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During the process of searching my brain (scouring

more accurately) in an attempt to

write about who I am, I discovered self-portrayals pose quite the challenge. Mere words cannot
fathom the wonderment I encounter, as distant airplanes defy gravity before my eyes--as I
ponder how sheer imagination transformed into powerful aircraft, commanding the night sky in
brilliant flashes, connecting my backyard with the rest of the world. You see, individuality is
difficult to confine with temporary characters on a screen, blinking cursor taunting every
venture. I eventually realized, however,

what can be depicted are simple aspects composing our

distinctiveness. Perception may piece together a viewpoint, influence can indicate character, and
inspiration begets the basis of personality; all elements capable of defining the otherwise
boundless individual.
Contemplate your persistent beliefs and perspectives; how do you perceive the world?
Does an airplane complete its trajectory through the troposphere at approximately 500 knots, or
does a mechanical bird greet you with its global song, only to disappear to say, France? I
envision the latter, whilst gazing upon bright stars and their jet counterparts, debating their
destinations as well as possible previous journeys. Yet I also consider the design of said bird,
consumed by curiosity as the whoosh of the airliner then compels me to explore the aspects of a
supersonic jet, and how such an invention hoists the ability to defeat the speed of sound. My vast
imagination paired with a thirst for knowledge, shown through my perception of a plane in the
sky, marks my amazed yet inquisitive view of the universe. Thus, my balance of idealism and
realism as an individual shines through. How I perceive the world, in this case an airplane, also
shares my views and assists in explaining the ambiguous answer of who I am.

Although perceptions are attributed to what makes people tick, how those perceptions are
allowed to influence ones behavior characterizes individuals in a way their views cannot. You
have concluded what the airplane in the sky means to you, if anything, now how will it affect
you? After my analysis I decide to study AP Calculus and Physics, striving to apply laws of math
and science to make sense of my thoughts, letting modern technology and how I conceive it
influence my academic interest. Shortly after, I catch myself dedicating hours to learning
differentiation and understanding velocity-time relationships. My response to influence from a
technology-driven society, releasing dozens of passenger jets overhead daily, exposes my
self-discipline made evident through my work ethic.
Just as perception furnishes views and influence dictates character, inspiration tells of
dreams and passions otherwise inconceivable to those other than whom they belong to. Do the
remarkable red lights among the stars and intriguing concepts of Calculus incite your fascination
of aeronautics, or does the lack thereof inspire you to pursue anthropology? Regarding myself it
is the former. Desire to attend college in the field of aeronautical engineering, brought on by an
increasing interest, demonstrates my ambitious personality. Furthermore, this resolve of sorts is
made apparent through my inspired outlook on the wonders of airplane technology, as an activity
as slight as airplane watching affects my future.
A rather intricate process, expressing the ins and outs of ones self requires analyzing
details such as thought including perspectives and actions based on influence, and later
inspiration. Following the decryption of files known as the human psyche, only then is it possible
to truly understand an individual. Solved using my own interests, these basic components
decipher why we will pursue the whims of creative writing, calculate innovations as an

aerospace engineer, inspire young minds being a high school teacher, or save lives with

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