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Pristup i kompozicija pisanja ove knjige u oblasti menadmenta ljudskih resursa u sportu
proizaao je kao rezultat predavakog iskustva oba autora iz ove oblasti studentima koji se
pripremaju za profesionalnog i/ili amaterskog menadera u sportskim organizacijama.
Pisana je sa ciljem da se moe koristiti kao udbenik za studente na fakultetima za menadment
u sportu, fakultetima sporta, gde postoji usmeravanje u podruju menadmenta u sportu, zatim na
oblicima osposobljavanja i usavravanja razliitih profila trenera i/ili menadera u svim
sportskim granama i disciplinama, kao komplementarni predmet, najzad, i samim sportistima,
radi dobijanja osnovnih informacija u oblasti tehnologije sporta i menadmenta u sportu.
U celini, knjiga obuhvata najbitnija pitanja u oblasti sportske i poslovne tehnologije u sportskim
organizacijama, sa polaznih osnova metodolokog, informatikog, tehnolokog, antropolokog,
genetikog, kibernetikog i menadmentskog pristupa, pa u tom sklopu i svih daljih operativnih
reenja koja iz takvog pristupa slede.
Shodno tome, glavni akcenat u daljem pristupu, konceptualizaciji i operacionalizaciji
menadmenta ljudskih resursa, usmeren je i analiziran, s jedne strane, na upravljanje
antropolokim karakteristikama sportista u integritetu i totalitetu, to ini sportsku funkciju, a sa
druge strane, na upravljanje svim relevantnim ljudskim resursima u sportskim organizacijama,
to predstavlja predmet izuavanja poslovne funkcije.

Knjiga je podeljena u est poglavlja.

Prvo poglavlje se odnosi na definisanje pojmova menadmenta i menadmenta ljudskih resursa,
filozofiju, viziju i misiju koje su u funkciji projekcije razvoja menadmenta ljudskih resursa,
organizacione razvojne procese, strategijsko metodoloke pristupe i strukturalno funkcionalne
koncepte, a zatim analize koncepata uticaja spoljanjih i unutranjih faktora, toka uticaja,
organizacione kulture i funkcije reienjeringa, i najzad, prikaza i analize nauno strune,
stvaralako kreativne, operativno implementarne i integralno interakcijske funkcije, sa posebnim
akcentom na integralno interakcijske sportske i poslovne funkcije u menadmentu ljudskih
resursa u sportu.
Drugo poglavlje obuhvata definisanje i analiziranje osnovnih delatnosti ljudskih resursa u
sportu, poev od menadmenta u organizacionim sistemima, globalne organizacione strukture u
sistemu sporta, menadmenta u edukaciji i usavravanju, menadmenta u informacionim
sistemima, finansijskom menadmentu, marketing menadmentu, internet marketingu, internet
PR, tehnologiji selekcije sportista, tehnologiji oporavka sportista, tehnologiji sportskih objekata i
opreme i organizaciji sportskih takmienja, sa posebnim akcentom na strukturu, organizaciju i
funkcije menadmenta u sportskim organizacijama.
Tree poglavlje obuhvata definisanje sportskih organizacija kao udruenja i/ili kao ustanove, a
zatim analizira njihovu organizacionu strukturu i status, poev od sportskog kluba, sportskog
drutva, sportskog udruenja, sportskog saveza, saveza sportova, ministarstva za sport i
nacionalnog olimpijskog komiteta, sa posebnim akcentom na formulisanje ciljeva i zadataka
njihovih delatnosti i aktivnosti u tim organizacijama, kao i ulogu i znaaj ljudskih resursa u
etvrto poglavlje je posveeno klasifikaciji i statusu ljudskih resursa u sportskoj funkciji
(sportisti takmiari, sportski treneri, timovi strunjaka, naunici u sportu) i poslovnoj funkciji
(menaderi u sportu, marketing menaderi, upravljai u sportu, volonteri u sportu), sa
posebnim akcentom na njhove aktivnosti, obaveze i odgovornosti u ovim menaderskim
Peto poglavlje na integralan nain obuhvata i analizira tehnoloki proces menadmenta ljudskih
resursa u sportskoj funkciji, putem aktivnosti koje prethode trenanom procesu (modelovanje
sportova, dijagnostikovanje antropolokih karakteristika sportista, planiranje i programiranje
sportskog treninga), aktivnosti za vreme trenanog procesa (operacionalizacije, registracije,
klasifikacije i kontrole sportskog treninga), i aktivnosti posle trenanog procesa (obrade
podataka, analize efekata i korekcije treninga, komparacije prognoziranih i postignutih
rezultata), sa posebnim akcentom na modelovanje sportova, dijagnostikovanje sportista, kontrolu
trenanog procesa, kao i integralnim transformacionim procesima sportista.
esto poglavlje, takoe na integralan nain obuhvata i analizira tehnoloki proces menadmenta
ljudskih resursa u poslovnoj funkciji, putem aktivnosti koje prethode radnom procesu
(modelovanje strategijskog i projektnog menadmenta, dijagnostikovanje i analiziranje posla,
planiranje potreba ljudskih resursa, utvrivanje zahteva posla i sistematizacije radnih mesta),
aktivnosti za vreme radnog procesa (regrutovanje i selekcionisanje, obrazovanje i usavravanje,
podizanje nivoa kvaliteta i kontrolisanje procesa rada ljudskih resursa) i aktivnosti posle radnog
procesa (kompenzovanje i nagraivanje, sprovoenje preventivnih mera zatite, uvoenje novih
ljudskih resursa i eksploatacije informacionog sistema), sa posebnim akcentom na regrutovanje,
selekciju, obrazovanje, usavravanje i podizanje nivoa kvaliteta rada ljudskih resursa.

