000.
Crdoba is recognized as Argentinas leading center for arts and
learning so if you are looking for a place to immerse yourself in
culture, nightlife and beautiful surroundings, then this buzzing
city merits a place near the top of your list.
Things to see and do
As a major academic center, Crdoba provides an unmatched
location in which to study and become immersed in the Spanish
language and cultured Argentinian lifestyle. Some 130,000
national students study there and Crdoba offers all that you
could want from a university city.
Academic courses are available at the University with the added
benefit of being a part of the campus, although these are
subject to the usual admissions restrictions. However, there are
also numerous language schools throughout the city offering
courses for all levels. With such a large student population there

are also plenty of

opportunities for
Digital Nomads to
supplement their
travel budgets by
giving formal or
informal English
language and
In 2006 Crdoba was named the Cultural Capital of the
Americas, reflecting its rich heritage. It is home to several
excellent museums and galleries dotted around the city center,
offering also thriving film and fashion scenes.
If you feel the need to escape the city center there are plenty of
options for a weekend escape. The surrounding areas are
blessed with lakes and rivers that attract water sport
enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. Further into the
mountains you can participate in any manner of adventure
sport, horseback riding or hiking.
By Argentinian standards unemployment in Crdoba is low.
There are opportunities in many sectors such as catering,
tourism and telemarketing and the city also has a fast-growing
software industry and lack of qualified personnel. So, if you
have good programming skills and a working knowledge of
Spanish, Crdoba has plenty of opportunities as a long-term


Crdoba boasts an active and varied music scene and its thriving
nightlife offers all you would expect of a university city,
although things do quieten down over Christmas and during
academic holidays.
Things to know
If connectivity is important to you, fear not. Crdoba is
rumoured to have more Internet cafs per capita than any other
Latin American country. At the time of writing, one hour of
Internet generally costs about $1 to $1.50.
Accommodation is abundant and there are plenty of options,
from student rentals to hotels, the most affordable of which are
clustered around the area by the bus station. Pick pockets can
be a problem on the buses and in some of the suburbs away
from the tourist destinations but generally Crdoba is
considered safer than other major Argentinian cities.
Crdoba is well connected through its international airport.
Buses are currently the most popular option for long-distance
transport within the country and there are direct connections
from Crdoba to all the major cities and tourist destinations.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ popular Argentinian student city
+ better outdoor options & cheaper than Buenos Aires
- less metropolitan vibe than Buenos Aires
Learn & Do
learn Spanish, trekking outdoors, nightlife
Get things done
Caf Martinez
Il Gatto
Coworking Crdoba
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Crdoba
Cost of Living Crdoba
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $7
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


Bolivia, La Paz Live the high life on a shoestring

La Paz is the second largest city in Bolivia and with an elevation
of up to 4,000 meters it is the highest national capital in the
The view as you drive into La Paz is incredible, with the buildings
seemingly attached to the side of a canyon, descending steeply
towards the river and the snowbound 6,402-meter Mt Illimani
providing an impressive backdrop.
La Paz society resembles its geography and climate. Perched on
the highest areas of the city where the climate is at its harshest
are the temporary houses of the barrios, home to the citys
poorest residents. These give way to the city proper and its
high-rise apartment blocks where the middle classes are
congregated before dropping to the lower suburbs of Prado and
its milder climate, where the mansions of the seriously rich can
be seen stretching down into the distance.
Things to see and do
La Paz is best enjoyed at leisure. Its altitude can be crippling and
it may take you some time to acclimatize. Once you have, take
the time to explore the narrow buzzing streets and lively
markets, relax and people-watch in a pavement caf or and
explore one of its many museums.
La Paz is an important cultural center in Bolivia and there are
literally hundreds of small museums scattered throughout the
city. Jaen Street, which has been preserved since the colonial
Spanish days, has 10 different museums alone. If cathedrals are
your thing there are plenty dating from the colonial period with

the Metropolitan
Cathedral in
Murillo Square
being well worth a
If history is not
your thing there
are many
activities to enjoy
during your spare
time. It will be hard to find a cheaper place on earth where you
can join guided tours to scale the summits of 6,000 meter-high
mountains. Another favourite is cycling down the worlds most
dangerous road.
For affordable three day trips into the Amazonas jungle take the
short flight to the lower-lying Rurrenabaque where you will be
able to spot Anacondas or even a Puma if you are lucky.
Although not renowned for its fine dining the quality of eating
establishments follows the social layout of the city with the
smarter restaurants being located at Prado and in particular
Plaza Isabel La Catlica and Plaza Avaroa.
La Paz is a popular destination for foreigners to learn Spanish
and has many language schools offering classes for all abilities.
Many travelers choose to take a course as a way to meet people
but in truth the city is just bursting with lively cafs, clubs and
bars offering its international clientele plenty of opportunities to


mingle as well as
meeting the
residents of Bolivias
cultural capital.
Good to know
You will find plenty
of low budget hotels
in La Paz or indeed
some very fine
hotels, if you feel like a splurge. Good hostel rates are available
for long term stays in case the city really captures your
Digital Nomads will find plenty of computer access facilities.
Internet speeds are not super-fast but they are acceptable.
However, if you are taking a laptop, do watch out for your
computer hard drive, which can occasionally be damaged by
operating at altitude.
La Paz is very safe with few security issues.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ mind-blowing setting in South American Andes
+ jungle and mountaineering adventures close by
+ unique must go adventure destination
+ great value for money
- altitude sickness can be a problem
- Internet can be slow
Learn & Do
Mountain-biking, jungle tours, climbing 600m mountains and
many more adventure activities
Get things done
El Consulado
Caf Banais
La Terraza Caf
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation La Paz
Cost of Living La Paz
Night in Hostel: $8
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $550



market eateries. For

a quieter market
experience try
Candelaria, a little
further from Sucre
but offering the
same wares at more
competitive prices;
it is best to join a
tour as the town is a

Bolivia, Sucre One of the cheapest destinations for

Spanish classes
Brimming with historical treasures, Sucre was declared a
UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991 for its many well-preserved
buildings from the conquest of the 16th century.
If you want to learn or improve your Spanish, Sucre is the place
to be. It is one of the cheapest places in the world to learn the
language, making it a popular first stop on many travelers
itineraries when they arrive in South America. This is the perfect
place for a Digital Nomad to acclimatize to the South American
continent, offering the ultimate combination of heritage
architecture, urban culture and rich countryside just begging to
be explored.
Things to see and do
Sucre is a small town and easy to navigate. The city center is
compact and best explored on foot, meandering through the
streets from Plaza 25 de Mayo in the heart of the city. Take your
time and enjoy the ample opportunities to stop here and there
to explore its museums, churches and delightful cafs. The city
has a reliable and simple bus system for navigating from one
side of town to the other, or for reaching some of the
attractions a little further afield such as the Tarabuco market
and the famous dinosaur footprints.
Getting to Tarabuco market takes around two hours by road and
well worth the visit to marvel at the famous handicrafts. Set out
early as the market can get very busy and is at its best before
lunchtime when you can head upstairs for lunch at one of the

bit off the beaten track.

Sucre offers some wonderful scenery in its surrounding hills.
One of the most popular destinations outside town is Maragua
crater with its bizarre rock formations. Spend the night in the
village inside the crater for an unforgettable experience.
Food in Sucre is varied and kind on the budget. The large
numbers of students ensure that there are plenty of inexpensive
cafs and restaurants, and street vendors peddle traditional
snacks from their stalls all over town. Fruit juices and fresh
salads feature strongly in the local cuisine.
Most of the night life in Sucre centers round the main square
and the traveler population is part of the fixtures.
Sucre is brimming with language schools, many of which are set
up as not-for-profit organizations so they can invest their
proceeds into community projects that benefit the city. If you
are keen to volunteer there are a number of projects offering
opportunities to assist with the elderly, orphans or the disabled,
or with teaching English within the schools themselves.


Good to know
Most of the accommodation in
Sucre is budget to mid-range and
certainly will not deplete your
funds. Internet is a bit hit and
miss, scarce in lower end hotels
and over-priced and slow in many
of the city center cafs but if you
have a look around you will be
able to find the occasional gem.
Sucre has a good reputation for
safety but it is not entirely without
its problems. There are some
reports of female travelers being
targeted so the best advice is not to put your trust into
someone until you are sure they merit it.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ one of the cheapest destinations to learn Spanish
+ good starting point before exploring South America
- not much else to do than learning Spanish & cultural activities
Learn & Do
cultural activities, learn Spanish & get things done
Get things done
Joyride Cafe
Travel Resources
Fenix Language School
Bolivian Spanish School
Cost of Living Sucre
Night in Hostel: $6
Small Apartment p/m: $300
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $500


Brazil, Florianopolis Urban beach town offering

everything you need
The city of Florianopolis or Floripa as it is affectionately called
locally - may not be on the top of the list of your South
American destinations but it is very definitely a hidden gem.
Situated on the South Eastern corner of Brazil in the state of
Santa Catarina, much of the city is located on an island just off
the mainland coast. Linked to the mainland by three bridges,
the island boasts the fashionable Beira-Mar Norte area as well
as an historic center.
Florianopolis and its surrounding areas are blessed with some of
the most beautiful beaches in Brazil. It has long been a popular
holiday destination but in recent years the Ibiza of South
America has witnessed significant migration of workers from
So Paulo and other neighbouring states looking for a better
quality of life. This has led to something of a property boom and
pushed up prices, but it still offers value for money compared to
European and US cities.
With 42 stunning beaches within one hour of the city it is not
surprising that tourist numbers have increased year on year.
And it is not just Brazilians who have fallen under Florianopoliss
spell many wealthy families from Buenos Aires and
Montevideo also have holiday homes on the island.
Florianopolis is considered by many to be the easiest city in
which to live in Brazil. It has a little bit of everything for
everyone, offering a magical combination of beach life, a
colonial city center with great architecture and a forward119

looking tech and

community. Go
there if you want to
experience one of
the regions with the
best quality of life in
South America.
Things to do
As with many Brazilian cities there are several language schools
providing opportunities to learn and improve as well as being a
place in which to make new friends and contacts.
The eastern beach areas are home to a number of water sport
centers and are a great place for meeting and socializing in
summer in the lively bars, as the beaches are popular with
In winter the night-time action moves to the bars and clubs
around the Lagoa da Conceiao, whilst the newly-refurbished
Praa XV de Novembro in the heart of the old town has become
a popular area to congregate at any time of day.
Unsurprisingly, given its coastal location, Florip is renowned for
its seafood and has been heavily influenced by Italian and
Portuguese Azorean cuisine. Modern restaurants in the upmarket areas usually have huge wine selections and prices
comparable to anywhere in the world. The more traditional
Brazilian restaurants downtown offer excellent value per kilo
buffets great for tighter budgets and long-term residents.


Good to know
The city has a very
good reputation for
safety but as with
any South American
city it is worthwhile
observing basic
precautions, such as
not walking on
beaches at night and avoiding bars and restaurants away from
the main touristic areas.

Destination Overview

The atmosphere in Florianopolis is less beach bum and more

upmarket tourist destination. However, it does have its share of
affordable long-term accommodation, low cost food and drink
options and an enviable climate.

Get things done

Caf Cultura
Coworking: Vilaj
Coworking: SmartMob
Coworking: UPspace!

It is also something of a tech center with several major telecoms

and Internet providers based there. As a result, there is
excellent Internet connectivity throughout the city and a
number of digital options, making it a viable option for a longterm stay.


