Eat 2

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Eat! Run! Have Fun!

How to Become a Superhero

Program: Week 1


Subjects: Children at the

YMCA Age: 6-10

1.Introduction: overview and what is

going to be accomplished
2.Activity: Game
3. Brainstorm: posters of superheroes with
fruits and vegetables

4.Activity: taste testing with evaluation

5.Brainstorm: results of the taste testing
6.Activity: Superhero game- obstacle course
7.Discussion: Asking skills
8.Goal setting and wrap-up

1.Posters of
2.Fruits and

5.Paper plates
7.Pencils, pans
10. Star


Baseball bat
F&V intake journal

Activities/ Procedures:
1. Introduction. Overview, gain attention (3 minutes)
Ask questions about kids favorite superheroes. What is your favorite superhero? What do you like about him/her?
What makes them super? Encourage participation from the whole group.
2.Activity: Superhero game (5 minutes)
Have the children break up into three groups, the Spiderman group, Superwomen group, and Batman group,
based on their favorite superhero. Ask them why they chose that superhero and have them talk about it
amongst their group.
3.Brainstorm: Posters of superheroes and fruits and vegetables (7 minutes)
Show pictures of superheroes. Ask questions: What kind of super foods do superheroes eat to become strong,
fast, and smart? Continue by introducing the fruits and vegetables as super foods and what is in them to make
the superheroes strong, fast, and smart. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals to make everybody
who eats them strong, fast, muscular and smart. Carrots are good for your eyes because they have something
in them called carotenoids. Celery helps you heal faster when you get hurt because it has lots of vitamin K inside
of it.
Cucumbers are good for your memory, which keeps your brain healthy.

Bananas help the brain to function at its best from it containing Vitamin B6. Apples make the tummy work well
because it is full of fiber. Oranges are good when you get sick because it has Vitamin C inside of it.
4.Activity: Taste testing and evaluation (15 minutes)
Distribute plates with food samples of each of the 6 fruits and vegetables to each child. Place in front of each
child a tasting evaluation sheet and the star stickers. Tell the children what fruits and vegetables they will taste.
Have the kids as a group taste the fruits and vegetables and observe their peers testing experience. The
children will then place a sticker on their evaluation sheet along with writing the name of the fruit/ vegetable,
the benefit of the fruit/vegetable, and what they liked about it. Children will be asked to put a star sticker next to
their favorite fruit/vegetable.

5.Brainstorm (3 minutes)
Results of taste testing- Interact with the kids and ask them what their favorite fruits and vegetables were and
why they chose those as their favorites. Enforce to them why the fruits and vegetables are good for you and
what powers kids will develop if continue eating fruits and vegetable every day.
6.Superhero game (15 minutes): Superhero obstacle course. Obstacle course will be set up prior. There will be 4
obstacles to accomplish. The first will be to run through 4 hula-hoops. Next will be weaving in and out of cones.
Then the kids will limbo. The last obstacle will be to spin around a bat 5 times and run to cross the finish line.
7.Discussion: Asking skills (5 minutes)
After completing the activities, ask the children if they have any of the fruits or vegetables, talked about, at
home. Also, when they go to the grocery store with an adult, teach them how to ask for these healthy foods. For
example, mom can you buy apples so I can eat at lunch because I want to be strong like superman? Remind
them of why the fruits and vegetables are good and encourage them to teach their parents.
8.Goal Setting and wrap up (7 minutes)
Give children the evaluation sheet that they made and attach the flyer that aim to be given to their parents. The
flyer will briefly explain the benefits of healthy eating and regular physical activity in children, and provide tips
for parents how to increase fruits and vegetables intake in their children and encourage them to be role model
for healthy eating. Additionally, hand out a food journal for the children to document how many and what kind
of fruits and vegetables they will eat next week. Explain to the children what and how to record what they eat.
Encourage children to keep the record by initiating a superhero rewards. Also have instructions for parents so
they can monitor their children food journal.

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