Iz kratkog prikaza sadraja po poglavljima, jasno se vidi, da su u knjizi glavni akcenti dati na
esto poglavlje, u kome se analizira tehnoloki proces menadmenta ljudskih resursa u poslovnoj
funkciji i na peto poglavlje u kome se analizira tehnoloki proces menadmenta ljudskih resursa
u sportskoj funkciji, s obzirom da se u oba poglavlja radi o upravljanju ljudskim rasursima u
sportskim aktivnostima sportskih organizacija, pa ih je gotovo nemogue razdvojiti, jer samo
integrisani u jednu celinu mogu dati pravovaljane, optimalne i svrsishodne efekte.
Meutim, prikazi samo ova dva poglavlja kroz analizu savremenih tehnolokih procesa sportske
i poslovne funkcije, ne bi mogli udovoljiti zahtevima da se na celovitiji nain stekne uvid u rad
ljudskih resursa u sportu, ve je bilo neophodno da se oni analiziraju u interakciji sa njihovim
okruenjem, odnosno 12 najosnovnijih delatnosti iz oblasti menadmenta, marketinga, interneta,
tehnologije i organizacije, koji se iz dana u dan sve vie uvode, egzistiraju i razvijaju u sportskim
aktivnostima, i oni u stvari opredeljuju sadraj, tok i funkciju menadmenta ljudskih resursa u
Analiziranje poglavlja organizacione strukture i statusa sportskih organizacija je bilo nuno iz
razloga da se kroz prikaz sportskih klubova kao udruenja ili ustanova, a zatim drutava,
udruenja, saveza, ministarstva i olimpijskog komiteta uoe, definiu i analiziraju vizije, misije,
modeli, strategije, funkcije, ciljevi, zadaci i pojedinani programi sportskih delatnosti i aktivnosti
u njima, koji se operacionalizuju od strane ljudskih resursa kroz sportsku i/ili poslovnu funkciju.
Kroz poglavlje klasifikacije i statusa ljudskih resursa u sportskim aktivnostima, detaljnije se
mogu sagledati njihove aktivnosti, obaveze i odgovornosti.
Za razliku od drugih humanistikih i/ili antropolokih nauka i naunih disciplina, autori
korisnicima i/ili itaocima u oblasti sportskog menadmenta predstavljaju ovu knjigu u neto
izmenjenijem i specifinijem pristupu, koncepciji i postupcima, polazei od stanovita da se u
dananje vreme sport posmatra, izuava i primenjuje na integralan i interakcijski nain, gde
upravljako sportske aktivnosti predstavljaju poslovnu funkciju, a trenano tehnoloke aktivnosti
sportsku funkciju, to konkretno znai, da je vrhunske sportske domete nemogue postii bez
primene visoko razvijene tehnologije rada, i obratno, da se tehnologija rada ne moe na uspean
nain operacionalizovati i implementirati bez menadmentskih, marketinkih i informatikih
tokova i procesa.
Pored toga, autori su se opredelili da prezentuju itaocima i/ili korisnicima najsavremeniji
pristup fenomenu sporta, koristei pojam "trenana tehnologija" i "poslovna tehnologija", po
ugledu na prisutne izraze, kao to je obrazovna (edukativna) tehnologija, medicinska
(zdravstvena) tehnologija, informatika (kompjuterska) tehnologija, nauna (metodoloka)
tehnologija, kibernetika (upravljajua) tehnologija i dr., jer je u svetu dobro poznato, da je
postignutim visoko vrednim proizvodima u svim sferama ljudskih delatnosti prethodila primena
visoko razvijene tehnologije rada.
Tehnologija integrisanih sportsko trenanih i sportsko poslovnih aktivnosti obuhvata sva
dosadanja ljudska saznanja do kojih se dolo putem naunih istraivanja, teorijskih polaznih
osnova i hipoteza, steene tradicije, iskustva i intuicije, a koji su se u dosadanjoj sportskoj
praksi pokazali kao dominantni i/ili relevantni inioci u postizanju uspeha u sportskim
aktivnostima. Samo njihovim interakcijskim konceptom, pristupom i postupcima u neposrednoj

