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Why Cannabis Should Be Legalized?

Should marijuana be legalized? Well, many of us will say no because we do not want to
risk our society to the dangers of using the marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized for the
reason of, it has medical value, helps the government to generate additional revenue, it will
produce lots of jobs, marijuana has been part of the history, legalizing it doesnt mean we will
use it anywhere, and the rehabilitation cost by the government will be lessened.
Marijuana has been employed as an herbal medicine for a long time. First, cannabis can
give possibilities to cure diseases especially cancer. Many people are diagnosed with cancer and
at some stage in their lives, cancers affect almost everyone. And the chances are very low to win
a battle with a cancer. An old man claims that he managed to cure cancer by himself using
cannabis oil. In just three days (Cutler, 2014). If the government approves the legalization of
cannabis, then they will help a lot of people who fight the cancer. And the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) and Cancer Research UK they have a large section to the role of cannabis in
fighting cancer. Second, It can cure the asthma. Asthma is a disease that affects million of people
worldwide. Cannabis was used for treating the symptoms of asthma for millennia. It prevents
the acetylcholine from binding to its receptor, (Tashkin, 2014). Lastly, Marijuana can cure
neuropathic pain. It has a lot of evidence that cannabis can cure neuropathic pain. Many patients
said that the cannabis relieve their pain. As you can see, cannabis has a big help when it comes to
health, and many studies showed that it is positive health benefits. Cannabis can help many
people, especially to those people who has cancer and asthma, I think this is the one reason that
cannabis should be legalized.
The legalization of marijuana can take the government into a large revenue stream. First,
it can produce a large money in yearly tax revenue. Colorado and Washington have now
legalized the use of marijuana. It now generates as much of 1.9 billion US dollars additional
revenue of Washington due of legalization of marijuana in five years. We dont know the size of
the marijuana market right now, and what would happen to the price and the demand for
marijuana (Davis, 2015). Also, Marijuana can generate higher revenue by taxing it same on the
taxes on cigarette and tobacco. Most people who used it buys marijuana in such a way that it is
hidden because it is illegal. The purchase of marijuana is unknown and thus it does not benefit
the economy. By legalizing it and putting some tax on it, the government can gain revenue,
which can help increase the budgets for the country Lastly,using marijuana in moderation can
result to efficient and effective results in various areas of competition specifically on sports. In
the 2016 Olympics, the Olympic allowed the athletes to smoke weed. As long as its not on the
same day compete in Rio. Because marijuana can help the athletes with endurance, reducing
inflammation, and even increasing air flows to the lungs. (Olympics, 2016). Cannabis has a big
impact in market cap when they finally legalized the use of it. This is the second reason to
legalize the cannabis, because it can really help a lot to the economy of a country.

In terms of job, marijuana can help many jobless people. First, it will help the jobless
people. When marijuana would be legalized, they need people in a labor force, so thats a good
help for the people who has no job. Additional 10,000 people in a labor force It is good for
everyone. (Sarich, 2014). They can now get a job or maybe a permanent job, because of the
help of cannabis. Also, it will decrease the unemployment rate. In 2014, Colorado opened for
hiring 10,000 new jobs, to the approval of recreational and medical marijuana usage.
(Marijuana Industry Group, 2014). For example, the security. If the regime opened a shop for
marijuana, they require a great deal of security to surely secure their job. Lastly, the benefits it
can give to the country to improve its economic status. By legalizing cannabis use, Colorado
ranks their unemployment rates in the nation at 6%, which decreased significantly, since their
campaign started. It means that if it will be legalized in our country, it can help us boost our
status. We immediately realized that legalizing the marijuana has also an effect to the
unemployment people, besides the country will be ameliorated because the unemployment rate
will be lessened.
The use of cannabis has been a part of our history. First, contrary to popular belief of
using marijuana only as an addictive drug through heating, our ancestors used it in different areas
and in different uses. According to (Wikipedia), The use of marijuana was recorded way back
years ago. Chinese ancestors used cannabis seeds and oil for food. Not only for food, but was
also used to produce textiles, ropes, clothing and many more. In the early days where civilization
had not yet advanced and medical treatment had no proper fundamentals, the use of cannabis for
medical purposes has been a part of our ancestors life. Also, cannabis use has been a part of our
history not only through products, but was also used during ritual practices of some religions, our
ancestors were in the past. In an article published by (, 2013)in
Hinduism, cannabis are mentioned as sacred grass in one of the five sacred plants of India. It
was used to offer to their gods. In China, a religious group such as Taoist shamans were using
cannabis also with ginseng to reveal truths about the future and believed the plant had the ability
to cast out evil spirits. Lastly, was also used in the Greek religion too. Herodotus, where we all
know called as the Father of History, recorded that the Scythians used cannabis to hold
religious ceremonies. They believed that it can ward off evil spirits if they used cannabis incense.
Cannabis contributed a big part in our ancestors existence through its use in trade, production,
and religion.
Legalizing marijuana does not mean it will be freely used anywhere, anytime. First, the
misconception of the people regarding this issue is what makes the legalizing harder to approve.
For it to be granted, it must have rules, regulations and restrictions on how much and where to
produce. In Canada, they apply limitations to the people who are producing and using it. For
example, one of the restrictions they made is that they taxed marijuana, which helped the
Second, the use is primarily for medical uses and recreational marijuana is illegal. "Medical
marijuana, however, is legal provided you have a permit (Eckel, 2015). They put a limit on how

