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Checklist for Methods Registration Course:

ECE 125

ECE 121

ECE 123

Prerequisites met
Student has been advised to take PSY 125 Child Development and CIS Intro to Computers
BEFORE taking any methods courses. Course assignments will be submitted online, which
requires that students have consistent access to a computer throughout the entire
Student has been informed that all paperwork must be received by the Education
Department PRIOR to being placed or given registration form.
TB (PPD) within the last FIVE years


State Background Check

Date: _______________

(child care)

Federal Background Check


or results

Date: _______________

Student has been reminded that METHODS courses are 4 credits. In addition to class time,
there are 64 hours of placement required during the semester, which includes 56 hours of
contact time with children that are scheduled at the time of registration and 8 separate
hours of observation that you are responsible for scheduling on your own. Homework,
therefore is 5-8 hours per week. Plan accordingly!
*64 hours (100%), must be completed to pass the course.
Student has been informed of the $18.00 liability Insurance Fee
Student has read and signed the Policy for Professional Behavior and understand that
violation of the policy will result in being pulled from the placement site.
Student has been reminded he-she may be suspended or terminated by the college or the
placement site if/when mutual respect for staff, children, policies, procedures or
administration is disregarded or as a result of a criminal background check or report.
If the student has not turned in paperwork or registered for the course one week prior to
the start of class, the placement will be dropped.
In case of emergency or sickness, students are only allowed 1 reschedule for their
placement time and 1 reschedule for their observation time. Students should contact the
center administrator at the CDC or placement teacher in the community within an hour of
their placement start time and must reschedule this time within the two weeks following
their originally scheduled placement. Documentation is required for any absence.
Placement at the CDC

Day(s) _______________________

Placement in Community

Time: ___________

Day(s) _______________________

Time: ___________

Contact information for placement:

Students Signature:______________________________________________ Date: _______

Checklist for Methods Registration Course:

ECE 125

ECE 121

ECE 123

Advisors Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _______

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