GEP 2, Pesentació

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Two English teachers have been participating in this experimenting group

for two years (2014-2016). During those schoolyears we have learnt new
methodologies and implemented two PBL projects, one in P5 (during PE
lessons) and the other one in 5th Primary (during our Social Science
lessons). Thanks to our participation in this project we could introduce
those two subjects (PE for pre-school and Science for 3rd cycle in primary)
taught through English.
Our driving question in P5 was: How can we motivate ourselves and our
school community to recycle? And in 5th Primary the question was: How
can we reduce the number of unemployed people in our area?
In P5 preschool, pupils worked the recycling theme, through physical
education activities. They brought real recyclable objects, simulated to be
dustmen and dust women, simulated a grocery store role playing, played
Recycle Olympic Games and learned how to classify each items into the
related recycling bin. The final product was an artistic mural with recycling
materials, symbolizing their thoughts and encouraging the school
community to recycle.
In 5th primary we worked in groups researching and finally each group
made a PowerPoint showing what they had learnt and proposing a new
company to create employment in the area they had been working on.
Finally they presented their PowerPoint for the rest of the class.
Dues mestres dangls de lescola hem participat en aquest grup
dexperimentaci durant dos anys (2014-2016). Durant aquests dos cursos
hem aprs noves metodologies i hem implementat dos projectes PBL, un a
p5 (a les classes de psicomotricitat) i laltre a 5 de primria (a lrea de
Social Science). Grcies a la nostra participaci en aquest projecte hem
pogut introduir aquestes dues matries (psicomotricitat a educaci infantil
i medi al cicle superior de primria) en angls i ara han quedat com a lnia

La pregunta guia a p5 ha estat: Com podem motivar la nostra comunitat

escolar i a nosaltres mateixos a reciclar?, i a 5 de primria era: Com
podem reduir el nombre daturats a la nostra zona?
A p5 Infantil, els alumnes han treballat el tema del reciclatge a partir
dactivitats deducaci fsica. Van portar objectes de reciclatge reals, van
simular ser escombriaires, van actuar tot simulant ser caixers i compradors
en el supermercat i tamb van jugar els Jocs Olmpics del reciclatge tot
aprenent com classificar els diferents tems als corresponents contenidors
de reciclatge. El producte final va ser un mural artstic amb materials
reciclables tot expressant els seus pensaments i animant a la comunitat
educativa a reciclar.
A 5 hem treballat en grups, cercant informaci, discutint i buscant una
soluci. Al final cada grup va fer un PowerPoint on explicava el que havien
aprs i la seva proposta per crear una empresa a cada una de les zones
treballades. Finalment, cada grup va fer una presentaci oral en angls

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