Pros & Cons

+ Ibiza of South America
+ fantastic nightlife
+modern and extremely safe city with shopping malls
+ 40 plus beaches to explore
- nightlife and accommodation do not come cheap
Learn & Do
Kite surfing, surfing, nightlife, learning Portuguese, paragliding,

Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Florianopolis
Cost of Living Florianopolis
Night in Hostel: $16
Small Apartment p/m: $580
Inexpensive Meal: $7
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000


Brazil, Salvador da Bahia Brazils birthplace of culture

and Capoeira
Located in the North Eastern Brazilian State of Bahia, Salvador
da Bahia is the third largest city in Brazil. Rising over the
Atlantic Ocean, it is a coastal city on the one hand yet sprawls
inland for many kilometres on the other. Most visitors head for
the areas adjoining the golden beaches.
Salvador city is famous for its tropical beaches, Carnival
celebrations and extensive colonial center. The old town was
the capital of Portugals great New World colony and is
considered to have been the birthplace of Brazilian culture. It is
a World Heritage Site and has been painstakingly restored in
recent years to its former glory. It is a real living museum
showcasing its past, full of pastel-hued 17th- and 18th-century
architecture and gold-laden churches.
It is a great destination for Digital Nomads looking for a very
unique experience. If you combine your stay with learning
Portuguese or Capoeira you will be able to immerse into the
culture even better.
Things to see and do
Salvador is renowned for possessing an energy that very few
cities can match. It is home to one of Brazils biggest carnivals,
yet the parties dont stop there - there are festivals seemingly
every week throughout the year with much banging of drums
and dancing against the backdrop of the colonial old town.
Salvadors beaches are well worth exploring and its coastline is
also the gateway to a number of offshore islands such as

Itaparica and
Boipeba that
merit a visit.
Flamengo and
Stella Maris
beaches are
popular with
wealthier locals
and are the
safest options
for tourists.
Jaguaribe and Itapo offer calmer waters and are good for
mixing with the locals but keep your wits about you and take it
easy on the cerveja (beer), if you do hang out there as muggings
are fairly common.
Meals can range from $4 for a simple dish of local beef with rice
and beans up to mega cash at the a la carte restaurants found in
the smartest beach resorts. Stick to traditional Brazilian cuisine,
however, and your budget will stretch a long way in Salvador.
Should Salvador be your first Brazilian destination it is a great
place to learn Brazilian Portuguese. There are many language
schools to choose from and it is one of the cheapest places in
Brazil to learn the local language.
For a bit more of action in your spare time, take part in Capoeira
lessons. Salvador is birthplace for this Brazilian martial art
combined with dance and music.


An alternative
means of organizing
ones stay in
Salvador is by
volunteering. There
are a number of
schemes operating
in Salvador and the
surrounding areas
through groups such
as Cross Cultural Solutions and these are well worth checking
out, if you are thinking of staying for more than a few weeks.
Even by Brazilian standards the people of Salvador have a
reputation for being stress-free, fun-loving and relaxed - their
leisure and nightlife reflect this.
Good to know
There is a small business district but the local economy is
dominated by tourism with many large resorts located within 15
minutes of the city. Lodging is available cheaply at the pousadas
and hostels located away from the beach areas and towards the
old town; excellent rates can be negotiated for long term stays.
Many but not all now have Internet access.
Unfortunately petty crime is rife in Salvador, aggravated by its
wealth inequality and relative lack of employment. Policing is
vigilant in the main tourist areas but care should always be
taken on the back streets and particularly at night.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ cultural heart of Brazil
+ origin of Capoeira
+ popular destination to learn Portuguese
- crime is a problem be careful at night
Learn & Do
learn Capoeira, learn Portuguese, swimming, interesting
Get things done
Frans Cafe
Pasta Fast
Coworking: CWK Salvador
Travel Resources
Salvador Travel
Budget Accommodation Salvador
Cost of Living Salvador da Bahia
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $800


Brazil, Pipa Former fishing village turned Brazilian beach

town getaway
Pipa is a gem of a beach town situated high on the cliffs of the
Brazilian North East coast. Famous for its natural beauty, Pipa is
said to offer some of the best beaches in the country. Come
here to bask on the white sands backed by towering cliffs,
watch the dolphins swim daily just offshore and find your surf
legs on the foaming breakers.
This is one of Brazils hippest beach towns and has a distinct
international feel, with plenty of restaurants serving cuisine
from all corners of the globe, plenty of boutiques to separate
you from your hard-earned cash and quirky, highly-individual
boutique hotels and hostels to suit every budget. Compared to
much of Southern Brazil you can still live relatively cheaply here
and get a lot for your dollar.
Pipas community is a happy mish-mash of fishermen, local
business owners and Brazilian migrants from the larger cities
and a few international expats who have found their paradise.
Pipa can get busy on weekends with crowds from the nearby
cities of Natal and Joo Pessoa but this former fishing village has
never lost its laid-back vibe.
Things to see and do
Pipa by day is all about its beaches and there are so many to
choose from that space is no issue. Praia de Pipa is accessed
directly from the village and offers the calmest waters, lending it
more of a family vibe. Head out to the edge of town for surfing

and chilling out

at Praia do Amor
which is accessed
via a steep
stairway down
dramatic cliffs.
Take to the
waves for a spot
of surfing before
buying a few
oysters from the
oyster man and settling down on the sand with a cold bottle of
Skol to watch the world go by.
Book yourself on a beach buggy ride for an exhilarating day out
pumping up and down the towering dunes, stopping for a few
sandboard runs and head up to Jacum for the death slide and
water chute.
Back in town this cosmopolitan village has wall-to-wall bars and
restaurants. Food choices vary from budget and rustic, where
you can find a hearty meal to replenish your energy levels, to
very good quality international. Once fed, take a wander around
the craft stalls and boutiques before heading to a bar to work
your way through a few caipirinhas. Pipas nightlife is always
buzzing with plenty of places to listen to live music, DJs and
even the occasional Full Moon Party on the beach.


Despite its
international feel,
most of Pipas
natives speak little
other than
Portuguese. That
said, the diverse
population means
that you just have to
amble down the
main street to hear half a dozen languages spoken there, so
dont worry too much about dusting down your Portuguese to
get by in Pipa as someone will always be there to help you out.
Good to know
Accommodation in Pipa is varied and suits most budgets. There
are some delightful boutique hotels if you feel like splashing out
or plenty of low-cost options towards the edge of town. It has a
relatively developed infrastructure for a beach village and there
are plenty of Wi-Fi hotspots and Internet access in every hotel
to keep you connected with friends, family and colleagues.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ charming holiday destination overlooked by many Western
+ very affordable accommodation and food
+ beautiful beaches with daily roaming dolphins
- Portuguese necessary
Learn & Do
surfing, kitesurfing, sun bathing
Get things done
Aqui Bar
Papillon Restaurante
Travel Resources
Pipa Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Pipa
Cost of Living Pipa
Night in Hostel: $14
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro The most naturally beautiful city on

Rio de Janeiro oozes magic from the moment you set eyes on
the city. Perched on the South Atlantic coast, its harbour
landscape is peppered with islands, curving headlines and
spectacular peaks rising majestically out of the water. Together
they combine to render the area one of the Seven Wonders of
the World and with good reason.
In 2014 the FIFA World Cup is coming home to Brazil with Rio
hosting some of the highest-profile games of the tournament
and in 2016 the city will come of age as South Americas first to
host the Summer Olympics. Huge government infrastructure
investments are being made in preparation and the reclaiming
of the favelas by the Rio police force is changing the face of the
Even though it may not be as cheap as most of the destinations
in this guide, Rio is a must-stop destination on the itinerary of
any Digital Nomad exploring South America. It is a city of colour,
culture and contradictions that challenges the strongest
preconceptions. Covering a sprawling and diverse landscape, Rio
de Janeiro has many diverse personalities to match. It is at once
a buzzing metropolis, a laid-back beach city and an edgy urban
sprawl where wealth and poverty live side by side.
Things to see and do
Rio is widely recognized as Brazils cultural hub. It offers worldclass scenery, churches and buildings dating back to the colonial
period. It is also home to the worlds most famous carnival and

the famous Copacabana Beach (even though Ipanema definitely

has the edge on beauty).
English is not as well spoken here in the shops and restaurants
as one might expect, it is therefore useful to have some basic
Portuguese to help communications. If you need to learn some
Portuguese, visit the Casa do Caminho language school. This
language school run by volunteers in Ipanema supports an
orphanage with its profit and is also a great place to meet other
internationals, who have just arrived in the city.
You will never get bored in Rio. Spend the day at the popular
Ipanema beach, go surfing or hiking in the nearby national
parks, cycle along the beach promenade or simply visit some
free concerts or expeditions these are just some of the
activities you can do here pretty much any day all year around.


At night the Samba

clubs in the downtown
district of Lapa are
extremely popular with
Cariocas for a late night
party after dinner.
Nightlife tends to be a
lot cheaper here than in
the overpriced suburbs
of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. Rio is the ultimate party
city and there are bars and clubs for all music tastes from rock
to rap to rave and plenty in between. Check the local websites
like Lisatamiga to find out whats happening.
Good to know
Many travelers arrive in Rio at the start of the carnival
celebrations but you will have a great time in Rio pretty much
anytime of the year.
Rios rising popularity comes at a price when choosing
accommodation. You can still find reasonable priced
accommodation options in the popular central suburb of Santa
Teresa, which offers magnificent views over the city.
The 2016 Olympic preparations are promising to cut crime in Rio
but a palpable tension over security still bubbles in the city.
None-the-less, the police have made a huge effort to minimize
crime in recent years and while there is still some violence,
general perceptions abroad are definitely exaggerated. Act
streetwise, dont carry jewellery and you will be fine.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ much safer than its reputation
+ upcoming World Cup & Olympic destination
+ ranked one of the most beautiful cities in the world
+ ample amount of things to see and explore
- living close to beaches comes at a price
Learn & Do
Swimming, surfing, paragliding, hiking, learning Portuguese,
learning Samba , nightlife, beach volleyball, football
Get things done
Shopping Leblon
Coworking: Nitis Office
Coworking: Bees Office
Travel Resources
Rio Tourism
Budget Accommodation Rio de Janeiro
Learn Brazilian Portuguese
Cost of Living Rio de Janeiro
Night in Hostel: $17
Small Apartment p/m: $900
Inexpensive Meal: $9
Minimum Budget p/m: $1200


Chile, San Pedro de Atacama Adventure hub with unreal

San Pedro de Atacama (San Pedro for short) is a small oasis with
a big reputation. Settled over 11,000 years ago, it was one of
the most developed pre-Colombian towns in Chile. It occupies
an extreme geographical location on the Atacama Desert plain,
home to some of the highest volcanic mountains in the Andes.
San Pedro is considered to be Chiles archaeological capital.
Formerly at the center of Atacama culture, today its permanent
population has shrunk to just 2,500. This figure, however, belies
the huge numbers of tourists that pass through the town all
year round, keen to experience its breath-taking landscape and
cosmopolitan atmosphere.
San Pedro is the starting point for most travelers beginning their
adventures in the Atacama Desert, giving it a laid back,
cosmopolitan vibe that is strangely infectious. English is widely
spoken and understood in the hotels and restaurants and by the
tour guides and many have some Italian and German too.
Things to see and do
The town itself is small, huddled around several blocks lined
with hotels, restaurants, shops selling local handcrafts and tour
agencies keen to recruit new arrivals for their dessert adventure
tours. Despite the heavy touristy feel, however, it retains its
charm and provides for every need. There are several Internet
cafs, a telephone office and post office, making
communications are easy despite the San Pedros seemingly
isolated location.

You will find a big variety of services for the visitors such as
lodging, restaurants, tourist agencies, handcraft, telephone
office, Internet, post and police station. It is well connected by
bus, train and car to Santiago in the South out to Bolivia and
Peru to the North and East.
Options for eating out in San Pedro are plentiful but couldnt be
described as a gourmet extravaganza. Wherever you eat, a good
bet is to opt for the menu del da which is generally much
cheaper than eating la carte. Portions tend to be larger and
the meal is prepared with whatever fresh ingredients are
available to the chef.
San Pedro is certainly not a metropolis bursting with bars and
clubs. It does, however, still have a lively nightlife centred round
its cafs, in particular Caf Adobe, Caf Export, and 6 Grado.