sportskoj praksi u sportskim organizacijama, mogu se postii visoko vredna ishodita u veoma
sloenoj integrativnoj i dinaminoj delatnosti i aktivnosti kao to je sport.
S obzirom da je oblast menadmenta ljudskih resursa u sportu veoma mlada nauna i obrazovna
disciplina, nju u budunosti karakterie burna razvojna dinaminost, te se i u ovom pogruju
mogu oekivati sve potpunija, modernija i savremenija saznanja i reenja. Shodno tome, elja je
autora da, iznad svega, ova knjiga, s jedne strane, doprinese interdisciplinarnom izuavanju
fenomena sporta, a sa druge strane, da prezentovane informacije doprinesu poboljanju nivoa
strunosti ljudskih resursa u oblasti sportske i poslovne tehnologije, ime e se na posredan nain
doprineti unapreenju konkretne tehnoloko trenane i tehnoloko poslovne prakse.

S a d r a j
Poglavlje 1

Pojam menadmenta i menadmenta ljudskih resursa 4

Pojam menadmenta u sportu 4

Pojam ljudskih resursa 5
Termim kadar 5
Termin ljudski resursi 6
Pojam menadmenta ljudskih resursa u sportu 7

Menadmentska filozofija, vizija i misija

u funkciji projekcije razvoja organizacije 8
Menadmentska filozofija 8
Znanje i mo 10
Kontinuirano obrazovanje 10
Agilnost i brzina 11
Besplatne komunikacije 11
Kontinuirana promenljivost 11
Nove tehnologije 12
Totalna transparentnost 12
Kreativnost i inovacije 13
Nova trita 14
Nagomolavanje vika 14
Prekomerne ponude 15
Potrebe potroaa 15

Interakcija sa partnerima 16
Globalizacija drutva 16
Vizija organizacije 17
Misija organizacije 18

Razvojni procesi i pristupi ljudskih resursa 19

Organizaciono razvojni procesi 19

Strategijsko metodoloki pristupi 21
Strategijski pristup 22
Metodoloki pristup 23
Strukturalno organizacijski pristup 24
Interesne grupe 24
Situacioni faktori 25
Glavni aspekti 28
Evaluacija 32
Dugorone konsekvence 32

Koncept uticaja, kulture i reinenjeringa 33

Koncept uticaja spoljanjih i unutranji faktora 33

Spoljanji faktori 33
Unutranji faktori 35
Koncept toka uticaja 36
Koncept organizacione kulture 41
Koncept funkcije reinenjeringa 43

Funkcije menadmenta ljudskih resursa 45

Klasifikacija funkcija 46
Sportska funkcija 46
Poslovna funkcija 46
Struktura funkcija 46
Nauno struna funkcija 47
Stvaralako kreativna funkcija 49
Operativno implementarna funkcija 50
Integralno interakcijska funkcija 51
Integralno-interakcijska sportska funkcija 51
Operacionalizacija integralno interakcijske sportske funkcije 51
Aplikacija integralno interakcijske sportske funkcije 52
Integralno-interakcijska poslovna funkcija 53
Poslovna funkcija u prostoru ljudi
Poslovna funkcija u prostoru sportskih organizacija i institucija 54

Poglavlje 2


Menadment u organizacionim sistemima 61

Osnovni pojmovi organizacionog sistema 61

Organizacija 61
Organizacioni sistem 61
Organizaciona struktura 61
Globalna organizaciona struktura u sistemu sporta 61
Profesionalni sport 62
Amaterski sport 62
kolski sport 62
Univerzitetski sport 62
Rekreativni sport 62
Sport invalida 62
Upravljaka funkcija organizacionih podsistema 63
Zadaci i obaveze upravljake grupe ljudi 63
Poslovi i obaveze rukovodioca podsistema 63

Menadment u sportskim organizacijama 63

Struktura menadmenta u sportskim organizacijama 64

Pojam, sadraj i funkcije konstituanti menadmenta 65
Predvianje 65
Planiranje 68
Organizovanje 69
Koordinisanje 71
Rukovoenje 72
Odluivanje 72
Kontrolisanje 73
Efektivnost 74

Menadment u edukaciji i usavravanju ljudskih resursa 74

Edukacija ljudskih resursa 75
Usavravanje ljudskih resursa 76

Menadment u informacionim sistemima 77

Pojam menadmenta informacionog sistema i

menadmenta informacione tehnologije 77
Menadment informacioniog sistema 77
Menadment informacione tehnologije 77
Integralni informacioni sistem 77
Osnovne aktivnosti informacionog sistema 77
Komponente informacionog sistema 78

