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Building a house needs many people from different job ranging from painter,
constructor, carpenter, and etc. Imagine if those people from different job do not know
what will the house looks like only know buld house, it will be disastrous. Each people
will have different perspective. What will happen if owner of the house continually
adding new rooms to meet the requirement, the house will be unattractive [2]. Those will
not happen if there is an architect that architects the house base on the owner
requirements before the house is build. Then the architecture will be distributed to
people that will building the house. The result of it, the house will be built better, no
need another configuration and also the time might be faster.
Looking to what has been done to houses. Business people have to realize that building
an IT system also needs an architect who is called IT architect. The needs of IT
architecture comes to more and more important because the system gives too many
resource silos which means that every business unit own IT systems and too many
platforms. Around 20 years ago, this IT architecture was born. It made architecture
become more important in organization IT strategy. According to IT architecture
bootcamp, the demand of IT architect in the industry is increasing in 2010. The best job
in the US is the software architect among other 100 jobs [3]. It shows that IT
architecture is on demand job and organizations are having problem with their
organization architecture. IT architecture bootcamp stated that only 1% of total IT
workforce are doing IT architect role, only 320,000. Looking to the fact that only 1%

people do the IT architect, it indicates that the job of IT architect is not an easy task. The
next paragraph will explain the definition of the IT architecture and then the framework
of IT architecture.
IT architecture can be described as an underlying infrastructure that enables a disparate
computer systems and networks to work together [2]. The goal of IT Architecture is to
ensure the alignment of information and communications technology to business
strategy [4]. IT Architecture is recognized as a key catalyst that organizations can use to
make progress towards the vision of Boundary less Information Flow [5]. IT architecture
can also be called an Enterprise Architecture.
According to Monash University,
Enterprise architecture (EA) is the discipline of scientifically designing the technology
elements of an enterprise, guided with principles, frameworks, methodologies,
requirements, tools, reference models and standards. [6]
In IT architecture, developing of new system is important to consider other system or
technology as well. For example, change a new email platform looks simple but it
affects not only the user but also other aspects such as the backup and recovery, data
storage, security solutions, instant messaging solutions, existing and future e-mail
integrated applications, network fax or voice mail solutions, and directory services and
authentication [7]. A particular application can affect enterprise performance and
business operational so the technology selection must not only look from the user
requirements but also it must align with enterprise vision and mission.

There are quite a number of frameworks for developing IT architecture. The frameworks
are Zachman, TOGAF and FEA. Those frameworks will be discussed throughout this
chapter. According to the American Heritage Dictionary as quoted by Roger session, a
framework is defined as:
A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used
as the basis for something being constructed; An external work platform; a scaffold; A
fundamental structure, as for a written work; A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and
practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality. [8]
This chapter focuses on Zachman, TOGAF, and FEA. The reason choosing those
frameworks are because 90% of the field in IT architecture use them [8]. This thesis also
uses IASA ITA BOK. IASA ITABOK is a skill from IASA for IT architect when
developing IT architecture.
IASA is the premier association focused on the architecture profession through the
advancement of best practices and education while delivering programs and services to
IT architects of all levels around the world. [9]
The next section will be discussed deeper about IASA ITABOK, Zachman Framework,
TOGAF Framework and FEA Framework.
IASA ITA BOK stands for an association for all IT architect (IASA) IT architecture
(ITA) body of knowledge (BOK). The purpose of IASA ITA BOK is helping the IT
architect in a proper way so it is not needed to have 10 years of IT experiences nor be a


consultant or be in IT expert. Architecture is an art so the creation of IT architecture is

different from one organization to another. The IT architect can modify the framework
based on the needs of the organization so the framework that is used is suitable for the
organization. There are 4 pillars in the ITABOK which are business architecture,
information architecture, software architecture, and infrastructure architecture. In IASA
software architecture and infrastructure architecture are getting mature while the
business architecture and information architecture are still being developed [10]. The
ITABOK also provides the body of knowledge to support the 4 pillars. The body of
knowledge is a set of skills that equip the architect in creating the architecture.The figure
2.1 shows the picture of IASA ITABOK.