The sale of alcohol is officially prohibited after 11.30 pm on

weekdays and 2.00 am on weekends. There are several places
to buy illegally later but expect to pay for the privilege.
The real point of San Pedro is not so much the village itself but
its access to some of the most breath-taking and other-worldly
locations on Earth. Most of the key attractions are within the
Los Flamencos National Reserve. Take a dawn tour to the
Geysers del Tatio for an unforgettable spectacle of light and
landscape or a sunset trip to the Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley),
named after its stunning rock formations. Among its key
attractions are the Grand Crater, the Three Maries, the Salt
Canyon and the Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley). A visit to the
salt pans, dotted with pink flamingos, is also well worth the
San Pedro is the starting point for an incredible off road trip to
the Salar de Uyuni. The three-day run will cost you around $120
or even less if you book it starting in Uyuni, Bolivia, and you will
see some of the most fantastic and unique scenery you are ever
likely to witness in the world. This is the perfect break after a
long week in front of the laptop.
Good to know
There is virtually no crime in the town but it does present other
dangers to watch out for. Due to its elevated position UV rays
can be dangerously high and altitude sickness is a common
problem. Remember to use plenty of ultra-high factor sun block.
Altitude sickness is harder to cure without heading for lower
ground but Chachacoma, the locals remedy of choice, is worth
a try.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ charming oasis in high altitude
+ surrounded breath-taking scenery
+ starting point for incredible road trip to Bolivian salt pans
- altitude sickness not uncommon
- freezing cold at night
Learn & Do
explore surrounding national parks, sand boarding, horse riding,
quad biking & get things done
Get things done
Caf Adobe
Travel Resources
San Pedro Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation San Pedro
Cost of Living San Pedro de Atacama
Night in Hostel: $17
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $8
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


Chile, Santiago de Chile Fast Internet close to beaches

and mountains
Nestled beneath the imposing peaks of the Andes, Santiago de
Chile is a must-visit destination for any Digital Nomad exploring
the South American continent in search of a place to live and do
Santiago is a popular choice for expats in search of a melting pot
of different languages and cultures. It is not the cheapest
country in South America and generally incurs a higher cost of
living than most other cities in the region. However, it is still
lower to US and Western European standards and may well be
outweighed by the range of modern facilities and available
broader business opportunities compared to other South
American cities.
Some of the fastest Internet connections, a great variety of
things to do and excellent infrastructure make it a great base
destination for Digital Nomads.
Things to see and do
This fast-growing city is home to more than seven million
people and offers world-class festivals, museums, parks and
shopping experiences. It is located just an hour from the coast,
offering easy access to the pristine beaches of the Pacific Ocean
during the warm summer months.
During the winter you can easily escape to the snow-covered
peaks that rise over the city for weekends of skiing or
snowboarding at one of Chiles well-known ski stations, popular
with expats, foreign tourists and locals alike.

Santiago offers plenty in the way of culture and entertainment.

El Mercurio is the main center for theatre and dance and a
popular destination on Friday and Saturday evenings, while
regular arts exhibitions are held at the Centro Cultural
Matucana 100. Theatre lovers will enjoy a visit to the Teatro
Municipal, an international dance, drama and opera venue as
famous for its opulent external architecture as it is for its artistic
Santiagos nightlife combines fun and sophistication. It is well
known for its jazz scene with a number of jazz clubs dotted
around the city. Eating out is as sophisticated or as down to
earth as one could wish with tasty snacks available from street
vendors (choose carefully), a thriving caf culture and
restaurants offering world-class cuisine.


Having a working
knowledge of Spanish
while living in
Santiago is essential.
Plenty of language
schools offer a range
of intensive Spanish
classes for beginners
through to courses
catering for experts
looking to hone their skills and improve their business

deals on the street. Otherwise, relax, enjoy and engage in the

Chilean lifestyle.

As a booming South American economic center, Santiagos

residents are also keen on improving their English, so if you
need to stretch your budget there are plenty of opportunities
for teaching English no matter what your qualifications.

Get things done

Google Map with WiFi Cafs in Santiago
Coworking: Moviestar Innova Center

Good to know
Employment generally requires a work/residency permit
(though there are many ex pats living and working in Santiago
without one); however, it is worth checking out the many
volunteer programs such as United Planet and Bridge
Volunteers and internships which are a popular option for
spending time in Chile and come with the added benefit of an
appropriate visa.
Santiago is generally a safe city by South American standards. As
with any major city it is worth being vigilant for pickpockets;
avoid wearing ostentatious jewellery and never accept currency

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ city with best infrastructure in South America
+ great base for weekend trips to beaches and Andes
+ friendly citizens always willing to help you out
Learn & Do
Hiking and trekking tours in Andes, wine growing area, skiing in
winter, getting things done

Travel Resources
Santiago Chile Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Santiago
Cost of Living Santiago de Chile
Night in Hostel: $17
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $8
Minimum Budget p/m: $1100


Colombia, Bogota Discover the new Colombia

Bogots star is rising. Once high on everyones list of places not
to visit, huge government investment into infrastructure
improvements and security projects have changed the face of
the city. The Colombian capital has shed its bad reputation and
been reborn as South Americas urban and cultural highlight.
Bogot is the political, financial and service center for the
country and is situated both metaphorically and geographically
at its heart, making it an excellent base from which to explore
the country.
Things to see and do
Take time to meander through its historic streets, admire its
graceful architecture, wander through the greenery of its parks
and scratch the surface of its lively nightlife and we defy you not
to fall under Bogotas spell.
Bogot is very much a city of two halves, the south and center
embracing its cultural heritage and the north and west largely
turning their back on its history and looking forward to the
tower blocks and trappings of growing capitalism.
Travelers and expats can be found in abundance hanging out
around the historic La Candelaria district to the south of the city,
basking in the motley collection of colonial churches, cafs and
museums that still remain there.
This is where most of the affordable expat accommodation and
dining options can be found.


As a major
urban center,
Bogot is
home to a
number of
public and
If Bogot gets
under your
skin and you
are planning to stay for a while, try enrolling in a Spanish course
at one of its academic institutions; its a great way to meet new
people and get to grips with the Spanish language. Some
schools will organise accommodation with a local family, a surefire way to make quick progress whilst experiencing Colombian
life and culture from the perspective of its own people.
English is spoken by many, especially the student population,
and Bogots Spanish is considered to be among the most
neutral in the world, so if you dont want to commit to a
language course, you should still be able to get by as long as you
have a grasp of some basics.
Eating in Bogot is a delight. Head to Zona G for some of the
citys best restaurants while Zona T and Zona Rosa caters well
for the masses, with restaurants offering a varied mix of
international cuisines along with shopping malls, dance clubs
and plenty of night-time activities.


Good to know
Home to more than
seven million people,
Colombians still flock
to Bogot in the
hope they will find
its streets paved
with gold, only to
find themselves
ensconced in one of the barrios to the south of the city, barely
earning enough to survive, or on the streets living a life of crime.
Despite the high profile clean-up, the class inequalities make
crime a problem. Armed robberies are relatively commonplace
and tourist establishments in particular have been targeted in
recent months. That said it is by no means Latin Americas most
dangerous city. As long as you take care not to walk alone and
use taxis for travelling at night you should encounter few
Accommodation is relatively cheap in Bogot, especially around
the district of La Candelaria and communications are everything
you would expect of a major urban center. For Digital Nomads
Bogot is an excellent stop-off point for a taste of South
American urban life with all the conveniences you need.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ new infrastructure and security measures
+ city of contrasts and unique experience
- high altitude and air pollution
- theft and robberies are common, be careful at night
Learn & Do
cultural activities, shopping, bike tours, nightlife, learning
Get things done
Cafecito Bogota
Diletto Cafe
Coworking: HubBog
Travel Resources
Bogota Tourism
Budget Accommodation Bogota
Cost of Living Bogota
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $6
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


Colombia, Cartagena Urban city

with beach life benefits
Cartagena is an intriguing city, a place
where all things Caribbean, American
Indian and Latin have met and melted to
produce something quite magical. This
Colombian port city is a maze of winding
streets and colonial architecture that has
remained largely intact since its construction some 500 years
Thanks to its location in a sheltered bay on the shores of the
Caribbean, Cartagena is able to satisfy the desires of the Digital
Nomad searching for the ultimate urban/beach combination.
Stay and enjoy a morning supping coffee in the old town, an
afternoon on the water and a night of cocktails in a city bar.
Things to see and do
Cartagena and the old town in particular are best explored on
foot to really appreciate the charming cafs and colonial houses
so reminiscent of the Andalusian white pueblos. Many stretches
of the old city walls remain gloriously intact despite their age.
The main entrance is the Clock Tower Building and the walled
city comprises the neighbourhoods of Centro, San Diego,
Getsemani which is its oldest section and La Matuna which is its
most modern.
Once you have had your urban fix, head out of town to explore
the coral reefs, white sand beaches and mangrove forests. Playa

Blanca is the place to see and be seen and is best reached by

ferry from the port near the conference center.
On weekends you can go for a tour to the Totumo volcano and
take a mud bath in its crater before diving in the nearby lagoon
for a scrub clean. Alternatively, try the Rosario Islands a little
island getaway that is always worth a visit.
Cartagenas mixed origins and rich cultural history are reflected
in its inspiring fusion cuisine. Fresh fish and exotic fruits feature
heavily, while ingredients and culinary skills from several
continents are combined to glorious effect in the restaurants
lining the streets of the old town. For a seafood meal with a
view, take a walk through the Bocagrande area and choose one
of the many restaurants that line the waterfront.
Most of Cartagenas nightlife focuses on the old town and the
convention center. Bars and clubs in the city are lively and will
not disappoint if you are looking to dance until dawn.


Good to know
With a bit of luck your search for a long-term place to stay will
be rewarded with a room in a converted colonial house.
Whatever your budget, do try to find a room within the walls of
the old town to really appreciate the old world charm of

Destination Overview

Cartagena is generally safe by South American standards but do

take care walking at night and avoid deserted areas. Scams are
rife; therefore, do not be tempted to top up your nomads
salary with a quick street-side money exchange as you are
certain to be ripped off.

Learn & Do
diving, cultural activities, Salsa lessons, kite surfing, beach living

Pros & Cons

+ urban city with beaches close by
+ colonial style living at affordable prices

Get things done

Malagana Caf & Bar
Travel Resources
Cartagena Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Cartagena
Cost of Living Cartagena
Night in Hostel: $13
Small Apartment p/m: $400
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $800



Colombia, Medelln Colombias favourite with Digital

Once home to one of the worlds mightiest druglords, Pablo
Escobar, Medelln is being reborn and the news is spreading.
The past few years have seen major government investment to
rid the city off its control by the drug cartels and the effort has
largely been successful. It is now firmly back on the travelers
radar and begging to be discovered.
You will love Medelln for its art and culture, buzzing street life,
pleasant climate, attractive location and friendly welcome.
Medelln is known as the City of Eternal Spring. Surrounded by
mountains rising majestically from the outskirts of the city, its
high altitude and slightly overcast skies provide fresh air with a
cooling breeze all day long, all year round.
Things to see and do
Medelln is a thriving, modern city that will appeal to many
tastes. It is Colombias largest industrial center, and with six
universities it also has a large student population filling its
buzzing streets by day and flocking to its diverse clubs and bars
by night.
Busy street markets and numerous cafs serving some of the
best coffee in the world are thriving once more thanks to the
government clean-up. Most of the city is built on a traditional
Manzana grid system; therefore, it is relatively easy to find
your way around on foot. For longer trips across the city, take
the metro, Colombias first and only underground rail system.
Consider renting a car to drive out of the city and enjoy the

spectacular views from the surrounding mountains but watch

out for the drivers in the city center!
Medelln is a major cultural center with numerous museums
and art galleries begging to be explored. The Museo de
Antioquia holds an interesting collection of contemporary art
including many pieces by Fernando Botero, one of the worlds
most famous living sculptors.
Colonial architecture jostles for position with modern buildings
and green parkland throughout Medelln. Explore the city on
foot - though as with any Latin American city do take care in
some downtown areas - to appreciate its traditional churches
and beautiful old houses; dive into the Botanic Gardens for a
stroll through the lush vegetation, before boarding one of the
two metro-cables, which climb peaks that surround the city,
where you can appreciate the view from above.
There are significant opportunities for formal and informal
English language teaching in Medelln, a great way of funding
your stay and getting to know some locals. Try a Spanish course


at one of the universities or language schools to improve your

language skills and get to know your fellow travelers.
Colombians are party people and the city has a plethora of bars
and clubs to keep you occupied. Guys may be interested to
know that Medelln is also known for being home to Colombias
most beautiful women.
Good to know
Uptown El Poblado is the citys most desirable neighbourhood
to stay in, but only worth it if your budget permits. However,
Medelln has many lower budget hotels dotted around the city
offering excellent quality.
High speed Internet connections, free Wi-Fi and Englishlanguage satellite TV are just some of the reasons why more
location-independent travelers flock to the city long-term.
Crime is lower in Medelln than in the past, however, it is still a
Latin American urban location and care should be taken
accordingly. Some downtown areas still experience problems
and there have been reports of tourists being targeted,
however, most serious trouble is now confined to the barrios.
Take care in poorer areas and try not to walk alone or at night
and you should be free to enjoy all that Medelln has to offer
without any problems.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ fantastic nightlife and favourite in South America
+ cultural center with lots of art galleries
+ known as being home to Colombias prettiest women
+ the former home of Pablo Escobar is now safer than ever
Learn & Do
cultural activities, learn Spanish, learn the Tango, cooking
courses, nightlife
Get things done
Time Out Sports Bar Medellin
Ay Caramba Restaurant
Al Rojo Restaurant
Coworking: Creame
Travel Resources
Medellin Tourism
Budget Accommodation Medellin
Cost of Living Medelln
Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750


