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The Variance Competence Model (Four Propositions)

1. There is a single knowledge store containing variable interlanguage rules

according to how automatic and how analyzed the rules are.

2. The learner has a capacity for language use which consits of primary and
secondary discourse and cognitive processes.

3. L2 performance is variable as a result of whether primary processes

employing unalayzed L2 rules are utilized in unplanned discourse, or
secondary processes employing analyzed L2 rules are used in planned

4. Development occurs as a result of

1. acquisition of new L2 rules through participation in various types of


b. activation of L2 rules which initially exist in either non-automatic

unanalyzed or in analyzed form so they can be used in unplanned discourse.

(Ellis 1985 p. 268-269)

The Variable Competence Model

The model is based on two distinctionsone of which refers to the process of
language use and the product. The process of language use is to be understood
in terms of the distnction between linguistic knowledge and the ability to make
use of this knowledge. Widowson (1984) refers to a knowledge of rules as a
competence and to a knowledge of the procedures involved in using rules to
construct discourse as capacity. It follows from this view of the process of
language use that the product, different types of discourse is the result of
either or both of the variable competence and variable application of
procedures for actualizing knowledge in discourse. Procedures for actualizing
knowledge are of two types, which Ellis(1984a) refers to as primary and

secondary processes each set of processes refered as dicourse and cognitive

processes respectively. Discourse process: simplify the semantic structures of a
masages by omitting meaning element that are communicatively redundant or
that can be realized by a non verbal devices (e.g mime). Cognitive process: a).
Construct an underlying conceptual structures of a massage b). Compare this
structure with the frame of reference share with and interlecutor c). Eliminate
redundant element and element for which know lexical item is available. To
summarize this model, proposes: 1). There is a single knowdlege store
containing variable interlanguage rules according how automatic and how
analyzed the rules are. 2). The learner possesses a capacity for language uses
which consist of primary and secondary discourse and cognitive processes. 3).
L2 performance is variable as a result of whether primary processes employing
unanalized L2 Rules are utilized in unplanned discourse or secondary process
employing analized L2 rules are utilized in planed discourse. 4). Development
occurs as a result of acquisition of new L2 rules through participation in various
types of discourse and activation of L2 rules which initialy exist in either non
automatic unanalized form or in an analized form so they can be used in
unplaned dicourse.
Evaluation.: The variable competence model of SLA attemps to account for the
availability of languages learners and the external and internal processes
responsible for SLA.

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