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Takehome test, dikumpulkan tgl 31 Desember 2014

Autoimmune disease

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar

1. If a person has an autoimmune disease, what occurs?
A. The person's immune cells die (x)
B. Antibodies from the person's immune system mistakenly
attack tissues in the body
C. The person's immune system produces too many immune cells
D. None of the above
Sign: ............................
2. How does a person develop an autoimmune disease?
A. It may be triggered by a virus, such as mumps, that's passed from
person to another
be a complication of an existing infection, such as strep throat
C. It may be caused by exposure to an environmental agent
D. Most do not have an obvious cause
the above

disease, antibodi yang

Pertanyaan No. 3

disebut 'Thyrotropin

Sign: ................................

the following
signs/symptoms of autoimmune conditions
Disease: ...lupus........................
Identify the likely autoimmune condition/autoimmune disease from the
(TRAb) berikatan
AA: . Systemic lupus
Identify an autoantibody (AA) raised in this

dengan permukaan selsel tiroid dan

menstimulasi tiroid dan
kenaikan jumlah
hormon tiroid yang

erythematosus is a
chronic inflammatory
autoimmune disorder
which may affect many
organ systems
including the skin,
joints and internal

Produksi berlebihan

organs. The disease

hormon tiroid,

may be mild or severe


and life-threatening.

pembesaran tiroid,

African-Americans and

mata yang membesar,

Asians are

tidak tahan panas,


nervous atau gelisah.




Bacalah berita di bawah ini: (tentang suatu kasus yang berhubungan dengan
penyakit autoimun yang diderita oleh aktor Jet Li)
'I'm in pain, but I'm not suffering': Jet Li reveals on Chinese talent show that his
recent weight gain is due to suffering from an overactive thyroid or
Read more:
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Jet Li Treated For Overactive Thyroid

Pertanyaan No. 4

Apa yang terjadi saat Jet Li menderita penyakit overactive thyroid or

1. Metabolisme tubuhnya meningkat
2. berat badannya fluktuatif. Cepat naik, cepat turun
3. detak jantung meningkat
4. mudah marah
5. mudah lelah

Apa kemungkinan penyebab penyakit tersebut?

Penyebab hipertiroid ialah :

Penyakit Grave (Basedow), akibat gangguan sistim imunitas.


Tiroiditis Hasimoto, akibat peradangan sehingga terjadi kebocoran pelepasan tiroksin.


Sruma nodosa toksik, akibat benjolan dalam tiroid yang hiperaktif.


Iatrogenik, akibat konsumsi obat thyroid yang berlebih atau obat anti-aritmia (Amiodaron).


Keganasan kelenjar tiroid.

Pengobatan apa yang kemungkinan bisa dilakukan?

Pengelolaan hipertroid meliputi :

1. Perubahan pola hidup.

Hindari rokok, kopi, alkohol,

Konsumsi kalsium dan vitamin yang cukup

2. Obat-obatan / medikamentosa.

Obat anti-tiroid yang menghambat produksi hormon tiroid, a.l. :

Propyl tiourasil (PTU)



Propanolol, obat antihipertensi yang sekaligus untuk mengendalikan frekuensi denyut jantung.
3. Terapi radioisotop. Merusak jaringan tiroid yang hiperaktif dengan Iodium radioaktif.
4. Operasi, baik total (tiroidektomi) maupun partial (lobekstomi).
Pada eksoptahlmus yang hebat mungkin diperlukan tindakan operasi khusus untuk mengkoreksi posisi bola

Immunodeficiency Sindrome
Pilihlah Jawaban yang benar
1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
A. HIV is a virus and AIDS is a bacteria
B. There is no difference between HIV and AIDS
C. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
2. An AIDS diagnosis means:
A. Your immune system has weakened significantly
B. You are susceptible to numerous infections
C. You may qualify for disability payments
D. All of the Above
3. HIV attacks a specific kind of cell in the immune system. Which is it?
A. Red blood cells
B. White blood cells called T cells
C. Platelets
D. Epithelial cells
4. A person is considered to have AIDS when which of these occurs?
A. Exposure to HIV
B. HIV antibodies are detected in the blood
C. The CD4+ count is lower than 200 or opportunistic infections
develop in an HIV-infected person
D. A person has HIV for five years
5. What is the white cell count at which AIDS is considered to have developed?
A. Below 1,000 per cubic milliliter
B. Below 500 per cubic milliliter
C. Below 200 per cubic milliliter
D. Below 50 per cubic milliliter
6. Why is a combination of drugs-called a cocktail-used to treat HIV?
A. The virus mutates rapidly
B. Each individual responds to each medication differently
C. Combining medications triples their strength
D. A and B
Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan benar atau salah. Jika salah
berikan penjelasan yang benar.
Dalam kasus penyakit AIDs:
7. Tidak ada yang bisa memastikan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan virus
HIV untuk mengakibatkan AIDS : b
8. HIV dipercaya berasal dari serangga di Brazil : s
9. Uji viral load dapat menentukan jika HIV telah ditularkan ke orang lain. : b
10.Orang-orang tidak bisa mencegah HIV dan AIDS dengan mendapatkan
vaksin. : b

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