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Annual Report





About Us

Impact 2015-16


Our Programs


Capacity Building

Social Awareness



What's next?

Join Us

?Make A Difference is an amazing programme designed and run by young

adults who recruit other young people, outstanding college students like
themselves, to mentor and teach children who haven't had the same chances
in life as many of the mentors have had. These young volunteers understand
and believe in something very simple, that all children, regardless of their
circumstances, deserve the same chance to get educated and to build
productive and successful lives? And let me tell you, this work is amazing, and
it is vitally important.?

First Lady, Unit ed St at es of America


2015 was a challenging year for Make A Difference, as we faced a significant bandwidth crunch caused
by our shift to a new operating structure. However we made huge strides in transforming and stabilising
both our team and operating culture, which has now allowed us to take on new team members and get
back to a more optimal size.
We also set up a number of new teams to improve our ability to deliver impact. These included a
dedicated Operations team, a new Mobilization team focused on improving the experience of our City
Teams and Volunteers, and a specialized Capacity Building team focused on increasing developmental
investment, competency and skills growth across our entire 4,250 strong delivery base.
We completed our transition to 'One Big MAD' with collaborative teams and cross-functional Directors,
and expanded our impact work to cover key intervention points including Transition Readiness and
After-Care as planned. This allowed to embark on Phase 2 this year, which moves us closer to our direct
impact goals by transitioning towards 'One Big Programme'.
We initiated the merger of our Discover and Ed Support Programmes to better synchronise life skills
with academic outcomes, and restructured operational structures across all programmes into a more
coherent and singular format. This provides the platform for us to begin the shift towards a more age
transitional approach that will allow us to tackle developmental and learning needs at the right time for
all the children we work with.
We shifted to a rolling and more transparent way of planning, which should give all teams much better
visibility of what's coming up, allow us to cost at a more granular level, and help manage the workload
that we sometimes struggle with. In tandem, we are improving our decision information systems so that
we are better able to see how we are doing financially, and how early we need to start making
adjustments when things don't go as planned.
Our newly restructured Fundraising team is now building strategies for broader funding streams,
particularly large grants, which are necessary as our operating cost is going up in line with the
improvements needed to ensure transformative long-term outcomes. We learned a lot from our
crowdfunding drives over the year, and are working hard to improve how they are set up, supported and
run in order to offset any long term dependency on grants.
The coming year 2016/ 17, will see us revamp and improve our presence online to improve social
advocacy, and shift our interaction with third parties and partners into a more mature and more global
space. We are also building new systems to enable our alumni teams to become ambassadors for the
cause, provide longer term continuity of support for the children they have worked with, and to become
agents of change in their own circles.
Finally, we hope to engage more with all of you, our supporters, to start the journey of changing
discourse and social consciousness around the needs of children in shelters, so that it's not just us, but
also our communities that comes together to make a difference.

Jit hin C Nedumal a

Founder, Make a Difference

Make A Dif f erence (MAD) is
a yout h driven, non-prof it
organisat ion working t o
ensure equit abl e out comes
f or chil dren in orphanages
and st reet shel t ers.
Registered as a non-profit in 2006,
Make A Difference works with 3,460
children in 69 shelters across 23 cities
in India, through a highly efficient
4,250 strong volunteer network.
Volunteers commit a year and spend
between 2 and 10 hours every week
mentoring, teaching and interacting
with children in order to ensure that
they get the development, support and
care they need during childhood.

Why we exist
According t o UNICEF, India is home t o t he l argest chil d popul at ion in t he worl d, wit h 400m chil dren t hat
incl ude an est imat ed 31m orphans, and nearl y 176m of t hese are considered t o be in need of care and
prot ect ion. Chil dren at risk in India, whet her orphaned and ot herwise, of t en end up in shel t ers, which
are under resourced and of t en f ocused more on basic needs t han eit her chil dcare or l onger-t erm
progression. The resul t is t hat bot h qual it y of l if e and adul t out comes f or chil dren in t his demographic
are very poor, l eading t o cycl es of povert y and abandonment . Wit h inadequat e educat ional
qual if icat ions, l if e skil l s, f inancial or emot ional support t o cope out side t hese inst it ut ions; chil dren who
have grown up in shel t ers of t en t ake up menial jobs, or get t rapped int o al cohol ism, viol ence, drug
abuse, prost it ut ion or t raf f icking. Sol ut ions of t en st ruggl e wit h t he scal e of t he probl em, and are
commonl y singl e dimensional or isol at ed. This is compounded by t he f act t hat l it t l e usef ul dat a exist s
because it has hist orical l y been dif f icul t t o t rack what happens t o chil dren af t er t hey l eave shel t ers.
Make A Dif f erence exist s t o address t hese chal l enges on bot h a l ocal and a syst emic scal e.





Our vision is t hat even t he most

vul nerabl e chil dren in shel t ers are abl e t o
real ize equit abl e out comes.
We understand the most vulnerable as children who either do
not have a family to support them, or children whose families
are unable to provide a safe space for them to grow up in.
Many of these children end up in shelters, which struggle to
address more than infrastructure and basic needs, so Make A
Difference focuses on providing them with additional care
and support systems to ensure that they flourish.

Make A Dif f erence mobil izes

young l eaders t owards ensuring
equit abl e out comes f or chil dren
in shel t ers t hrough empowering
t he chil d, improving t he
ecosyst em and enabl ing t he
sect or.



Our minimum t arget is t o ensure

t hat t hese chil dren are abl e t o l ive
a l if e f ree f rom expl oit at ion and
are capabl e of managing emot ional
and f inancial l if e crises.
However our real goal is f or
chil dren we work wit h t o end up on
par wit h a st abl e middl e cl ass
demographic t hat al l ows t hem t o
break t he cycl e of povert y and
abandonment .

i on

Make A Difference mobilizes young leaders to ensure equitable outcomes for
children in shelters across India. We do this via three broad intervention
strategies that ensure holistic development and support :
1. Empower chil dren through better emotional health, life skills,
exposure, educational support, transition readiness and after care.
2. Improve t he ecosyst em around them by driving better practices among
the institutions that directly affect their lives; primarily shelters,
schools, family, state and society.
3. Enabl e t he sect or through better data, sharing knowledge and building
coalitions and networks.

Our programs are designed around t hree key

t heories of change:

Children have better

adult outcomes if
empowered on a
number of fronts,
specifically emotional
resilience, life skills,
qualifications and
work readiness.

Better care practices

among institutions
and agents that
impact the child result
in better quality of
life as well as better
long term outcomes.
The primary agents
are shelters, schools,
family, state and
society/ community.

Ongoing systematic
connection with and
intervention through
young volunteers
provides longer term
personal networks and
support systems for
children in shelters.
This results in more
sustainable outcomes
and better
opportunities for
children exiting
shelters, while
developing agents of
change within our
broader society.

92% of children in shelter homes typically drop out of school by the age of
18. However, we have reversed the trend for those who have been through
our programs, and more than 90% of the children we work with have
continued into higher education post 18.
Through our core programs, Ed Support , Propel and Dream Camps,
Make a Difference creates a support system and an emotional safe space for
children in shelters by ensuring every child has at least 3 adults who care for
them, understand them and who they can reach out to when they feel

Children have access to t rained ment ors for a minimum of 2 hours a week
from the age of 10 to 18. Mentors spend time getting to know children and
developing a customized plan for each child. This plan includes not just
academic support but also life skills, personal discovery, art, music and
language lessons delivered by teams of volunteers on the ground.

Depending on the age and need of the child, Make A Difference?s

programmes include career awareness activities, helping them identify their
career path and supporting their t ransit ion to further education with both
placement support and funding when required.


We also work closely with the shelter they are living in to ensure their basic
needs are taken care of and interact with their teachers to understand their
developmental needs.

The most powerful feature of our solution is that by the time the child comes
out of the shelter home they already have strong relationships and bonds
with at least 10 ment ors who become their community when they need
them the most.



REACH 2015/ 16

Make A Difference is one of the first organisations in India to have developed
a fully sustainable volunteer-based delivery model. We have mobilized over
18,000 young leaders to volunteer with children since 2006.
At Make A Difference (MAD), we ensure that children get the best of their city?s young leaders and they
have role models to look up to. MAD has established itself as an exciting and energetic organisation that
provides unique platforms to create positive change in the lives of children around the country.
Volunteers identify with MAD?s brand of passionate ?can do?spirit. They value the rewards of teaching
and engaging with young children around the country and of witnessing the progressive change brought
into their lives.
Engaging youth and channeling their energy into social causes is something most organisations in the
social spaces struggle with. We pride ourselves on having a sustainable, robust and effective volunteer
engagement model.

How we do it
14 day Social Media Campaign

Telephone Interview

3 day College Campaign

3 day Corporate Campaign

col l eges

Group Discussion

in 23
cit ies

Technical Interview

Each 1 Bring 2 Campaign


HR Interview


8 hour training and Induction

session for all volunteers

16 hours technical training per
volunteer per year

10 Shel t er Meet ings
per year


Shel t ers
in 23
Cit ies


MAD interviews over 25,000 applicants every year through a 4-round interview process to find the best
candidates across the country. Selected volunteers commit to a minimum of a year, and are then
provided training and induction sessions based on their profile, before they are challenged and
empowered to make a difference on the ground.

2 years



Average period f or which a

vol unt eer works wit h MAD

Vol unt eers bel ieve t hey are

making a dif f erence

Appl icat ions received f or

vol unt eering in 2015-16

We invest significantly in building a culture that ensures our team members
enjoy and learn from being part of a high functioning collective, because we
realize that the right culture is the best driver of passion, care, ethics, quality
and professionalism in the delivery of outcomes.
At MAD we treat values with great importance, as they are critical building blocks of a resilient culture.
We also only recruit from people who have directly volunteered with or previously worked to support
disadvantaged children to ensure a common bond and focus on child connect. We have embedded a
series of care-oriented practices to ensure the safety of children on a cultural as well as practical level.

MAD Val ues

Val ue # 1: Cause above Sel f

We are driven by a sense of possibility that we as a community can create a fair world for children at risk.
Our mission is bigger than ourselves.

Val ue # 2: Leadership t hrough ownership

In MAD, when you see an issue arising, either internally or socially, you are expected to do something
about it. You are expected to take ownership and act till the problem is solved.

Val ue # 3: Sense of Famil y

In MAD we work together as a family that stands by each other during thick and thin. We support each
other, and work hard to ensure there is a safe space for everyone to be free to be themselves.


We are an award winning NGO and one of the sector leaders in the use of cutting
edge technology. With just 30 full time employees designing and managing
programmes across 23 cities, we leverage technology to stay lean and drive
transparency, effectiveness, quality and performance across our operations.