Resursi informacionog sistema 79

Funkcije informacionog sistema 79
Menadment informacionog sistema u vrhunskom sportu 80
Model podataka u vrhunskom sportu 80
Datoteka podataka u vrhunskom sportu 81
Menadment informacionog sistema ljudskih resursa u sportu 81
Protok podataka i informacija 81
Podrka za rad sa bazama podataka 82

Finansijski menadment u sportu 82

Materijalni uslovi 83
Finansijski uslovi 83
Upravljanje finansijama 83

11 Marketing menadment u sportu 84

Konstituante marketing menadmenta u sportu 84
Pojam i srtuktura marketing sportskih proizvoda 85
Funkcije marketing sportskih proizvoda 86
Imid sportske organizacije 86
Imid sportista 86
Sportska marka 86
Sportski dogaaji 87
Sportske usluge 87
Sportsko propagandni marketing 88

Internet marketing u sportu 88

Pojmovi marketinga, prodaje i reklamiranja 89
Faze u razvoju Internet prisustva u sportu 89
Sportska organizacija na Internetu 89


Internet PR u sportu 90
Pojam Public Relations (PR) 90
Internet PR u sportu 90
Kreiranje Internet PR u sportskoj organizaciji 91

14 Tehnologija selekcije sportista 91

Sistem selekcije sportista 92
Postupci u selekciji sportista 92
15 Tehnologija oporavka sportista 93
Pojam oporavka sportista 93
Sredstva i metode oporavka 94
Energetska i supstancijska sredstva oporavka 95
Stimulativna sredstva oporavka 96

Dozvoljena stimulativna sredstva 96

Nedozvoljena stimulativna sredstva 97
Razlozi zabrane upotrebe nedozvoljenih stimulativnih sredstava 99
16 Tehnologija sportskih objekata i opreme 99
Sportski objekti 99
Sportska oprema 100

Organizacija sportskih takmienja 101

Primarni faktori sportskih takmienja 101
Principi sportskih takmienja 102
Vrste sportskih takmienja 102

Poglavlje 3

Pojam i status sportske organizacije 107

Sportska organizacija kao udruenje 108
Sportska organizacija kao ustanova 108


Organizaciona struktura i status sportskih organizacija 109

Sportski klub 111
Sportsko drutvo 112
Sportsko udruenje 113
Sportki savez 114
Savez sportova 115
Ministarstvo za sport 116
Nacionalni olimpijski komitet 116

Poglavlje 4

Klasifikaciona struktura ljudskih resursa u sportu 119


Ljudski resursi u sportskoj funkciji 120

Sportisti takmiari 120
Sportski treneri 121
Timovi strunjaka 122
Naunici u sportu 123


Ljudski resursi u poslovnoj funkciji 124

Menaderi u sportu 124

Marketing menaderi 125

Upravljai u sportu 126
Volonteri u sportu 127
Poglavlje 5

Pojam i struktura trenane tehnologije 129

Pojam trenane tehnologije 129
Struktura trenane tehnologije 129


Modelovanje i dijagnostikovanje 131

Modelovanje sportskih aktivnosti 133

Dijagnostikovanje sportista 134
Zdravstvena dijagnostika 135
Morfoloka dijagnostika 136
Biomehanika dijagnostika 137
Motorika dijagnostika 138
Funkcionalna dijagnostika 140
Psiholoka dijagnostika 144
Socioloka dijagnostika 145

Planiranje i programiranje 145

Planiranje trenanog procesa 146

Dugurono planiranje 147
Srednjerono planiranje 147
Kratkorono planiranje 148
Programiranje trenanih sadraja 149
Tekue programiranje 149
Operativno programiranje 150

Operacionalizovanje i registrovanje 150

Operacionalizovanje treninga 151
Registrovanje trenanog procesa 151


Klasifikovanje i kontrolisanje 154

Klasifikovanje podataka 154
Kontrolisanje antropolokih karakteristika 155


Obraivanje i analiziranje 156

Obraivanje podataka 156

Multivarijantni programi za obradu podataka 158

Analiza programa za multivarijantnu obradu podataka 159
Utvrivanje strukture antropolokih karakteristika
Utvrivanje klasifikacije grupa 160
Konstrukcija modela hijerarhijske strukture 160
Utvrivanje relacija izmeu dva razliita sistema varijabli 161
Utvrivanje razlika izmeu grupa i efekata 161
Analiza promena i razvoja 161
Analiziranje efekata trenanog procesa 161
Kriterijum efikasnosti postignutog cilja 162
Valorizacija efekata procesa treninga 162