Figure 2.1 IASA ITABOK [3]


11 Architecture
Business architecture is needed to expand the role of IT architecture that supports not
only the technological issues but also the business and semantic issues that are required
for management and other business challenges. [10]
The purpose of Business Architecture is creating a link between strategy and the IT
initiatives. It also enables an integration of business to all IT, organizational, and
security architecture [11]. Business architecture and IT architecture should be aligned
and work together. The reason is business architecture can drive the IT planning, the
technology architecture and business solution. The IT architecture also drives business
architecture. Because IT capability is improving, it influences the business design
choices in the capabilities, value chains, processes, and channels [12]. Then business
architecture covers the strategy, policies, business process, and organization. Person who
does business architecture is called business architect. Aaron Tan Dani as the Chief
Architect stated,
Business architects focus on a common, enterprise-level business language and
framework for documenting how the business language and framework for documenting
how the business is structured to support a technology strategy within a business
strategy. [3]
In order for business to align with IT, it needs business architect that develops
documentation about how the current business do and what is the future of the business
based on the framework so the IT and business people will have the same language.
After understand each other, the business will be structured to optimize the technology
based on the business strategy. In building business architecture, business architect


needs support from the business domain units, business stakeholders and other IT
architect roles. According to IASA there are five components in the Business
Architecture which are strategic business planning, strategic IT planning, value stream,
integrated enterprise IT architecture, and IT architecture.

Strategic Business Planning

Strategic business planning discusses about the mission, object and the strategy to strive
the mission. This component describes the formulation of strategy. There are three
frameworks that can be used to develop strategy. The frameworks are Porter
Framework, Resource-Based View, and Delta Framework [13]. The focus of strategic
attention of Porters framework is with the five forces model and the value chain
analysis. The Resource-Based View of the Firm expands the scope of attention to the
full corporation, with a possible full portfolio of business, since that is where the Core
Competencies reside. Finally, the Delta Model extends the scope to include the
Extended Enterprise that is composed by the firm and its key Suppliers, Customers, and

Strategic IT Planning

Strategic IT planning is the process of defining IT architectures for the use of

information in support of the business, and the plan for implementing those architectures
[3]. There are 5 major processes in strategic IT planning that are IT and business
alignment, application direction, technical infrastructure, IT organization, and IT
strategic investment and value roadmap [14]. IT and business alignment is to get the IT
plans and the business goal in line. Application direction is an assessment to existing
application and identifies new technology. Technical infrastructure directions are
assessment of technology infrastructure and identify the future direction of


infrastructure. IT organization is identification of the readiness to support the current and

future system.

Value Stream

Value stream is an end-to-end collection of activities that creates a result in delighting a

customer. Value stream has a clear goal. For example, to satisfy or to make customer
happy as delighted customers will result in loyalty, increased profits and higher levels of
stakeholder value [3].
The value stream can be described using value chain. Value chain was developed
originally by Michael Porter (1985) and shows the different organisational activities that
are grouped together to deliver value to customers [15]. The value chain is a useful
technique for business analysts who are working on business process improvement
assignments. Understanding the value that the organisation delivers to its customers,
and the activities that contribute towards delivering this, is very powerful. It provides a
view of the organisations processes that helps the analyst ensure there is a customer
focus when changes to the organisation are being considered. The original value chain
devised by Porter is shown in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2 Michael Porters Value Chain [15]

Integrated Enterprise Architecture

According to the center for Information Systems Research as quoted on the IT

Architecture bootcamp, Integrated enterprise architecture is the organizing logic for
data applications, and infrastructure, captured in a set of policies and technical choices to
achieve the firms desired business goals, technical standardization and integration [3].

IT Architecture

The last component is IT architecture. IT architecture is the art and science of designing
and delivering valuable technology strategy for the business [3]. It designs and delivers
the technology strategy to support business. Information Technology Architecture is a
high-level map or plan of the information assets in an organization, which guides current
operations and is a blueprint for future directions [16]. The figure 2.3 shows the example
of IT architecture in online travel agency.


Figure 2.3 IT Architecture of Online Travel Agency [16] Architecture
Information architecture (IA) is the art of expressing a model or concept of information
used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems.[17]
Information architecture describes the data flow in the business process. The flowing of
data in organization from one application to another application is not as simple as the
data is sent and the particular applications receive it. The users only know that the data is
sent and the data is received but actually the sending or receiving data from an
application is having a process on the backend. For example, sending the data from an
application, the data can be routed to the database to be stored and also go to the other
process. Information structure discusses how the information is being stored in database,
file, image or other digital formats, how the information is technically retrieved, usage
and time constraints, how the use of information support the business strategy, and how
the information that is presented to the user is relevant and how the design of the


information. The information can be structured, content, relationship, dependence or

data management. People who handles information architecture is called information
architect. According to chief architect of IASA,
Information Architects focus on the management of information resources including
storage, retrieval, delivery, classification and utilization of information to best deliver
stakeholder values as well as to support technology strategy. [3] Architecture
Software architect focuses on delivering an developing technology strategy related to
software and solution implementation. [3]
The software architecture produces the strategy of choosing the software for the
organization. It designs and chooses whether the software will be built or bought based
on the needs of the organization. It also designs the specification of the software needed.
The quality attribute optimization will also be designed. People who are needed to
interact for completing the software architecture is the development team, project
manager, business user and the stakeholder. Architecture
Infrastructure Architects focus on the bottom four layers of the OSI seven-layer
model and requires skills in operations, network, engineering, server sizing,
storage management, backup & restore technologies, disaster recovery and
physical data center design. [3]