Propel -App



MAD-App is a one-of-a-kind internally developed web and mobile volunteer

management app designed to empower communities to self-mobilize. It
provides real-time information on every one of our activities on the ground,
and is used to drive quality standards within the organisation. It has been
showcased in forums including the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Propel -App, is a dedicat ed modul e wit hin MAD-App, which is used t o manage
cl asses and sessions f or st udent s in higher secondary cl asses (11t h and 12t h
Grade). This appl icat ion hel ps Propel Fel l ows assign st udent s t o a 'Wingman'
and hel ps manage and t rack t he Wingman Programme.

This is an int ernal survey t ool t hat is used by al l vol unt eers t o record how
support ed t hey are f eel ing wit hin MAD. We run t his survey t wice a year, and
t his t echnol ogy hel ps us underst and how each vert ical or cit y is f unct ioning. It
al so has t he abil it y t o hel p us anal yze al l dat a col l ect ed t o gain insight s.

DONUT is one of the biggest offline Crowd-Funding Platforms in the country.

This mobile app has revolutionized financial transparency at MAD by
completely eliminating the need for paper receipts for personal donations
received, as it issues E-receipts directly to the donor as soon as a donation is
made. MAD thus receives and is able to track real time data on funds raised.

Unique users f or MAD App



Funds deposit ed t hrough DONUT

(in INR)

Number of successf ul donat ions

processed by DONUT


Percent age of chil dren
who passed t heir Board
exam (10t h grade)

Percent age chil dren
who passed year-end


Number of
Corporat es engaged

Percent age of


MAD st udent s receive

schol arships f or t uit ion
and l iving cost s

Number of
Dream Camps
conduct ed

Chil d


part icipat ion in

cl ass improved af t er


Dream Camps

l eaders t rained



of hours of l if e
skil l support


Vol unt eers

who bel ieve t hey
are making a
dif f erence

Appl icat ions

received f or
vol unt eering in
2015 - 16

of Teacher
conduct ed



Support Hours
provided by
Af t ercare Wingman



Reach on
Hours of l earning
support per chil d





We design for and monitor impact on both macro and micro levels and
develop our programmes specifically to target the impact we want. We see
macro indicators as those that are indicative of the long term quality of life
we aspire for the children we work with, and micro indicators as those which
we expect will add up to effect that change.

We are working on scal abl e model s and hol ist ic sol ut ions t hat in t he l onger t erm wil l bot h aim
t o increase t he support syst ems avail abl e f or abandoned chil dren and al so improve t he way
shel t ers are managed and run.
To ensure t hat we get t hese right , we are invest ing signif icant l y in f iel d research t o t est and
val idat e sect or assumpt ions around l ong t erm out comes and t o al l ow us t o bet t er priorit ise
t he int ervent ions we del iver. Through our in-house Probl em Def init ion and Research Team,
we aim t o underst and t he ef f ect s of inst it ut ional izat ion on l onger t erm l if e out comes of
chil dren. By st udying t he l ives of 35 year ol d adul t s who grew up in inst it ut ional ized
environment s across t he count ry, t he t eam aims t o ident if y t he real drivers behind negat ive
out comes and creat e sust ainabl e and ef f ect ive sol ut ions t o address t hem.
We address and t rack indicat ors at dif f erent st ages up t o t he age of 28, st art ing wit h earl y
st age indicat ors we bel ieve f undament al l y af f ect t raject ory. Some of t he indicat ors we l ook t o
measure are:

Fundamentals of literacy and numeracy

Confidence and self-esteem
Core life and social skills
10th Std Grades
12th Std Grades
Core transitional and independence skills
Progression to further education or vocational training
Stable housing post shelter
Progression to career oriented work
Financial stability
Earning Threshold
Freedom of Choice
Social Inclusion


Our work in India has been recognized by eminent people around the world,
including Michelle Obama who chose MAD as one of the few organisations to
visit on her trip to India in 2010. We have also consistently won awards for
excellence, including:


Winner in t he best Medium Cat egory NGO in t he InDiya Shine

init iat ive organized by Great NonProf it


Worl d Summit Yout h Award Winner


St arbucks Yout h Act ionNet Award Winner


First Runner-up in t he Mahindra Spark The Rise compet it ion


iVol unt eer Award: Winner, Vol unt eer Engagement


eNGO Award - Winner, Communicat ions and Out reach cat egory


Websit e of t he Year India Award - Winner, Charit ies Cat egory


Great Pl ace t o Work Inst it ut e - Top NGO t o Work For, India


Worl d HRD Congress Cert if icat e of Merit f or encouraging diversit y

and incl usion f or growt h



In 2015-16, MAD was recognized approximat el y 200 t imes t hrough t he year in

various publ icat ions and news papers across t he count ry.


"...But over the course of a few months, my co-teacher Lekshmi and I managed to win Krishna's confidence and
she opened up to us. We'd take turns sitting with her in class, helping her read sentences word by word. She was
extremely eager to learn but we could tell that she was afraid of making mistakes. She'd look up, her eyes wide
with regret, whenever she couldn't manage to read a word correctly and we would smile back at her and ask her
to try again, going over each and every word in the textbook with her finger. Now Krishna can read sentences on
her own. She is also extremely active in class and can deliver an impromptu speech with only a little
encouragement from our end."
- Nikhil George, Teaching Volunteer and Fellow, Trivandrum


Why Ed Support ?
One of the biggest challenges faced by children in shelter homes is that of educational inequity. The school
and shelter system are in most cases severely under-resourced to provide the kind of after school
educational support required for children to flourish. The care and one-on-one attention that children from
regular homes receive from their parents or guardians is also missing for children in shelters. This results in
low motivation, poor academic performance, high dropout rates, lack of positive role models and an ever
widening gap between what a child knows and what they should know for their age.

How Ed Support works

Ed Support is a unique programme designed to ensure children in shelter homes receive the quality of
support and 1-on-1 attention required to bridge learning gaps and enable them to clear Grade 10 and
pursue higher education. The school curriculum is delivered by high achieving volunteers who are provided
with professional teacher training and empowered to be both teachers and positive role models. The
programme supports children from grade 5 to grade 10 and is implemented with periodic tracking of each
child?s progress and regular impact measurement through standardized tests. An average class size of 8
students is supported by 2 Volunteer Teachers who commit to classes for a minimum period of one
academic year.
Ed Support Impact 2015-16



Chil dren impact ed by t he

Ed Support Programme

Chil dren who passed wit h 1st

Cl ass Honors in t heir School
Leaving Board examinat ions.

Vol unt eer Teachers in Ed Support

Chil dren who passed t he School
Leaving Board examinat ions

Number of hours of l earning

support .

What 's Next ?

The Ed Support Programme continues to evolve based on our experiences in the field. Our focus for 2016 is
to implement a new curriculum designed to improve foundational literacy and numeracy in children by
grade 5. We also plan to invest in up-skilling and empowering our academic support team to incorporate
differentiated and activity based teaching practices in all Ed Support classes, thereby improving the quality
of support children receive. Over the next few years, Ed Support will merge with the other programmes, and
transition into a singular age-transitional programme, seamlessly combining academic support with age
relevant life skills, emotional health, and real world exposure. We aim to pilot the first stage of the holistic
Child Support Programme with the 10-13 age bracket in 2017.


A child I mentored aspired to become a doctor because her parents expected that of her. But after the first few
months we (discover team) observed that public speaking and writing was her forte and something she liked
doing, yet she did not consider any field related to that. I wanted her to explore her options before making a
choice but she was adamant. One day, as a part of discover activity, we took the children for a newsroom visit.
After that visit, she walked up to me and said she wants to consider journalism. I will always remember that day
when I witnessed a child begin to explore. That's what discover is for me, a program that helped a child discover
who he/ she is, explore and make an informed choice.
- Muskaan Maharia, Discover Strategist


Why Discover?
At MAD, we believe that what a person becomes should not be the result of where they grew up or their
financial background, but what their dreams are and what their true passion is. Through our work with
children in shelters we found that as they progressed through school, there was a marked lack of awareness
and confidence about varied career and life choices. Discover was therefore designed to provide children in
shelter homes with the exposure and skills to build their confidence and decision making ability while also
supporting their career growth by increasing their interest in academia and progression through
experiential learning.

How Discover works

The Discover Programme focuses on children from 7th to 10th grade, providing exposure to different career
options through an experience-based approach, helping them find their area of interest through initial
profiling, and helping them explore it through experiential workshops and activities. Through a dedicated
team of Fellows and volunteers, the programme organizes workshops either within the shelter home or via
field visits and educational activities giving children an immersive experience of higher education and
career opportunities. Children we have worked with across the country now want to explore careers as
varied as teachers, artists, engineers, technologists and even robot designers.
Discover Impact 2015-16

Chil dren in t he
Discover Programme


Number of hours of sessions
conduct ed by f iel d expert s

Number of act ivit ies

del ivered

Hours of career
awareness act ivit ies

Number of hours of exposure

out side of t he shel t er home

What 's Next ?

From 2016 Discover will be merged with Ed Support to improve cohesion and ensure a more seamless
developmental experience for children. We also plan to expand scope to focus more on life skills and
emotional health at a younger age, and to create a more holistic age-transitional platform through which
children in shelters gain exposure to a broader range of future options regarding education and careers as
well as other life choices. As they progress through different developmental stages, we will focus on
different life skills, from cognitive development to support education as they approach Grades 10 and 12,
to the practical skills needed to cope with life outside shelters as they get nearer the age they will have to
to exit their shelter.



I was the one of the facilitators for a plenary session in Dream Camp. The session was called River of Life. It
was an intense session where children reflect about their life so far. There was one child who wanted to
specifically talk to me. I was very surprised since she was someone who was not very communicative or open
and had never spoken to me before. During the course of the session, she told me about her life, her
experiences, and her family. I could see a transformation in the way she spoke. Towards the end she told me
how she does not blame herself for her past experiences. She also spoke about a promising future and how
she would work hard to attain that future. I had goosebumps when she expressed that she would like to grow
to be a teacher like me and make a difference to the world.
- Manju Basha, Bangalore Volunteer

Why Dream Camps?
Institutionalization typically results in children growing up in insular environments where they rarely get to
experience the unfamiliar. When they leave the shelter, they struggle to cope with the range of new
challenges and experiences that inevitably come their way, and for many this can cripple their self-belief
and thus longer term outcomes. Dreaming about the future is also often missing from children who live
with emotional traumas, and without markers for the future, there is little motivation to invest in activities
like schooling that have longer term returns. Dream Camps aim to address that sense of hopelessness and
lack of self-belief by helping children build and connect with their dreams, gain confidence through action
and exposure to new experiences in a supportive and safe environment, and for a few days, to be free from
the confines of the shelters they grow up in.

