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Name : Edo Rizkia Septembri

Nim :30 01 12 0010

Class : IIB

Nursing care has 5 phases, the first phase is assessment, the second is diagnosing phase,
the next phase is intervention. After of intervention phase is implementing phase, and the last
phase of nursing care is evaluating phase.
Assessment Phase
The patient is Mr. I he is 55 year old, he was married, he has one child and he is
Islamic. He lived on Abikusno Street, his occupation is a trader. The patient is diagnosed with
hypertension, general state of the patient illness was weakly visible before he came to the
hospital, he said that his body was weak since 6 month ago, he is installed assering infusion 20
drops per minutes at the left hand and the patient looked weak, his blood pressure was 130/80
mmHg, the pulse was 89 times per minutes, the temperature was 36 oC, and his respiration rate
was 29 times per minutes.
Diagnosing Phase

The result of the medical check-up showed that he suffered from hypertension, it was
indicated from the fact that he feels headache and acute pain, now the blood pressure in the
patient is 140/90 mmHg, indication of normal blood pressure in humans body is 120/80 mmHg.
Intervention Phase

Intervention was provided to the patient with initial name Mr.I. The first planning I
should examine the patient general condition to know general condition of the patient. Then, I
would observe the vital signs such as blood pressure, the pulse, respiration rate, and the
temperature, the third phase I should was recommend patient to eat more. Further, I should
involve family in the accompany patient and the last planning I would to collaborate with the
medical team to determine to medicine.
Implementing Phase

The next phase is implementing of a planning application has been made, the first day
started implementation I assessed the patients body temperature every day. Furthermore, I
assessed general patients conditions and I observed vital signs. Besides, I recommended

patients eat more everybody and I involved family in the accompany patient. The last, I
collaborated with medical team and I evaluated the general condition the patient.
Evaluating Phase

Evaluating phase is the last of nursing care. The evaluating phase is to explain about the
condition of the patient such as the subjective data, i.e. the patients said body weak and the
objective data, i.e. the patient looked moderate illness. Furthermore, the analysis from problem
of the patient was pain not reserved, the more planning I did the patients intervention 1-5 the
same forward.

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