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Video 2

Searching from F4 Search item use * star MD* search anything related to MD

Procurement cycle
1. Requirement Manually or
2. Determine source of supply
( RFQ request for quotation
send requirement for
3. Select vendor based on replay
( for RFQ)
4. Purchase order ( Manually or
Auto) & send to vendor
5. PO monitoring ( Delays &
6. GRN
7. Invoice Payment after GRN
8. Payment

STO stock transport order one company Goods send form one plant to
another Plant
Subcontracting - send RM and get a finished product FG or SFG

1. Purchasing POV Raise a subcontracting purchase order ( sent to
contractor )
2. Inventory mgt POV- Send in the components (RM) - & get FG finished
materials goods receipt
3. Invoice verification POV invoice created for payment process
Vendor Consignment
Vendor keeps their goods in Company premises ( Keep vendor stock at
Manufactures premises)
Vendor responsible for this RM stock
When Manufacture comp needs 10 pcs RM company raise PO for 10pcs and
consume that 10pcs
1. Purchasing POV Consignment info Record + Purchase Order raise to
consume the items

2. Inventory mgt POV- Receive consignment stock (no invoicing but GRN
as consignment)
Withdrawal from stock & Keeping Liability stock
3. Invoice verification POV- what have consumed raise PO & do invoicing

Org Levels
Company code req dif finance statements
Plant logistics ( SD- place goods sent cx) (MM- Stock kept) (PP- production)
Storage Loc inside a plant
Purchase org - division of the company by the procurement process ( have central
or decentralize based on req)

Plant specific 1 Pur Org 1 Plant

Cross Plant 1 Pur Org 2 or more Plants 1 company code
Cross company 1 Pur Org 2 or more Plants diff company codes

Purchase group assigned to a pur org , who is responsible for procurement of

goods ( one person or a group )
( ex- pur group 1 A person who buys RM, PG2 B person who buys services ,
Pur 3 C person buys consumable materials )

Purchase Order Cycle

SAP Purchase Order Good Receipt Invoice Doc



(Create purchase order with reference Pur Req/ /Contract) or can be created with
No reference
in purchase order creation screen ME21N

Purchase Order Output is how the Purchase order is sent to the vendor
o ME21N Messages click to see which mode Print or Email etc..
o Have to set up the mode for each type vendors

Set up messages MN04

o Out put type Purchase order etc
o Key Combination (like access sequence )- doc type/ pur org .
o Enter vendor no & set medium Print / Fax/ email etc..
o Get the relevant data from vendor master

MIGO Good receipt

Need to find the Purchase Order

Good Receipt - Goods Movement Types
o 101 Good receipt to Warehouse
o 122 Goods return to vendor

When traffic lights are green Can Click on POST to confirm the goods
Material document number will be created

MIRO Invoice Receipt

Done mainly by Accounts Payable Officer of finance dept.

Need to reference to the purchase order
Need invoicing date entered
Enter details and Save to get Document Number

Document flow


can view purchase order flow/ history though ME23N

details Purchase order history
GRN Docs
Invoice Docs numbers could be viewed

Master Data
Video 3

Types of Users

End Users
Power Users 1st level of support
SAP consultant 1-3rd level support

Types of Data

Master data
Transaction data
Customizing data

Vendor master

MK01 : Material
XK01 : Centrally create vendor


General Data
Company Code Data - Finance FICO
Purchase Org Purchasing related data

: Different type of vendor could be created

Good Supplier only supplying

: 1000000- 1999999
Invoice Party
: 2000000 - 2999999
Ordering Address- Ordering only .
: 3000000 - 39999999
Internally created Vendor Number : The number ranges could be defined for
different ranges
Number Ranges
Status One time vendor etc
o New vendor one off purchase
o One time vendor -100099
Order stationary
o One vendor many dif transactions
CPD One time vendor acct group
Maintaining Master data one time purchase not
Thus Onetime vendor transaction basic data needs to be included
transaction based.
Reconciliation Account
o Per Vendor Sub-Ledger account ( Vendor A Total Liabilities $Amt)
o Reconciliation Account Total Liabilities of All Vendors
Field Selection - what screens ( delivery address acc grp wont need
finance data may be) ( remove some fields not relevant to that vendor type)
Partner functions assignments
o Multiple combination of shipping points & ordering & paying ( Vendor
US , Ordering Canada, Invoice Indian center, Goods supply to China)
Block a Vendor
o XK05 Block a Vendor Temporary Vendor cannot be placed with
Posting Block - No Postings of materials
Purchasing Block No purchasing of materials

XK06 Delete a Vendor Vendor will be flagged for deletion

Copying a Vendor Always Name & Address is not copied ( these couldnt be

Material Master
Different views available can define a default view for a specific user.

