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Wh- Questions allow a speaker to find out more information about any topic.
Who? Used to ask for a/the person or people
What? Used to ask for an idea, object or action
When? Used to ask for time
Where? Used to ask for place
Why? Used to ask for a reason
Which? Used to ask for choice, options or alternatives
How? Used to ask for manner
Other words can also be used to inquire about specific information:
Whose? - Used to ask which person or people a particular thing belongs
Whom? Used to ask about the person (objective formal)
How much? - Used to ask price or amount (non-countable)
How many? Used to ask quantity (countable)
How long? Used to ask about time-duration
How often?- Used to ask about the frequency
How far? Used to ask about the distance
What kind (of)? Used to ask a description of somethiing
Depends on whether the topic being asked about is the "subject" or "predicate" of a
sentence. For the subject pattern, simply replace the person or thing being asked about
with the appropriate WH- question.
Who breaks my window? (Someone breaks my window.)
What color is it? (Something is red)
Where were you born? (I was born in Mexico, City.)
When did you play the piano? (I played the piano when I was young)
Join us and find out everything about this famous Artist!
You are going to use WH- Questions and create some questions. Check the review and
practice with this.
When/Vincent Van gogh/ born?
What/first big painting?
when/became famous? title?
where/livel? Why?
ltima modificacin: viernes, 30 de enero

Study Skills:

When we begin a story, we say where and when the story takes place
and who the people in the story are.
In the last paragraph, we ususally give the end of the story and people's

We usually use time words, at the begining of the sentences, such
as :
as soon as - to join two sentences
SAMPLE: As soon as she got up, her cell phone rang
Suddenly - to express time
SAMPLE: Suddenly the sun disappeared


Fue un ao muy ocupado para John

En el da grande, se levant muy temprano becuase
Hizo su maleta, desayunamos y
Lleg al aeropuerto 2 horas antes de su vuelo, pero
Haba un montn de tiempo antes de que pudiera subir al avin
su corazn lata
Fue openning la puerta principal cuando

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