Ecuador, Baos Ecuadors volcanic adventure capital

Baos de Agua Santa is a compact city nestled in the highlands
of the Andes, 87 miles from Quito and approximately three and
a half hours away by bus. The towns name derives from its
hydrothermal springs, the baths of sacred water, which are
famous throughout South America.
It is a famous tourist hub and is known as the adventure capital
of Ecuador, attracting both foreign and Ecuadorian thrillseekers. As a result, the city itself could be accused of having
bowed a little too much to tourism, given its streets are lined
with hotels, souvenir shops, restaurants, and tour agents. But
look beyond these and what really sets Baos apart is the
stunning backdrop of the 5,023m Tungurahua volcano.
The gently smoking Tungurahua is still active - it erupted as
recently as April 2011. Its last major eruption was in 1999 and
there have been several more during the intervening years.
Tungurahua is not the only active volcano in Ecuador and
indeed Cotopaxi, the fifth highest active volcano in the world,
can be found close by. But the magic of Baos is its accessibility.
Where else in the world can you hike from your hotel at night
through the foothills of an active volcano and watch as the hot
red lava erupts from the top of the mountain, lighting up the
sky, before returning to your room to get cracking on a new
Things to see and do
Baos is better known for its rugged simplicity than for its fine
gastronomy. There are numerous places to eat in the city, with

meals in the market

starting at $1.50
and dinner at some
of the more touristy
restaurants ranging
from $5 - $8. The
eclectic mix of
typical Ecuadorian
meals, Tex-mex,
Thai, Mexican,
Indian, Argentinian, French and Swiss resembles the varied
origins of its visitors.
Organized trips away from the town itself are very popular. This
is a place from which to savour the delights of the Amazon and
to visit some great waterfalls such as Cascada de La Virgen and
Pailon de Diablo.
Baos is a must for travellers with a sense of adventure and a
tempting option for expats looking to put down some roots in a
place that is far removed from the modern urban world. It is
lively and inexpensive and a is a real draw for extreme sports
enthusiasts who want to raft, mountain bike, canoe, ride quad
bikes or want to engage in rappelling down waterfalls with likeminded souls.
Good to know
While finding an apartment in Baos might be a bit more
difficult, negotiating good weekly or monthly rates with your
guesthouse is usually an option.


Owing to its tourism

infrastructure, English
is widely spoken in
Baos, especially in
the hotels, restaurants
and tour offices that
cater to international
travellers. In general,
Ecuadorians are
helpful and easy-going with people attempting to speak Spanish
and Baos is no exception, but if you need some help to kick
start your language skills, there are several reasonably-priced
schools within the city. They offer classes from as little as $6 per
As a result of the frequent eruptions and volcanic activity since
1999 one should always bear Tungurahuas behaviour in mind
and visitors common sense should prevail at all times.
Generally speaking, however, Baos is a very safe city with just a
little simple thievery.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ adventure sports capital of Ecuador
+ serene village setting in Ecuadorian highlands
- far removed from modern urban living
Learn & Do
trekking, rafting, quad biking, canyoning, abseiling, learn
Get things done
Meeting Point
Pappadelle Ristorante
Travel Resources
Baos Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Baos
Cost of Living Baos
Night in Hostel: $9
Small Apartment p/m: $350
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Ecuador, Cuenca UNESCO World Heritage destination and

expat hub
The city of Cuenca lies nestled in a valley perched some 2,500
meters up in the Ecuadorian Andes. Bursting with wellpreserved colonial architecture, narrow cobblestone streets and
whitewashed red-tiled buildings, the city was declared a
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.
Many travellers heading through Ecuador on their South
American journeys head straight for the grandeur of Quito. But
leave Cuenca off your itinerary and you will miss out on the
jewel in Ecuadors beautiful crown.
Cuenca is the ideal location for Digital Nomads looking to study
Spanish or simply hang out in a city that is just bursting with
South American flavour.
Things to see and do
Cuencas permanent population is around half a million and
includes a good many gringo expats from the US and Europe. It
is a popular location for Spanish language learners, with a good
selection of schools offering classes for every ability level.
Cuenca has a fantastic historic area. The old towns grid layout
makes it easy to navigate your way through the streets, aided by
the numerous easily identifiable monuments. In the heart of the
city at least, walking is not only cheaper but also faster than
taking a bus or taxi through the narrow, busy streets. Therefore,
most travellers and expats choose to lodge as close to the
center as possible. The city is full of churches, open green areas
and charming plazas just waiting to be explored. The largest

square, Parque Calderon, marks the very center of the city. You
can spend lazy days there just listening to the musicians play in
the bandstand and examining the wares of the street vendors.
There are plenty of attractions outside Cuenca to keep you
busy. Take a visit to one of the citys famous Panama hat
factories or check out Eduardo Vegas ceramic workshop and
gallery on the road to the Mirador de Turi above the city. If you
prefer taking part in more rural pursuits, Cajas National Park
with its pretty hiking trails and deep lagoons is a great option for
a break from the city, or take a trip to nearby Baos to try your
luck with its large fishing lakes.


Food in Cuenca is
largely regional
although the city
is also known for
serving a mean
pizza. There are
several gringooriented caf/bars
serving all day
breakfasts and
gringo dinners where you can settle down with an Englishlanguage newspaper and relax into your native tongue with
fellow diners.
Most of the evening action takes place in the citys bars and
cafs, though there are one or two salsatheques where locals
and expats get friendly on the dance floor. Great fun!
Good to know
Cuenca is a comparatively safe city, relatively sheltered from the
worst of Latin Americas crime and violence. That said, caution
should still be exercised in quieter areas and it is never
advisable to walk alone in the streets at night.
Head for the center when looking for accommodation, you will
be glad you found somewhere close to the action. Most
guesthouses will have Internet readily available, which is
generally of a pretty good standard.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site
+ a bit of the track from the usual traveller trail
Learn & Do
Cultural activities, learn Spanish, read a book
Get things done
WiFi Cafes in Cuenca
California Kitchen
Travel Resources
Cuenca Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation Cuenca
Cost of Living Cuenca
Night in Hostel: $12
Small Apartment p/m: $500
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $700


Outside the city

there are
opportunities such
as white water
rafting, inflatable
canoeing and
mountain biking to
keep even the most
demanding sports

Peru, Cuzco UNESCO heritage and getaway to Machu

A visit to the historic city of Cuzco is the Holy Grail for many a
traveller to the South American continent. It is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site and is the largest and most comfortable base for
tourists to begin their ascent to the lost Inca city of Machu
Picchu and the regions other famous Inca ruins.
Under Inca rule Cuzco developed into a complex and
sophisticated urban center that was largely preserved during
the Spanish conquests of the 16th century, except for the
Baroque churches and palaces they constructed all over the
ruins of the Inca city.
You are bound to enjoy your escape to Cuzco, where you can
experience its colonial center and traveler vibe against the
stunning backdrop of ancient Inca history.
Things to see and do
English is widely understood and spoken in Cuzco thanks to its
large visitor numbers and the locals are usually very happy to
test their skills.
The Plaza de Armas is an eye-catching square with bars,
churches, shops and restaurants and is also the departure point
for the hike to the closest and largest of the four Inca ruins
surrounding the city, namely Sacsayhuamn. Plaza de San
Francisco is also worth a visit, a few blocks north of the center,
to sample one of Cuzcos many great coffee shops and explore
the city market.

enthusiast happy.
Most visitors to Cuzco will be there for one thing only to visit
the magical lost world of the Incas, Machu Picchu. This breathtaking monument to Inca history can be reached either by
hiking the Inca Trail or by rail from Cuzco or Ollantaytambo. By
rail it is possible to do the trip in a day; otherwise one must stop
overnight at Aguas Calientes. It is well worth bearing in mind, as
it is best to visit the park either early in the morning or later in
the evening when it is less crowded.
Despite its many short term visitors Cuzco also has a scene of
expats and many wandering travellers who decide to stay longer
than the usual three to four days; it is easy to see why: the city
has much more to offer than just being hub from which to visit
one of the worlds most famous sites.
Cuzco has some great food for all budgets. Try an alpaca steak
for a touch of local flavour.


Nightlife is busy every

day of the week and you
will find plenty of bars
and clubs around the
Plaza de Armas to suit
most music tastes.
There are many late
night options staying
open well into the early
Good to know
Accommodation with broadband Internet access in Cuzco is
plentiful and affordable with no need to pre-book unless you
have a particular recommendation you want to follow up.
As with any urban area muggings and petty thefts can be a
bother. Stick to the busy areas and you should have few
problems but dont display your valuables as they are likely to
attract attention and mark you out as a naive tourist.
Altitude sickness can be a problem so take your time to
acclimatise. Coca tea is a natural remedy for altitude sickness
and is widely available, but do remember that, despite being a
natural product, this is the raw product of the coca plant and
can have potent effects.
Cuzco has a very convivial atmosphere, welcoming with open
arms the many travelers who turn up on its doorstep in search
of the wonder of the lost Inca Empire.

Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ historic town & gateway to Machu Pichu
+ good long-term visitor scene
- altitude sickness
- occasional muggings
Learn & Do
white water rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, trekking to
Machu Pichu
Get things done
The Tea Rooms
Travel Resources
Cuzco Travel Guide
Budget Accommodation in Cusco
Cost of Living Cuzco
Night in Hostel: $10
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $6
Minimum Budget p/m: $850


Venezuela, Mrida Famous student town dramatic

Andean setting
The city of Mrida lies sandwiched between the peaks of
Venezuelas impressive Andean mountain chains at the foothills
of the snow-capped Pico Bolvar.
Mrida is home to one of the Venezuelas leading academic
institutions, the University of the Andes which was founded in
1785. The faculty lends it a laid-back cosmopolitan ambience
that is perfect for Digital Nomads seeking a place to hang out
somewhere with a more varied population. In Mrida several
thousand students co-exist happily side by side with the citys
permanent residents and the many travelers who congregate
here, eager to make the most of Mridas lively nightlife, yearround agreeable climate and numerous adventure sports on
their doorstep.
The city retains much of its colonial architecture, fanning out in
a traditional manzana grid from the central Plaza Bolvar up
the steep hills towards Ejido in one direction and down into the
valley towards the University in the other.
Things to see and do
Meridas main draw is its location at the heart of the Parque
Nacional Sierra Nevada.
Its highlight attraction is the Telefrico, the worlds longest and
highest cablecar that deposits you at the top of the Pico Espejo
(4765m) with two stops along the way. Early reservations are
essential as it is often booked out in high season. Take the final
ascent from the top station to Los Nevados, the lost village, and

spend the night there before starting your descent the following
morning by mule and finishing off on foot.
If you prefer more of an adrenalin rush, try hiking, climbing,
kayaking, canoeing or paragliding. You will find plenty of tour
agencies organizing trips and activities including many that are
located in the towns hostels and prices and itineraries are fairly
For the more sedate adventure-seeker Mrida offers some
spectacular hikes and guided walks, plenty of fishing for trout in
the Andean river waters and horseback tours of the glacier
lagoons of Victoria and Laguna Negra a bit further afield.
Take a trip out to the hot springs at Tabay, Ejido and Jaj and
spend some time exploring the colonial villages and remote
Andean farms dotted around the surrounding countryside.
Thanks to its student population eating in Mrida generally
provides good value for money and plenty of choice. A trip to
the Heladeria Coromoto is a must. This ice cream parlour is in
the Guinness Book of Records for having the most flavours. It


has around 800 in total but be warned that only 100 are
available on any given day and some of the more obscure
varieties may not appeal to even the most worldly-wise traveler.
Merida is also a very popular destination for people from all
over the world seeking to learn Spanish. This makes it even
easier to meet and connect with other internationals staying in
town longer than the odd tourist.
Nightlife is all you would expect of a student town with many
late night bars and clubs. Start the night at Caf Calypso and
finish up well into the early hours at the long-established
Birosca or El Bodegn, the new pretender.
Good to know
If you are looking to stretch your budget, there are plenty of
low-cost hotels clustered around Plaza Las Heronas and La
Plaza Milla. Most have Internet access so you are well taken
care of in Mrida. It is home to Venezuelas cheapest Internet
cafs, with literally dozens of them offering Internet access at
less than $0.50 US per hour.
Watch out for the sun. Mrida is a high-altitude city and the
rays are deceptively powerful despite the refreshing air
Mrida is as alive at night as it is by day and is one of the
Venezuelas safer cities with little in the way of serious crime.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ Venezuelas lively student town
+ pictures impressive Andean setting
+ outdoor capital of Venezuela
- crime is common in Venezuela. Be careful at night
Learn & Do
hiking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing or paragliding
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Merida
Posada Montana (Good WiFi)
Cost of Living Mrida
Night in Hostel: $9
Small Apartment p/m: $550
Inexpensive Meal: $6
Minimum Budget p/m: $850