How Dream Camps work

Dream Camps are a 2-3 day experiential camp that primarily focuses on helping children build and connect
with their dreams through a process of self growth and transformation via a tried and tested methodology
called the ?arc of transformation?which involves four group plenaries. Around these sessions, children also
build self-confidence through exposure to new people, ideas and experiences that are deliberately
designed to expand their horizons within a safe space. Finally we ensure that Dream camps also act as a
recreation space for the child, providing an essential break from the stresses of institutionalization.

Dream Camp Impact 2015-16

Chil dren part icipat ed in
Dream Camp



Teachers who said t heir chil d?s
part icipat ion in cl ass has
improved af t er Dream Camp

Chil dren who f el t more conf ident

t o t ry new t hings af t er t he Dream

Dream Camps
conduct ed

Chil dren said t hey woul d at t end

al l MAD cl asses af t er Dream Camp

What 's Next ?

Our focus for 2016 onwards is to work on seamlessly integrating Dream Camps with the rest of the
programmes to maximize impact. We will be building precursor activities that prepare children to get the
most out of their Dream Camp, and follow up activities that help them take their reflections and learning
forward. Also we aim to track and connect the dreams and aspirations that children define during the Camp
to help customize the support we provide in their ongoing classes, including focusing on specific subjects
and pursuing related streams in college, apprenticeship or work.


As an ASV and Wingman, nothing makes you prouder than walking into your college and seeing the 2
propellers you spent mentoring for the past 3 years - who with your support, shed blood, sweat, and tears to
get where they are today. To be able to call them your college mates, your colleagues in the true sense of
the word, is the best feeling in the world.
-Vedanshi, Propel Wingman, Ahmedabad



Why Propel ?

High school is an important decision point for all children, but it is also a critical trajectory marker for
children exiting shelters. For children in shelters, the period is often made worse by the absence of a
mentor such as an elder sibling or parent who can guide them. Faced with deficits in life-skills, academic
support, career guidance and funding support, children in shelters often make poor career and life choices.
This point at which a child leaves the shelter, usually around high-school, is thus a crucial intervention
period. Propel evolved from our identification of the need to provide strong reinforcement of life skills,
increased exposure to career choices and overall transition support to older children at this stage.

How Propel works

Propel is a Mentor Programme focused on 16 to 18 year olds, that equips and supports young people
exiting out of shelters at 18 to successfully make the transition into broader society. A "Wingman" is
assigned to each child in the programme to provide career support, mentoring and guidance. Skill building
modules ensure that the children are better equipped to face the world outside the shelter home. Funding
support is provided for those who have the passion and motivation but lack financial resources to pursue
their goals. Shelter leavers are also supported to access a network of colleges, vocational training and job
opportunities through our tie-ups and networks. So far, several Propel students have been successfully
placed into degree courses in law and engineering at prestigious institutions like Bangalore Institute of
Legal Studies (BILS) and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT).
Propel Impact 2015-16



High School Yout h securing 1st

Cl ass Honours at 12t h St andard

Number of high school yout h

impact ed


Tot al Schol arships (INR) awarded
t o yout hs

High School Yout h l eaving
shel t ers pl aced in col l eges, jobs
or vocat ional t raining

Number of hours of skil l

buil ding and academic support
del ivered

What 's Next ?

Going forward, we intend to merge and restructure our existing programs to make them more impactful,
scalable and synchronised as a collective suite of interventions. Our primary goal for 2016 is to grow
impact and improve the way we track and monitor it in the long term. We have extended Propel into a pilot
after-care programme to create a more systematic platform that supports young people after they leave
shelters. We also plan to improve our life-skills curriculum, transition readiness, and stakeholder
engagement to build a more stable ecosystem post-shelter. Finally we will invest further improving the
Propel App to enhance Wingman effectiveness.


Af t ercare

?College proved to be much more difficult than Leelavathi had anticipated. She painfully became aware of the
?difference?between her and her classmates. She was failing her papers. At this sensitive juncture, I tried to talk to
Leelavathi in terms that I knew Leelavathi would understand. I also roped in the help of Leelavathi?s mother, who
could connect to Leelavathi at a much more intimate level. Slowly, things began to look up for her. Soon after, she
grabbed a much coveted internship at Amnesty International. The profile is that of a legal intern aiding research
about the distress of undertrials and the delay in legal proceeding in the Indian Judicial System. Leelavathi?s own
parents, kept as undertrials in prison for 13 years, were her primary source of motivation.?
- Adithi Raju, Wingman, Bengaluru



Why Af t ercare?

As an organization we realised that the lack of exposure and difficult emotional environment because of
their backgrounds, has had an impact, among others, on their emotional, mental growth ,level of motivation
and lack of ambition. Things that come naturally to people from stable backgrounds, these youth struggle
with them, their institutionalised life in shelter home had created a wide gap for them to be able to make a
smooth transition outside the shelter home by themselves. We realised that getting them into a college or a
job was not the end impact of our intervention but a beginning of a new chapter. To combat this, we
initiated Aftercare program. As an organization we intend to provide Aftercare support up till the age of 28.

How Af t ercare works

Aftercare provides support to young adults in the form of a reliable mentor after they are admitted to
college or placed in a job. The Aftercare mentor (wingman) engages and interacts with the youth
periodically to ensure that the youth overcomes the social and economic hardships and help them stabilise
into the new independent life style. Aftercare looks into supporting the youth in multiple areas such as
emotional support, financial support, housing support, career guidance, academics/ university support,
provision of needs based skills continuing from their time at the shelter home, and helping them with
respect to transition related challenges. The volunteering interventions by the mentor is customized to
meet the needs of the youth as a part of the programme.
Af t ercare Impact 2015-16



Number of yout h under Af t ercare


Number of yout h provided wit h

housing support

Tot al Schol arships (INR) awarded
t o yout hs

Yout h who successf ul l y moved t o
t he next year in t heir respect ive
universit y

Number of hours of support
provided by Af t ercare Wingmen

What 's Next ?

This part of the programme in currently in it?s second year of pilot and we ready to make an official launch
next year. One of the biggest realizations has been that a most of the transition support elements need to
continue even once they have left the shelter home and joined colleges or jobs. Hence, the programme
design is now integrating the whole learning experience in a more long term time line and not restricting to
time inside shelter homes. A lot of real time learning is getting integrated into all the interventions across
all programs, during the children?s time in the shelter home. One of the key focuses this year in on
improving our monitoring and tracking systems by introducing our MADapp for Aftercare as well. Apart
from this we intend to develop self help support groups among the existing youth. Real world Finance
management is another top priority that we intend to introduce this year under the program. We plan to
help all the youth under the programme to open Bank accounts and we intend to start a monthly stipend


"This year, Make A Difference has a dedicated Learning and Development team whose focus will be on
ensuring that all MAD volunteers are equipped to deliver Make A Difference's interventions effectively and
efficiently. Our focus will be on ensuring that every volunteer is able to build their competency. We will also
ensure that all the best practices, value shares are shared with volunteers across cities and everyone has
access to all the good things that have been done in the past. "
- Bharat Bhaskaran, Director, Mobilisation - Leadership & Development.

Why LxD?
One of our focus areas since the time of inception has been seeding social change in the minds of the youth
of India. Our Leadership x Design (LxD) programme is India's largest Youth Leadership Programme, which
brings together over 400 young leaders every year from across 23 of India's biggest cities. So far through
our Leadership x Design Programme (LxD) we have been able to create over 1300 high potential leaders
who in the years ahead will be passionate and competent to bring change for the betterment of their
community as they move to greater positions of leadership and influence in the future.

How LxD works

The LxD programme consists of a combination of induction training, ongoing mentorship and a Leadership
Conferences (LC's) that each Fellow undergoes. Our 4 day intensive residential training is based on
Stanford?s Design Thinking principle, which is an approach to learning that focuses on developing creative
confidence which inculcates problem solving and leadership skills in participants. Instead of merely
focusing just on ideation, the Design Thinking approach has a positive bias towards on-ground
implementation. Once our Fellows learn, observe and understand the challenges they are dealing with, they
become solution-drivers in their own ecosystems, thereby leveraging the benefits of Learning by Doing.
Training and development is supplemented by an internal user generated knowledge library called HQ, and
city circles held and organized locally by city teams themselves.
LxD Impact 2015-16

Fel l ows & St rat egist s
int ensivel y t rained

What Next ?


Number of Hours of Leadership
Training & Support del ivered

Percent age MAD Vol unt eers who f eel

support ed t o make a dif f erence

Historically our LxD programmes have focused primarily on our Fellows, but over the next two years we
plan to build out our internal capacity-building team and scale our LxD programme to reach beyond our
Fellows to our entire volunteer base. We are also piloting the use of MOOCs (Massive open online courses)
and developing custom technologies to aid e-learning and knowledge transfer from generation to
generation. As part of our drive to ensure continuous improvement, we will continue to drive efficiency
improvements in the delivery of our annual Learning Conferences, and improve learning via the use of City



I was excited and amazed to see how the volunteers interact with the kids. When I was going through the
models that were being made by the children, I was surprised and delighted to see the beautiful designs. I
hope this continues and I get to be here again.
- Sridevi, India Corporate Social Responsibility Lead, CSC


Why ExE?
Along with mobilizing young leaders in communities surrounding shelter homes through our Fellowship
model, we also work towards engaging Companies and Corporations in the work we do. We firmly believe
that Business Leaders also need to be part of the solution and supporting corporate employees to volunteer
with us as part of sponsorship packages is an effective way to sensitize leaders of the future to the issue of
children in shelters, while providing great value in return to sponsors who fund our impact. Over the years
we have built some great relationships with local and multinational brands and companies whose
employees have been instrumental in some of our campaigns and have made a difference to children by
helping deliver Discover sessions and volunteering in our Dream Camps. It is thus a win-win approach for
children, MAD and the organizations who sponsor us.

