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Chapitre 1

Revue de conjugaison
1. Prsent
je parle
nous parlons
tu parles
vous parlez
il/elle/on parle ils/elles parlent
2. Subjonctif
je parle
nous parlions
tu parles
vous parliez
il/elle/on parle ils/elles parlent
3. Futur
je parlerai
nous parlerons
tu parleras
vous parlerez
il/elle/on parlera
ils/elles parleront
4. Conditionnel
je parlerais
nous parlerions
tu parlerais
vous parleriez
il/elle/on parlerait ils/elles
II. Prsent Indicatif
1. Usage
a. To tell about what is happening now
b. Make generalization or speak about habitual actions
c. Indicate what is going to happen in the near future
d. Indicate what is going to happen in the near future using aller + infinitive
e. Indicate what just happened using venir de + infinitive
f. Indicate that an action which started in the past is continuing into the present,
when used with the preposition depuis
2. Formations
a. regular verbs
to conjugate -er verbs, drop the -er and add -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent
to conjugate -ir verbs, drop the -r and add -s,-s, -t, -ssons, -ssez, -ssent
to conjugate -re verbs, drop the -re and add -s, -s, -, -ons, -ez, -ent
b. Pronominal verbs--me, te, se, nous, vous, se (4 categories)
Those that express the idea that the subject and the object are doing
something to each other are reciprocal verbs
Those that express the idea that the subject is doing something to
himself/herself are called reflexive verbs
Some are used only reflexively, and with these the reflexive pronoun is
often untranslatable
A reflexive construction is frequently used in french to avoid having a
passive construction
III. Infinitives
1. Usage
a. when one verb follows another, the second verb is an infinitive
b. with a pronominal verb, the reflexive pronoun of second verb agrees with the
main verb

c. a verb appears in the infinitive for following a prposition

d. an infinitive can be the subject of a sentence
2. Formation
a. Present infinitive-tudier, rendre, rentrer, s'inscrire
b. Past infinitive-avoir rendu, avoir tudi, tre rentr, s'tre
IV. Imperatives
1. Usage
a. orders, commands, or to extend an invitation
b. softly command with sil te plat (informal) or sil vous plat (formal)
c. or phrase it as a question, to be less direct
2. Formation
a. Commands based on the tu form
-er verbs, drop the -s of the present tu form
pronominal verbs keeps the pronoun, but change from te to toi following
the affirmative imperative
b. Commands based on the nous form----nous form of the present tense
c. Commands based on the vous form----vous form of the present tense
V. Faire Causatif
1. To indicate the subject is having something done (and not doing it him/herself) use the
verb faire + infinitive
a. she makes me laugh

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