Southern Africa
When to go where
Africa offers many highlights and attractions that are best
enjoyed at specific times of the year; therefore, it is wise to do
your homework well in advance if you are planning to travel to
this enthralling continent.
If you are planning to move about and explore all that Africa has
to offer, it is best to aim visiting during the dry season.
Travelling once the rains set in can be complicated, especially
once you move off the main roads, where a dirt road can
become a mud road all too easily.
There are some regional variations but in general East Africa
enjoys two dry seasons, the first from December to March and
the second from June to October. This is the time to head to
Zanzibar, Kampala and Kenyan destinations to enjoy the
beautiful Indian Ocean beaches, experience urban East African
life and, of course, visit the game reserves. Dry conditions make
for the best time to go on safari, as the animals keep on the
move in search of water and the dry grass and sparser
vegetation make for easier game viewing.
October to April is generally considered to be the best time to
visit South Africa and this also holds true for Mozambique. The
temperatures in the southern areas of South Africa are
deliciously warm during the summer season, around 28 30C,
and the occasional shower keeps the atmosphere fresh. The
South African holiday season runs from mid-December to late
January - be prepared for more crowds and spending more on

accommodation if you plan to travel at that time. Cape Town,

Jeffreys Bay and South Africas famous garden route are best
enjoyed at this time of year, however, if you do find yourself
here off season, head north for some of the best game viewing
when there is little rainfall.


Cost of living
Africa is a fascinating continent and a must-see on every Digital
Nomads lifetime travel itinerary. Of the continents featured in
this guide, it poses the most difficulties in terms of balancing a
low cost of living with safety, security and sophistication but
there are a number of destinations that do just that.
Cape Town is the ideal starting point for exploring the continent
and, while getting there is generally costly, your flight is likely to
be your greatest expense. Once you have arrived, there is plenty
of affordable accommodation to be had, a buzzing nightlife,
cheap shopping and low-cost transport all against the
backdrop of one of the worlds most beautiful cities. Pretty
much everything in Cape Town will cost you half the price of the
equivalent in US and Western European cities and prices
elsewhere in the country are even lower. Steer clear of the
pricey tourist attractions and $1,000 per month will see you
enjoying the delights of Cape Town and plenty more South
African delights for as long as your visa permits.
The secret of living in other parts Africa on a nomads budget is
to watch what and where you eat. Instead of visiting
supermarkets which tend to be more expensive than Europe
despite their more limited stocks, stick to local food (you may
need to acquire a taste for it but it will be worth it!) and your
dollars will go far.
For the more budget-conscious traveller, moving north away
from South Africa is a sure-fire way to get more for your money.
The Ugandan capital of Kampala has plenty to offer the Digital
Nomad and is around 25% cheaper than South Africa, while

Maputo in Mozambique is cheaper still. As a general rule you

can live well for around a quarter of the cost of Western Europe
or the US. Even Zanzibar, despite being a well-developed tourist
destination, offers excellent value for money, if you take the
time to hunt out affordable accommodation away from the
trappings of the tourist scene; it is well worth the trip for its
stunning surroundings.
Please note: Hiking the Kilimanjaro, Gorilla trekking in Uganda
or going on safaris in Kenya or Tanzania will cost you at least $
150 per day. Getting a rental car with friends and exploring
South Africas Kruger Park (close to Maputo) on your own terms
will be the cheapest option at less than $ 80 per day.


Southern African Destinations

Kenya, Diani Beach Resort town close to Safaris and
Diani Beach is a popular resort town on the eastern coast of
Mombasa, Kenyas premier tourist destination. This is the place
for beach, safari and a trek up Mount Kilimanjaro.
Perched on the shores of the Indian Ocean, Mombasa offers
plenty of marine life, world class resort hotels and a year-round
tropical climate ensuring its continued popularity. Despite its
seeming opulence, Mombasa is friendly and welcoming and an
idyllic location to experience the best of what Kenya has to
Diani Beach lies some 30 kilometres south from the main town,
on a seemingly endless stretch of white sandy beach that
merges with the small town of Ukunda. The area is famous for
its coral reefs and the nearby Shimba Hills National Reserve and
Diani Beach offer shopping, restaurants and all the amenities
you need to make the most of your time.
Things to see and do
Diani Beach itself is very much focused on the wide, powdery
white sands. The tidal movement is strong, creating a width of
over 150 meters of beach at low tide.
The strong coastal winds make for excellent kitesurfing and
windsurfing and there are several clubs along the beach offering
lessons for beginners as well as kite hire for more advanced
riders. The magnificent coral reef has an abundance of marine

life and provides

more than 25
world-class diving
experiences for
scuba enthusiasts
not to mention
the opportunity
to dive a plane
Deep Sea fishing
trips are another great way to spend a fabulous day. You can
head to the famous Pemba Channel to fish for Black Marlin.
Boat trips are offered daily, ranging from simple snorkelling trips
to dolphin or even whale shark safaris.
Mombasa proper is worth a visit for some cultural perspective.
Established in the 16th century, the town was ruled by the
Portuguese, Arabs and British - its culture and architecture
today still have many echoes of its past.
If your sea legs need a rest, Diani Beach offers a wealth of
opportunities to explore inland Kenya. Take a flying safari to the
Maasai Mara, home of the big five, the lion, rhino, leopard,
elephant and buffalo. It doesnt come cheap, but this is the trip
of a lifetime. Several different itineraries are offered by local
tour companies so it is worth shopping around for the deal that
best suits you.
Nightlife is low key but there are plenty of restaurants to suit
most tastes and several hang outs to slug back a few cold beers
and recount your days adventures.


Good to know
Diani Beach is very much a resort location. It will appeal to
Digital Nomads with a bit more of a generous budget as most
hotels are well equipped and the selection of once-in-a-lifetime
opportunities just too good to ignore. Internet is efficient and
widely available.

Destination Overview

Take care in Mombasa at night as carjacking and robberies are

not unknown. A little common sense goes a long way here.

Learn & Do
swimming, safaris, windsurfing, deep sea fishing, diving

Pros & Cons

+ African adventures at your door step
+ stunning beaches
- mainly package holiday tourists

Get things done

USHAGO Sports Bar
Madafos Caf
Travel Resources
Stilts Backpackers
South Coast Backpackers
Cost of Living Diani Beach
Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $5
Minimum Budget p/m: $850



South Africa, Cape Town Adventurous city with

entrepreneurial vibe
Cape Town occupies one of the most iconic locations of any city
in the world, set against a backdrop of cobalt waters, ripening
vineyards and the majestic wilderness of Table Mountain.
It is a city that on the face of it at least, has everything - buzzing
urban center, cultural sophistication and a beach at every turn.
It is also a city of extremes.
Cape Town is the perfect destination if you are looking for an
African experience with plenty of European flavour. Cape Town
also has a large community of tech-savvy entrepreneurs working
in co-working spaces and meeting for the occasional network
meeting, so you can be sure to stumble across like-minded
people. Give it a try - you wont regret it...
Things to see and do
Cape Town is a sprawling city spread around several bay and
inland areas, punctuated by Table Mountain. This is a
sophisticated urban center with shops, restaurants, galleries
and a buzzing nightlife. Public transport options are effective for
specific routes but unless you are staying within walking
distance of the beach somewhere like Camps Bay, you will want
to hire your own transport to get the most out of your stay.
When visiting Cape Town start with a trip to the top of Table
Mountain to get your perspective on the city. The summit is
accessible via cable car and by walkway via several routes, with
Platteklip Gorge being the most accessible and therefore most

Back on the citys beaches, Cape Town has surf practically

running through its veins. If you are a novice, learn to surf at
Muizenberg, otherwise advanced surfers will do well to check
out the reef break at Kalk Bay. Plenty of wilder opportunities
exist further out of town at Milnerton, Table View and Big Bay,
which in summertime is one of the worlds top destinations for
kite- and windsurfing. If you are a kiting novice, head to
Langebaan, a lagoon one and a half hours drive north-west of
Cape Town, for the ultimate learning conditions.
Diving is also extremely popular around Cape Town and of
particular interest for marine life as it is the point where the
Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet.
Cape Town is also very much seen as the adventure capital of
the entire African continent with the best quality of life: Think
mountain biking, quad biking, paragliding, climbing whatever
your sport, as long as it doesnt require snow you are sure to
find it in or around Cape Town.


For the less

adventurous there is an
impressive variety of
vineyards in Cape Town
and a tour of a local
winery can make an
interesting and
educational day out of
the city with a few
glasses of local flavour thrown in for good measure.
Food in the city is varied, sophisticated and excellent value, with
wine lists to match. Head to Nelsons Eye for steaks, Mount
Nelson Hotel for afternoon tea or Wakame for Sushi and
Longstreet, Greenpoint and Camps Bay are the places to be
when looking for the towns best nightlife.
Good to know
Cape Town has established a reputation for violent crime in
recent years, however if you are sensible your experience
should be no different from that of any other major city. Avoid
townships unless you are on an official tour, take care on local
transport and listen to your usual instincts and always take a
cab home at night instead of walking.
If you are looking for a long-term apartment check out the
rental options on Cape Towns gumtree website.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ world class adventure town
+ one of the most beautiful cities in the world
+ entrepreneurial spirit with extensive tech community
+ easy to find long term apartments and settle for summer
- crime is a problem in some parts of the city
- lack of local transport, car rental a good option (+$400 p/m)
Learn & Do
Nightlife, kitesurfing, surfing, climbing, safaris, volunteer work,
explore Africa, visit winelands, beaches and so much more
Get things done
WiFi Cafes in Cape Town 1
WIFI Cafes in Cape Town 2
Coworking 88mph
Coworking Bandwith Barn
Travel Resources
Cape Town Magazine
Cape Town Tourism
Budget Accommodation Cape Town
Cost of Living Cape Town
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $650
Inexpensive Meal: $6
Minimum Budget p/m: $1000


South Africa, Jeffreys Bay World famous surfing mecca

Jeffreys Bay, or J-Bay as it is affectionately named by those in
the know, is the ideal spot for surf-loving travelers looking for
affordable relaxation and comfort in an authentically African
The towns long stretches of golden sand are among the worlds
leading surf spots, including Kitchen Windows, Surfers Point and
Supertubes, host to the International Billabong Pro Surfing
competition. This is the place to come to ride some of the most
challenging waves against the backdrop of the beautiful
Southern African coastline.
Despite its reputation as a surfing mecca, the area offers plenty
of safe bathing and well-organized surf schools that cater for
beginners and experts alike.
Things to see and do
The town occupies a delightful setting, nestled amongst wide
stretches of golden sand where water sports are at the top of
the agenda. Whatever floats your boat - bathing, surfing, kite
surfing, fishing, sea kayaking, canoeing and scuba - you will be
spoilt for choice in Jeffreys Bay.
If you feel in need of a change of scene, try exploring the nearby
town of St Francis Bay with its clustered white houses and
colourful roofs and the largest web of manmade canals and
waterways on the African continent. From here, take a walk to
Cape St Francis which is adjacent to the town, where you will
find a pretty beach, harbour and lighthouse.

