Wia - Brochure Final (Oct 2016)

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Our First Goal: Raise $1M for

the Emergency Department

Enhancement Project

The Emergency Department is one of the busiest in Canada,

and its in desperate need of a total redesign to better serve
our community. It is literally the difference between life and
death for thousands of people every year.
The Issues Faced Now

serves over 110,000 patients/year with space to serve 70,000

hallways overcrowded
despite best efforts, privacy and dignity can be compromised

The Goal by 2019

entire department redesigned to better serve all patients

overflow areas redesigned, and more comfortable & private

Women in Action Membership

Membership is open to any woman wishing to be a part of Women in Action,
and requires a pledge committing to one of the following donation amounts.

35 &
$41.66 monthly
$500 annually

Membership Benefits:
Act as healthcare champions in Thunder

Bay and Northwestern Ontario.

age 35
$83.33 monthly
$1000 annually

Promote the importance of philanthropy in

healthcare, the benefits to the individual
patients as well as their families, and the
positive impact on the overall community
that making a gift can have.
Facilitate the development of a strong
network of women in making a difference,
and celebrate the impact of their
contributions through social gatherings.

Join Women in Action at www.healthsciencesfoundation.ca/wia

Our Committee

What do we do?

Sandi Doig, Chair

Women in Action is an active giving circle

focused not just on fundraising, but on
deciding what healthcare priorities mean most
to us. Our first project is an ambitious one:
The Emergency Department Enhancement

Sharon Bon, Vice Chair

Amanda Bjorn
Terri Hrkac
Kathleen Jones
Donna MacNeil
Gloria McNeill
Janet Margarit
Tracey Nieckarz

Women in Action is
about uniting women
who are committed
to raising funds to
improve healthcare
in our community.

Pamela Peterson
Ashley Rooney
Deborah Robertson
Barb Witiluk
Keep up to date with Women in Action!
Follow us on Facebook at


Women in Action is also a way to collaborate

and network with other women. In many
aspects, its a movement and a new way to
fundraise. It gives us more control over our
charitable contributions, raising funds for
areas in the Hospital we feel are important,
and having a greater say in how those funds
are put to good use.
Plus, if our initial meetings are any indication,
Women in Action is a fun and social organization,
bringing together like-minded professional
women in the community to bond and build

Women have long

been leaders often unsung
leaders in philanthropy.
Today, womens philanthropy is
more visible, more prolific and
more powerful than ever before.

Maureen Hackett,

2012 recipient of the Maurice

Hirsch Award for Philanthropy

Email | womeninactiontb@gmail.com
Web | www.healthsciencesfoundation.ca/wia

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