BP 7

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Two-Column Notes


Name: Rachael Henthorn

Class/Subject: EDTL 2760

Topic or Chapter
Page #

The Text Says

I Say

para. 5

1. Often the work students do does not allow them to

use their minds well. 2. The work has no
intrinsic meaning or value to students beyond
achieving success in school.

I think often times is school we forget that students crave to

connect what they learn in the classroom to the real world.If
we just teach to the test why would students want to deeply
learn something? We need to be using essential questions to
really make students dig deep.

para. 9

Higher-order thinking (HOT) requires students to

manipulate information and ideas in ways that
transform their meaning and implications, such as
when students combine facts and ideas in order to
synthesize, generalize, explain, hypothesize, or arrive
at some conclusion or interpretation.

Using HOT activities is really needed is a classroom. This is

the type of learning that will connect different subjects
together and make the knowledge stick beyond the test.

para. 21

Many educators insist that there are appropriate times

for traditional, less authentic instructionemphasizing
memorization, repetitive practice, silent study without
conversation, and brief exposureas well as teaching
for in-depth understanding.

This is something that in my teaching I'm really going to

take to heart. I have this huge biases against just normal old
fashioned lecturing in the classroom. i see my college
professors doing it and my placement teacher doing it and I
just cringe. I am so for active learning which includes lots of
activities and movement. But I need to keep in mind that
while I dislike lecture not all my students will. I think there
needs to be a good balanced maintained in a classroom and
this quote supports that.


I think from this unit we can really see how critical thinking
and HOT connects to making really good essential
questions. A very good essential question will evoke HOT
learning in your classroom without you needing to lead the
students a lot. A good essential question will also allow a
student to make connections to the real world as well as
other subjects.

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