How it Works
We first create ownership by catalyzing a core team of volunteer leaders within the sponsor company. This
team becomes the epicenter of all our engagement activities. Their primary responsibility is to collectivize
and create a community within the company where everybody chooses a way of giving back based on their
age, interests, educational background, and time availability. Their options include Child-centric Projects,
Technology Projects, Fundraising Campaigns, Mass Awareness Campaigns, and Project Management.
Post a child sensitivity training session, they then join our regular sessions as support mentors, after which
they are enabled to deliver sessions by themselves, and finally to create their own sessions with support
from our dedicated city teams. The whole experience becomes powerful and binding when young business
leaders are able to see impact on the ground for the work they put in.
ExE Impact 2015-16



No. of corporat es engaged

Hours of empl oyment engagement
act ivit ies

No. of empl oyees engaged

2015-16 Engagement Part ners



Back-A-Thon is a campaign that gets all the voices together that are usually dispersed over discussions which
happen over tea, in college canteens etc about all the wrongs that are there in the society. Back-A-Thon
brings together like minded people who don't want the injustices against a vulnerable child to go unnoticed
and helps them put their thoughts across in a strong voice and create awareness about the problems.
Back-A-Thon helps mobilize the whole community and collectivises them to act against the social injustices
against children living in shelter homes.
- Yashodhan Sule, PR Fellow, Nagpur


There are millions of children in need of care and
protection in India alone. Children who end up living
broken or institutionalized lives, with limited support
systems, positive role models or opportunities. The sad
truth is that few people are aware of the scale and depth
of this problem and there?s not enough funding to turn
things around. Back-A-Thon is a one of a kind awareness
event where we raise awareness about the needs of the
most vulnerable section of society and support them by
building up an ecosystem within our community to be
able to give them reliable social safety networks. On the
13th of September 2015, 14000 people walked back in
solidarity with children in shelters across 23 cities in

MAD week is a campaign we run annually from 1st
- 7th November, the anniversary week of MAD's
registration in 2006. Its signature campaign is
called 'Happiness is contagious' where our
volunteers across the country step out into their
community and show their gratitude to people
who are least appreciated such as the traffic
police, laborers, security guards and street vendors
through acts of kindness. In this process, we also
sensitise the community about the conditions of
children in shelter homes.



Fol l owers on t he MAD
Facebook page

Event s across India

Number of peopl e who part icipat ed
in t he 2015 Back-A-Thon




i si n

t s:

g: 3




Cr o


Corp or at e Donat

ions: 11 %

MAD is registered under Section 12A, 80G of the Income

Tax Act, 1961 and the FCRA regulation of Ministry of
Home Affairs. 80% of MAD donations come from Indian
sources and 20% of donations come from foreign donors.

: 16

Income Source
of Origin

nat i



i si


I: 1



gn D





For e



INR 51,399,897

The overall amount of funds we raised

increased from INR 4.32 Crores in 2014-15 to
INR 5.13 Crores in 2015-16. This year,
Foundation grants accounts for 32% of our
total income in addition to corporate
sponsorships. Foundation Grants and
Community Fundraising continue to remain
our largest source of funds with contributions
of 32% and 35% respectively.




Funds raised t hrough Corporat e

grant s

Funds raised f rom domest ic

% spent on Programmes

Historically Make A Difference was dependent largely on crowd funding and corporate sponsorship, but in
2015 we aimed to diversify our funding streams to become more sustainable and help manage potential risk.
By the end of the year we were successful in adding large multi year grant funds and large individual
donations and moved our crowd funding into monthly recurring donations which are more sustainable and
improves our longer term stability.
For every Rs 100 that we raise, Rs 6 is used to generate the next Rs 100 and this ensures the long term
sustainability of our organisation. We are designing fundraising programs with the explicit intent to reduce
this cost as years progress.







Dr e



s: 2


INR 41,919,992

Pr o
gr a




s: I

For every INR 100 raised by MAD, INR 94 is spent on

programme expenses. Our focus on a volunteer based
delivery model for our programmes allows us to be
considerably more cost efficient than comparable

Admi n
Exp en
ses: IN

Prop el:2 0 %


: 6%
ai s
nd r


88% of our total expenditure went towards

execution of our four major programmes. We
invested significantly in our programmes to
increase quality of impact and the scale of our
operations within our existing shelters. We
follow international industry standard GAAP
guidelines with respect to admin costs and
allocation of salaries and overheads to projects
based on actual effort and time spent on
execution of the projects. The complete audited
financial statements are available on our

Our volunteer model ensures that our delivery

costs are approximately 1/ 10th of an
equivalent employee based model.

For Every Rs.100

raised by Make A
Dif f erence


Account abil it y & Transparency




Conducted by an
independent external
agency to ensure
compliance with
industry regulations.

Budgets for every activity

are submitted separately
using Salesforce, and are
monitored by at least
two approvers.

We ensure monthly
reviews of financial
reports in order to
evaluate performance
and identify variances.



As an organisation that delivers impact largely

through a volunteer network, key aspects of our
ability to make a difference to children in
shelters would not be possible without the help
and support of the wonderful people and
organisations who stay involved with us.
First and foremost we must recognise all our
amazing MADsters - our dedicated Volunteers ,
Fellows, Interns and Strategists for the
unwavering commitment that drives the change
we want to see in the world. Your names are all
in the small print.
A big thank you must also go to all our givers,
from our Corporate Sponsors and Foundations,
to the Individual Donors who contributed so
generously to help vulnerable children.
Much gratitude also goes to our NGO partners
who have shared their knowledge with us, and
to our strategic advisors for the time and effort
they have put in to ensure that our impact keeps



