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48. Which of the following is the shortcut key to insert hyperlink?

a) Ctrl + K
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + H
d) Ctrl + V

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City


Tel. No. 8501907, Macanhan, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

49. Which is not a basic principle of graphics and layout?

a) Balance
b) Bandwith c) Proportion d) Variety

Senior High School

50. Select the best answer to the following situation:

You are making a visual presentation of your report in the class. You
have downloaded pictures ready for layout. Then you have copied and pasted
your images in each slides. When you try to move the image it seems it has a
mind of its own and cant be placed in the area you want to position it. What
should be done?
a) Insert a text box and copy-paste the image inside.
b) Right click, go to Text Wrap and click In front of Text.
c) Delete the image and try to download another one.
d) Right click, go to More Layout Options.

(ICT for Professional Purposes)

Name of Learner:


Grade & Section:



Uswag Carmenians!



Class Adviser:


Subject Teacher:

Mrs. Manolita C. Salagunting

Honesty is the best policy.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statements carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Several International companies dub the Philippines as
a) ICT Hub in Asia
c) BPO Hub in Asia
b) Selfiest City in the World d) 3.0 Web user
2. Which of the following features of the Web 2.0 allows user to categorize
information using freely chosen keywords?
a) Logic
b) Semantic Web
c) Folksonomy d) Convergence
3. Which is a mobile operating system for apple devices?
a) Android
b) Symbian
c) iOS
d) WebOS
4. Which of the following trends in ICT refers to a non-profit service
designed to help people who have visual and hearing impairment?
a) Convergence
c) Social Media
b) Mobile Technologies
d) Assistive Media
5. Which of the following is a website, application, or online channel that
enable users to create, co-create, discuss, modify and exchange usergenerated contents?
a) Convergence
c) Social Media
b) Mobile Technologies
d) Assistive Media
6. What do you call of a Web Pages which cannot be manipulated by the user?

a) Static Web Pages

c) Dynamic Web Pages
b) Semantic Web
d) World Wide Web Consortium
7. Which of the following Malware refers to a program that is disguised as a
useful program?
a) Virus
b) Trojan
c) Spyware d) Worm
8. What is Phishing?
a) Unwanted e-mail
c) acquire sensitive personal info
b) Sends advertisements
d) runs in the background
9. What do you call of the violation on intellectual property rights?
a) Privacy
c) etiquette
b) Copyright date
d) copyright Infringement
10. What is an internet?
a) Information superhighway b) Information Overload
b) Information Literacy
d) Intranet
11. What do you call of those who record the keystrokes done by the user?
a) KeyAds
c) Phishing
b) Farming
d) keyloggers

35. Balance is to even distribution: emphasis is to

a) Attracting
b) colors
c) design
d) weight
36. Movement is to guiding the eye; rhythm is to create
a) attraction
c) visuals
b) organization
d) unity
37. It makes complex data become more visually appealing to the average
a) tables
b) piktocharts
c) infographics
d) slideshows
38. A free image manipulation tool that has batch edit, viewer, and paper
print features
a) Picasa b) Photoscape c) GIMP
d) IrfanView
39. It is the process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting.
a) batch editing
c) paper printing
b) animation
d) collage making
40. The file extension JPEG stands for
a) Joint Photographic Experts Group c) Jotter Prime Element Garnish
b) Japan Photo Excellence Guild
d) None of the above
41. It uses several design elements to draw a viewers attention.
a) style
b) proportion
c) variety
d) emphasis
42. These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate
well with one another.
a) Style
b) proportion
c) variety
d) emphasis
43. A function used to add a certain range of cells if a condition is met
44. What do you call of a text or object that contains a link to another file,
web page, a place in a document, a link to a new document or an email
a) Embedding
b) Maximize
c) Hyperlink d) Hypertext
45. Which is the act of placing objects within the presentation?
a) Embedding
b) Maximize
c) Hyperlink d) Hypertext
46. What do you call of predefined sets of different shapes group together to
form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature?
a) Smart Art
b) Text Wrap
c) ClipArt
d) Mail Merge
47. Which file type of digital pictures/image is capable of displaying
a) .GIF
b) .JPG
c) .PNG
d) .TIFF