Korigovanje i kompariranje 163

Korigovanje treninga 164
Kompariranje rezultata 164

Poglavlje 6

Pojam i struktura poslovne tehnologije 168

Pojam poslovne tehnologije 168

Struktura poslovne tehnologije 169
31 Modelovanje strategijskog i projeknog
menadmenta ljudskih resursa 170
Modelovanje strategijskog menadmenta 170
Modelovanje projektnog menadmenta 171

Dijagnostikovanje i analiziranje posla 173

Dijagnostikovanje posla 174

Pojam merenja 174
Merne skale 174
Karakteristike merenja 177
Objektivnost merenja 177
Diskriminativnost merenja 178
Pouzdanost merenja 180
Valjanost merenja 181
Badarenost testa 183
Metode i tehnike merenja 184
Posmatranje 184

Intervjuisanje 185
Anketiranje 187
Skaliranje 188
Testiranje 191
Analiziranje posla 191
Informacije o sadraju i izvriocima posla 192
Proces sprovoenja analize posla 192

Planiranje potreba ljudskih resursa 193

Proces i metode planiranja ljudskih resursa 194

Generalno planiranje ljudskih resursa 195
Planiranje ljudskih resursa u sportskim organizacijama 196
Kvantitativne metode u planiranju ljudskih resursa 197
Jednaina trenda 198
Jednaina linearnog trenda 199
Jednaina krivolinijskog trenda 200
Regresiona analiza 202
Linearna regresiona jednaina 203

Utvrivanje zahteva posla i sistematizacije radnih mesta 205

Osnovne karakteristike radnog mesta 205
Normativni akt o sistematizaciji radnih mesta 205


Regrutovanje i selekcija ljudskih resursa 206

Regrutovanje ljudskih resursa 206

Selekcija i izbor ljudskih resursa 207
Proces regrutovanja, selekcije i
zapoljavanja ljudskih resursa 209
Odluka o potrebi zapoljavanja 209
Odreivanje izvora ljudi 209
Objavljivanje javnog oglasa 211
Prijavljivanje kandidata 211
Komuniciranje sa kandidatima 211
Prva selekcija kandidata 211
Predlaganje kandidata 226
Odluka o zapoljavanju 226
Modeli identifikacije menaderskih
potencijala i selekcije menadera 227
Model integrativne funkcije uspenosti menadmenta 228
Model integrativne strukture menaderskih uloga 229

Obrazovanje i usavravanje ljudskih resursa 230

Obrazovanje ljudskih resursa 230

Usavravanje ljudskih resursa 232


Podizanje nivoa kvaliteta ljudskih resursa 233

Sistem obezbeivanja kvaliteta 234
Razvoj sistema kvaliteta 234
Upravljanje kvalitetom 235


Kontrolisanje procesa rada ljudskih resursa 235

Proces kontrole u sportu 235
Kriterijumi merenja i kontrole 236


Kompenzovanje i nagraivanje ljudskih resursa 237

Kompenzovanje ljudskih resursa 237
Direktne materijalne kompenzacije 237
Indirektne materijalne kompenzacije 239
Nagraivanje menadera 239
40 Sprovoenje mera zatite u toku radnog procesa 240
Kontrola rizika 240
Mere bezbednosti 240
Zatita zdravlja 240
Sistem socijalnog osiguranja 241
41 Uvoenje i razvoj novih ljudskih resursa 241
Faze uvoenja, orijentacije i socijalizacije 241
Razvoj ljudskih resursa 241
Sadraj razvoja ljudskih resursa 241
Metode razvoja ljudskih resursa 242
42 Konstrukcija i funkcionisanje informacionog
sistema ljudskih resursa 242
Ciljevi informacionog sistema 243
Struktura informacionog sistema 244
Baza podataka informacionog sistema 245
Efikasnost informacionog sistema 245
Razvoj informacionog sistema 245

