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The turn of the new millennium has had a novel concern to the secure
and authentic operation on the best of human friends, the computer.
The Net has caused a great strength to the individual with instant
conversation and data transfer, but at the same time has lauded and
as a result landed scores of security concerns. In spite of the various
tokens being devised by the experts, there is always a sorry concern.

According to P Pearson, in his paper Personal Computers, of reference

to compute security, the security implies controlling access, leading to
a selective denial of service and with this, there seems to be a
fundamental contradiction between a ‘personal’ computer and the
need for it to be secure. The root of this, apparent used. The list
further laminates to the figuring of criminal in nature, difficulty in
compiling, data diddling identifying records and illicitly modified.
Keeping to this essence of this concern, the significance of disruption
to a business when its data is destroyed by flood or fire is made crystal
clear by the reluctance. The only answer to this is the backup
measure, but the online instant modification can not be made so very

The measures to certain satisfaction prevails with the walk of logical

access control for the machines, quoting, Initially the Boot Protection,
which relies the system for acceptance of the required Booting
program, externally, initially from the floppy disk and then from the
had disk if the former is not available. This limits the possibility of
viruses and hence the required guard should be guarded at the
threshold to shoot out the probability, to avoid the corruption of the
hard disk.

The next compose lies of the passwords and the security tokens, which
activates the system only via a password, learnt only to the user, but
alas, many techniques have been framed logically through program
softwares’ to leak them out to the limit. The usage of mechanical keys
for locking the systems or the keyboard are also in common, but that
activates physical undone to do. How secure is a box with a lock!!!

Locating timeout as a measure, with unaccess to the machine if left

unattended for a while of specified time, activates the automatic log
off for the user and closes the machine. This timeout facility is
measurable to a certain extent to the specific usage, but again, the
tools to unlock this facility has had a common arena of greenery.

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Futher more, the system suspension draws leaving of the system
unattended to face to the same season, gets access-protected and is
further activated by pressing the button of an intelligent token, after
which the feature is set up to disable the keyboard and mouse

The maximum access attempts lockout acts as an effective security

system incapsulating the facility, which prevents unauthorized users
from making repeated attempts to access the computer. Since each
failed attempt inherently reveals information about the machine, a
lockout fights the very problem by suppressing all access to the
machine for a specified time period following. For eg, a wrong Internet
access to the dial up screen is reset on accepting three passwords for
a definite user-name to maximum or else it breaks the connection of
the dial-up phone.

Next is the file access rights, with the aid of the software features as in
LAN settings, of naming user and supervisor in taste of working and
accessing files. The supervisor directs rights of append, deletion,
access or copy to specific users of the system in the case of multi-user
work environment. The specified rights are executed except the
‘access denied’ rights by the user.

At the same time of the above common activating/perplexing

methodologies of system accessing, the Data Protection of the storage
unit is also a securing security. The protection of the data is also
challenged by abrupt power supply, secure deletion of files, data
backup and copy protection. The power is switched off at the data
read/write process, this might corrupt the hard disk head and damage
data, what one needs is an Uninterrupted Power Supply unit attached
to the machine better known as UPS. The secure deletion content
reflects the undeletion facility of the files once deleted by mistake by

Delete command at this juncture only puts a deletion tag to these files
but requires a purge command for the permanent deletion, or else it
can be undeleted using the salvage option, quoting the LAN server
workstation. The data backup lime lights the by default option of the
creation of a .bak file name for necessity. This is an extra but the
exact copy of the file saved by default by the same name but with the
BAK extension. But, sorry for the no-backup of the BAK files as the
media of storage remains common.

And finally, the copy protection of the usage software or files has had

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a unique indespensibility of the whole show in particular. The usage of
a particular software makes its demand of the necessity, but sorry to
the devise of the copy command that it does not make a heavy or a
money back at least market due the pertaining copy intelligence
among the users. The all judicial laws of illicit copying or theft has had
a level of framing of the law to break, but sues have come and gone as
the history says, to no avail. The traditional mode of copy protection,
Dongle, as they say, takes a form of a small circuitry on a PCB (Printed
Circuit Board) attached to the computer and passes each
signal/command of computing except the screened copy commands,
limiting the software to be copied. The hardware lock is a key or a logo
to be launched to activate the software even if it is copied, the smart
designers say, but sorry, solution is there, to activate direct circuit
through soldering.

VIRUS, the Vital Information Resource Under Seize, has had the top
seat to activate the comfort for the computer users all the way. A
computer virus is a computer program or a set of codes designed to
harm the computer or its software in hold. Internet offers free flow of
information from one end to the other around the globe in fraction of
seconds and minute to tally. With this flows the phobia and in reality
the virus programs causing harm to the masses as an attachment files
via e-mails or a part of the source code with the downloaded
programs/applications free on the Net. With all the above factual
points in discussion, the security of the computing arena is secured
with the unsecure logo!!!

Yes, no brigade has had and shall be able to combat the fight of
securing the master friend of the human brigade in totality. At one
end, we define the security and the other end phrases the definition by
unlocking the same logically with the assistance of the high powerful
computer coding. Let us hope for the computing to be more powerful
with the launch of the new tablets of security in the form of software,
hardware or intelligence of human identity. By having a sense to be
loyal to each other in the phase of computing and activating the latent
potentials of the computer in totality.

Dheeraj Mehrotra (National Awardee), Head, TQM in Education, City

Montessori School & Degree College, Lucknow (INDIA)

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