Infrastructure Architecture discusses the designing of the IT system from the

middleware to support the application how it will be built and operated. The
infrastructure architecture is collaborating from the business architecture and software
architecture to design the IT environment according to those. According to RL
Information Consulting LLC, the infrastructure describes the system foundation likes
defined IT process. Furthermore, it will discuss the convergent architecture standard
which is the platform. After that, the specification of the hardware and software are
needed or used in all of the system. The framework that can be used for infrastructure
architecture is ITIL, COBIT, and ISO-27001. of Knowledge
Body of knowledge roles is as a basis of foundation to the specialization. In the IASA
ITABOK there are five bodies of knowledge which are design, human dynamics, quality
attributes, IT environment and business technology strategy.


Design is a proposed solution to a specific problem that includes techniques, process,

methodologies and behavior. [3]
The activities in the design are using a tool in the creation of design, the understanding
and knowledge of existing problem, the material for the design and design artifacts. It
also analyzes and tests the design to mitigate and reduce the risk. It also discusses the
framework that is used to design the IT system.


Human Dynamics

Human dynamics are the communication, political and leadership skills necessary for
any person on the job. [3]
Human dynamic focuses on the human side. This body of knowledge describes the
employee behavior based on the organization strategy. The IT architect should analyze
what is the key behavior in order to achieve the business strategy.

Quality Attributes

Quality attributes focus on all aspect of IT strategy to monitor the quality of the
technology. The quality can be measure by looking to the performance, reliability,
availability, scalability, manageability, maintainability, extensibility, flexibility,
usability, localization, accessibility, and personalization. Security of the IT architecture
must also be considered in the quality attributes.

IT Environment

IT environment covers the functional and procedural aspects of an IT Organization that

includes the structures and processes fundamental to an IT architects role as part of the
greater technology organization. [3] IT environment is important to understand the
platforms and how the system is built.

Business Technology Strategy

Business Technology Strategy is the key in the IT architect. It connects all IT architects
with business strategy. It is the foundational BOK base for the whole IT works. It


defines the strategy of the business and the IT architecture strategy. The IT architecture
strategy is validated to support business strategy.
2.1.2. Zachman
In 1987 enterprise architecture is established, it is developed with the Zachman
framework [12]. Zachman is established by Zachman Institute for Framework
Advancement (ZIFA). Zachman framework consists of what (data), how (process),
where (locations), who (people), when (time) and why (motivation). Those questions
will be asked to key people such as planner, business owner, designer, builder and
subcontractor. Zacham will help to know what kind of data, process, locations, people,
time, and motivation the key people. Looking how Zachman works, it is like defining an
issue. Roger Session said, "The Zachman "Framework" is actually a taxonomy for
organizing architectural artifacts (in other words, design documents, specifications, and
models) that takes into account both who the artifact targets (for example, business
owner and builder) and what particular issue (for example, data and functionality) is
being addressed [8]. Figure 2.4 describes the Zachman Framework.


Figure 2.4 Zachman Framework

2.1.3. The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)

TOGAF is a standard framework that may be used by any organization to develop IT
architecture within a particular organization [18]. TOGAF from the mid of 90s it is still
developing by the open group forum coordinate with the IT customer and vendor
TOGAF divides an Enterprise Architecture into 4 categories which are the business
architecture, data architecture, application architecture, and technical architecture.
Business architecture describes the business process to meet its goals. Application
architecture describes designing of application and the interaction between them. Data


architecture describes the organizing and accessing the datastores. Technical architecture
describes how the interaction of the application and the application will be supported by
the hardware and software infrastructure.
TOGAF is using a process from the general to specific, from the enterprise continuum to
the organizational architecture and the Architecture Development Method (ADM) is the
process driving from the general to the specific. In the figure 2.5 in the below, the
relationship between the ADM and the enterprise continuum is shown clearly. [8]

Figure 2.5 TOGAF Enterprise Continuum

The TOGAF Enterprise Continuum specifies Technical Reference Model (TRM)

consists of a model about the Application system, Application Platform and
Communication Infrastructure and their inter-connectivity. How the service quality of
the system is also presented in the TRM [19]. Foundation architecture is the most
generic architectures that are architectural principles that theoretically can be used by IT


organization. The common systems architecture is a system that any organization would
like to have it [8]. To more specific, the industry architectures are principles to integrate
the common system with the specific system within an organization and then create an
industry solution for the specific customer problem. The most specific is the
Organization Architectures that are described and guided the final of the solution
component and the network base on the customer problem and customer IT environment

Figure 2.6 TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)

In the figure 2.6 above, it describes the process of ADM that contains a preliminary
phase and then the 8 phases that are cycled. The activities inside each phase are well
defined but it depends on the implementation to determine the suitable activities to get a
required system and the required outcome.


