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Additional Notes About ComfortVIEW

This document contains information not available in the ComfortVIEW Operation Manual or in online
Help, as well as information on changes that occurred after publication.
ComfortVIEW Version 3.2
1.1 General
1.2 Required Configuration
1.3 Disconnect May Occur from Autodial Gateways
1.4 Alarms and Autodial Gateways/TeLINKs
2.1 Windows Event Viewer Settings
2.2 Access Denied Message on Login
2.3 ComfortVIEW Communications Service Error Message in Event Viewer
2.4 Error 19020: Error Occurred on Database - Check Event Log for Details
3.1 Display Resolutions
4.1 Inclusion of Shadow Controllers
5.1 International Date Settings and Reports
5.2 Blinking Colors in WorkSPACE Manager
5.3 Flashing ViewSPACE Data Boxes or Inability to Modify ViewSPACE Data Boxes
5.4 Inactive Window when Exiting from Controller Help Screen (F3)
5.5 Controller Configuration Printout too Large for Notepad
5.6 Trend Data Does Not Indicate Communication Failures
5.7 Graphic Backgrounds are Incompatible
5.8 Cannot Disconnect from a Remote CCN in WorkSPACE Manager - "Controller is in use"
5.9 Manually Generated Reports Are Not Printing
5.10 Automatically Generated Reports Are Not Printing
5.11 203FID Alarms Not Properly Filtering
5.12 203FID Custom Alarm Messages Are Not Displaying
5.13 WorkSPACEs Attached to 203FID Alarms Are Not Displaying
5.14 Reinstallation Problems Following Abort of Initial Installation
5.15 Erratic Mouse Operation
5.16 ComfortVIEW Waiting To Start Messages or Network Shared Resource Problems with Windows
5.17 Inability To Import Controller Files to a Windows XP Client PC from a Mapped Network Drive
5.18 Loss of CCN Bus Communication after Changing CCN Access Method to None-Database Only
on a Notebook PC Equipped with an External B&B RS-485 Converter
5.19 Failed to open the system registry error is generated when using Remote Site Manager to
connect to a ComfortVIEW server.
6.1 DDE of Custom Alarm Messages
7.1 General

7.2 Upgrade Procedure

8.0 BEST++
8.1 Saving Folders Under a New Name (Save Folder As...)
9.1 Windows 2000 and Communication Port Detection

1.1 General
You can connect to a remote CCN using an internal gateway, which is a modem that is internal or
external to your ComfortVIEW workstation. While an internal gateway connection to a CCN is active,
ComfortVIEW is capable of receiving alarms from the remote CCN. An internal gateway connection to a
remote CCN can occur as the result of a manual connection request, timed data retrieval, or the display of
an "auto connect" ViewSPACE.
Please note that ComfortVIEW will not receive remote CCN alarms "dialed into" an internal gateway.
1.2 Required Configuration
In order to receive alarms from a remote CCN while an internal gateway connection is active, the
remote Autodial Gateway or TeLINK must be configured as follows:

The remote Autodial Gateway/TeLINK must be configured to dial out alarms to the phone number
that is specified in ComfortVIEW's New Gateway Port dialog box.

The Autodial Gateway/TeLINK Alarm Threshold should be set to 0 (fire level) to minimize or
eliminate dialing out by the Autodial Gateway/TeLINK.

In the Autodial Gateway, the Recall Interval should be maximized since the ComfortVIEW internal
gateway will never answer.

In the Autodial Gateway, the Alarm Connection Time should be set to 0.

1.3 Disconnects May Occur from Autodial Gateways

When using an Autodial Gateway (and not a TeLINK) as the remote device, if an alarm occurs during
a communication-intensive operation such as a controller upload or download, the alarm delivery may fail
and cause the remote Autodial Gateway to disconnect.
1.4 Alarms and Autodial Gateways/TeLINKs
If a remote Autodial Gateway or TeLINK is configured to be a CCN Alarm Acknowledger, alarms will
be retained in the Gateway/TeLINK until its buffer is full (assuming the level is set to 0) and then within
the originating device until the Internal Autodial Gateway dials in. If the Autodial Gateway/TeLINK is not
configured as the CCN Alarm Acknowledger, alarms will be retained in the Gateway/TeLINK until its
buffer is full and all subsequent alarms will be lost. In either case, when the Gateway/TeLINK buffer
becomes full, it will begin periodically dialing out to the Internal Autodial Gateway, which will not


2.1 Windows Event Viewer Settings
ComfortVIEW logs error messages in the Windows Event Viewer Application log file. By default,
Windows configures this log file to "Overwrite Events older than 7 days." To avoid the possibility of
filling up the Application log file, it is recommended that you configure the file to "Overwrite Events as
needed." If this change is not made, ComfortVIEW may be unable to log error messages on a system that
is experiencing error conditions at a high rate.