Access to the composition of this writing in the field of human resource management in sport
arose as a result of teaching experience both in the field by students who are preparing for
professional and / or amateur sports managers in organizations.
It was written in order to be used as a textbook for students of the Faculty of Management in
Sport, Faculty of Sport, where there is guidance in the field of sport management, then
employment forms: training and development of various profiles of coaches and / or managers in
all sports fields and discipline us, as a complementary subject, after all, the athletes
themselves, in order to obtain basic information technology in the field of sport and sport
On the whole, the book covers the most important issues in the field of sports and business
technology in sport organizations, starting with the methodological basis, the information,
technological, anthropological, genetic, cybernetic and Management approach, and in this
context, and all further operational solutions that follow from such an approach.
Accordingly, the main focus in the further approach, the conceptualization and operationalization
of human resource management, focused and analyzed, on the one hand, the management of the
anthropological characteristics of athletes and the integrity of the totality of what makes a sports
function, on the other hand, the management of all relevant human resource management in sport
organizations, which is the subject of study of business functions.
The book is divided into six chapters.
The first section will focus on defining the concepts of management and human resource
management, philosophy, vision and mission that are functional projections of management of
human resources, organizational development processes, strategic methodological approaches,
and structurally functional concepts, and then analyzes the concepts of the influence of external
and internal factors, flow of influence, organizational culture and function reienjeringa, and
finally, presentation and analysis of scientific expertise, creative creative, operational and
Implementing integrated interactive functions, with special emphasis on integrated interactive
sports and business functions in the management of human resources in sport.
The second chapter covers the definition and analysis of the basic activities of human resources
in sport, ranging from the management of organizational systems, global organizational structure
of the system of sport management education and training, management information systems,
financial management, marketing management, internet marketing, online PR, technology
selection of athletes, athlete recovery technology, technology, sports facilities and equipment and
the organization of sports events, with special emphasis on the structure, organization and
management functions in sports organizations.
The third chapter covers the definition of sports organizations as associations and / or
institutions, and then analyze their organizational structure and status, starting with the sports

club, sports association, sports association, sports association, sports association, Ministry of
Sports and National Olympic Committee, with special emphasis on the formulation of goals and
objectives of their activities and the activities of these organizations, as well as the role and
importance of human resources in them.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the classification and status of the human resources function in
sports (athletes athletes, sports coaches, teams of experts, scientists in the sport) and business
function (sport managers, marketing managers, managers of sports volunteers in sport), with
special emphasis on thereof on activities, duties and responsibilities of these management
The fifth chapter in an integrated manner and includes analyzes technological process of human
resource management in the sports function through activities that precede the training process
(modeling sports, diagnosis anthropometric characteristics of athletes, planning and
programming of sports training), activities during the training process (operational, registration,
classification and control of sports training), and activities after the training process (data
processing, analysis and correction of the effects of training, comparison of the predicted and the
results), with special emphasis on modeling sports athlete diagnosis, control the training process,
as well as the integral transformation process of athletes.
The sixth chapter also includes an integrated way and analyzes technological process of human
resource management in the business function through activities that precede the work process
(strategic modeling and project management, diagnosing and analyzing the work, planning of
human resources, identification of job requirements and job) activities during the work process
(recruitment and selection activities, education and training, increasing the quality and control of
the work process of human resources) and activities after the labor process (compensating and
rewarding, the implementation of preventive measures, the introduction of new human resources
and exploitation of information systems) with special emphasis on the recruitment, selection,
education, training, and raising the quality of human resources.
For a brief overview of the contents of the chapters, it is clear that in the book the main accents
give the sixth chapter, which examines the technological process of human resource management
in the business function and the fifth chapter which examines the technological process of human
resource management in the sports function , given that in both chapters to the management of
human resource allocation in sports activities sports organizations, so it is almost impossible to
separate, because only integrated into a single unit can provide valid, meaningful and optimal
However, the views only of the two sections through the analysis of modern technological
processes of sports and business functions, they could not meet the requirements to be on more
comprehensive way to gain insight into the workings of human resources in sport, but it was
necessary to analyze them interact with their environment, and 12 the most basic activities in the
field of management, marketing, Internet, technology and organization, from day to day more
introductions, exist and develop in sports, and they in fact determine the content, flow and
function of human resource management in sport.
Analyzing chapter organizational structure and status of sports organizations was necessary for

the reason that through the presentation of sports clubs as well as associations or institutions, and
societies, associations, unions, ministries and Olympic Committee perceive, define and analyze
the vision, mission, models, strategies, functions , aims, objectives and programs of individual
sports activities and activities in them, which is operationalized by the human resources through
sports and / or business function. Throughout the chapter the classification and status of human
resources in sport activities, details can be seen of their activities, duties and responsibilities.
Unlike other humanities and / or anthropological sciences and scientific disciplines, the authors
customers and / or readers in the field of sports management is something in this book
izmenjenijem and targeted approach, concepts and processes, starting from the point of view that
at the present time watching sports, studies and implement an integrated and interactive way,
where the governing sports represent a business function, a technological observation training
activities athletic function, which in effect means that the top sports achievements can not be
achieved without the use of high technology work, and vice versa, that the technology can work
successful way to operationalize and implement without menadmentskih, marketing and
information flows and processes.
In addition, the authors have decided to present the readers and / or users of the most modern
approach to the phenomenon of sport, using the term "training technology" and "business
technology", modeled on the present terms, such as education (educational) technology, medical
(health) technology, information technology (computer) technology, scientific (methodological)
technology, cyber (managing) technology and others. because it is well known in the world, there
has been a highly valuable products in all spheres of human activity prior to the application of
high technology work.
The technology of integrated sport of training, sports and business activities includes all previous
human findings that were obtained through scientific research, theoretical starting points and
hypotheses, acquired tradition, experience and intuition, which are so far in sports practice
proved to be dominant and / or relevant factors achieve success in sports. Only their interactional
concepts, approaches and methods to close the sports practice in sport organizations, can achieve
high value outcomes in a complex integrative and dynamic activities and activities such as sport.
As the field of human resource management in the sport very young scientific and educational
disciplines, her future is characterized by turbulent dynamics of development, and in this
pogruju can expect more complete, more modern and more sophisticated insights and solutions.
Consequently, the desire of the author that, above all, the book, on the one hand, contribute to the
interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon of sport, on the other hand, presented information to
contribute to improving the level of expertise of human resources in the field of sports and
business technology, which will indirectly will contribute to the improvement of specific
technical trainers and technological business practices.