a Raju A Girish Madhav A Sahith Reddy A Sai Manish A Sai Praneeth A Varun Kini A. Mahesh A.LakshmiSaiCharitha A.Meghana A.Naveen Tej A.Ramya Sushma A.sudhir A.Y.S Kausik Aadesh joshi Aadit Parikh Aaditya pratap singh Aadrika Gupta Aadya Saggurthi AAKARSH SURANA Aakash Jain Aakash
a Aakriti Mehta Aakriti Sethi Aakrity sethi Aalhad Patil Aanchal pant Aaquib Saneen D.R Aarohi Joshi Aarohi Joshi Aarsi Uday Popat Aarthi Anand S Aarthy.R. Menon Aarushi Aarushi Arya Aarushi Jain Aarzoo Bakhshi Aasheena Asghar aashika sekar Aashika Shetty Aashim Bansal Aashish bansal Aashish Gupta
Aashna joe Aashna Sangai Aasish Tunuguntla Aastha Dayal Aastha sehgal Aaushi Tariyal Aayush Agarwal Aayush Jain Aayush Singh Aayush Singhal Aayushi Aayushi Gangwani Aayushi Kapadia Abarna Rajagopalan abc Abdul Basith ABDUL Hannan Kanji Abdul Vasih Abdul wasay Abha Sharma Abhai Kollar
Singh Yadav Abhay yadav Abhi Jain Abhijeet Deshpande Abhijeet Tiwaskar Abhijit B Abhijit Pratap Singh Abhijith Menon Abhijith Mohan R ABHIK BANERJEE Abhilash Bhargav Sai Abhilasha Singh Abhinav Arora Abhinav Bharadwaj Abhinav Gajagantarao ABHINAV JINDAL ABHINAV KATHURIA Ab
ndhe Abhinav rao Abhinav Singh Abhinaya Murthy Abhishek yadav Abhishek barange Abhishek Barsaiya Abhishek Chauhan Abhishek Choudhery Abhishek Gupta ABHISHEK JALAN ABHISHEK JINDAL Abhishek kumar.p Abhishek mahto Abhishek mishra ABHISHEK MOHANTY Abhishek Nair Abhishek Ne
hek Sathaye Abhishek Shekhar Abhishek Shrivastava Abhishek Soni Abhishek Taneja Abhivishrut Abirama Krishnan Abisha Nadar Abishek Sekar Aboli W anjari Aby Anthony ABYANSH AKARSH ROY Adarsh Chandru Adarsh Jeyes Adarsh Ramesh Adarsha Sagar M Adhithi Ramesh Adithi Raju Adithya Manju
Suresh Aditi Aditi AG Aditi Bhatnagar Aditi Birla Aditi Chaturvedi Aditi Kamath Aditi Kaviya Aditi Mehra Aditi Nanda Aditi Puthran Aditi Rajpal Aditi Ramesh Aditi Rao Aditi Sajwan Aditi sood Aditi T ADITI TIW ARI Aditi Vasu Aditi Verma Aditi Vermani Aditti Gupta Aditya Aditya Adesh Sapre Aditya
ya Dave Aditya Huria Aditya Jain Aditya Jamkhindikar Aditya Kapoor Aditya Kotbagi Aditya Krishna Aditya Krishnakumar Aditya Mathur Aditya Nair Aditya Nair Aditya PD Aditya Rao Aditya Roy Aditya S.K Aditya S.K. Aditya SK Adityan Elangovan Adnan Haideri Adriza Chattopadhyay Advaith Govind A
hra AEKANSH CHAW ARE Afzal Khan Agneesh Sadhu Agnes Joseph Agnes Mary James Agrima Saran Ahalya.B Ahamed Rishal P Ahammad Sachin K Ahmed M Abdul Naseer Aikansh Gupta Ailani Mohit aisha jain Aishe Ghosh Aishwariya Karnawat Aishwarya aishwarya duttasharma Aishwarya arun Aishwarya
annore Aishwarya bodhankar Aishwarya Falke Aishwarya Joshi Aishwarya Keerty Aishwarya Nathan Aishwarya Pandey Aishwarya Parakh AISHW ARYA PILLAI Aishwarya R Aishwarya Reddy.Karnavathula Aishwarya S Aishwarya S C Aishwarya Sarda Aishwarya Totad Aiswarya Ajith Aiswarya B Aiswarya P.L
nny Ajay K Ajay Krishna Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar Ajay Mittal Ajay Varma Ajeesh Ajeya Vel N Ajinkya W ankhede Ajita Naik Ajmal Najeeba K H Ajo Babu George Akanksha Akanksha Agrawal AKANKSHA CHOUKSEY Akanksha Jakhar Akansha Agarwal Akansha Mittal Akansha Shah Akarsh Nagaraj Akarsh S
war Akash Das AKASH JACOB Akash Nagaraj Akash Pandey Akashdeep Chand Akhil AR Akhil Bhattar Akhil G Akhil Jain Akhil Naresh Kumar Akhil Priyatam Akhil Ramini Akhil Sasidharan Akhil Skaria Akhil Teja Akhil varma Akhil Vijay Akhila Nair Akhila Sankar Akilesh Srinivasan Akshara Arcot Akshat sh
Akshatha S Bhargav Akshay Akshay AKSHAY BHASKAR Akshay Bhat Akshay Chawda Akshay Ganesh Akshay Gurnaney Akshay Jha Akshay Kapoor Akshay Kher Akshay Krishnan Akshay Kumar Akshay Manikandan Akshay Nandyalam AKSHAY PANDIT Akshay Pujara Akshay Raj Singh Akshay Ramakrishna
gavel Akshay Vincent Akshaya AKSHITA CHAW LA Akshita Jain Akshita Kharbanda Akshita Rathod Akshita Singuri Alakananda melethil Alan Antony Aikara ALAN JOSHUA J ALAN KURIAKOSE Alan Pauls Alankruta Sirdeshpande Albina Susan Bel Alekhya Jayakar Ali Akbar Alisha Alisha Chaudhari ALISH
a Rajpal Allabaksh S. K. Alok Tripathi Amal Krishna A K AMAL MARTIN Amal Narayanan Aman Agrawal aman chitkara Aman Gupta Aman Gupta Aman Jindal Aman Kapoor Aman Kapur Aman Kesarwani Aman Mehta Aman Nathani Aman Singh Pusham Amana A S Amar sai prabhu Amara Jyotsna Ama
il Ameez Somani Amey Halge Ameya W arange Amina Mohammed Aminath Afaa Mohamed Amit Chaurasia Amit Goyal Amit Mishra Amit Rajoria Amit Shrivastav Amiteshwar Singh Amitha Amjad Ali Khan Amna Imdad Amol Kulkarni Amra Qamar Amrita Das Amrita Singha Amritha J Renjit Amrutha Amruth
athews Amulya Satish Kallakuri Anagha Mukundan Anagha Sudheer Anamika Bharucha Anamika Misra Anamta Saltanat Anand Anand Kumar Pandey Anand Murali Anand Paul Anand S Pillay Anand Suresh Anand Tamhankar Ananda Bhaasita Desiraju Anandeep Anandeep Chaudhuri Anandhini Anant Goe
shnan Ananthakrishnan S Nair ANANTHAN K S Ananthan V Ananya Ghosh Ananya Rajoo Del Ananya Tandon Ananya Upreti Anaqat Kamboj Anas Chemmala Anchal arora ANCHALA CHOUKSEY Anchit Kumar Barnwal Ancita Andrie Singh Aneri Dedhia Aniha Modi Anika Agarwal Aniket Raj aniket wakh
Anila Moorthy Animesh Subham Anindita Adhya Anindita Sengupta Aniruddh Bajpai Anirudh Agarwal Anirudh Agarwal Anish Anish Batra Anish Celestine Dave ANISH KONJETI Anish Nair Anish Tholath Anisha Anand Anisha Malhotra Anisha Mascarenhas Anisha Raghavan Anita Madhwani Anjali Barai A
Rawat Anjali Sakleshpur Anjali Sakleshpur Anjan Anjana A S Anjana Navneet Anjana Sankaran Anjaney Anjan Anju Chithrakumar Anju Joy ANJU KURIAN Anju Mariam Jacob Anju Rachel Thomas Anjukrishnan S ANJUM FATHIMA Anjusha Ankit anand Ankit Jairaj Ankit Jalan Ankit Kumar Ankit Mishra
Ankit Panda Ankit Ramakrishnan Ankit Sharma ANKIT SRIVASTAVA Ankit Virdi Ankita Agarwal Ankita Agrawal Ankita Bhowmick Ankita Dwivedi Ankita Elizabeth Mathew Ankita Jain Ankita Khetwani Ankita Kothari ANKITA PALEKAR Ankita Pokle Ankita Ragesh Ankita Sehgal Ankita Shah Ankita sha
nkita Srivastava ANKITAA BHATIA Ankitha S Ankuj Gupta Ankur a Nagpal Ankur Godbole Ankur Gupta Ankur Modi Ankush mishra Anmol Khandelwal Anmol Suri Anna Una Crasta Annavarapu Nirnita Annavarapu vishal Annu James Anoop A adur Anshika Singh ANSHITA AGARW AL Anshu Shukla Ans
gh Anshul Gandhi Anshul Goenka Anshul gupta Anshul Jain Anshul Khandelwal Anshul Singh Anshula khedulkar Anshuman Mruthunjaya Ansu Mathew Antarleena Antra Mehta Anu James ANU MISHRA Anu Xavier Anubha Gautam Anubhav Arora Anubhav Bhargava Anubhav Sood Anubhutie Singh An
emireddy Anuhya.Yellisetti Anuj Gangwal Anuj Gupta Anuj Mehta Anuj Mehta Anuj Nadig Anuj Padia Anukriti Garg Anukriti Sharma Anukriti Sharma ANULI DASS Anupama Anupama.K.Arun Anupriya Gagneja Anuradha ANURADHA KUMARI Anuradha. Ray Anurag Maji anurag pandey Anurag Sh
nurudra Shukla Anush Ramdass Anusha Baskaran Anusha Cheekala Anusha Kumar anusha rai Anusha Ravish anusha reddy s Anusha Shanmuganathan Anusha Sharma Anusha Singhania Anushka Ringshia Anushka Bhandari anushka jain Anushka Ketan Dodhiwala ANUSHKA MITTAL Anushka Rastogi A
t Anvesha Tandon Anvit Baliga Anvita Dharmarajan Anviti Chaurasia Anwesh Anwesha Dhar Aparna B Gomathy aparna rai Aparna S Aparna Sudeendranath Apoorva Apoorva apoorva bhatnagar Apoorva Chaudhary Apoorva Gokhale Apoorva gupta Apoorva Jarmale Apoorva Kalaskar Apoorva Milind Sakun
arma Apoorva Vaishnavi Appu V Apratim Jaiswal Apurva Audi Apurva Birala Apurva Mishra APURVA SHRUTI MAKULURI AR LIKITH Aradhya Sahi Arashdeep Singh Bal Arathi Arathi L Kurup Aratrik Roy Araveti Anirudh Aravind Aravind Aravind AJ Aravind Ashok Aravind Dochibhotla Aravind G
Aravindra Advani Archaan V Menon Archana Benzi Archana Gomathy Archana Gomthy Archana Kanoi Archana Lakshman Archana M Archana Ravindran Archana Surendran Archit Saraf Archit Tolasaria Archita Jain Archita Mehta Archita Rana Arefa Mannan Bootwala ARIJIT GOSW AMI Aritra Chakraborty
Arjun Ahuja Arjun Anilkumar Arjun Baskaran Arjun Gurung Arjun Jaykumar Arjun Karunakar Arjun Krishna Lal Arjun Krishnan V V Arjun PremKumar Arjun Shrivastav Arjun Singh Arjun Upmanyu Arkopal Datta Arnab Das Arnab Roy Arnab Satpati Arnav Bajaj Aroon Mathai Arpan Chakraborty ARPAN
Bansal Arpit Bhatnagar Arpit Mishra Arpit Singh Ahluwalia Arpita Bhatta arpita patil Arun Denduluri Arun Kumar Arun kumar Arun Kumar Rajendiran Arun Pandian.M Arun Sadheesh Aruna M Arundhati Singh Arundhati Tewari Arunima Chakrabarty Arunima Chakrabarty Arunita Arun Ahuja Arunkumar
