Higher Order

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Two-Column Notes


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Name: Connor Even

MR Title(s): Five Standards of Authentic Instruction

MR Source(s): Newmann, F.M., & Wehlage, G.G. (1993). Five standards of
authentic instruction. Educational Leadership, 50 (7), 8-12.
The Text Says
I Say

Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)


Class/Subject: EDTL 2760

Higher order thinking

Connectedne Students work on a problem or issue that

ss to the
the teacher and students see as
connected to their personal experiences
or contemporary public situations.

My notes, commentary
All teachers goal should be able to achieve
this from their students. We should push
them, support them, and plan lesson that
drives them towards this in every single
class, making them think everything through
and come to their own decisions and to
develop this ability for everyday life. We
should not do LOT (lower-order thinking)
lessons, which is basically busy work with no
real purpose or meaning behind it besides a
By during this we create a fun learning
environment that our students can connect
with and tie to everyday life. It also keeps
them interested because for most students if
they cant connect it to their life, or see how
they will use the information your teaching in
everyday life, they will give up on your class

The Need for


Often the work students do does not

allow them to use their minds well. The
work has no intrinsic meaning or value to
students beyond achieving success in

and just try and get by.

Teachers who teach kids with busy work are
horrible and are every kids worst nightmare. I
know since I had a teacher like this. I
dreaded his class even though he was a nice
teacher and supportive of us, he destroyed
are want for learning in his class. Yes, I
remember things that were pounded into my
head, but that isnt how teaching should be
done. It should be engaging, interactive, and

Connections to previous MR: This reading, much like the last one, focused on how to get students to be
involved in the classroom and how to shape your lessons into what will keep the students interested
while teaching them everything they need to know. Both papers also talk badly about busy work and
how it does not stimulate HOT (higher-order thinking). They both want to help guide teachers to better
educate students and prepare them for their life after school.

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