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Agenda: October 19th, 2016

Attendance: Ashley, Bre, Stephanie, Jessica, Taylor L., Calla, Josh, Shannon,
Michelle, Brianne, Taylor G., Megan, Michaela, Noah, Abby
Priority Items
- Elections!
- Role Expectations
- Is there anything anyone is not clear on for their roles?
- Going to start doing one-on-one meetings
- a time to talk about your role expectations and any concerns or issues you may be
having and how they can help you reach your goals
- Trivia Night updates
- Was supposed to be Thursday night
- Love your selfie event approved
- During week 9 (1 in 5 week)
- SOCO needs money for comedy night
- Should be prioritized as social events tend to get overlooked and this is a
mandatory event and not getting the funding could reduce the amount of events later
- There might be more of a chance of getting funding if comedy night was prioritized
as it is cheaper
- Clothing
- Waiting for reply from the Bookstore
- Thesis Night
- Monday November 14th
- SLEF and Special Grants Fund
- Both ACCO and SOCO can apply
- Special grants need to decide on which event should get priority.
- Estimated cost for Suicide Awareness Banquet is about 7000-8000
- Deadline this coming Monday
- there are other forms of funding that comedy night could get
- Voted for priority for Suicide Awareness Banquet
- Poster for Mentorship program
- Shannon Megan will give you the information

- Website updating
- Send your bio information and a picture to the pyscsoc email
- General member recruiting and meetings
- General member meetings not started yet due to not many events yet and midterms
Year Reps

Presidents Announcements

CSAHS-SA Meeting Notes

- Trick or Eat by the Meal Exchange Program
- Not next Monday but the one after
- collect food for the food bank
- can just show up or register online
- or email
- Sexual Violence Committee
- raises awareness and help reduce stigma
- Can watch video on facebook
- making a training video for staff/faculty
- Get in touch with Keely for more information
- United Way Buskerfest??
- Branion plaza with other student groups
- Deans Office Meeting
- Talking to dean about making better connections with student
- any suggestions for how the dean can do this: email Katie
- ASO Social October 28th, 5:30-7:00pm, Grad Lounge
- Required
- groups based on roles
- opportunity to meet other students on other groups
-prize for highest attendance
- please RVSP on GryphLife
- CSAHS Pub Night October 28th, 9:00pm, Brass Taps
- After ASO social
- Must be submitted for approval 2 weeks in event
- Printing code:
- Can get printing done for free for the society
- CSAHS Formal/Awards Banquet will be in March
- Last day to submit FRFs will be November 28th
- let Del know if you need to submit something later
- VP Finance announcements
- Contact Del with any questions that she can bring to committee
- CSAHS Hoodies (you should have received an email)
- Get a free tote with purchase of hoodie for $30
- CSAHS Strategic Planning Session November 3rd, 5:30pm, UC Room 429 and
- College is looking to plan out next 5 years
- Free pizza!!
- Volunteer Opportunities
- CSA Elections Update
- Food bank referendum has passed!
- November 2nd Day of Action
- Queens park in Toronto
- to reduce fees for low-income families
- Bus leaves from UC around 9 and returns around 430
- Gryph Life

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