hi Agarwal ARUSHI GOEL Arushi Sana Arvind Kumar Arvind Prakash Arvind Vairavan Arya A R Arya Ramanathan Arzoo Cheema Aseef Aseem Chhabra Asha K Asha Narkimelli Asha Purushothaman Ashay Anand Ashhar Baig ASHIK K A Ashik Krishna Kumar Ashika Singh Ashima Prasad Ashish Ashish
h Gaur Ashish Gupta Ashish Kamra ASHISH SHAND Ashlin Sherry ASHMITA DEB Ashna Mittal Ashok Chandran Ashok Kurakula Ashok Tharan Ashti Khanam Ashwani Sharma Ashwanth Ashwariya Parekh Ashwathi Ashwin Anil Kartha Ashwin G Ashwin Harikumar Ashwin Harikuma Ashwin Harik
shwin Harikuma Ashwin Harikuma Ashwin Harikuma Ashwin Karivaradaraj Ashwin kumar Ashwin S Ashwin Somaiah Ashwini Ashwini Kommaraju Ashwini Patil Asmita Pati Asna Arif Astitv Nagpal Aswin Das ASW IN G S Aswin Gokul Aswin Menon Aswin Thomas John Athar Ankalgi Athira K.S ATHIRA
y Jain Atul Khera Atul Khera Atul Sharma Avanish Kumar Avantika Agarwal Avantika Garg Avinash kanavi Avinash KS Avinash Rahul avinash Tanjavuru Avipsha Singh Aviral Singh Avneet Kaur Dhaliwal Avni.A Avnoor W adera AW ANTIKA BADOLE Ayesha Ayinavolu amrutha Ayush Ayush Agarwal A
jee Ayush Choudhary Ayush Dave Ayush Goenka Ayush Gupta AYUSH KHATRI Ayush Kumar Ayush Kumar Rai Ayush Rana Ayush Rana Ayush Rawat Ayush Sahu Ayush Samdani Ayush Thakur Ayush Tyagi Ayushi Agrawal Ayushi Garg Ayushi Kotak Ayushi Mishra Ayushi Misra Azeema Sharafali Chimtha
ghanath B Srikar B. Bharat B.Ajay B.Pradeep kumar Babitakakani Bajradyuti Bhattacharjee Balaji A Balaji Srinivasan Balakrishna RG Balakrishnan Balakumaran Balamurugan.S Basant Kaur Basanth Sam Dey basundhara singh Batchu Tejasvi Bayaneni Samanvitha chowdary Beaulah Madhurya Kalathoti Beena A
y Besin Saju Bethany Grace Neumann Bhagyashri Atul Chitnis BHAGYASRI KALAVAKOLANU Bhagyesh R. Huprikar Bhairavi Saturdekar Bhajan Bhakti Khera Bhakti Rane Bhamidipati Lakshmi Prasanna Bhanuja Bharadwaj Acharya Bharat Batra Bharat Goyal Bharat Matta Bharath Krishna L Bharath.S.R Bh
hargav Bhargav Krishna Talluri Bhargav Reddy G bhargav yelllapragada BHARGAVI Bhargavi Bhargavi Mantha Bhargavi.C Bharti Ruhil Bhavadharini Bhavana BHAVANA K Bhavana Kadali Bhavana Lakshmi M Bhavaraju Anuraag Bhavini Johri Bhavisha Jain Bhavna motwani Bhavya Chhadva BHAVYA S
Bhawna Agarwal Bhawna Chaudhary BHEEMISETTY SUMANTH Bhumika Bhandari Bhumika Chawla Bhumika Shirole Bhushan Peswani bhuvaneswari.katupalli Bibaswan Dey Bijoy Joseph Bikarnakatte Bina Mundhra Binayak Prasad Sahu Bindiya Jain Bindu Sree Bindushree N Binny Binny Binny V A Birmohit
M Jacob Bonnie A Jose BRIJMOHAN LALCHANDANI Buddappagari Manaswini Buela Priya Rani Busaina Ahamed Shah Bushra Iqbal Busiana C Anusri C S K Pranav C.krushna gopal C.Navaneethakrishnan C.S.Ashwin Caamin Arora Caren Mary John Caren Raniya Jerome CELESTINA CHACKO ch.Durga De
Sowjanya Chabbi Shah Chaitanya Chaitanya Chaitanya Das Chaitanya Parsana Chaitanya Pathak Chaitanya Thammaya Chaitanya Yash Chaitra Hareesh Chakradhar sai kondisetty Chakunta shanthan kumar Chanakya Karra Chandan chandan gm chandan kewalramani chandana Chandana O. Chandini Akula Cha
vastav Chandrahas.K CHANDRAJEET KUMAR GUPTA Chandrashekar V Charan Murthy Charishma Digala Charles Aravind Maximus Charu kaushik charul soni Chattu Sriharsha Chenna Madhav Niketh Cherian Jacob Del Chetan Gughane chetan tunga chethan H A Chethana Tarun Chetna Chhabadiya Chhavi
hi Chinar Ghosh Chinchu T Chinmay Kaul Chinmayee Bhanu Chiraag A A Chiraag Punjabi Chirag Batra Chirag Mehta CHITTOOR NIKHIL PRADEEP Chureka Col H V Kaushal (Retd) co Maithreyi Venkatasubramani Cristina Varghese D Gopi Chand D Nirmala Jyothi D.ANUSHA D.BHARGAV TEJA Daggu
ati Gopi DAISY JOHNSON Daksha Gupta Dakshiani Palicha Dani Abraham Daniyal Khan Dantuluri Visweswara Abhinav Darshak Satra Darshak Satra Darshana Boricha Darshana Mukherjee Darshita Shah Darsi pranavi Darsini Manikandan davalika David Augustin Davidson Ranjitkumar Somervel Debanjana Sa
eblina Sarkar Deeksha Malik Deep jyoti Deep sacheti Deepa Venkatesan Deepak Chauhan Deepak Nagandla Deepak O Nair Deepak Ramachandran Deepak Sharma Deepali Deepali Garg Deepali Rajendra Gupta Deepanshi saxena Deepanshu Rekhi Deepika Deepika Bharati M Deepika Chandrasekaran Deepika J
APOOR Deepika Sah Deepika Seth Deepika singh deepika Sobti DeepikaReddy lankela Deepjot Singh Deepshikha Anand Deepshikha Mondal Deepthi Deepthi M Deepthi Pullanikadu Suresh Deepti Devdas Delice Mascarenhas Depanshu Deval Patel Devang Chandrate Devanjali Sikdar Devanshi Shah Devarsh Sh
n Gujar DEVESH P Devesh singh sengar Devi K M Devi Shyam DEVI VARA PRASADA RAO Devika D Nair Devika Menon Devika S Kumar Devika Sharad Karnad Devika V Devina Chhajer Devisha Mehta Devyani anand devyani dacha Devyani Mahadevan Devyani Neran Dewang Dhairya pahwa Dhairya Sangh
Dhananjay hedaoo Dhanashree Abhay Saraf Dhanisa Benny Dhanush Ram Dhanush Sudhakar Dhanushree Bhanawat Dhanya Narasimha Dhanya prasad Dhara Maru Dharani Sowndharya Dharini Sudarsan Dharmik Thakkar Dharshini Dharvi Goyal Dhaval Gangar DHEERAJ KUMAR Dheeraj Kumar GS D
ruv Malde Dhruv Shah Dhruva Jain Dhruvin U. Shah Dhvani Parekh Dhwani Sunku Dhwanit Saraf Diana Rose Diksha Diksha DIKSHA BATTY Diksha Pahoja Dikshit Gupta Dilip Sharma Dilip Unnikrishnan Dinesh Kumar dinesh yalla Dipali Sirsikar Dipankar Trehan Dipen Vakil Dipti Iyer Disha Arora Disha B
angia disha shah Disha Shetty Disha Unadkat Dishita Dishneet Kaur Diva singh Divdrisht Kaur Suri Divya divya Divya Awasthi Divya Bafna Divya chandy Divya giri Divya Gorityala Divya gupta Divya jain Divya joseph Divya K Divya Karamcheti Divya Khandkar DIVYA MALIK Divya Manchanda Divya Minglan
y Divya Neha Khalkho Divya rai Divya Sharma Divya Shrivastava Divya Sirikonda DIVYA SURANA Divya Unnikrishnan DIvya Uthup Divya Venkateswaran Divyani Divyanshu Mahansaria Diya Ibrahim Diyarti Ghosh Dr Griva Shah Dr Sraboni Basu Dr. Ankit P. Shah Dr.Shravan Dr.srushty gupta Drashti Th
a drishty nagpal Drona Khanduri Dummy 1 E.HIMA SRI Eeshita Bajpai Eeshita Kumar Eeshwar Ekansh Baroliya Ekansh Gupta Eknath chunduri Ekta mehta Elizabeth Korah English Project Fellow epshita Erum ajani Eshwar Kaushik Butukuri Falguni D.Lodaya Fareeha Thabanath Fiza Afshin Florica Prabu Foram
Joy Fredrick Xavier G Madhan Raj G Raja Sheker G Santosh Srivatsa G Sravani G vijaya kumari G. Amrutha G. Shyam Prasad G. Srivatsa Sharma G.Keerthi Gaddam Pruthvi Raj Gade Prudhvi Sai Adarsh Gagan Damani Gagandeep Singh Gagandeep Singh Gaganpreet Singh Ganesh GANESH P Ganesh Venkit
a Gautam Garima kalra Garima Rathi Garima Seth Garima sharma Garima singh Garima Singh Garuda Varadhi Nune Gaurav Bisht Gaurav Charokar gaurav ghildiyal Gaurav Gupta Gaurav Jain Gaurav kapoor Gaurav Panchbhai Gaurav Punjabi Gaurav Sachdev Gaurav Solanki Gaurav Tamrakar Gaurav yadav
Gauri Korday GAURI SINGHAL gautam doulani Gautam Manisekeran Gautam Reddy Gayam Saketh Reddy Gayathri gayathri Gayathri Jayan Gayathri Radhakrishnan Gayathri S Nair Gayatri Muley Gayatri Sapru Gayatri yadav GEETASHRI HAZARIKA Geetesh Geetika Arora George Antony Alappat Ghanta
tanjali Kalita Gnana Suthan Goh Cia Hui Gokul G K Gokul Krishnan Gokul Kumar R. Goli Spandana Gomathi Manoharan Gomathy.A Gonsha Elaize Thundathil Gopal Krishna S Gopika GP Gopika Jayashankar Gopikrishna Raju Gopikrishnan.P.G Gopinath S gourav agarwal Gourav Bhatewara GOURI MISRA G
and Gowri Somasekhar Gowtham Kumar M Gowtham Tumati GP Manisha Greeshma Girish Greeshma Shetty Grishma sharma Gugan V Gummalla Priyanka. Gunit Kaur Gunjan Chopra Gunjan Saluja Gunparan Guntupalli Shanmukha Priya Gurkaram Singh gurshin kaur Gursimran Kaur Gurtej Singh Nagpal
Gyan Lakshmi Hafiz Mohammed Hajara Sherin Halika reddy Hamd Sultan Hamsanandini Radhakrishnan Hamzah Draboo Hardeep Singh Hardik Gaurav Hari Govind Hari Krishnan P.S Hari shankar Hari Sharma Hariharan Harika reddy Harikamini nanduri Harikrishnan Harikrishnan Jayan Menon Harini P Ha
ish Harish Kumar Harish Maddali Harish Ramani Harish V Nair Harishma.A Haritha Haritha Naidu M Haritha Thiyaagu Harmanjit Harnord Cain Harpreet Harris V John Harsh Agarwal Harsh D Doshi Harsha Jain HARSHA JAIN Harsha Jasti Harsha k Girish Harshada Sakpal HARSHAL MANIKRAO KATH
shavardhan Harshavardhan D Harshavardhan Thyagarajan Harshala Chavan Harshavardhan Harshavardhan D HarshavardhanHarshala Chavan Harshavardhan Harshavardhan D Harshavardhan Harshit Agarwal Harshit Chadha Harshit Khanduja Harshit manchanda Harshita HARSHITA DUA Harshita Joshi H
