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Name : Anita Banto

Class : XII. IPA. 2

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little red hen

friends with a lazy dog

who lived on a farm

, a sleepy cat

One day the little red hen

The little red hen

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat



"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen

all by herself.

me cut the wheat

on the ground. The little red hen

asked her friends, "Who will help me plant the seeds

"Not I," barked the lazy dog

When the seeds

, and a noisy yellow duck

found some seeds

had an idea. She would plant the seeds

. She was

. So the little red hen

had grown, the little red hen

planted the seeds

asked her friends, "Who will help


"Not I," barked the lazy dog

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen

by herself.

. So the little red hen

cut the wheat


When all the wheat

was cut, the little red hen

me take the wheat

to the mill

to be ground into flour

"Not I," barked the lazy dog


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen

the heavy sack

. So the little red hen

all by herself, ground the wheat

of flour

The tired little red hen


back to the farm

brought the wheat

into flour

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat

the bread


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen

, and carried

asked her friends, "Who will help me bake

"Not I," barked the lazy dog

all by herself.


"Not I," purred the sleepy cat

to the mill

asked her friends, "Who will help

. So the little red hen


the bread

When the bread

help me eat

was finished, the tired little red hen

the bread


"I will," barked the lazy dog

"I will," purred the sleepy cat


"I will," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"No!" said the little red hen

all by herself.

asked her friends, "Who will

. "I will." And the little red hen


the bread

Sekali waktu, ada ayam merah kecil yang tinggal di sebuah peternakan. Dia berteman dengan
anjing malas, kucing mengantuk, dan bebek kuning bising.
Suatu hari ayam merah kecil menemukan beberapa biji di tanah. Ayam merah kecil punya
ide. Dia akan menanam bibit.
Ayam merah kecil bertanya teman-temannya, "Siapa yang akan membantu saya menanam
"Tidak saya," bentak anjing malas.
"Tidak saya," mendengkur kucing mengantuk.
"Tidak saya," quacked bebek kuning berisik.
"Kemudian saya akan," kata hen merah kecil. Jadi ayam merah kecil menanam bibit semua
oleh dirinya sendiri.
Ketika bibit telah tumbuh, ayam merah kecil bertanya teman-temannya, "Siapa yang akan
membantu saya memotong gandum?"
"Tidak saya," bentak anjing malas.
"Tidak saya," mendengkur kucing mengantuk.
"Tidak saya," quacked bebek kuning berisik.
"Kemudian saya akan," kata hen merah kecil. Jadi ayam merah kecil memotong gandum
seorang diri.
Ketika semua gandum dipotong, ayam merah kecil bertanya teman-temannya, "Siapa yang
akan membantu saya mengambil gandum ke pabrik untuk digiling menjadi tepung?"
"Tidak saya," bentak anjing malas.
"Tidak saya," mendengkur kucing mengantuk.
"Tidak saya," quacked bebek kuning berisik.
"Kemudian saya akan," kata hen merah kecil. Jadi ayam merah kecil membawa gandum ke
pabrik semua oleh dirinya sendiri, tanah gandum menjadi tepung, dan membawa karung berat
tepung kembali ke peternakan.
The lelah hen merah meminta teman-temannya, "Siapa yang akan membantu saya
memanggang roti?"
"Tidak saya," bentak anjing malas.
"Tidak saya," mendengkur kucing mengantuk.
"Tidak saya," quacked bebek kuning berisik.
"Kemudian saya akan," kata hen merah kecil. Jadi ayam merah kecil roti semua oleh dirinya
Ketika roti itu selesai, lelah ayam merah meminta teman-temannya, "Siapa yang akan
membantu saya makan roti?"
"Aku akan," bentak anjing malas.
"Aku akan," mendengkur kucing mengantuk.
"Aku akan," quacked bebek kuning berisik.
"Tidak!" kata hen merah kecil. "Aku akan." Dan ayam merah kecil makan roti semua oleh
dirinya sendiri.

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