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Types of Necrosis

1. Coagulation the most common pattern of necrosis. (myocardium, kidney,

liver, and other solid organs)
2. Liquefaction necrotic area is soft and filled with fluid
3. Caseous tuberculosis lesion, cheesy material
4. Fat necrosis in adipose tissue
5. Fibrinoid necrosis in Blood vessels
6. Gangrenous necrosis of diabetic food and in appendicitis

1. Acute Bacterial Endocarditis

- Caused by Staphylococcus areus
- Occurs in IV drugs and it affects the tricuspid valve
2. Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
- Caused by Strep. Viridians
- Occurs in doing dental procedures and it affects Mitral valve
3. Atherosclerosis
- Caused by formation of plaques in vessels
- It affects abdominal aorta, coronary arteries, circle of Willis and popliteal

4. Ischemic heart disease

- Clinical sign of IHD is angina pectoris
- Most often caused by coronary artery disease
Three types of Angina
1) Stable
2) Unstable
3) Variant
5. Myocardial Infarction
- Lack of blood flow
- Most commonly occur in coronary artery
6. Congestive Heart Failure
A. Left-sided may result from heart disease
Symptoms: dyspnea, Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnea, Orthopnea,
Tachypnea, Pleural effusion
B. Right-sided
- Peripheral edema, enlarge liver or spleen, and distention of the neck veins
7. Valvular disease
3 types:


Stenosis fibrotic valve resulting in reduced blood flow

Prolapse floppy valve
The most common type of valvular disease

8. Rheumatic Heart ever

- All three layers of the heart may be affected
- Usually preceded by a Group A streptococcus
- Histologic finding: Aschoff bodies
9. Cardiac Tamponade
- Caused by the accumulation of fluid in pericardium
- Signs and symptoms: Hypotension, Jugular venous distention, distant
heart sounds

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