Section 1
Concept, Development and management functions
1 Concept of management and human resource management 4
The notion of sport management 4
The term human resources 5
Termite frame 5
The term human resources 6
The concept of human resource management in sport 7
2 Management philosophy, vision and mission
operational development projections of the 8
Managerial philosophy 8
Knowledge and Power 10
Continuing Education 10
Agility and Speed 11
Free communication 11
Continued volatility 11
New technologies 12
Total transparency 12
Creativity and innovation 13
New markets 14
Nagomolavanje excess of 14
Excessive supply 15
Consumer needs 15
Interaction with partners 16
The globalization of society 16
The vision of the organization 17
The mission of 18
3 Development processes and approaches to human resources 19
Organizational development processes 19
Strategic methodological approaches 21
Strategic Approach 22
Methodological Approach 23
Structural organizational approach 24
Stakeholders 24
Situational factors 25
The main aspects 28
Evaluation of 32

Long-term consequences of 32
4 The concept of influence, culture and reengineering 33
The concept of the impact of external and internal factors 33
External factors 33
Internal factors 35
The concept of flow impacts 36
The concept of organizational culture 41
The concept of reengineering function 43
5 Functions of human resource management 45
Classification of Functions 46
Sports feature 46
Business Function 46
The structure functions 46
Scientific and professional functions 47
Creative creative features 49
Implementing operational functions 50
Integrated interaction function 51
Integral-interaction sports feature 51
Operationalizing integrated interactive sports functions 51
Applications integrated interactive sports functions 52
Integral-interaction business functions 53
Business functions in the area of people
Business functions in the area of sports organizations and institutions 54
Chapter 2
6 Management of organizational systems 61
Basic concepts of organizational systems 61
Organization 61
Organizational system 61
Organizational Structure 61
Global organizational structure of the system of sport 61
Professional sport 62
Amateur sport 62
School sport 62
University sport 62
Recreational sport 62
Disabled Sports 62

The control function of organizational subsystems 63

The tasks and responsibilities of the management group of 63 people
Jobs and obligations of a head sub 63
7 The management of sports organizations 63
The structure of management in sports organizations 64
Concept, content and function of the Constituent Assembly Management 65
Prediction 65
Planning 68
Organizing 69
Coordinating 71
Leadership 72
Deciding 72
Controlling 73
Effectiveness 74
8 Management of education and training of human resources 74
Training of human resources 75
Training of human resources 76
9 Management Information Systems 77
The concept of management information systems and
Management of Information Technology 77
Informacioniog Management System 77
Management of Information Technology 77
Integrated information system 77
The main activities of the information system 77
Components of Information Systems 78
Resources Information System 79
The functions of information systems 79
Management information systems in the top 80 sports
The data model in professional sport 80
The data file in the top 81 sports
Management information system for human resources in sport 81
The flow of data and information 81
Support for working with databases 82
10 Financial Management in Sport 82
Material conditions 83
Financial Requirements 83
Financial Management 83
11 Marketing Management in Sport 84

Constituent marketing management in sport 84

Concept and srtuktura marketing sports products 85
Functions of marketing sports products 86
The image of sports organizations 86
The image of 86 athletes
Sportswear brand 86
Sporting events 87
Sporting services 87
Sports promotional marketing 88
12 Internet marketing in sport 88
The terms of marketing, sales and advertising 89
Stages in the development of Internet presence in the sport 89
Sports organizations on the Internet 89
13 Internet PR in sport 90
The term Public Relations (PR) 90
Internet PR in sport 90
Creating Internet PR in sports organization 91
14 Technology Selection athletes 91
The system of selecting athletes 92
Procedures for the selection of athletes 92
15 Tech Recovery athletes 93
The term recovery of athletes 93
Means and methods of recovery 94
Energy and supstancijska asset recovery 95
Stimulation recovery 96
Permitted Stimulants 96
Illegal Stimulants 97
Reasons for prohibiting the use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs 99
16 Tech sports facilities and equipment 99
Walking 99
Sports 100
17 Organization of sports competitions 101
Primary factors of sports competition 101
Principles of sports events 102