Material Group Trading / Semi finished / Finished Good / service etc. this
depends on what type processing takes place. ( Trading no manufacturing
assembly process , FG need BOM Production orders etc)
Industry AFS Need grids etc.
Main Fields Description / Base Unit of Measure / Material Group *Reporting/
Weight / AFS Flag
Sales MOQ / Minimum Deliver Quantity / Deliver Unit ( if case is 30 pcs) only
30,60,90,..possible/ Tax (country tax)
Purchasing Value Key - ????????????
MRP Type (PD.) / Controller / Lot Size ?????????? MRP
Procurement Inhouse prod / External Pro /or Both X / Days for Deliver /
Additional Data Unit of Measure ( 1 Pcs = 1 Pcs / 6 pcs 1 Carton / 60 pcs
1 pallet )

Entry Aids


Reference Materials

- Default settings in MM01 Menu Defaults Can set the

Default Industry / Can set Default Views Which pages to include info
( Basic/Acc/Sale/Pur.) / & Org Levels Plant etcSo easily create Materials

(MMD1) MRP Profile If Same MRP info need to copy for materials created
without entering repeatedly
Default data for MRP view MRP 1,2,3,4 data ( Select default or fixed values
for profile -> data tabs enter the data)
(In Org Data Entering screen get input field MRP profile ) -> MRP tabs will
auto filled


MASS Transaction -

Extend Storage Location Only (Collective Entry of Storage

Many Material change one field in Material

With MM02 for 100 Materials need to access one by one
Mass Maintenance at one can change that field needs the

1. MM01- Additional data -> Unit of
Carton 4 Pcs & 1 Pallet 16

measure tab

2. MRP Profile Create

MMD1 Transaction code

Todo MRP Pdf / Other MM / Docs Go through all **

A4B Branding A4M Manufacturing difference ?


Set MRP Profile


Extend Storage Locations Only

( add Many)


Vid4 - Procurement of Stock




- Request for Quotation

The Process
o Purchase Requisition -> RFQ -> Quotations -> Purchase Order or
Rejection Letter
o Collective Number assign ( Common Number Linked to the
o Display / Print RFQ
o Price received from vendor
o Maintain Quotation
o Price Compare
- ME 49
o Print rejection letter

ME41 Enter Materials

Assign to Vendors - Select Address Button

o Search Vendors and Select Vendors
o Save to Create the RFQ to that specific vendor
o Enter Another Vendor Number
o Save to Create the RFQ for 2nd Vendor
Display ME9A
o Enter RFQ Document number
o Select all Click Output Message > Send to Vendors

When Vendors Send back prices -> ME47

o Enter RFQ number (one by one for each vendor)
o Select Item & Select Item Conditions & Enter Price + Discounts (
Price Comparison ME49
o Enter Collective RFQ number bring up all quotation data ( Green Icon)
o To Reject Select Line -> Button Quotation -> Reject check
Create PO with reference from RFQ Quotation
o Doc Overview -> Request for Quotation -> Available Quotations Select

2. Purchasing

Infor Record (PIR) ME11

Maintain a Price Specifically Linked to a Vendor and Material (Price List)


PIR Vendor Material Specific Records

Info Rec 1000089 Vendor ABC & Material 111102

Maintain PIRs Types




- General Purchase
- 3rd Party Manu Process
- Gas / Electricity / Water
- Vendor Managed Stocks

Tabs of Pur Info Rec

o General Data ( Vendor data/ Order unit/.)

o Purchasing Org data ( Control delivery time, MOQ/ Prices Conditions

Gross price, discount, freight/ Stat Price history)
o Plant data (Control- delivery time/ Prices )
Some data copied through Material Master (Plan Del time- can be
changed in PIR)
o Tab Conditions
o the conditions and discounts freight etc.
(Without Going to MEK1-Purchasing info records separately) Vendor Material
Access Sequence


Scale Price
o Ranges of Prices
o Upto 100 pcs Gross Price 8.90$
o 100-500 pcs Gross Price 7.90$
o 500 Up
Same can be done for discount ranges

Go to Create Conditions screen & F2 (Scales)

For Ex- Discount

Minimum quantity

Till 100 2%
Min 100 2.5%
Min 500 2.75
Min 1000- 3%

Scale tick is ticked in the create

condition recs


Searching Info Records

ME1M Search Infor Records for a Specific Material ( One Mat ->
Many Vendors)
ME1L - Search Infor Records for a Vendor Material ( One Vendor->
Many Material)


Infor Records and Pricing

Create PO
Info Rec - 1001101

No Info Records
Manually Prices Entered

Price Conditions Available

Gross/ Frieght/ Discut

No Pricing Maintain

System Reads Last PO of

Same Material + Vendor
Then Gives Same Pricing

1st Priority - When Info recs is available + Pricing

2nd Priority when no pricing NA & Last PO of same
material same vendor info is accesses
Else have to enter manual pricing at PO level.