The area
boasts several
small nature
reserves such
as the
Kabeljous and
with their
hiking trails,
varied animal
species and birds and there are a number of easily-accessible
mountain bike trails in the area.
Another favourite in J-Bay are horse-riding trips along the
beach. Make sure you go for a ride along the dunes if you make
it here.
Jeffreys Bay is situated right on the southern tip of the continent
at the starting point of the famous Garden Route between Port
Elizabeth and Cape Town making it a key location from which to
explore South Africas delightful East coast.
There are plenty of options for seafood and local fare as well as
various fast-food franchises; a reflection of Jeffreys Bays
standing as a world-leading surf location. The towns buzzing
nightlife is fuelled by its fun-loving and energetic population,
keen to party from dusk till dawn and there are numerous bars
and clubs in town, stretching out towards the adjacent beach


Good to know
Jeffreys Bay has traditionally been a safe and trouble free
destination but with its increased popularity robberies of tourist
and even locals are becoming more regular; therefore, it is
advisable to take care when walking alone on the beach or in
town at night. If you hire a car be vigilant for pedestrians and
stray animals on the roads, especially in the barely-lit stretch
between Jeffreys Bay and Aston Bay at night.
J-Bay has plenty of accommodation to suit every budget. The
towns lively nightlife can make nearby Marina Martinique an
enticing option if you value some peace and quiet and a
guaranteed good nights sleep. For somewhere even less
developed, cross the causeway to Paradise Beach where six
kilometres of unspoiled golden sands stretch all the way to the
Kromm River.
Due to its popularity as a surfing and tourist destination Jeffreys
Bay has all the infrastructure a Digital Nomad could wish for.
This is a great destination to get some work done while living in
an affordable environment, practicing sports and exploring one
of the most beautiful regions in Southern Africa.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ world class surfer town
+ good place to meet local and explore South Africas Wild Coast
and Garden Route
- might become boring quickly, if you are not into surfing
Learn & Do
Surfing, horse rideing, fishing, safaris in Addo National Park,
bungee jumping
Travel Resources
Budget Accommodation Jeffreys-Bay
Cost of Living Jeffreys Bay
Night in Hostel: $11
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $750


Tanzania, Zanzibar African paradise with world-class

Zanzibar is one of a small archipelago located off the East coast
of Africa. It has long been one of East Africas great trading
centers, a place where great cultures meet and intertwine
creating a unique and diverse atmosphere that rarely fails to
charm its visitors.
The largest of the islands, Zanzibar offers its visitors a
compelling combination of beautiful palm-fringed white-sand
beaches, an urban center bursting with history and culture and
abundant adventure and water sport options.
Things to see and do
The focal point of the island of Zanzibar is Stone Town, one of
the most unique cities in the world. The town was recently
declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historic mix of
architecture and culture. Its labyrinthine alleyways bring
together influences from Africa, India and Arabia in its network
of shops, bazaars, mosques, courtyards, squares and higgledypiggledy houses.
Walk through the narrow streets on foot as they are barely able
to accommodate a motorbike. Take your time to enjoy tea in
the bazaar, marvel at the myriad foods on sale in the open-air
market and wander amongst the historic buildings. Dont miss
The House of Wonders and the Arab Fort.
Once you have had your fill of the city, head out in a dalla-dalla,
a network of small minivans that connect the islands main
villages and points of interest. Nungwi is a popular small resort

town in the North of the island and is worth exploring, as is

Kendwa, a small fishing village close by with an attractive beach
and some good scuba diving off shore. These are probably the
best two locations to use as a base. Furthermore, there is Paje,
on the East coast, which is a great spot for kitesurfing. Or if you
want a taste of Zanzibar resort life head to the areas around
Uroa Village, also on the East coast, for smart hotels, good
beaches and more scuba opportunities.
Zanzibar was one of the major Spice Islands and remains one of
the few places where saffron is produced. Dont leave without
taking a spice tour, a delicious assault of the senses in which
your guide will lead you from one corner of the island to the
next through saffron, cardamom, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and
anise, stopping to sample myriad tropical fruits along the way.
Jozani Forest offers some excellent exploring on its nature trails
and offers the added interest of the almost-extinct Red Colobus
monkeys that are native to the island.
Local food echoes the cultural mix that is unique to Zanzibar.
Forodhani Gardens by the water is an excellent place to sample
local fare at low cost, where grilled seafood and meat feature in


Despite being predominantly a

Muslim community there are
plenty of small bars to be found in
Zanzibar, with some great
seafront options where you can
sample an ice-cold beer or local
sugar cane juice against the
backdrop of the East African
Good to know
Zanzibar is a popular tourist resort
destination but also offers plenty of cheap longer-term
accommodation if you stay away from the touristy resorts. Its
best to use Stone Town as a base and explore the island from
Given the islands history and political tensions it is advisable to
check for up to date information before travelling; however, on
the whole it is considered a safe destination for travelers and is
a delightful location for a week or twos rest, relaxation and
exploration before continuing your travels.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ palm fringed beaches & historic Stone Town
+ great base to go on Safaris and climb Kilimanjaro
- Mainly package tourism but bargains can still be found
Learn & Do
diving, cycling, cultural activities, kitesurfing, Safaris
Get things done
Zanzibar Coffee House, Stone Town
Green Garden Restaurant, Stone Town
Travel Resources
Video: Zanzibar Kilters Paradise
Budget Accommodation Zanzibar
Cost of Living Zanzibar
Night in Hostel: $17
Small Apartment p/m: $450
Inexpensive Meal: $4
Minimum Budget p/m: $900


The Ugandan capital is home to some 2.5 million people and has
arisen from the ashes of its 1980s troubles to become a
confident and forward-looking city. It is safe to walk around and
light on traffic, making it a welcome alternative to other edgy
African capitals.

lined with stalls selling

just about everything
you can think of. Prices
are cheap but dont be
afraid to haggle its
expected. Destroyed
by fire in 2009, the
market is currently
under reconstruction
but, if you visit before the works are finished, Nakasero market
is a good alternative and slightly less frenetic.

Kampala is home to many NGOs resulting in a thriving expat

scene, making it an ideal home-from-home for Digital Nomads
keen to experience the sights and sounds of the Ugandan

Kampala is a great place for tailoring so if you are in need of

updating your working wardrobe or stocking up for when you
return to your other life head to Bagunda road to get yourself
measured up.

Things to see and do

There is plenty to see in Kampala, from museums and galleries
to grand tombs and mosques.

Sadly, one of the biggest adventure draws of Kampala, rafting

the headwaters of the Nile, is no longer an option since the
rafting areas were flooded following the installation of a new
hydroelectric dam. However, there is still plenty of fun to be had
on its waters. Try bungee jumping at Jinja where your head will
dip into the Nile at the bottom of your fall, or jet boating up and
down some of the smaller rapids further downstream.

Uganda, Kampala Capital with great expat scene &

wildlife close by
The days of Kony are over. Kampala is the place to come if you
want to explore the jungles of Africa while staying in a
convenient urban setting.

Boda Bodas, or motorbike taxis, are the transportation of choice

in Kampala. The city is teeming with them and you can pick one
up pretty much anywhere just by flagging the driver down.
Make sure you agree your fare before you start your ride and
hold on tight as the drivers will do whatever it takes to get you
to your destination as quickly as possible with little heed for
Owino market is one of the towns main landmarks. One of the
largest in this part of Africa it is set in a web or chaotic alleyways

However, the biggest draw for Uganda visitors are the gorilla
expeditions in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Bwindi
Impenetrable National Park. Although these expeditions come
at a price make sure you take part in this unique experience if
you ever make it there.


There are dining options for

every budget in Kampala.
Hundreds of hole-in-thewall restaurants are dotted
throughout the city serving
cheap and tasty local food
or for a binge head to The
Lawns in Kololo, Ugandas
unique restaurant offering a
full range of Game Meat and a varied cocktail list to match. The
sociable Ugandans mix it up with an international crowd at
plenty of night spots around the city.
Good to know
English is widely spoken in Kampala, but there are opportunities
to learn Swahili, Ugandas official language.
Kampala is a very safe city to walk around and explore on foot.
Credit card fraud is a major problem so try and stick to ATM
withdrawals if you do need to use your card. Boda-boda
accidents account for almost all traffic fatalities in Kampala; if
you are planning on staying there for some time, consider
investing in your own helmet to at least minimize your risks.
Accommodation is well set up for backpackers and the more
permanent expat population. Try the hotels just outside the
center for good value accommodation and free wireless with
good download speed.


Destination Overview
Pros & Cons
+ great base for jungle treks and gorilla sightings
+ experience authentic Africa
+ expat scene consisting mainly of NGO workers
Learn & Do
Volunteer work, rafting, quad biking, gorilla trekking
Get things done
Caf Javas
Caf Pap
Coworking: TheHub
Travel Resources
Welcome to Kampala
Budget Accommodation Kampala
Cost of Living Kampala
Night in Hostel: $15
Small Apartment p/m: $700
Inexpensive Meal: $3
Minimum Budget p/m: $800

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Top Destinations based on interest
Everyones got different interests. Places are popular for
different reasons but to help you find the right places to
research check out the list of extremely popular destinations
based on interest and my personal favourites.
Learn Diving

Gili Trawangan (Indonesia)

Koh Tao (Thailand)
Utilia (Honduras)
Caye Caulker (Belize)

Go surfing

Kuta, Lombok (Indonesia)

Puerto Escondido (Mexico)
San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua)
Dominical (Costa Rica)

Culture Capitals

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Berlin (Germany)
Bangkok (Thailand)
St. Petersburg (Russian)

Most beautiful Islands

Zanzibar (Tanzania)
Bocas del Toro (Panama)
Boracay (Philippines)


Gili Trawangan (Indonesia)

Digital Nomad favourites

Chiang Mai (Thailand)

Medelln (Colombia)
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Bali (Seminyak, Kuta, Ubud)
Berlin (Germany)

Best Nightlife

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Berlin (Germany)
Medelln (Colombia)
Ko Phan Ngan (Thailand)
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Best Adventures

La Paz (Bolivia)
Cape Town (South Africa)
Baos (Ecuador)
San Gil (Colombia)

My personal favourites

Cape Town (South Africa)

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Bocas del Toro (Panama)
Koh Phan Ngan (Thailand)
Boracay (Philippines)

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Work from anywhere

These days there are so many jobs that allow you to work from
anywhere you want in fact, with technology advancing more
and more, types of jobs become available that would allow you
to travel the world, while working online. If you dont have the
skills to work online yet, check out the resources as they will
help you following the right direction.

Important Skills
Web design
If you want to take your job around the world, you have to
become web-savvy. Some basics in web design are a must, even
if you dont want to make web design your professional career.
Smashing Magazine and Webdesigner Depot are among the
most popular blogs for web designers worldwide and a good
way to get you started.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO is the art of getting your own or clients websites ranked in
the top positions for profitable search queries. Being a SEO is a
perfect business you can do from anywhere as long as you
deliver the results. Aaron Walls newsletter is the best way to
get started and SEOmoz runs one of the most popular blogs on
the subject.
Search engine advertising (SEA)
Managing advertising on Googles search engine and its content
network has become a lot more complex over the last few
years. Google even offers a program that will get you certified

which helps if you want to manage campaigns for other

businesses. Be aware though that you need to track whats
working right from the start as the marketing can become
extremely expensive, if you dont setup the campaign correctly
at the beginning.
Perry Marshall is publishing a fantastic newsletter and PPC Hero
is an excellent blog teaching you the ground rules.
Social Media
Social Media is powerful these days, but not many people know
how to use its tools most effectively. In fact, keeping their
Facebook and Twitter accounts constantly running and
publishing new and interesting info is a headache for most
companies. Taking over their fan pages, Twitter accounts and
running Facebook ads from anywhere is a perfect job that does
not require too much technical knowledge and can be done
from anywhere.
Social Mouth and Socialmediaexaminer are two great resources
that will get you started on the subject.
To become a successful traveler of the world while trading at
the same time, you will need to increase your capital. There are
many different trading techniques one can learn, with Forex
trading being amongst the most popular. Forexcrunch is one of
the more helpful blogs that will assist you getting started.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Any kind of copywriting is a popular choice for those who want
to be able to travel the world. Simply pick up a job on, deliver good results and you should be able to
grow your client base in no time. You will need to have passion
for writing though, as it is hard work to compete against so
many talented writers. Join the Wordpress blogging community
to get great advice on writing in general or join LinkedIn, where
numerous writing organisations offer guidance and moral
support. A good portal to pick up copywriting jobs is the
Problogger Jobboard.
Becoming a good programmer requires time, experience and
patience. Once you have learned a few languages and picked up
some clients, it is one of the best jobs to do while travelling the
world, as the salaries and demand for skilled programmers are
both on the rise. Udemy offers many online courses that can
teach you the basics in programming to get started many of
them are free.
If you know two languages already, you could finance your
travels doing translation jobs online and on the road. This
usually pays a bit more than copywriting.
While it its good to have a broad knowledge of everything, you
would waste a lot of time in trying to become a pro in every skill
necessary. Even if you like being a Solopreneur learning to

outsource and letting others do the tasks you are struggling with
will not only make you more productive but also allow you more
spare time to enjoy your travels., and are great websites to
outsource. They are of course also very suitable to pick up some
freelance work, if you need to earn some extra money on your

