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Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose genetic

material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic
engineering, or GE. This relatively new science creates unstable
combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and viral genes that do not occur in
nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. There is a lot of
controversy whether or not GMOs are safe, regulated correctly, or going
through production properly.
GMOs were first introduced in our food in the mid-1990s. GMOs are
present in most processed foods. While banned as food ingredients in
Europe, the U.S. Does not require the labeling of GMOs are a part of their
ingredients list. Genetic engineering transfers genes across natural species
barriers. It uses imprecise laboratory techniques that bear no resemblance to
natural breeding, and is based on outdated concepts of how genes and cells
work. Gene insertion is done either by shooting genes from a gene gun
into a plate of cells or by using bacteria to invade the cell with foreign DNA.
The altered cell is then cloned into a plant.
According to UC Riverside scientists Norm Ellstrand and Alan McHughen,
there are facts and misconceptions about genetically modified organisms
and the process that create them.
Facts and misconceptions:
The technology behind the creation of GMOs make is unsafe. FALSE!
o technology that creates GMOs is a tool of science. It is the final
product that needs to be assessed for safety.
Its no big deal that crop genes get into wild populations. FALSE!
o Crop genes in the wild CAN cause trouble
o There is no fundamental difference between genes transferred
from genetic engineering and genes that are transferred by
traditional breeding
We need to regulate GMOs for food safety. FALSE!
o Food safety with approved GMOs is not an issue. Other things like
contaminants, E.coli, salmonella, listeria and arsenic are foods
safety issues that cause harm to humans
All GMO crops have been wonderful successes. FALSE!
o Not all GMO crops have been marketing successes
GMOs will ruin our existing food systems. FALSE!
o GMO products may be the best way to provide food security for
the planet, particularly in poorer countries
All GMO crops create some kind of problem. FALSE!
you need a label on a food product to tell you whether it contains
genetically engineered products. FALSE!

o Look at the ingredients. If it is not labelled organic and one or

more of the ingredients include U.S.-grown corn, soybean,
canola, cottonseed oil, papaya, beet sugar, or alfalfa, there is a
90% or better chance it has been genetically engineered.
Gene transfer via genetic engineering is unnatural. False!
o Genes naturally move between kingdoms or organisms due to
viruses or bacteria.
In Europe, GMOs arent allowed into the food supply. FALSE!
o It is true that very few GMOs are cultivated by farmers in Europe.
They really only grow genetically engineered corn. They do
import genetically modified plants.
Above all else, the controversy involving GMOs is about technology.
o Most anti-GMO activists wont admit it, but their real concern is
that the technology seems to be controlled by a handful of
multinational corporations.

GMO seeds:
GMO seeds- created in a lab using high-tech and sophisticated
techniques like gene-splicing. GMO seeds often goes far beyond the
bounds of natural so that instead of crossing two different, but related
varieties of plant, they are crossing different biological kingdoms (like a
bacteria with a plant).
o Can cause harm to the environment and your health
GMO's and the environment:
Some crops that have GM negatively affect the environment. GMs used for
pesticides can kill insects and animals from its toxicity. Pollen from GM crops
can contaminate nearby crops of the same type
GMO's and health:
Can cause many allergens, liver problems, reproductive problems, infant
mortality, accumulation of certain disease, cancer, and death.
Crops that contain GMO's:
92% of field corn in the U.S. are genetically modified
o Corn flour, corn gluten, corn masa, corn starch, corn syrup,
cornmeal, and high-fructose corn syrup are all corn products that
can be genetically modified.
94% of soybean is genetically modified in the U.S.
o Soy flour, soy protein, soy isolates, vegetable protein, tofu,
tamari, and soy protein supplements may be genetically

94% of cotton is genetically modified in the U.S.

Why buy organic seeds?

Certified Organic seed is produced by a certified organic grower, so it has not
been exposed to any chemicals throughout the growth in the field, the
harvesting of the seed, and processing.
** organic seeds can assure us that we are not putting any unknown
chemicals into our body that can cause health issues or negatively effect our

to avoid GMOs: roughly 85% of all grocery store foods contain GMO's
Buy single-ingredient certified organic food
Choose non-gmo verified labeled foods
Grow your own organic plants
Ask questions about how to grow organic plants.

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