Reading List - Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Reading list - Autism Spectrum Disorder

Edward, G., Carr, S. I. (2008 Volume 23 page 15-28). Promoting Social

Interactions Between students with austism Spectrum Disorders and their peers
in an inclusive settings. Develomental Disabilities, volume 23, pp. 15-28
Cale, I.S., Blakele-Smith, A., Carr, G. E and Owen-Deschryver, S. J(2008).
Promoting Social Interactions Between Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
and Their Peers in Inclusive School Settings. Focus on Autism and Other
Developmental Disabilities, Volume 23, pp. 15-28.
Dyson, A.(2002). Special needs, disability and social inclusion: the end of a
beautiful friendship? in SEN policy Options Steering Group (ed.) Disability,
Disadvantage, Inclusion and Social Disadvantages (pp. 12 -17). Tamworth:
DfES(Department for Education and Skills) (2004) Removing Barriers to
Achievement: The Governments Strategy for SEN.
Kanner, L., Rodriguez, A., Ashende, B. (1972). How far can autistic children go in
matters of social adaptation? Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia:
Volume 2 Number 1, page 9
UNESCO(1994). World conference on special needs education: access and
quality. Salamanca, Spain
Jones, G.(2002). Educational Provision for Children With Autism and Asperger
Syndrome: Meeting Their Needs. David Fulton Publishers, page 1-101
Hamshire Council (2010). The Autistic Spectrum - Approaches to facilitate
inclusion in Mainstream schools. Hampshire County Council Children's Services
Departments SEN Service. November 2010
Jordan, R., Powel, S.(1995). Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism.
Chichester: John Wiley and sons.
Potter, C., Whittaker, C.(2001). Enabling Communication in Children with Autism.
London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.
Locke, J., Kasari, C., Gulsrud, A., Rotherram-Fuller, E (2011). Social Networks and
Friendships at School: comapring Children With and Without ASD. Jounal of
Autism and Development Disorder, 41(5), 533-544
Mastergeorge, A.M., Solomon , M., Rogers, S..J., Corbett, B.A(2003). Non-medical
interventions for autistic spectrum disorders. (eds) Austistic Spectrum Disorders.
Washington DC: America Pyschiatric Publishing.
Medical Research council (2001). Review of Autism Research. Epidemiology and
Causes. December 2001.

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