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Business Ideas for Digital Nomads

Become a Local Online Marketer
Chances are you know a bit of web design, AdWords and SEO
already. A good way to get started is to start local online
marketing thats what I did. The big advantage is you only
have to compete within your city and niche, which makes it far
easier than marketing national or international products. There
are many niche markets you can target but getting the first
clients in the beginning will be the hardest part. Kevin Wilke
shares lots of ideas on how to get them in his newsletters.
Creating Passive Income
Be warned, creating a passive online income business that runs
while you are asleep requires a lot of patience and endurance.
In fact, most of the serviced based jobs you can acquire with
your online skills will make you more money in less time. But
having your own website that generates money for you is still
everyones dream and if you think you have a great idea that
could generate some extra cash while youre asleep, why not? A
great resource to get you started is Pat Flynns blog.
Yes, eBay is still there and even though Amazon is the major
player in E-commerce, there is always room for niche products
or more sellers offering products on Amazon. The beauty of ecommerce these days is that you can use Amazons fulfilment or
other sorts of drop-shipping services, who will take over your
order handling while youre busy sipping caipirinhas in Brazil.

Any type of consulting can be done from anywhere in the world.
There are enough technological tools to help you do it.
Especially, if you are a lawyer or tax advisor, doing consulting
work from anywhere in the world might be appealing to you.
Mobile Web Apps & Mobile Websites
The mobile web is becoming even more important within the
next few years. Whatever you do, be it app design or mobile
websites, there will be a continuously high demand for it.
Tourism Online Marketing
When travelling, you get many insights into the tourism
industry. You could use that knowledge and your online
marketing skills and help some of the guesthouses and tour
operators to market their service in your home country. This is
how a lot of travel bloggers actually make their money.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Before you go
Living a life of travel can be exciting and if you are prepared it
can be relatively stress free and even more enjoyable. The
following chapter will tell you the most important things you
need to know and provide some useful resources to help get
you started living and working from anywhere.

Reducing your fixed costs

Depending on your monthly budgets and how long you are
planning to travel it is worth minimizing your running costs in
your hometown. There are a couple of things worth looking into
before heading anywhere:
Rent out your apartment
Depending on your hometown, the chances are you can sublet
your apartment. Any country has plenty of great websites to
help you do this and you make even more if you sublet your
apartment furnished. If your only worries are that a stranger will
have access to all your personal stuff, consider storing it with
friends or at with a storage company that charges a small fee,
calculated according to your stored square meters, to keep your
valuables save.
If you are living in a very touristy area, it might even be worth
considering letting out your apartment short-term through
popular sites like to tourists and appoint somebody
to take care of communications with them in your absence.


Sell your car

If you are considering travelling and working your way around
the world for a longer period, sell your car. It is very unlikely
that it will increase in value while you are away and it is a major
valuable to be taken care of in your absence. Another bonus is
that it will give you an extra financial cushion should something
go wrong on your travels.
Stop your recurring expenses
Check your monthly expenses carefully. Are you a member of
any fitness clubs or paying monthly fees for anything you are
unlikely to use for the next few months? Cancel everything the
chances are you will be able to terminate or pause your
contracts immediately should your reason for cancelling be the
fact that you will be absent for a long period.
Review your insurance policies
You might have policies you wont need if you are away for
longer periods. Another plus is that a decent medical insurance
for your travels might be a lot cheaper than the one you are
paying for at home.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

How to tell your clients you are going to work on the road
Clients are delicate creatures, so treat them as such. Always
remember that they are the ones making it possible for you to
live the life you always dreamed of unless you have already
created a passive income stream of some kind. Here are some
tips for managing your clients expectations when you decide to
take your virtual business around the world:
Give notice in advance
Give them time to get used to the idea. If you tell them two
days before you leave, the chances are theyll get cold feet
about your ability to deliver on the road. Give them a couple of
months notice and theyll have time to get used to the idea
while you continue to give them the excellent level of service
they have come to know and expect from you.
Prove your skills
Prove to them that you are more productive. Add value to your
dealings with them and set out to work harder than ever on
their account
Time zones can be an advantage
Focus on the advantages different time zones mean that you
can get work done while they are sleeping and have it ready and
waiting in their in-box by the time they start work in the
Or simply dont tell
If you think your clients really will not take kindly to you working
whilst travelling consider not telling them. Tell them you are

taking a holiday, work on their account while you are away, and
then tell them you have decided to extend your stay. By the
time you are in your new location and still delivering the quality
they expect, there is little to be gained by them deciding to
replace you.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Electronics are expensive in many of the countries featured in

this book. So make sure you stock up before you go. If you plan
to be productive be sure you take the right equipment with you.

A tablet PC like the iPad can be a great tool to take on your

travels. You might consider it an unnecessary luxury but it is
great if you need to check your emails quickly or find some
information online while you are out and about, as well as
providing excellent entertainment for long bus journeys.

Good laptop / long battery

When working remotely your laptop is the most important tool.
A laptop with a long battery life that is not too heavy will make
things a lot easier. If MacBooks arent your thing consider
getting a Lenovo ThinkPad. They are extremely light , have a
long battery life and can stand the occasional shock. They also
have strong worldwide service guarantees, making them
extremely popular with business travellers around the world.

Amazon Kindle
If you read a lot of books, taking Kindle along on your trips is
prudent, not just because it will weigh less in your backpack.
Another reason why you should consider getting one is that you
can order your new books from anywhere in the world in your
native language. Kindle 3g is a plus, if you plan to check your
emails when no Wi-Fi is available.

Essential Tech Gear for your trips

3g USB modem or router

Wherever you are in the world, you can suddenly find yourself
with no Internet connection, a slow service that is shared with
too many people, or a local network blackout. To avoid this
affecting your work, most countries sell local simcards that will
work with your 3g modem.
Even though pricing for the bandwidth is usually quite high
(around $10 per Gigabyte), having a reliable option for steady
and fast Internet use is an important backup for your travels and
highly recommended.
An even better option is to get a portable 3G router. Using it
you can share access to your 3G simcards with your PC,
Smartphone and friends.
Tablet PC

iPod Touch
If you dont need a smartphone when travelling, consider
getting an iPod Touch. You will be able to check emails when
there is Wi-Fi and use it for travel apps, maps & dictionaries. A
perfect choice if you find that carrying an iPad is too bulky.
Laptop mouse
Get a mouse for your laptop. A lot of work is more difficult
without it and it will help boost your productivity.
Universal Power Adaptor
Finding power adaptors will sometimes keep you busy searching
for half a day, when you first arrive in a new country. Even
though universal power adaptors can be quite bulky and costly,
it will save you a lot of hassle finding them on location, if you
buy them before you leave.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

At times you might find yourself having to focus on your work in
cafes or hostels with lots of noise going on around you. Putting
on a set of headphones will help you to stay focused and will
keep you entertained on long bus journeys between
Good (waterproof) digital camera
Before you head off on the next stage of your journey consider
investing in a good digital camera in your home country. Many
developing-country destinations featured in this guide are
pricey for electronics so it is well worth the outlay before you
leave. Consider investing in a waterproof camera if you will be
hanging out in beach destinations as sand and water damage
can be fatal for photographic equipment.
External Hard drive
Services like Dropbox can be pricey when storing large amounts
of data online. Think about storing your music and videos on a
separate external hard drive to keep them safe in case
something happens to your laptop.


WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Things to do before you go

While you can replace pretty much anything anywhere in the
world, you could get into trouble if you do not sort out some
crucial things before heading off on new adventures. Sorting out
the following things before you go travelling can minimize the
chances of you getting into trouble.
Do your homework, before you go
If you want to take your online business around the world, it is
important that your business is already running smoothly.
Remember, no matter what job you do, doing major updates or
getting new clients can be far harder, when you travel. Things
dont need to be running perfectly, but having peace of mind
that everything will go smoothly is a definite advantage.
Get a passport or check validity
It takes some weeks to get a new passport so if you dont own
one already, this should be the first thing to sort out once you
know that you will be leaving soon. If youve already got one,
make sure it will still be valid for a while as most countries
wont allow you entry, if it expires within less than six month.
Research visa situation
Regulations for visas change frequently and depend on your
nationality. While it will be easy to get a tourist visa for most
destinations featured in this guide, you always have to research
the current visa situation to avoid being denied entry, when
arriving at your chosen destination.

Get an online phone number

Skype and Google Voice are not only great communication tools
for staying in touch with your clients but they also provide
telephone numbers for purchase that can be rerouted to any
mobile phone. You could find yourself sitting on the beach in
Thailand receiving calls from prospective clients in the belief
that they are calling your hometown.
Sort out your taxes
Get your tax affairs in order in your home country, especially if
you are heading away for an extended period. You may even be
able to save some tax - tell your advisor about your plans and
they may be able to give you some advice on more things you
can save your money on.
Get a spare credit card
The worst thing to happen on your travels is suddenly have no
access to your funds. Your credit card can easily break or get
stolen so make sure you always have at least one back up with
you, stored in a different place. Make sure it is from a different
bank and before you apply for it research their terms, especially
with regard to drawing cash for no fees when you are abroad.
Another benefit of applying for an extra card is that many
companies offer bonus mileage for your sign-up, which comes in
handy when buying your flight tickets.
Backup & synch your data
Your data is one of the most precious things you will take on
your travels so make sure you treat it so. Dropbox is a great
service for backing up your most important data online use it

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

and you will never need to worry again about what to do if your
laptop is stolen or your hard drive breaks down.
Scan all your travel documents
Losing your passport or credit cards can be a nightmare when
travelling but things are a lot easier to sort out if you have spare
copies stored online.
Reroute your mail
Have at least one reliable person in your home country lined up
to keep you posted on whats happening in your mailbox. While
there are services everywhere that will forward mail for you it is
better to have a good friend or even your tax advisor available
to handle urgent or unexpected issues in your absence and keep
you out of trouble when you get that car fine that needs to get
paid urgently.


WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

How to choose your next destination

Once you have sorted out your tasks in preparation for your
adventure, it is time to decide on your new destination.
Making up your mind can be exciting, but also confusing. There
are simply so many great places to go, start by setting your
priorities. The following criteria will get you started:
Low cost of living
Unless you are lucky enough to have access to a bottomless
pool of private funds, you will need to choose locations where
your dollar goes furthest. All the destinations in the guide have
been carefully researched and selected to ensure that it is
possible to live a comfortable life on $1,000 or less per month.
In fact in many of the locations featured it is quite possible to
live for nearly half that amount. South East Asian destinations
such as Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam offer excellent options for
the budget-conscious traveller and are a good place to start
while you find your feet working on the road. Carefully read the
Cost of Living articles to decide on your next destination.
Accommodation options are an important consideration for the
Digital Nomad. Do you need space and tranquillity to work? If so
you may be best off heading for a destination where you can
find cheap long-term apartment lets within your budget range.
On the other hand if an hour or two a day in an Internet caf
will suffice, your options are a little broader. Will you be
travelling alone and looking to mix with fellow travellers at
hostels and backpacker hotels, or do you value your

independence? Read the article on finding cheap

accommodation for some tips that will help widen your options.
Your work requirements will play a major role in deciding your
next destination. High-speed Internet connections are the norm
these days in most urban centers, wherever you are in the
world, but many beach destinations now offer them too,
enabling you to enjoy the best of beach life while continuing to
contribute to your travelling funds. This guide includes an
overview of Internet availability for the locations it covers but if
high-speed broadband is important to you it is worth doing an
up-to-date web search as well as checking with individual hotels
or landlords before you make your decision. Do consider time
zones too, especially if you have client commitments that
require regular contact or delivery of a service at a certain time
of day.
The ability to communicate effectively is key, wherever you are.
If you already speak a string of foreign languages, you will be
well positioned for living and working in most locations; you
should bear in mind that in countries such as China and even
more remote areas, there are many situations where you will
need a smattering of the local language to get by. Digital
Nomading in South and Central America is increasingly popular
and a working knowledge of Spanish will still stand you in good
stead there. Sucre in Bolivia, Crdoba in Argentina and San
Pedro La Laguna in Guatemala all offer good-value Spanish

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

language classes and are all great places to start your Latin
American adventure.
Safety and Security
Bear in mind the political stability of your next destination and
check for up-to-date news. Dont over-analyse the news though,
and seek the opinions of people on Internet Forums such as
Thorn Tree to find out what people who are currently on
location in your chosen destination have to say about the place.
Latin America and Africa can present more safety issues.
However, if you are looking for easy travelling with few things to
worry about, Asia and Europe are the obvious choices to start
your search.
Weather & Climate
Whether sun, surfing, snowboarding or mountain trekking are
your thing, there are plenty of locations to choose from.
Consider overall climate and seasonal variations to help you
make your decisions about where to go when.


WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Tips for finding cheap long-term accommodation

Never organize your accommodation in advance
Hostelworld and Hostelbookers are both good places for finding
affordable accommodation for a few days when you first arrive
in a new location. While it is good to do your homework in
advance, try never to book any long term accommodation
upfront unless absolutely necessary as you will invariably find
cheaper accommodation and plenty more to choose from when
you are on the ground.
Use the Couchsurfing community
Couchsurfing is the largest community of travelers on the web.
It is not only a great source of free accommodation for a few
days but the forums provide a good place to ask for advice on
long-term rentals. They also hold regular community meet-ups
which are worth attending as they provide a good place to ask
around for advice on a cheap place to stay. You will usually
come across someone who can point you in the right direction.

Try Housesitting
Housesitting is an option, especially in Europe. Mindmyhouse is
a great place to find somewhere you can in luxury for no cost
while taking care of a house and dog. Bear in mind that
homeowners usually prefer couples that love dogs but if that
fits with your circumstances it is another great way of living in
luxury that you might not otherwise be able to afford.
Use Search engines
Use Google to search for local rental sites. But dont book in
advance and definitely dont send any money transfers. You are
far better off negotiating on the spot with cash in your hand
than sending a wire transfer to someone you have never met
Check Craigslist
Craigslist provides listings of rentals direct from the owners but
beware of scams visit first and dont hand over any cash in
advance. Unfortunately, Craigslist is often full of options that
look great at first sight but arent what they seem to be.

Negotiate long-term stays

Consider negotiating with your accommodation of choice for a
long-term stay. With an upfront commitment, long-term rates
can stack up more favourably than taking on an apartment or
flat share.

Work for accommodation

Consider working in return for accommodation. Bartering with
your skills and time is a great way to make your dollars go

Use social media

Try social media Twitter and Facebook are full of people who
are currently in or have recently been to your chosen location
and who will be able to provide advice and some handy tips

Check local newspapers

Check local ad sources. Magazines, newspapers, local cafs and
supermarket boards all carry information about local rooms and
apartments to rent.


WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

On the road
Five ways to make friends quickly, when traveling alone
A beautiful location is worth nothing if you have no-one to share
it with. Most travelers would agree it is people that make a
place, not just the place itself. As a Digital Nomad it is likely you
will spend time travelling on your own. It is natural to harbor
some fears about arriving in a new place where you know noone and have no network in place, and learning to overcome
these is one of the most rewarding challenges in your
development as a Digital Nomad. As you travel, you will discover
which strategies suit you best.
The first thing to bear in mind is that it is actually very easy to
meet people, especially when you are in areas that are on the
travelers trail or already established tourist destinations. Most
people who travel do so with an open mind and are usually
pretty outgoing.
Stay in hostels
While sharing a dorm room with strangers might not be
everyones ideal start to the adventure of a lifetime, choosing a
great hostel is one of the best things you can do when you
arrive at a new destination. Meeting fellow travelers is easy in a
hostel so this is a great way to find your feet when you land in a
new location and feel the need for instant company.
Move to a long-term apartment
Digital Nomads tend to stay in one place longer whereas
travelers often move on every few days, so finding friends at

your hostel is unlikely to fulfill your needs for very long. Try to
identify the places where overseas students and expat groups
socialize and hang out there. This is usually pretty easy in cities
and most of the destinations featured in this guide.
Get social
Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are good places to
make contacts in your new location, both before you travel and
once you have arrived. Major cities in particular have social
groups who meet up regularly for networking.
Look for long-let accommodation in shared accommodation to
ease you quickly into the local social scene.
Be active
Choose destinations where there is plenty to satisfy your
interests. Sporting activities, cooking classes, adventuring or
language tuition are great ways to meet individuals who enjoy
the same things as you.
Go Coworking
Coworking is becoming more and more popular. You can find
great coworking spaces in pretty much any major city featured
in this guide. Coworking spaces are great for getting a lot of
work done and provide plenty of opportunities to meet likeminded people doing similar work to yours. Not only are coworking offices useful for business networking, but also provide
you with new friends and travel buddies with similar interests.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

How to be streetwise Safe nomad travel

Do not dwell too much on safety. Doing so may not only have a
negative effect on your feelings but also on your behavior.
While a destination may have a bad reputation for safety, the
chances of your discovering crime on your travels are actually
very low as long as you remain streetwise.
Remember though that being foreign or new in a place does not
give you license to behave in any way you want to. Always make
a point of taking the advice of locals and fellow travelers when
you first arrive to avoid getting into trouble. Here are seven
security secrets for staying safe on your journey:
Always watch your luggage
With all your most essential possessions in your backpack, the
last thing you want is to lose it. Expect to encounter thieves and
opportunists and be prepared. Make sure you invest in a decent
padlock so bus drivers, luggage handlers and opportunistic
passengers cant make a quick dip into your possessions. Wire
mesh bag protectors are also a good investment to discourage
thieves. If you are travelling alone, always keep your bags with
you in the cab of a taxi to save your taxi driver speeding off with
them into the sunset. While you are on the move, it is a good
idea to keep them strapped in with a seat belt and the taxi
doors locked to avoid a quick grab at the traffic lights.
Your laptop is your lifeline
Your laptop is your number one priority, so lose it at your peril.
First of all, make sure ALL your work is safely backed up in at
least one easily accessible place, so that if something does

happen, you can still access your files. Of course, the ideal is not
to lose or damage your laptop in the first place so consider
carrying a laptop lock to secure your laptop, when you leave it
in your accommodation or use it in public places. Avoid using an
ostentatious laptop bag that advertises its contents and stick to
a rough and ready daypack style. And be careful where you use
it surfing on the beach or on a bench in the park is not the
best way of remaining anonymous
Store your valuables carefully
Choose a money pouch or security belt that you feel
comfortable using and that is discreet. Avoid carrying excess
cash and keep back-ups of your personal documents, card
numbers and emergency telephone numbers.
Watch where you walk
When you are in a new place your danger radar does not
always behave. You can sense fear in a place that is perfectly
safe and fail to sense danger, when it is present. Keep your wits
about you when walking in new streets and avoid walking in
quiet areas at night on principle. If you stray somewhere you
feel unsafe, look confident, walk back the way you came and
dont get out your street map!
Choose your clothes carefully
Avoid showing your valuables wherever you are. Jewelry and
expensive accessories are more trouble than they are worth, so
leave them at home from the outset. If you must carry a
camera, invest in a small one and keep it out of sight. Avoid the

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

clichd traveler wardrobe, especially in big cities where you will

stand out, and try to blend in instead.
Dont show your lack of local knowledge
Try to give taxi drivers the impression you know where youre
going even if you dont. If you must ask for directions, do so
discreetly and try to ask local shop owners rather than random
passers-by. And there is no greater advertisement of a lost
traveler than a tourist map in hand, if you must refer to one, try
doing it in private!
Listen to your instincts
You have instincts for a reason. Listen to them and they will
stand you in good stead.


WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Web resources
Whether you have already left on your travels or are still
planning your new location independent lifestyle, there are
many great web resources you can use to help you prepare for
your travels:

Advice for Digital Nomads

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss is the author of the hugely popular book 4-Hour
Work Week. It was reading his book that inspired me to learn
everything I needed to know to start my location independent
lifestyle. If you are thinking about creating your own online
business, this book is well worth reading as is his highly
successful blog.
Leah and John Woodward
It was Lea & Jonathan Woodward who coined the term
location independent in 2007. Since then, they have run their
virtual business successfully from locations across Panama,
South Africa, the Caribbean and many more besides. Their
Location Independent portal provides some excellent books and
information from them on location independency along with
some great contributions from the wider location independent
Cody McKibben
Cody is a writer, traveler and nomadic entrepreneur, who runs a
popular blog for aspiring Digital Nomads. Cody travelled many
parts of the world before settling in Thailand where he

continues to run a successful web development company and

sharing his stories on Thrillingheroics.
Sean Ogle
Sean is another location independent professional running a
blog for aspiring digital nomads. His Location180 blog provides
some great information and advice on building a business you
can run from anywhere.
Christine Gilbert
Christine is stretching digital nomading to the full, living a
location independent lifestyle together with her husband and
new-born child. In addition to writing her very popular
Almostfearless blog about traveling and working from
anywhere, she runs an e-book store selling many interesting
books for those who are considering going digital.

WEBWORKTRAVEL Travel Advice & Digital Nomad Resources

Tools, Resources & Software for Digital Nomads

Cost of Living Calculator
If you are unsure what costs you will face in your new
destination, Expatisan is a great website helping you to compare
prices between just about any major world cities.
Co-Working Spaces
Working from your hotel room can be frustrating and lonely at
times. Choosing a great work environment can boost your
productivity and introduce you to like-minded souls. There are
several great websites that list co-working spaces around the
world such as the Co-working Wiki - a great collaborative
project with an extensive worldwide directory. Other great sites
include and
Flight Search
If you are flexible you can save a lot of money on airline tickets,
but finding the right ticket can be time consuming. Good flight
comparison sites are and Kayak. Be aware
though that most of the flight comparison websites do not list
flights of budget airlines, which can be a lot cheaper. Check their
websites directly for a full comparison.
Travel forums
If you are unable to find specific information on one of your
next destinations, Lonely Planets Thorn Tree Forum is a great
resource for finding answers to just about any travel related
question. If you dont find what you are looking for, just post a
question yourself and someone is bound to post the answer.

Couchsurfing is one of the largest travel communities on the
web. It is a great resource for finding a free place to stay pretty
much anywhere in the world and, depending on the citys CS
community; there are also great weekly events to participate in
where you can meet locals and travellers alike. These can
provide the perfect vehicle to start building your network when
you arrive in a new destination. Whenever I arrive at a new
destination the first thing I do is attending CS events.
Smart travel apps
You can find a large variety of smart phone apps from different
suppliers for just about any major city in the world in popular
app stores. These can be extremely handy for providing quick
access to maps and local information directly on your smart
phone. Use these and you will have no excuse for pulling out the
street guide and looking like a tourist.
PC access anywhere
Teamviewer is a great tool for demonstrating remotely to your
clients how their new website works or for accessing their
computer remotely to fix an issue. No more need to have a
physical presence at your clients desk.
Online Invoicing
If you have many clients, Freshbooks is a great online invoicing
service for keeping track of all your finance related

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Copyrights & Free Updates

How to get free Webworktravel updates for product
I hope you enjoyed reading all about the amazing destinations
in this book or perhaps you are even staying in one of them
right now. There is no doubt that if you plan well, focus carefully
and choose your destinations wisely you can live a life that
many people can only dream of.
I dont claim for this book to be the perfect budget travel guide
for Digital Nomads or not yet at least. To make that happen I
need your help!
So if you do happen to be in any of the featured destinations
right now, if you have visited in the past or if you head there in
the future, I would love to hear from you.
If you have any advice on the following:

best Wi-Fi Cafs with aircon

new destination suggestions
long-term accommodation options
work from anywhere pictures
or any other random contributions or suggestions

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Copyrights and legal stuff

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Please respect the fact that a lot of work has gone into
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