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If Mars is in the 4th and Sun and Saturn are in 10 th, the man

will be crucified. If malefics and a waning Moon occupy the

lagna, 5th and 9th, the same results happen. If Sun occupies
the 4th and Mars in the 10th aspected by a weak Moon,
therell be crucifixion. If Saturn aspects the above
conjunction, death results from beating
If a powerless Moon, Mars, Saturn and Sun occupy the 8 th,
10th, lagna and 4th respectively, death results from blows
from rods or clods of earth. If the same planets occupy 10 th,
9th, 1st and 5th respectively, death comes by smoke, fire,
bandage or blows on the body
If Mars, Sun and Saturn occupy 4 th, 7th and 10th respectively,
death results from weapons, fire or the anger of the rulers. If
Saturn, Moon and Mars occupy the 2nd, 4th and 10th
respectively, the person dies by worms generated in sore
If Sun is in the 10th and Mars in 4th, death comes by a fall
from conveyances. If Saturn, Moon and Sun occupy the lagna
with Mars in 7th, death comes by machinery or rocks. If Mars,
Saturn and Moon are in Libra, Aries and a house of Saturn
respectively, or if powerless Moon, Sun and Mars are in the
10th, 7th and 4th respectively, the person falls in feces and dies
If a powerful Mars aspects a powerless Mon with Saturn in
the 8th, the person dies from worms or fire or instruments in
treating of diseases in secret parts
If Sun occupies the 7th with Mars and Saturn joining the 8th
and powerless Moon in 4th, death is caused by birds. If Sun,
Mars, Saturn and Moon are in the 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th
respectively, the person dies by falling from the top of a
mountain or by lightning or wall
The learned indicate that the 22 nd Drekkana causes death to
the person. The death will be caused by the manner
attributed to the lord of this Drekkana or the lord of the rasi
to which it belongs
Death will occur in places similar to the rasi occupied by the
lord of the Navamsa, in which the birth falls. Further details
or specialties must be described by conjunctions and
planetary aspects. The time of death has to be identified by
the unrisen number of navamsas in the birth. If the birth lord
aspects it, the time must be doubled; aspected by benefics,
the time will be trebled
The dead body, as per the Drekkana in the 8 th house, viz.,
dahana, jala and misra, will be reduced to ashes by fire or
atoms by water respectively. If the 8 th Drekkana is vyala, the
body will be disgraced. The disposal of the dead body must
be explained in this manner and as regards past and future

births, the reader must consult elaborate works on the


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