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Analytical/ Dialogical Essay

Outline Due: Friday (by 5:00pm), October 14th (On blackboard)

Draft one Due: Friday, October 21st
Final Draft Due: Friday October 28th

In Arts of the Contact Zone Mary Louise Pratt defines contact zones as the social
spaces where cultures meet, clash and grapple with each other, often in contexts of
highly asymmetrical relations of power (487). For this assignment I want you to
apply the idea of contact zones to the three other pieces that we have read/
watched thus far this semester.
First, I want you to think about the languages that you see coming in to contact with
one another in the authors pieces. How do these author respond when their
languages come in to contact? Do the authors respond in similar ways or are their
reactions varied? Then I want you to think about why you think about the relations
of power that the authors talk about. In other words, who controls language, who
says what is appropriate or correct? Finally, I want you to explore the effect that
you see these culture clashes having on the authors. Are they able to relieve the
tension between their culture?
This essay should be 3-5 pages (12-point font Times New Roman) and must put the
assigned readings in conversation with one another. This essay should demonstrate
that you have a firm grasp on the reading we have done this far, in order to do so
your essay should bring in examples from at least two of pieces that we have

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