t Harshita Tripuraneni Harshith Collooru harshith nannapaneni Harshitha B G Harshitha Maddirala Hasrat Kathuria HEEMAAL KAUL Hely Mehta Hemalatha Hemang Shah Hemant Rana hemanth Hemanth Kumar Devangam Karna Hemanth S Hemanth S Hemlata Bora Henna Loungani Henry Nameirakpam
ur Hiba Sanil Hima Doshi Himamshu Lakkaraju Himangi Singh Himani Malhotra Himani Mehta Himani S Porwal Himani Sarda Himanshi Gupta Himanshu Bansal Himanshu Dev Himanshu Gupta Himanshu Gupta Himanshu Mahajan Hina Mehndiratta Hiral A Sheth Hisham Husain Hitesh Hitesh Khilnani Hites
ondak Hitesh Sonawala Honey Kothapalli Hriday Kamal Hrishikesh Bhatt Hrishikesh P Menon Hrishikesh Sukumar Hrishikesh Sukumar Hrishikesh Telang Humshavarthini Karunanidhi Ibrahim Ila Sharma Ilakkiya Parthasarathy INALA THANMAYA Indira Das Indira Priyadarshini Indrajeet gill Indraneel Sen Indr
Ashwik Injeti Sai Supritha insha singh Ipsita Bhattacharya Isha Banerji Isha Bothra Isha Gulati Isha Gupta Isha Misra Isha Pandey Ishaan Duggal Ishan Agarwal Ishan garg Ishan Shah Ishan Singal Ishani Palandurkar Ishani Pant Ishani Sureka Ishank Lakhmani Ishika bhargava Ishika Jain Ishita Ishita Agarwal Ishita
ohoja Ishitaa Saxena Ishitaa Saxena Ishupreet Kaur Izam Parvez Ijaz J. Yogesh Tony Hadrine Jabarson S Jagannath Saregadam Jagjot Singh Jagriti Arora jahanvi kamboj Jahnavi Jahnavi panchalavarapu Jahnvi Popat Jai Kamdar Jai Sahni Jaiju George Jairam Thimmaiyan janaki rajagopal JANANI ANAND Janani Kuma
sh Singhania Jasmeet Kaur Dev jasmeet thind Jasmine Jason Kushal Jaswanth Jatin Arora Jatin Girotra Jatin Sapra Jay Suthar Jayanth Siddamsetty Jayashree surana Jayasree V Jaydeep Parekh Jayraj Thakker Jeeti Patel Jenil Shah Jerin Joseph Jerrin George James jeslin john Jessica Ann Jessica Rao Jetal bhanarka
umur Jibraan Sheikh Jigisha verma Jigyasa Sharma jijo johnson.k Jimit Soni Jisha James Jishnu Jayaram Jishnu Mehta Jitender Jitender Jitendra Agrawal Jitesh Jithin Jithin sankar Jithin V A Jithu Vijayakumar Joan Shilpa Kiran Joel John Manu Salachan Jonathan Joshelle Dantas Joshita Nag Joshitha Mandava Joshua J
h Joshua Varghese Josy Paulose JOVISH SHARMA Joyson Verner Dcosta Jubin K P Juhi chawla Juhi Dhingra Juhi Parsana Jumana Justine Jose jyothi sree.movva Jyoti Arora Jyoti Bansal Jyoti Gautam Jyoti Gupta Jyoti Singh Jyoti Sushilkumar Bhati Jyotsna Singh K . Jatin prasad K Prajwal K Srilekha K Sruthi K sw
. Chandana K. Shrutika Rao k.Bhanuprakash K.Bhavya K.Eelokya K.Krishna Yasaswi K.M Mathew K.Priyanka K.S. Prartna Raj K.Sai harika K.SAI SIRI PARVATHI K.Saisudha k.saritha K.V.S.S.Sri Rajarajeswari k.vinitha reddy Kaarthik.S Kabir Dhamne Kadali Ajay Kairav Kadakia Kajal Kalyan Vydiam Kalyani J
na Karam Kamya Manikantan Kanak Agrawal Kanak Kataria Kanan Shah Kanika Mittal KANIKA SOMAIYA Kanika yadav Kanishk Bakshi Kanishk Muddaiah Kanishka Saraf Kansha gupta Kansha Khandelwal Kanthi Kiran Bhargav Kanupriya Devgan Karan Karan GM Karan Gupta Karan Lugani Karan Mod
Rajwar Karan Virani Karan Yadav Karandeep Singh Bhorjee Karen D'Souza Karenca Fichardo karim faisal Karishma arora Karishma arora Karishma Modi Karishma Modi KARNATAKA" Karthik Karthik Karthik Ashok Dhawan Karthik Kolipaka KARTHIK S Karthik S Karthik Teja Karthik Venkateswaran
arthika.S Karthikeyan Karthikeyan K N Kartik Rao KASHISH BAJAJ Kaushik Nath Kaushika Kaushlendra dangi Kaustubh Nath Kaustubh Singh Kaveesha Kohli kavisha valecha Kavit Shah Kavita Bhugra Kavitha Krishnakumar Kavitha.s Kavya Babu Kavya Bhasin Kavya Jain Kavya Kriti Kavya Pankaj Kavya Prak
ya S kavya shree Kavya Subhash Lakhani Kavya.B Keerthan Ramesh Keerthana Binny Keerthana Vijayan KEERTHANA.B Keerthi Keerthi .S.R Keerthi Rajan Kendra Gandhi Keni Desai Kenneth Thomas N Kesavan Keshri Nandan Ketaki Sharma Ketan Vazirabadkar Ketharini Senthilkumar Ketul Kumar Kevin
in Suresh Kunnath Keya Prakash Khadeeja Suzna Khadija Khushal Thakkar Khushboo Khushboo Bajaj Khushboo Modh Khushbu. R. Ninawe Kinjal Gupta Kinnri Sinha kiran gupta Kiran Kumar kiran kumar kiran rathi KIRAN.R Kireeti Kiriti Kirti Jalan Kirti Mintri Kirti Sharma Kishan Ramesh Kokila Kann
al Komal Ayush Goenka Komal Gupta Komal Shivhare komal topnani Kondeti.Sai Neeharika Kotamraju swathi Koteswara rao koti reddy kotipalli Indhu Koushik Koushik Mathi Koustubh Ubhegaonker kranti Kratika Gupta Kratika Singhal Kratika Vaish Krisha Joshi Krishan Agarwal Krishna alapati Krishna Prasa
endran Krishna Prasad.P.U. Krishna saketh Krishna Sehgal Krishna soni krishna vamshi Krishna Vamshi Krishna vedantham Krishnakumar K A Kristin Issac Krithi Sudhir Krithika Krithika KRITHIKA RAMAKRISHNAN Kriti Sharma Kriti Tyagi Kritii Tikku Kritika Kritika Chawla Kritika Garg Kritika Kashyap
ta Kritika Sharma KRITTIKA.R Krtika Sharma Krupa Yagnik Krupali shah Kruthika Kruthika Rajendran Pillai Kruthika.R Kshirja Agarwal KSHITIJ PATHAK Kshitija Surve Kumar Snehansu Kumud tuteja Kunal Agarwal Kunal Ghai Kunal krishna yadav kunal mishra Kunal Soni KUNDHAVI SURESH Kuruv
kushagra Kushagra sharma Kushal Gupta Kushal Shah Kushboo KVNS Srilakshmi L K Sarath Chandra L.G.Rasika Lahari Sri T Laka Akhil Yadav LAKKAKULA DEDIVYA Laksh Agarwal Lakshay LAKSHAY HANSLAS Lakshay Talwar Lakshita Seksaria Lakshmanakiruthika.S Lakshmi Chaitra Padmini Tunugu
hmi S Nair Lakshmy Suresh Lakshya Pawa Lalith Reshma Lalitha Shivadas Larisa Correia Lasya Priya Lasya Sripati Panditaradhyula Latifa Dhun Lava Kumar lavanya surisetti Lavanya.J lavina agarwal laxmi kumari Leethu Thomas Lekha V Lekshmi Chandra Lekshmi G Lekshmi Revi Sunitha Library Project Fellow
lipi thakkar Lisbeth George Kurian Liya Ismail liya susan peter Liza Johnson Loel Alen Sequeira lohita Lohith Lokesh Narapureddy Loui Jojan Malayil Lovina Tiwari Loy Maria George Lukeshkumar p Rinait M Abhishek M Goutham Kumar M Harshavardhan Reddy M krishna deepthi M Prajwal M Shail
MANVI M. Naveed Ulla M. Rohith M.himavarsha M.Indu M.M.K.Chaitanya Sai M.Manish Kumar M.NIKHITHA M.sailaja M.V.Roopesh Kumar Reddy Maanasa Madan Maddipatla Krishna Priyusha Madhav Madhav Dadwe Madhav Sabarwal Madhav Sharma Madhu Madhu M Madhu Puranik madhukar gund
ulshrestha Madhumidha Madhumitha Madhumitha Madhura Tapse Madhuri Arora Madhuri Jakkula Madhuri Tammina Madhurima Doppalapudi Madhurina Madugula Sri Ram Charan Maguluri Sooraj Mah liqa Mahalakshmi Jayaprakash Mahalakshmi Rajan Mahek Rupani Mahesh Bhat Mahima Ahuja Mahima G
ahima surana Mahima Thakkar Mahima Thakkar Mainul Hasan Maithili Sharma Maithri CH MAITREYI MESHRAM Maitri Jain Malaika Malavika malavika Malavika Chakravarthy Malavika M S Malavika Menon Malcolm Malini . S Mallela Bhuvana Sindhura Mallika Hudlikar Mallika Raje Mallika Singh Ma
n Shah Manand Bhide Manas Sardar Manasa bangalore MANASA N Manasa Rangu Manasa reddy billa Manasa Varanasi Manav Shah Manav Sharma Manavi Mehrotra MANGALORE Mangalore -575005" Manica srivastava Manikanta Manikanta Sai Manikya Das Manish Arora Manish Khemlani Manish M
awat Manjima Nair Manju Basha Manju Basha Prabhakar Manjunath NV Mannat Anand Mannat Anand Mannat Kaur Manne Siva krishna Mano Subhashini Manoj Manoj E Manoj Kumar Manoj Vaswani Manpreet Kaur Mansi Mansi Mansi Middha Mansi nema Mansi Panchamia Mansi Patel Mansi Rashesh Mod
Mansi singhal Mansimran Mansimrat Kaur Mantaj Sidhu Manu Puranik Manudeep Manushree.L manvi sachdeva Maria M George Maria Treesa MARISA FLORIAN OSTA Mariya Myno Babu Mariya Samreen MarkKenneth Matangi Priya Mathanky Mathew P Abraham Matthew W ilson Mayank Budhiraja M
MAYANK SAXENA Mayank Shastri Mayur Bhanarkar Mayur Bhanarkar Mayur Rao Mayur Talele mayuri kharde mayuri kunigiri Mayuri S S S Mayuri Sharath Md zeeshan ansari Medha Konda Medha M Ghatge Meenakshi Saranga Meenakshi satya Meenakshy Sasikumar Meet Rao Meeta Agarwal Megha ch
gha Choudhary Megha Jayant Megha Jose Megha Mohan J Megha Panicker Megha Sharma Megha Sharma MEGHALI JOSHI Meghana Meghana G Meghana J Meghana Raddy meghanshu jain Meghdipa manna Meghna R Meghna Reddy Meghna Sangwan Meghna Yadav Meha Mandhana Meher Chandrika Meh
Melinda Fernandes Mellita Rathna Menaga S Merlin Mathew Merlyn Mathew Meyyammai Michael Job Michelle Vetekar Milin Gadda Milind Chandwani Millesh.M Minal Chouhan Mini Shukla Minnu Sagar A E MIRZA ASIF ANW AR BAIG Mitali Joshi Mitali Linge Mitesh Doshi mithila Mithila Reddy Chi