2.5 Info Record Auto


In the Purchase order Material data -> Info Update tick

This Auto updates the new prices - that is manually overwritten by user in
conditions tab

If $30 Gross was proposed & User Enters $33 manually -> it Overwrites &
nxt PO propose 33$
To Make this Default ticked or Unticked
o SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Environment data > Default values for
Create new profile or update currently using one
o SU01 (User profile)> Parameters > EVO - Assign the Profile
Parameters -> New Entry Evo assign profile name

Who created the Info Records ME12 Goto Menu -> Extras ->
Administrative Data
o ( User Created the Info Rec + Time + Date)


A Company Maintains Several Materials at several



Company must Decide at which level the

Valuation needs to be done
o At Company level
All materials at all plants of
company is calculated as one
o At Plant Level
Each plant is considered
Plant wise valuation is done

Valuation Class

In Material Master Accounting Tab includes valuation class field

This Linked to the finance accounting perspective related with the material

Finished Products Valuation class 7920

Trading Goods Valuation Class 3100

These Classes are linked to Specific GL Accounts

System notified to which GL Account to POST the Material Value

Finished Goods -> GL account 7920 is posed

Trading Good -> GL Account 3100 is posted


Pricing Control

Material Master Pricing Control specifies main options

S Standard Pricing
o Standard Price maintained at the MM01
o Value is set No Pcs * Value at MM01 Std Price
o (posting) Stock Account 200$ (standard price-mm01) but GR
could be $210 + Price difference ($10) posted as well
o Fixed Value

V Moving Average Pricing

o Refer to Price of Purchase orders of Received Stock (or
o Will keep Changing
o Value - if one PO only get PO value *Pcs
o Stock account (210$) == GR (210$)
o No fixed Value ( with changing PO prices)

Example Account Postings

Case1: Standard Price

Master data Material X set to Standard Price : 2$ per pcs (in Master
1. Receive 100 pcs @ 2$ per pc
2. Receive 100 pcs @ 2.40$ per pc
3: Invoice received @ 2.20$ per pc ( Stating that previous stated 2.40$
to be adjusted)

Postings are
1: Stock Account Posted 2*100 200$ (Debit - Left )
1: Good Receive Clearing Account - 200$ (Credit Right)

2: Stock Account Posted 200$ (Debit)

2: Good Receive Clearing Account - 240$ (credit)
2: Expense Acc- Price Diff 40$ (debit)

3: Vendor acc Credit 220 $

3: Good Recive Clearing acc 240 ( Debit )
3: Income Acc Income from Price Differences Acc 20$ (Credit)

Case2: Moving Average Pricing

Master data Material X set to Moving Avg. Price : 2$ per pcs (in
Master data)
1. Receive 100 pcs @ 2$ per pc
2. Receive 100 pcs @ 2.40$ per pc
3: Invoice received @ 2.20$ per pc ( Stating that previous stated 2.40$
to be adjusted)

Postings are
1: Stock Account Posted 2*100 200$ (Debit - Left )
1: Good Receive Clearing Account - 200$ (Credit Right)

2: Stock Account Posted 240$ (Debit)

2: Good Receive Clearing Account - 240$

3: Stock Account Posted 20$ (credit)

3: Good Receive Clearing Account 240$ (Debit)
3: Vendor 220$ (credit)

P : Std Price
- Stock account accounted based on the MM01
Standard Price * Units
V : Moving Avg. Price - Stock account accounted based on the
PO/Invoice Price * Units


Valuated Goods Receipt & Movement Types

Goods Receipt to



Transfer Posting
Via MIGO - Codes

Triggered processes of a GR


Update the stock

Value of the Stock
Material Docs + Accounting Docs + Stock and consumption
Warehouse Mgt + Quality Mgt System updated
Purchase order history

MIRO Invoice Receipt

Use PO ME23N -> Purchase Order History to view the material docs
If Only Goods Receipt Document is
available -> means no Invoicing done.
Enter Info
Save Doc Document number created and
blocked for payment

Click on Follow on documents to view the - Accounting Docs

Delivery Costs

o Freight charges etc.. are defined in the purchase order
o Postings ( 130 $ goods & 20$ Freight )
Stock Account is updated with ( Goods Value + Freight ) 150$
GR Clearing Updated 130$
Freight Acc 20$
o Charges are not known until the receipt of the invoice.
o Postings ( 130 $ goods & 16$ Freight unplanned )
Stock Account is updated ( Goods Value only known at the time
of GR) 130$
GR Clearing Updated 130$
Later Upon Invoice receipt (Freight ) -16$ added
Freight Acc 16$

Document Overview Change Hierarchy

Select Document Hierarchy

Select the Fields and Order the Documents needs to be
o Normally its PR Number only
o But can get hierarchy as user needs
In this Plant -> Material -> PR numbers

Go Back with Stock Info

If PO is displayed can go back

to status of the PO till end

Go to Menu Environment ->

Material Stocks to view

MB51 to View history

By clicking the Material Doc numbers can redirect to the Issuing Docs (261)
movement type

View Reservations to view which Production Order ( Manufacturing process)

was allocated

Click Reservation number to get

Production Order Number

Use Co03 to Display production order

Vid 4 TIME 1.35.00



Purchasing Info Record




Report Look in


Delete/ Flag Info Records


User profile


Vendor Contracts



Material Slides
Valuation Class
RM GL account
FG GL account
SPRO- MM- Valuation & Account define Account determination
If customers say for specific material type need seprate account make a account
FS00 and say valuation class to assign that specific material to that gl account
OMSK Define valuation classes (SPRO)
Posting Automatic Entry

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