Rocket Journal

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Rocket Journal

Today I have to complete this three tasks. Firstly, I have to measure the
diameter and perimeter of your cardboard cylinder. Secondly, I have to
start design the cone piece that will fit on top of your cylinder. Remember
this will be 3d printed so your measurements need to be accurate! Lastly,
you want your rockets to be aerodynamic so you need to research the
specs that will ensure this. In the second lesson, we have to create the top
part of the rocket that is a cone, so that it has a parachute inside the
rocket. For the creation I have to respond to this 8 questions.
1. List all of the components necessary to build a model rocket
2. What are the main stages or rocket systems for building? Example,
parachute system.
3. What variations of model rocket engine exist?
4. What are the various sizes of black power engines?
5. According to CASA, what regulations exist regarding the use of
model rockets?
6. What is the maximum height model rockets can reach without a
7. What size rocket engine do you hypothesise will be used for your
project based on your knowledge from questions 5 & 6 Justify.
8. What environmental conditions must be considered when launching
rocket? What are the main safety issues requiring attention when
launching from the school oval? How can these be minimised?

Responds to the 8
1. You need the cylinder to make the body of the nose cone so that
it has the 3d printed nose cone on top of the cylinder
2. The 3d printed nose cone is one of the main systems of building
a model rocket and making it hollow, the right measurement for
the nose cone to fit in the cylinder
3. The thrust force of the rocket is the acceleration of the model
rocket and the brake force is the decreasing of speed of the
model rocket
4. The big size of the black power engines is about 6lb and the
smallest size of the black power engines is 2oz
5. The nose cone of the model rocket must be curved not pointy, it
must have a parachute system connected to the model rocket
6. The maximum height of model rockets is approximately 40cm
7. It will be small because it has the small weight to lift the rocket
up to the sky
8. The weather, if the weather is atrocious then unfortunately it will
be delayed, if it is a fine weather then you have to look at the
wind so that people surrounding you doesnt get injured

Today, I established the nose cone for the rocket. I made adjustment with
the measurement of the cylinder. I created my nose cone hollow on the
bottom of the nose. I managed to put the nose cone on the waiting list.

September 15th
So today, I have figured out that the top part of the nose cone was very
pointy so unfortunately I had to restart to make the top part of a curvy
surface. Now I have to rebuild the nose cone and reprint the nose cone

This is the steps of building the fins:


Draw the fin design(max 15.. but 10cm is ideal)

How many fins suggested: 3 fins
Measure fins on paper first
Draw fins onto wood using a blunt pencil
Draw your fin positions onto cylinder, for all 3 fins top and bottom
Carefully cut out fins using a knife on chopping board
Paste using a paintbrush a small amount of PVA glue leaving 2 black
dots on either end for the hot glue
8. Attach to cylinder and hold in place secure
11TH October
Today I am getting the measurements for the three fins. I would rather
have 3 fins than 4 fins. Because 3 fins is very light so the rocket to
launch it to the sky. We get Balsa wood to cut our fins to the drawing of
the fins.

15th October
I have finished creating the 3 fins on the Balsa wood. I had to cut the
fins on a board. It was very difficult at the first place. I got used to it at
the end. The 3 fins were equal. The next stage was to gluing part. We
had to put two dots of PVA glue on the side of the fins. Once I one of
the fin on then I had to place glue along the 2 sides. Eventually, I
managed to complete 2 fins but unfortunately, I didnt have the spare

18th October

I have finished gluing on the remaining fin. I got some pictures and 1
video to show what is my progress of the rocket. My fins is symmetrical
so that it can take off. Here is the pictures of my design and a video.

This is the 2 fins I glued on my


This is the line for the

remaining fin to glue on

As you can see from the picture it took a long time to attempt to
make the 3 line symmetrical. It did work out but it wasnt the right
shape. Unfortunately, the fins wasnt on the line. But fortunately, I
was able to pull the 2 fins out and restart it. But this time there was
no mistake

20th October
For today, I am commencing to make my parachute system. The
material of the parachute system is pink fabric.
25th October
For today I will be investigating the perfect shape to create the
parachute system. My parachute system will be connected
underneath the hollow part of the nose cone. I have researched and
figured that I will make a rounded shape parachute system.
I utilised this website:
This is the statistics that made come to this decision

As you can see from the statistics that the drop velocity is 1333.3
that is the ideal drop velocity for a parachute system. I know it will
be difficult but it is perfect for my nose cone. I wont be receiving
my pink fabric today because I havent done my design for the
parachute system.

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