Figure 2.7 TOGAF ADM and COBIT Model [20]

Figure 2.7 shows the model based on the TOGAF ADM and COBIT model [20]. The
vision and mission of institution refer to the regulation of institutions. The scope &
requirement refer to the vision and mission of each institution. The business architecture,
information systems architecture and technology architecture refer to the available
2.1.4. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)
FEAF is a framework issued by the US CIO Council to promote shared development for
common US Federal processes, interoperability, and sharing of information among Federal
Agencies and other Government entities. [19]

FEA is a combination of Zachman and TOGAF; it has taxonomy like Zachman and has
a process of architectural like TOGAF. FEA has FEA reference models to make
everyone on the organization have the same language or the same vision. The FEA has 4
levels. The first level is the architecture drivers and strategic direction architecture. It


discuss about transformation from current architecture to the target architecture using
architecture standard and process. The second level discusses about the analysis of
business driver and design driver of architecture. It produces the the target business
architecture and target design architecture. The level 3 discusses more detail about the
target architecture using the business, data, application and technology views for the
target architecture. The last level includes the description of data, function and network
to represent Data Architecture, Application Architecture and Technology Architecture. It
includes the 5 component in the zachman framework. This level also includes the
process of architecture planning. FEA process is similar with TOGAF. It uses
architecture drivers, business drivers, and design driver for the architectural planning.
2.1.5. Framework Comparison
The framework in IT architecture is different from one to another. There is no such best
framework but there is the most suitable framework to the organization. Every
framework has strength and weakness. The above framework will be evaluated using the
criteria from the journal that is conducted by the School of Information Technology in
Swinburne University of Technology [19]. The criteria are divided into 3 parts that are
goals, inputs and outcomes. The criterion that is implemented is from the journal that is
a comparison analysis of architecture framework. The goals are the target of the
organization want to be. The criteria for goals are :

Architecture Definition and Understanding provides terms, principle and

guideline for architecture information so the stakeholder can understand


Architecture Process framework has a well process to guide in creation of the


Architecture Evolution Support the framework support the system evolution

Architecture Analysis helps to gather and analyze information for architecture

Architecture Models documentation of specification for the architecture for

planning, management, communication and execution

Design Tradeoffs choosing the design from several design

Design Rationale the reason of the choosen design

Standardisation ensure using a standard architecture

Architecture Knowledge Base a knowledge base for representation of design

Architecture verifiability provide information to verify the architecture design

The second criteria is the input, it represents the data that can be used to model the

Business Drivers business goals, strategy, priorities and direction

Technology Inputs strategic IT planning for future or target architecture

Business Requirements all requirement needed for the architecture like user
requirement, functional requirement, data requirement, etc

Information System Environment describe the budget, schedule, resources,

stakeholder, organization structure

Current Architecture current infrastructure architecture

Non Functional requirements provides the quality attributes for the architecture
(availability, reliabity, security, etc)


The third criteria is the outcome, it shows the result of the Architecture.framework that
answering the goal.

Business Model the model of the organization business such as the business
process, policy, and business requirements.

System Model the model of the system includes the future system

Information Model contains data model, data transformation and data interface

Computation Model description of the functional system,

Software Configuration Model description of software configuration, how it is

stored, managed, and shared

Software Processing Model describes the process of the software

Implementation Model describe the infrstructure like operating environment,

hardware and network of the system

Platforms describe the operating systems, hardware, network, protocols and

standards for the software

Non-functional Requirements Design helps to design a system that fulfill nonfunctional requirement also

Transitional Design a planning for the transitional, from the current to the
target architecture

Design Rationale documentation of analysis the reason of the design





Definition and















Non Functional





System Model










Table 2.8 Framework Comparison Table [19]

P = Partial
Y = Yes
N = No
Looking to the Table 2.8, TOGAF framework is the most comprehensive framework
compare to the other framework. TOGAF is chosen by the researcher as the
framework to analyze the business architecture in Binus International. It is also
because TOGAF has a complete process, reference model, neutral with vendor,
and information is available. TOGAF has characteristic for university and
information system [21]:
1. University needs a flexible method to integrate all information units and
do information systems planning. TOGAF ables to integrate for different


2. Characteristic of TOGAF is general and flexible that can anticipate for artifact
that might arise because TOGAF has adequate resource base, the standards is
acceptable and can handle changes.
2.2. Benefit of IT Architecture
The benefit of IT Architecture is derived by the business benefits it brings to enterprise
[22]. By understanding its value, better decisions can be to the appropriate level of time,
money, and people resources to invest in the development, implementation, and
maintenance of the IT architecture.

Key benefits include better decision making,

improved business operations, foster business alignment, and guide business innovation.

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