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No. of credits:

URBANISM 2 (Urban Planning and Regeneration)

8th, summer term 2015/16
Radek Kolak, Paul Koch, Petr Nvrat, Michal Kivohlvek, Ludk Bro,
Ludk Skora, Tom Cach, Martin Vesel
semestral work


Transformation and regeneration of urban neighbourhoods

The students work in groups on site analysis of particular locality in
Prague which is considered to be transformed/regenerated and
elaborate a plan of its regeneration including recommended land-use,
transportation system and socioeconomic activities and, the last but not
least, justify expected cost of their project.

week 01

25/02 Introduction to urban planning

16.40 - 18.50
(Petr Nvrat)
Roles and values of urban planning and planners
and its reflection in different planning cultures (countries)
Sustainable and resilient cities

week 02

03/03 Urbanism and land-use planning in the scale of neighbourhoods

9.50 13:00
(Radek Kolak)
Tools and methods of urban-planning analysis
Examples (how to read the city)
Consultation of the locality to choose

week 03

10/03 Introduction to the problems of urban regeneration part 1

16.40 - 18.50
(Petr Nvrat)
Causes of decay of particular urban areas
Regeneration politics in Europe since 1980s
Examples and practical experiences
Brownfield regeneration

week 04

17/03 Transformation of neighbourhoods in different EU countries (1)

9.50 13:00
(Paul Koch)
On several case studies is going to be illustrated how to make a
SWOT analysis in a project of this scale, how to identify the key
stakeholders and their goals and interests, how to focus the urban
regeneration project and consider its economic feasibility.

week 05

24/03 Introduction to transportation planning part 1

16.40 - 18.50
(Michal Kivohlvek, Ludk Bro)
What is the transportation?
Generated traffic
How traffic (trans)formed and (trans)forms modern cities?
Principles of sustainable transportation systems

week 06

31/03 Individual work on analysis, options for consultations

Consultation with Radek Kolak, Paul Koch, Petr Nvrat or Martin
Vesel after confirmation of a term and submission of documents to
be consulted.

week 07

07/04 Presentation of preliminary site analysis

9.50 13:00

week 08

14/04 Introduction to the problems of urban regeneration part 2

16.40 - 18.50
(Petr Nvrat)
Regeneration of the downtowns
Urban regenerations driven by a real estate development
Urban regenerations driven by cultural and leisure time activities
Examples, practical experiences

week 09

21/04 Processes of urban transformation (double lecture)

9.50 13.00 and 14.00 17.00
(Ludk Skora)
Transforming localities
Concepts growth machine, urban regime and city as commodity
Clusters, innovations and new economics
Development and decay of urban neighbourhoods
Segregation and the residential mosaic
Commercialisation and gentrification of inner city zones
Suburbanization and polycentric metropolis

week 10

28/04 Land-use planning

9.50 13.00
(Radek Kolak)
Limits and values of the area
Regulatory tools (densities, functional regulation, hygienic and
environmental limits)
Legal demands on public services and facilities

week 11

05/05 Introduction to transportation planning part 2

9.50 13.00
(Tom Cach)
principles of designing traffic solution
examples of traffic solutions realized in similar localities
consultation of traffic solutions recommended by the students in their

week 12

12/05 Transformation of neighbourhoods in different EU countries (2)

9.50 13.00
(Paul Koch)
Continuation of the lecture started in week 04. Special attention is
going to be paid to feasibility and economic efficiency of the students

week 13

19/05 Individual work, options for consultations

Consultation with Radek Kolak, Paul Koch, Petr Nvrat or Martin
Vesel after confirmation of a term and submission of documents to
be consulted.

week 14

26/05 Presentation and critiques of the students regeneration projects

9.50 13:00

Attendance in lectures and presentations
Continuous preparation for each lecture
Group work: Site Analysis (poster)
Group work: Regeneration project (poster)
Submission of the tasks on time

Assessments, percentage of final grading:

Preparation and active participation in the lectures (25 %) continuously
Preliminary presentation of Site Analysis (25 %) April 7th
Site Analysis and Regeneration project 2 posters (50 %) - May 26th

Two absences without penalty, 3 to 4 absences (one grade down in the final assessment), 5
and more absences failing the course.
Submission of a task up to 5 hours after the deadline (one grade down), 5 to 24 hours after
the deadline (2 grades down), more than 24 hours after the deadline (F).

The preliminary site analysis should include summary of information about land-use
(spatial and functional regulations), built environment (urban structure and architectural/
urban design forms), transportation system & traffic situation, population (basic demographic
and socioeconomic data about the residents), local economics (key property owners,
businesses and public services). The data mentioned above should help you to create a
SWOT analysis of the site (conclusions of your analysis should be explained and supported
by thematic maps, charts, diagrams or other relevant sources) and to define the key
players (stakeholders) in the regeneration process. The last output of your preliminary site
analysis shall be a data driven vision for the site regeneration and has to consider the
present and future role of the site within the wider neighbourhood and within the whole city.
The final site analysis should incorporate the comments of your tutors to the preliminary
analysis. As it should be presented in a form of one A1 POSTER, it is crucial to support your
clearly and concisely formulated statements by thematic maps, charts, diagrams etc. All the
sources must follow the academic citation rules.
The regeneration project shall be presented in a form on one A1 POSTER and has to
include these compulsory parts: name and detailed description of the regeneration project,
proposal of recommended spatial and functional regulation (land-use plan + comments),
proposal of complex traffic solution (plan of transportation system + comments), description
of the role of the key players in the regeneration process, expected budget, ways of funding,
calculation of feasibility and economic efficiency/profitability of the project.

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