much money they can spend on buying it for medical or educational purposes. Regarding
restrictions for under-aged users, only people above a eighteen year old can only be able to buy
marijuana, which may slightly decrease the number of the youths who are using it. Besides
teenager-use concerns, people who work or operates in cannabis fields meet certain standards to
prevent misuse of the output they produce. According to (, 2016) A dealer
may not resell, provide or give medicinal marijuana to any person, except for the individual who
were certified or registered; it is also illegal to produce cannabis for more than two people
registered.Lastly, those who are registered and designated dealers may not sell in excess of the
maximum limits out of the contract. It will be illegal for the company or for the individual to sell
cannabis to the public. Legalizing marijuana will employ rules and policies and will not allow
people to use it freely, but to only use it for medical and operational purposes.
Rehabilitation costs by the government can be lessened if the usage of marijuana will be
legalized. First, the health budget provided by the government annually can be reduced, which
the funds saved can be used for other important factors of development in the country. Three
billion pesos is being allocated in the 2017 health budget for the construction of rehabilitation
centers for drug dependents, told by the Department of Health (DOH) Secretary (Dr. Paulyn
Rosell-Ubialin, 2016) an interview hosted by CNN Philippines. Also, it can help decrease the
number of persons who will be sent to prisons and rehabilitation centers, leaving it uncrowded.
Since President Rodrigo Duterte focuses in his war on drugs campaign, the number of users who
had surrendered has reached more than 669,000 a figure never before seen. It means that the
government must spend a huge amount of money if they will attempt to rehabilitate these people.
It would require a huge spending. In an article by (Philippine Inquirer, 2016) building and
maintaining rehab center is costly. Lastly, it can help people to be educated on how marijuana
supposed to be used on top. A portion of the people who surrendered are marijuana users who are
unaware of what marijuana really is. Legalizing the use of marijuana and providing adequate
restrictions in the use of it can help people not only to be educated by the proper uses of
marijuana but also know how to use it.
In conclusion, the use of marijuana should be legalized. It has benefits which can help
our country in several ways. It can help us economically, where our country can employ more
people which reduces the unemployment rate of our country. Second, it can generate revenue
through tax collection of the purchase of it. Third, it can reduce our costs of spending on
rehabilitation centers and projects. With the cannabis use a part of our history, it tells us that it
has been a useful thing to us since the early times. Also, marijuana use brings us possibilities to
explore what uses it can give more in terms of medical uses. Other countries such as Canada and
Uruguay had considered that possibility and allow it to use for medical purposes. The marijuana
being legalized does not mean the permission of every person to use it freely, but for it to be
controlled and used in a right way. The researcher suggests that if marijuana is legalized, it will
give way to every person to be educated on what really marijuana is and where can it be properly

used. If all people can be open-minded and consider the potential use of marijuana can bring, it
can give way to possibilities in which our country can greatly benefit from it.

Jodee A. Agoncillo, M. S. (2016). Some local governments find it costly to build drug rehab
Staff, C. P. (2016). Government eyes 3 billion for drug rehab programs.
Bradford, H. (2012). 14 Ways Marijuana Legalization Could Boost The Economy.
Cotter, J. (2016). Canada Marijuana Laws.
Phil Star. (2016). DOH eyes P1-B budget for new drug rehab centers.
Tessier, K. (2016). What are the benefits of legalizing marijuana in Canada?
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Legal history of cannabis in Canada.
Alexander, M. (2016). Cultural Baggage Radio Show.

Fairchild, C. (2013). Legalizing Marijuana Would Generate Billions In Additional Tax Revenue
HEALTH. (2014). Marijuana and Asthma: What Do Studies Say?
HODGEKISS, A. (2014). Grandfather, 63, claims he cured his cancer with 'Breaking Bad' style
homemade CANNABIS OIL.

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