12. Which of the following could be shared online without having to face the
risk of spyware?
a) First Name b) Address c) Cellphone Number d) Birthday
13. What is the violation of posting the face of a person in the purpose of
bullying him?
a) Privacy Policy b) Cyber Bullying c) Copyright
d) Cybercrime
14. What makes the Wikipedia not a credible source of information?
a) Anyone can edit its content
c) theres a link on cited text
b) Footnote is navigated
d) click the source of the information
15. Which is the best way to filter information you get from search engines?
a) Narrow down searches
c) get from most credible source
b) Use advance search option
d) look for a credible source
16. What charges can be filed if someone posted something embarrassing
about you?
a) Anti-Cybercrime Act
c) Copyright Infringement
b) Anti-Cyber Bullying Act
d) Fair Use Act
17. Which of the following is not recommended in online researching?
a) Narrow down your topic
c) Use advance search features
b) Look for credible sources d) Use Phishing & Pharming
18. What features of Microsoft Word allows you to efficiently create
documents that have the same general content but may have different
recipients or purpose?
a) Mail merge
b) Print merge
c) send merge d) view merge
19. Which of the following is not a component of mail merge?
a) address b) file name
b) form document
d) data file
20. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?
a) Create from document, preview, insert place holders, print
b) Preview, insert place holders, create form document, print
c) Create main document, create data source, insert place holders,
d) Create data source, insert place holders, preview, print
21. Where can you find start mail merge button?
a) File tab
b) mailings tab
c) references tab
d) home tab
22. What tells Microsoft Word exactly where to place the information coming
from the data file to the main document?
a) Data source b) insertion line
c) place holder
d) insertion tag
23. What type of document can you create using mail merge?
a) Envelopes
b) letters
c) posters
d) labels

24. What buttons allow you to see the result of your mail merge even before
you print or send it out?
a) Preview results
c) address block
b) b) insert merge fields
d) greeting line
25. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main
a) address block
c) data file
b) b) contact list
d) directory
26. What essential component of mail merge is required from users when
generating labels?
a) data file
b) form document c) place holder d) merge field
27. What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple
a) .bmp
b) .gif
c) .jpg
d) .png
28. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or
external material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a
text is treated?
a) in line with text b) square
c) through
d) tight
29. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color
just like in digital pictures?
a) .bmp
b) .gif
c) .jpg
d) .tiff
30. Under what ribbon group does Insert
Smart Art fall?
a) Apps
b) illustrations
c) media
d) pages
31. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft Office
application pops up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of
your chart?
a) Access
b) Excel
c) Note
d) Word
32. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural
templates like organizational charts and flow charts on your document?
a) Chart
b) pictures
c) screenshot
d) Smart Art
33. A program design to create spreadsheets which can later be used to
analyze statistical data.
a) Microsoft Excel
c) Microsoft Publisher
b) Microsoft Word
d) Microsoft OneNote
34. What do you call of a function that adds a range of cell?
a) ADD
c) SUM

24. What buttons allow you to see the result of your mail merge even before
you print or send it out?
c) Preview results
c) address block
d) b) insert merge fields
d) greeting line
25. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main
c) address block
c) data file
d) b) contact list
d) directory
26. What essential component of mail merge is required from users when
generating labels?
b) data file
b) form document c) place holder d) merge field
27. What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple
a) .bmp
b) .gif
c) .jpg
d) .png
28. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or
external material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a
text is treated?
b) in line with text b) square
c) through
d) tight
29. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color
just like in digital pictures?
b) .bmp
b) .gif
c) .jpg
d) .tiff
30. Under what ribbon group does Insert
Smart Art fall?
b) Apps
b) illustrations
c) media
d) pages
31. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft Office
application pops up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of
your chart?
b) Access
b) Excel
c) Note
d) Word
32. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural
templates like organizational charts and flow charts on your document?
b) Chart
b) pictures
c) screenshot
d) Smart Art
33. A program design to create spreadsheets which can later be used to
analyze statistical data.
c) Microsoft Excel
c) Microsoft Publisher
d) Microsoft Word
d) Microsoft OneNote
34. What do you call of a function that adds a range of cell?
a) ADD
c) SUM

12. Which of the following could be shared online without having to face the
risk of spyware?
b) First Name b) Address c) Cellphone Number d) Birthday
13. What is the violation of posting the face of a person in the purpose of
bullying him?
b) Privacy Policy b) Cyber Bullying c) Copyright
d) Cybercrime
14. What makes the Wikipedia not a credible source of information?
c) Anyone can edit its content
c) theres a link on cited text
d) Footnote is navigated
d) click the source of the information
15. Which is the best way to filter information you get from search engines?
c) Narrow down searches
c) get from most credible source
d) Use advance search option
d) look for a credible source
16. What charges can be filed if someone posted something embarrassing
about you?
c) Anti-Cybercrime Act
c) Copyright Infringement
d) Anti-Cyber Bullying Act
d) Fair Use Act
17. Which of the following is not recommended in online researching?
c) Narrow down your topic
c) Use advance search features
d) Look for credible sources d) Use Phishing & Pharming
18. What features of Microsoft Word allows you to efficiently create
documents that have the same general content but may have different
recipients or purpose?
b) Mail merge
b) Print merge
c) send merge d) view merge
19. Which of the following is not a component of mail merge?
b) address b) file name
b) form document
d) data file
20. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?
e) Create from document, preview, insert place holders, print
f) Preview, insert place holders, create form document, print
g) Create main document, create data source, insert place holders,
h) Create data source, insert place holders, preview, print
21. Where can you find start mail merge button?
b) File tab
b) mailings tab
c) references tab
d) home tab
22. What tells Microsoft Word exactly where to place the information coming
from the data file to the main document?
b) Data source b) insertion line
c) place holder
d) insertion tag
23. What type of document can you create using mail merge?
b) letters
c) posters
d) labels

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