To configure the Windows 2000/XP Application log file:

Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer.
Then select Application Log, Action, Properties.
This will display the Application Log Properties dialog box.
Then select the General tab, where you can enable the Overwrite Event as needed option.
2.2 Access Denied Message on Login
If you receive an access denied message when logging in to ComfortVIEW, check the case sensitivity of
the password that you've entered. If you are still denied access and are attempting to log into a
ComfortVIEW Client workstation that is part of a ComfortVIEW Multi-User Version installation, verify
that the name of your Client workstation is correctly specified to the ComfortVIEW Server. To do this, log
into the ComfortVIEW Server workstation and run ComfortVIEW Setup. Click on the Setup menu item,
then click on Workstations. Verify that the ComfortVIEW Client workstation computer name is displayed
in the dialog box presented. Verify that the name is correctly spelled.
2.3 ComfortVIEW Communications Service Error Message in Event Viewer
When ComfortVIEW starts, one of the things that the ComfortVIEW Communications Service does is
check the validity of the CCN driver. If it does not find the CCN driver then the following error message
will be seen in the Application Log of the Windows Event Viewer:
No CCN driver for Windows detected.
Check for ComfortVIEW LevelII.SYS driver. See ComfortVIEW README file for details.

This is an indication that the CCN driver is not correctly installed. To correct the problem complete the
steps outlined below:

Select Start, Settings, Control Panel.

Select System.
Select the Hardware tab.
Select the Device Manager button (about half way down the window.)
Click on the + sign next to the Ports (COM & LPT) listing to open it.
If the COM port being used for CCN communication is not listed as CCN Communications Port
(COMx) where COMx is the COM port used for CCN, then the CCN driver is not currently loaded
on the system. Proceed to Step 7.
Double click on the appropriate COM port which is to communicate to the CCN.
Select the Driver tab.
Select the Update Driver button on the bottom right of the window. This will start the Upgrade
Device Driver Wizard. Click on the Next button.
At the bottom of the windows select Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can
choose a specific driver. Then click on the Next button.
Select the CCN Level II Communications Port driver. If there is more than one of these drivers listed,
select the first one. Then click on Next.
The wizard will then indicate that it is ready to install the driver. Click on Next.
You will then be prompted to specify the file path. Use the Browse button to navigate to the Windows
folder, and select the SYSTEM32\DRIVERS folder. Select the file LEVELII.SYS and click on the
Open button. Then click on OK. The driver will now be installed.
The driver installation should be complete. Click on Finish to close the wizard and return to the Port
Properties window.
Close all windows and reboot in order for ComfortVIEW to start and communicate normally.

2.4 Error 19020: Error Occurred on Database - Check Event Log for Details
Database Library error 10025 was due to system error 10054. Possible network error: Write to SQL
Server Failed. General network error. Check your documentation.

If you see Error 19020 in conjunction with the above-listed Windows Event Log entry, it may be a result of
unplugging a computer that is running ComfortVIEW and SQL Server from a building LAN and plugging
the computer into a local LAN.
It is recommended that you do not swap a computer that is running ComfortVIEW between different
Solution: Re-boot your computer and log back in to ComfortVIEW.
3.1 Display Resolutions
If, as part of the Setup application's Exporting and Importing CCNs features, you are exporting and
importing ViewSPACEs between ComfortVIEW workstations with different display resolutions, the
orientation of databoxes on the ViewSPACEs will not be consistent on the two computers.
4.1 Inclusion of Shadow Controllers
The ComfortVIEW internal NDS Diagnostics routine scans specified CCN Buses and checks for
communication and clock errors. The routine generates alarms and alerts that you can view using the
Alarm Manager application. Diagnostics are performed on all controllers in the CCN, including "shadow
controllers", (those controllers for which ComfortVIEW has no database information). Shadow controllers
appear dimmed or "shadowed" in the Controller List as a result of a Cold Call.
5.1 International Date Settings and Reports
To specify the format/style of the date as it appears in the upper left corner of reports, follow these steps:
From the Windows Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel. Double click on Regional Settings, and
under the Date tab, select the desired Short Date style.
5.2 Blinking Colors in WorkSPACE Manager
When you are displaying a WorkSPACE containing more than one ViewSPACE in run mode, the graphic
background for the active ViewSPACE will be drawn with the correct colors. But, because of the manner
in which Windows manages its color palette and also depending on your display adapter, non-active
ViewSPACEs may not be displayed with the correct colors. You can, however, correct any single
ViewSPACE's colors simply by bringing that ViewSPACE to the foreground and making it the active