Types of sports competition 102

Section 3
18 The concept and status of sports organizations 107
Sports organizations like Association 108
Sports organizations such institutions 108
19 Organizational structure and status of sports organizations 109
Sports Club 111
Sports and Society 112
Sports associations 113
Sporty alliance 114
Sports Federation 115
Ministry of Sport 116
National Olympic Committee of 116
Chapter 4
In sports activities 118
20 Classification structure of human resources in sport 119
21 Human Resources function in sport 120
Athletes competitors 120
Sports coaches 121
Teams of experts 122
Scientists in Sport 123
22 The human resources function in the business 124
Managers in Sport 124
Marketing managers 125
Managers in sport 126
Volunteers in Sport 127
Section 5
The sport functions 128

23 The concept and structure of the training technology 129

The concept of training technology 129
The structure of training technology 129
24 Modeling and diagnostics 131
Modeling sporting activities 133
Diagnosing sportsman 134
Health Diagnostics 135
Morphological diagnosis 136
Biomechanical diagnostics 137
Motor diagnostics 138
Functional diagnostics 140
Psychological diagnostics 144
A sociological diagnosis 145
25 Planning and Programming 145
Planning training process 146
Biomass polygeneration Planning 147
Medium-Term Planning 147
Short-term planning 148
Programming of training facilities 149
Current programming 149
Operational Programming 150
26 operationalizing and recording 150
Operationalize training 151
Registering the training process 151
27 Classification and control 154
Classification by bility 154
Controlling the anthropological characteristics of 155
28 Processing and analysis of 156
Data processing 156
Multivariate programs for data processing 158
Analysis program for multivariate data processing 159
Determining the structure of anthropological characteristics
Determining the classification of group 160
The design of the hierarchical structure of 160
Determine the relation between the two different systems of variables 161

Determining differences between groups and the effects of 161

Analysis of change and development 161
Analyzing the effects of the training process 161
The criterion of efficiency achieved goals set out above 162
Valorization of the effects of the process of training 162
29 correction and comparison of 163
Correcting training 164
Comparing the results of 164
Chapter 6
The business functions 167
30 The concept and structure of business technology 168
The concept of business technology 168
Structure Business Technology 169
31 Modeling strategic and projeknog
Human Resource Management 170
Modeling Strategic Management 170
Modeling Project Management 171
32 Diagnosing and analyzing business 173
Diagnosing 174 jobs
The concept of measurement 174
Weighing Scale 174
Characteristics of measurement 177
Objectivity measurement 177
Discrimination measurements 178
Reliability of 180
The validity of measurement 181
Badarenost test 183
Methods and techniques of measurement 184
Observation 184
Interviewing 185
Interviewing 187
Scaling 188
Testing 191
Analyzing Job 191

Information on the content and Executive officers 192

The process of implementing job analysis 192
33 Planning the needs of human resources 193
The process and methods of human resource planning 194
Generally human resource planning 195
Planning human resources in sport organizations 196
Quantitative methods in the planning of human resources 197
The equation of the trend 198
The equation of the linear trend of 199
The equation of linear trend 200
Regression analysis of 202
Linear regression equations 203
34 Determining job requirements and job 205
Basic characteristics of the workplace 205
The normative act on job 205
35 Recruitment and selection of Human Resources 206
Recruitment Human Resources 206
Breeding and selection of human resources 207
The process of recruitment, selection and
Employment Human Resources 209
The decision on the need for employment of 209
Determining the source of 209 people
Public Notice 211
Login candidates 211
Communicating with candidates 211
The first selection of candidates 211
Nomination of Candidates 226
The decision of hiring 226
Model identification of management
potential and selection of managers 227
Model integrative functions of performance management 228
Model integrative structure of managerial roles 229
36 Education and training of human resources 230
Education Human Resources 230
Training of human resources 232
37 Upgrading the quality of human resources 233

Quality assurance system 234

Development of quality 234
Quality Management 235
38 Controlling the working process of human resources 235
Process control in sport 235
The criteria for measuring and control 236
39 Remuneration of compensation and human resources 237
Compensating Human Resources 237
Direct material compensation 237
In-kind compensation 239
Rewarding managers 239
40 The implementation of protection measures during the work process 240
Risk Control 240
Security measures 240
Health Protection 240
The social security system 241
41 The introduction and development of new human resources 241
Implementation phase, orientation and socialization 241
Human resource development 241
Contents of Human Resources Development 241
Methods of human resource development 242
42 The construction and operation of the information
human resources system 242
Objectives of Information Systems 243
Information Architecture 244
Database Information System 245
The effectiveness of information systems 245
Development of information systems 245

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