Nguyễn Thị Bảo Tuyế1

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Nguyn Th Bo Tuyt -56132174

What is danger-zone tourism? What are the advantage and disadvantage of it ?

1.Introduction ( paragraph 1 ) : Danger-zone tourism is understood that tourists travel to

dangerous places like places of ongoing socio-political conflict or disasters.
2.Body : ( paragraph 2 -5 ) : Advantages and disadvantages of danger-zone tourism.
a.Paragraph 2 : Danger- zone tourism help some people who realize their dream
about discovery and ovecoming challenge.
b.Paragraph 3 : Danger-zone tourism help tourists learn new things beacause the
places where they travel is too different from their usual life.
c.Paragraph 4 : Danger-zone tourism help people how to solve problems after they
had the experience in political turmoil or war-worn zones.
d.Paragraph 5 : Disadvantages of danger-zone tourism
+ Dangerous tours
+ high cost
3.Conclusion ( paragraph 6 ): Tourism industry is always looking for new things to
meet human needs and danger-zone tourism was born for the target.

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