5.3 Flashing ViewSPACE Data Boxes or Inability to Modify ViewSPACE Data Boxes
When displaying a ViewSPACE in run mode, data boxes may flicker or flash as updates occur. Or,
when displaying a ViewSPACE in design mode, you may not be able to modify data box parameters by
double clicking on a data box. Both of these situations may occur with ViewSPACEs containing
background graphics that have been dynamically resized using the WorkSPACE Manager applications
Options Menus Size image to window command. It is recommended that if your ViewSPACE background
image is larger than your screen dimensions, you should resize the background as required using a third

party graphics utility rather than using the Size image to window command.
5.4 Inactive Window when Exiting from Controller Help Screen (F3)
When exiting from a pop-up window of help for a controller configuration decision (F3) (by pressing
Esc), you may find that your Carrier Network Manager window no longer appears active (i.e. the
application does not respond to your keystrokes.) To regain control of the window, simply click on any
portion of the window or use the Alt + Tab keys to cycle through all of the active software applications
returning to the Carrier Network Manager. The same event may also occur in the WorkSPACE Manager.
5.5 Controller Configuration Printout too Large for Notepad
Should you receive the error message,
"C:\TEMP\`DBR1108.TMP file is too large for Notepad. Use another editor to edit the file."
when requesting a printout of controller configuration, use the WordPad word processor (that is available
by clicking on the Windows Start menu, and then selecting Programs, Accessories and clicking on
WordPad) to view the controller configuration. Use the File/Open menu items to open the file specified in
the error message.
5.6 Trend Data Does Not Indicate Communication Failures
Should ComfortVIEW lose CCN communication to a point being trended, the trend will hold the last good
value until communication is restored. There is no indication in the accumulated trend data that
communication has been lost for a given period.
5.7 Graphic Backgrounds Are Incompatible
Use the graphic file formats indicated in your ComfortVIEW literature. If you are using a .PCX file format
that is ZSoft compatible and the file is rejected by ComfortVIEW when you try to load it, you may have
generated it using a 16 color standard. Try regenerating the graphic file again using the 256 color
5.8 Cannot Disconnect From a Remote CCN in WorkSPACE Manager - "Controller is in use"
You cannot disconnect from a remote CCN if another user on another ComfortVIEW workstation (on the
local area network) has a WorkSPACE open that contains points from that CCN. To successfully
disconnect, close the WorkSPACE on the other workstation, then perform the disconnect. You can also
correct this situation by temporarily removing the offending ViewSPACE/Trend from the WorkSPACE,
then performing the disconnect.
5.9 Manually Generated Reports Are Not Printing
If your manually generated reports are not printing and you've directed the system to send reports directly
to a printer, check the Windows printer settings of the ComfortVIEW workstation that you are using.
Verify that a printer named CWREPORT has been created for use by this workstation. Follow the
instructions found in the ComfortVIEW Installation and Start-up Manuals appendix to create a printer on
the workstation.
5.10 Automatically Generated Reports Are Not Printing
If your automatically generated reports are not printing, check the ComfortVIEW report definition for the
report in question to verify that a printer has been selected from the "Print to" list of the Automatic
Retrieval Options section in the Consumable, Runtime and History Report Definition Dialog Box. If the
report is still not printing, check the Windows NT printer settings of the ComfortVIEW Server
workstation and verify that a printer has been created for use by the Server. Follow the instructions in the
ComfortVIEW Installation and Start-up Manuals appendix to create a printer on the Server workstation.

