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Two-Column Notes


Name: Nick Ruckman

Class/Subject: EDTL 2760

MR Title(s): Five Standards of Authentic Instruction

MR Source(s):Newmann, F.M., & Wehlage, G.G. (1993). Five standards of
authentic instruction. Educational Leadership, 50 (7), 8-12.
Page #

The Text Says

Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)

Page: 8

Page: 9

To define authentic achievement more

precisely, we rely on three criteria that
are consistent with major proposals in the
restructuring movement: (1) students
construct meaning and produce
knowledge, (2) students use disciplined
inquiry to construct meaning, and (3)
students aim their work toward
production of discourse, products, and
performances that have value or
meaning beyond success in school.
Higher-order thinking (HOT) requires
students to manipulate information and
ideas in ways that transform their
meaning and implications, such as when
students combine facts and ideas in order
to synthesize, generalize, explain,
hypothesize, or arrive at some conclusion
or interpretation.

I Say
My notes, commentary
These three criteria are very good for
teaching students how to think critically, ask
important questions, and think about things
beyond school. These things are important
because it helps the student build a strong
mind and become more likely to be outgoing
now that they can think deeper.

This is a great way to get kids to think deeply.

HOT makes students think about ways to get
the answer and makes them think more
critically about what the questions actually
means. Every school should implement HOT
in order to get students to be able to use
their critical thinking skills in life.

Page: 11

Sharing of ideas is evident in exchanges

that are not completely scripted or
controlled (as in a teacher-led recitation).
Sharing is best illustrated when
participants explain themselves or ask
questions in complete sentences and
when they respond directly to comments
of previous speakers.

Page: 12

Many educators insist that there are

appropriate times for traditional, less
authentic instructionemphasizing
memorization, repetitive practice, silent
study without conversation, and brief
exposureas well as teaching for indepth understanding.

Talking with group members and peers is

always a good thing to do. It allows everyone
to share their opinions and learn new things
from each other. This also helps them take
criticism early on so they can learn from their
peers on some things they could work on.
This is why I believe group activities are a
must in classrooms because it gets more
people involved and it helps students work
well with others early on.

I agree with this quote completely. It is

important for a teacher to be able to learn
and teach things in new ways instead of
using the same old technique they have been
using for several years. With each new
generation, teachers must adapt to how
those kids will need to learn. Society changes
so rapidly that using a technique 20 years
ago will not work today. Teachers must adapt
their teaching skills with society and make
sure that kids will understand what they are
being taught.
Connections to previous MR: Overall, this teaches a lot of good things that teachers should use to help
gets become better thinkers. This also relates to a lot of the articles we have read before. I say this
because this article talks about ways to make students think critically about what they learn. This
article also talks about ways that teachers can help students learn better for them to have better
future. To conclude, I enjoyed this article because it showed a lot of good information on things to help
students think critically and think about life beyond high school.

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