5.11 203FID Alarms Are Not Properly Filtering

Your 203FID alarms will not properly filter if you have entered the name of the FID system to which the
point belongs in the Alarm Filter Dialog Box's Element edit box. This dialog box can be displayed by
selecting the Carrier Network Manager's Administration menu item. Click on Operators, Alarm Printers
or Logout state as appropriate, then click on Filters. Enter the name of the 203FID, instead of the name of
the system.
5.12 203FID Custom Alarm Messages Are Not Displaying
203 FID custom alarm messages will not display if you have entered the name of the FID system to which
the point belongs in the Custom Message Dialog Box's Element edit box. This dialog box is found in the
Alarm Manager. Enter the name of the 203FID, instead of the name of the system.
5.13 WorkSPACES Attached to 203FID Alarms Are Not Displaying
WorkSPACEs assigned to 203FID alarms will not display if you have entered the name of the FID system
to which the point belongs in the Assign WorkSPACEs Dialog Box's Element edit box. This dialog box is
found in the Alarm Manager. Enter the name of the 203FID, instead of the name of the system.
5.14 Reinstallation Problems Following Abort of Initial Installation
If you abort the initial ComfortVIEW installation prior to its completion, a subsequent reinstallation may
result in problems. It is recommended that if you terminate the installation procedure prior to completion,
that you delete the entire CWORKS (or other folder into which you installed ComfortVIEW) folder prior
to performing another ComfortVIEW installation procedure. To delete the CWORKS (or other
installation) folder follow the steps below.


You should only perform this procedure if you abort the initial installation. Performing this
procedure on a ComfortVIEW system that is already operational will result in loss of
ComfortVIEW data and other operational problems.

From the Desktop, double click on My Computer and then double click on the drive letter to which
ComfortVIEW was being installed.
Click on the CWORKS folder (or other folder into which ComfortVIEW was installed) and then click
on File, Delete.
You should also delete all files in the TEMP folder. Typically, this folder is located in the following
directory path: \Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp\
Close the window and restart the ComfortVIEW installation.

5.15 Erratic Mouse Operation

If, after rebooting your computer, you are experiencing random cursor movements, mouse clicks, or other
related mouse problems, follow the procedure below to disable serial port detection. Note that this problem
typically occurs when a CCN Bus is attached to the serial port before the CCN is added through the
Carrier Network Manager. An alternative solution to performing this procedure would be to add the CCN
with Local-Direct Connection to its Com port before connecting the CCN Bus.

On losing control of the mouse, disconnect the CCN Bus from the serial port to regain mouse control.
Select Start, Settings, Control Panel.
Double click System and select the Hardware tab.
Select the Device Manager button.
A list of hardware devices will be displayed.
If necessary, double click to expand the Mice and other pointing devices line.
Microsoft Serial Ballpoint should be listed as well as the standard mouse.
Right click on Microsoft Serial Ballpoint and from the menu, select Disable and answer Yes to disable
this device.


Exit out of the Control Panel and shut down the computer.
Reconnect the CCN Bus to the serial port and reboot your computer.

5.16 ComfortVIEW Waiting To Start Messages or Network Shared Resource Problems with Windows
Windows XP Professional sometimes exhibits long delays (from 90 seconds to 15 minutes) when opening
network/shared resources. This problem is also exhibited in ComfortVIEW by the appearance of a Waiting
for ComfortVIEW To Start message followed by a failure of ComfortVIEW to launch and an
accompanying Event Log message indicating that a ComfortVIEW service did not start. Microsoft
Corporation has confirmed that this is a problem with its WebClient redirector services failing to cache
information. If your Windows XP computer exhibits either of these symptoms, perform the following

Go to the Service Control Manager and change the WebClient Service start-up to Manual.
Then re-start your computer.

Networking should now be properly recognized and the ComfortVIEW services should now properly start.
5.17 Inability To Import Controller Files to a Windows XP Client PC from a Mapped Network Drive
To successfully import a controller file residing on a shared drive to a Windows XP client, you must
identify its location using the UNC path specification, rather than a mapped drive letter. Identify the file to
be imported as follows: \\machinename\sharename\filename.cwx
5.18 Loss of CCN Bus Communication after Changing CCN Access Method to None-Database Only
on a Notebook PC Equipped with an External B&B RS-485 Converter
There is an inherent problem on certain Notebook PCs equipped with an external B&B RS-485 converter
whereby all CCN communications will be disabled on changing the CCN Access Method to NoneDatabase Only. If you experience this situation, simply disconnect the CCN Bus from the serial port,
create another Local-Direct Connection RS-232 CCN, and reconnect the CCN Bus.
5.19 Failed to open the system registry error is generated when using Remote Site Manager to
connect to a ComfortVIEW server.
The ComfortVIEW RAS feature will not work using CSC computers because of certain Registry
restrictions imposed by UTC Security.


6.1 DDE of Custom Alarm Messages
If a custom alarm message exceeds one line, the second line will not be successfully transmitted to the
Excel spreadsheet. This is because Excel interprets the custom message's carriage return as a delimiter
character. A delimiter character indicates the end of data.
When using the AlmAll item reference to link all alarm data to an Excel spreadsheet via DDE, you will
find that the custom message portion of the ComfortVIEW alarm message is not transmitted. This is
because Excel interprets the TAB that separates the alarm message from the custom message as a
delimiter character. A delimiter character indicates the end of data. To successfully link the custom
message via DDE, use the AlmCMsg item reference in addition to the AlmAll reference.

7.1 General
When you upgrade a Version 1.2 Comfort Controller (CC6400, CC1600) to Version 1.3, you will lose the
current configuration that is contained in the controller memory. To recreate the configuration follow the
procedure below. This procedure shows you how to copy (download) the Version 1.2 configuration from
the ComfortVIEW database to the blank Version 1.3 Comfort Controller.
There is no need to repeat this procedure separately for each Comfort Controller - you may execute the
steps against several Comfort Controllers.
7.2 Upgrade Procedure

Before you remove the Version 1.2 PROM from the Comfort Controller, be sure to upload the latest
configuration to the ComfortVIEW database.
Run the MS-DOS Command Prompt program on the ComfortVIEW Server workstation (this is
available by clicking on the Windows Start menu and then selecting Programs, Accessories,
Command Prompt).
At the C:\> command prompt type: CVIEW\CCNPATH\TEMPLATE\v12GOv13.exe and press Enter.
Note: If ComfortVIEW has been installed to a directory other than C:\CVIEW, adjust this step and
Step 13 accordingly.
In the subsequent dialog box, enable the Migrate Comfort Controller 1.2 to 1.3 option and click on
Shutdown and restart your ComfortVIEW Server workstation.
Export your Version 1.2 Comfort Controller configuration to disk for backup.
Replace the Comfort Controller Version 1.2 PROM with the 1.3 PROM using the documented PROM
upgrade procedure for Comfort Controllers. Once the PROM is installed, remember to flush RAM
and set the controller address. You will need the Service Tool software to set the controller address.
Download the Version 1.2 configuration from ComfortVIEW (download the entire controller) to the
blank Version 1.3 Comfort Controller. Ignore any errors that may be presented by ComfortVIEW
following the download.
Edit the UPDATEDB table of the Comfort Controller and set the Update Database decision to YES.
Download the UPDATEDB table and wait for the controller to complete the update.
Repeat the download of Step 8. This time there should be no errors reported. If there are errors,
attempt the download a third time.
Run the MS-DOS Command Prompt program on the ComfortVIEW Server workstation.
At the C:\> command prompt type: CWORKS\CCNPATH\TEMPLATE\v12GOv13.exe and press
In the subsequent dialog box, be sure the Migrate Comfort Controller 1.2 to 1.3 option is disabled.
Click on OK.
Shutdown and restart your ComfortVIEW Server workstation.
Delete the current Comfort Controller (it's now the old version) from the ComfortVIEW database.
Add the Version 1.3 Comfort Controller to the ComfortVIEW database.

8.0 BEST++
8.1 Saving Folders Under a New Name (Save Folder As...)
To avoid compile errors be sure that the global dictionary name in the Program Statement of the global
dictionary matches the file name that you give the Folder. When a new Folder is created this happens
automatically. However, when an existing folder is saved under a new name (Save Folder As..) you must
modify the Program Statement manually.


Windows 2000 and Communication Port Detection

Windows 2000 detects the serial ports found in the computer BIOS. It creates a COM device for all ports
found, regardless of whether the port is configured in BIOS or set as disabled. If the port is configured in
BIOS as Disabled, it will be marked with a yellow warning icon, and there will not be any resources
allocated to it. Leave this port in the configuration because Windows 2000 will auto-detect it and will readd it on the subsequent reboot.
If you have a new system running Windows 2000 with two (2) onboard communications ports and you are
installing an Opto 22 card as COM2, you must perform the following procedure:

Disable the onboard COM2 port in BIOS and install the Opto 22 card.
When Windows 2000 boots, check the Port Configuration under Device Manager.
It should display COM1 and COM2, but the COM2 will be marked as disabled.
If you now use the Add New Hardware option to add the Opto22 card, you will not be able to add it as
COM2. Windows will automatically add it as COM3 (the next sequential COM port) but will assign it
the resources of COM2.
When you subsequently configure the communication port in ComfortVIEW you must select COM3
as the COM port, even though you know that the Opto 22 card is set for COM2.

If you upgrade an existing Windows NT system to Windows 2000 and the computer has an internal RS232/485 converter configured for COM2, Windows 2000 will recognize it as COM2 and will allocate the
correct resources. The disabled COM port will typically be listed after the internal converter. Thus, it is
not necessary to change any configuration within ComfortVIEW.

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