ar Singh Mitul Singhania Mohak Gupta Mohammed Ali.M Mohammed Ehsan Mohammed Kamran Mohammed Khaja Moinuddin Chisty Mohan C Mohan C Rao Mohana Mohana surapaneni Mohanavalli.Shankar Mohit Arora Mohit Dagar Mohit Durge Mohit Jain Mohit kothari Mohit Kumar Mohit Mohanty M
na Mohit Singla Mohith Mohith L M Moksha shah Molly Agarwal Monarch Nayak Monica Murali Kamath Monica Prabhakar Lambate Monika Gupta MONIKA RANDER Monish Mehta Monisha Monisha Dhall Monisha M Monisha Veerwani Morris Anto Moturu Chaitanya MOUNIKA YADLAPALLI MOUPIY
ridula Mrigya Sharma Mrinal Das Mrinal kaushik Mrinal M Mrinal Shivam MRINALI YADAV Mrunali Dhakate Mrunmai Joshi Mrunmayee Babhulkar Mrunmayi Adawadkar Muaaz mohamed ali Mubarrah Khan MUDANG YUBBEY Mudit Nahata Mueez Mugdha Agrawal Mugdha Oak Mugdha Paithanka
n. Muhammed safwan Muhammed Yasir Mukesh Kashyap Mukesh Kavuluri Mukil dev Mukul Jain mukul jain Mukul Mahajan Mukul Mahajan Mukul Saxena Munagala Rama Hari Nandan Murtaza Haidri Muskaan choudhary Muskaan Maharia Muskaan Maharia Muskan Muskan varma Mustufa Yusuf Muthu Ara
Mythili TD Mythreyi Undavalli N L PRATHYUSHA N sai prasanthi N sindhu N Vidhyasagar N. Harshan N. Sai shashidhar N. Tutu Raja N.Abhishek N.BALA KRISHNA REDDY N.Bhavana N.Prahalad Rao Naga Bala Krishnan Nagachaitanya Nagaraj R Nagarathna Balakrishna Nagasai Harsha Malladi Naina Gill
ainika bansal Nainika Krishnan Nainika Naik Nainika Naik Nakul Agrawal Nakul Bansal Nalin Chaturvedi Naman Bajaj Naman Kumar Namboodiri Akhil M M Krishnan Name Name NAME Namit Singal Namita Bhatia Namita Elizabeth Paul Namita Gudaraddi Namrata bhoyar Namrata Chandwani Namrata K
a Nanda H Nandakumar Rammohan Nandana Yadla Nandhini Ezhil Nandini Nandini Muralidharan Nandish Diwakar Shenvi Nandita Dube Nandita Shivakumar Nanditha Ravi Nandu.K.U Narayani Gopakumar Narendra Kumar Mannem Narendra N Narottam Sikhwal Natasha Das Natasha Hule Natesh Natha
er Naved Ghanu Naveen Kumar D Naveen Macro Naveen Narayanan Naveen Raj Naveen Yadav Navin Kumar C Navjit Navjit Bajwa NAVNEET SINGH Navya agarwal Navya Anaparti Navya Sood Navya Sri Navya.P Navyata Gudaraddi Navyata N Kumar Nazileen fatima NC Sanjeev Kumar Needhi Mehta Neel
uloo Neelansha Jain Neelima chowdary Neelima Raheja Neer Varshney Neeraj nainwal Neeraj Panwar Neeraj singh neeti gadgoli Neeti Shriya Neh Navinchandra Shah Neha Neha Neha Barolia Neha Garodia Neha George Neha Gujar Neha Inaskar Neha Jaiswal Neha Kamat Neha koranga NEHA KUMARI Neh
ha Shinde Neha Suman Neha Sureshbabu Pateriya Neha.S Nehreen NEHUL AGARW AL Nelson Joseph Nelvin Reynald Ngukatoli Yeppo Nicky Agarwal Nidhi Nidhi Chitlangia Nidhi Jaiswal Nidhi Puttewar Nidhi singh Nidhi Sudarshan Nidhin Kumar H Nigel Dsouza Nihal Asoodani Nihal Asoodani Nihal prad
arika gargya Niharika Ghoriwala niharika gollapallii Niharika Halemane Niharika Pasi Niharika venigalla Nikhil NIKHIL Nikhil Alphonse Nikhil Bansal Nikhil chandnani Nikhil Chandrawanshi NIKHIL CHERIYAN KOVOOR Nikhil Devgan Nikhil George NIKHIL JAIN Nikhil Karthik. B Nikhil M Nikhil Man
NIKHIL MITTAL Nikhil Raj Nikhil Raj NIKHIL REDDY Nikhil Shah Nikhil Shankar Nikhil W adhwa Nikhilesh Sivakumar Nikhita Ramakrishnan nikita Nikita Agarwal Nikita Arora Nikita Bhoot Nikita Gharote Nikita goel nikita gupta Nikita Lizbeth Punnoose Nikita Manohar Ambadaskar Nikita Naidu Nik
eth Nikita Panjwani Nikita Poll Nikita Rawat Nikita Rungta Nikita Uttarwar Nikita VijayMohan Nikitha Elizabeth Mathews Nikithasai nikunj NIKUNJ BHARTIA NIKUNJ GUPTA Nikunj Saraf Nilanjana Dutta Nimisha Mehta Ninad Sanjay Pardhiye Nipun Raje Niraja Poddar Nirali Hundiya Niranjana Jayakrishna
er Nirmal Roy Nirupa Ramachandran Nischal Padarthi NISHA JAISW AL Nisha Malick nisha mallick Nisha Mehta NISHANT AGRAW AL Nishant Gupta NISHANT JHA Nishant Trivedi Nishanth N Nishchinta Nishi Thapa Nishika Singhi Nishit Saxena nishita borkar Nishith Sharma Nishtha Nishtha Sharma
ar D Nithin Ramesh Nithin Suresh Nithin Varma Dandu NITHIN.V Nitika Duggal Nitin Nitin Kumar Nitish Kholgade Nitish Puri Nitranshu malviya Nitya Ranjan Nityananda Sai K Nived Nivedhitha Nivedita Mishra Nivi S Nivya Jacob Niyamat Chimthanawala Niyanta Kacchela Niyathi Reddy Niyati Noelle M
a Nupur Chauhan Nupur Chitalia Nupur Dharmin Kothari Nupur Goel Nupur Pharaskhanewala Om Halankar Omkar Sanjay Gajarlwar Operations Fellow P Divya Shree P Gaurav P R Vijayakumar P Vikas Raj P. Manvitha P.N.P.Pujitha P.R.Aiswarya P.S.Kirtana Padamashri Ramesh Padhmaja kumar Padhmaja
amesh Padmini Barkokodi Pakshal Patwa Palak Arora PALAK JAIN Palak Taurani Pallavi Pallavi Gupta Pallavi Pradeep Pallavi Tibrewal Pallavi W adhwa Pamela Ghosh Pankhuri Kapoor Pantham.S.S.Pranathi Devi Panya Baldia Paraj Kumar Singh Paramalla Adarsh Paras paras sharma parepalli pavan kumar Pa
hpuria Paridhi Nath Parin Tetarwal Parina Kalra Parmi Parna Saha Parnil Singh parth aggarwal Parth Gada Parth Gulati parth vasoya Partha Parul Parul Parul Gaba PARUL JAIN Parul Satija Parvathi Venugopal Parvathy G Parvathy S Menon Pattan Akram Paul Finney Pavan Gonagur Pavan Hegde Pavan Koush
n Yekbotw Pavani Malay Pavithra Subramaniyan Pavitra Sirolikar Pavneet Chhabra Pawan A Pawan Singh Mehta Pedaprolu Srikiran Peer M Hanim Phalguni Bhaumik Phalguni Bhaumik phanipriya Pheba Anna Philip Phuntsok Pinak Sawhney pingili reddy Piyush Agarwal Piyush Agrawal Piyush Dalmia Piyush Ma
duturi Poojitha reddy Pooja Pooja Agarwal Pooja Agnihotri Pooja avanthkar Pooja Bhayal Pooja Doctor Pooja Doshi Pooja Doshi Pooja D'Souza Pooja Goel Pooja Gogri pooja kumari Pooja Manoj Nambudiri Pooja Manvikar Pooja Manvikar Pooja Monga Pooja Pandey Pooja Saha Pooja Sanghi Pooja Shah Pooja Sharm
ar Pooja Tiwni Pooja varma Pooja W adhwani pooja.k Poojitha Vijjapu Poonam Gehani Poorva Tak Poorvali Sharma Poorvi Ravindra Poorvi Sanjay Jain Poulami Sengupta Prabhant singh Prabhu mundhra Prachi arora Prachi Batavia Prachi Bohra prachi chhajer Prachi Chhajer Prachi Doshi Prachi Joshi Prachi Kane
a Pradeep P C PRADHYUMN PRADEEP Pradyumn Agarwal pragati jain Pragya Mishra PRAGYA TIW ARY Pragyan Srivastava Prahyusha Prajakta Deshpande Prajina Thakur Prajvala Reddy Prajwal Prajwal B Prakrati Agrawal Prakrati Rathore Prakrithi PRANATHI D Pranav Pranav Bansode Pranav Dange
arni PRANAV KUMAR pranay Pranay Goel Praneesh JANYAVULA Praneeta Kalaskar Pranit Chugh Pranita Bhagavatula Pranila Pranla Pranla Pranla Pranla Pranth C P Pranjal Jain PRANJALI GHUSHE Pranjali Ghushe pranjali pandey Pranoti W aingankar Pranshu Sonthalia Prantik Das Barman Prasad Tha
Prasanth Chandika Prasanthi A Prasanthi Kakumani Prasenjeet Patil Prashant Agarwala Prashanth Prashanth Nanagiri Prasoon Prabhash prateek choksey Prateek Gupta Prateek Pushkar Agarawal Prateek Thakur Pratham soni Prathap Raj Prathibha R Pratibha Pratibha Khandelwal Pratibha Nehra Pratik L
ik Singhania Pratik Zambani Pratiksha Bahadure Pratiksha Diwanji Pratiksha M Pratiksha Mathurkar Pratima Prakash PRATINAV PARATAP SINGH Pratishma Bansal Pratishtha Aggarwal Pratyasha Mishra Pravallika Budhiraju Praveen Roy Praveen Shanbhag Praveen Varma praveena tati pravesh budholia P
le Prawin A.S. Preethi Padmanabhan PREETI Preeti Chandak Prekshaa Pahuja Prem Krishnan Premchand Prerana Sheth Prerna Ajitsaria Prerna Chauhan Prerna Jain Prerna Kaushik Prerna Kothari PRERNA SINGH Prerna Singla Prerna Sukhija Prianka Prince Arokia Das K Prince Sebastian Pritha Khanduri Prit
da Prithvi singh prithviraj chitteti Priti Dubey Pritish Kulshrestha Pritish Suhalka Priya Agrawal Priya Dutta Priya Panchapakesan Priya Rani Priya Rao Priyam Periwal Priyamvada Biyani Priyamvada Kota Priyanjali Mittal Priyank Sanghani Priyanka Choubey Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Harivallabhdas priyanka
nka Mandhyan Priyanka Mandhyan Priyanka Mathur Priyanka Mohan Priyanka pande Priyanka S Jadhav Priyanka Singh priyanka singh priyanshi rastogi PRIYANSHU SURI Priyaranjani Puttaswamy Priyavignesh PrudhviMunagalapsundararaman@gmail.comShruthi Vishwanath Puja Agarwal Puja Tiwari PU
Pulkit Kapoor Punam saxena Puneet Shewaramani Punit Punit Punit agrawal Punith S Shankar Purushottam Chandra Purva Pushpashil Shelke Pushan Sengupta Pushkar Kumar Pushpanjali R Aditya R Archana Iyer R. Anuj Nair R. Sanjay Srinivasan R.Geethanjali R.Yonah Raaghul K Raagini Reddy Rabab Ran
hita Pateria Rachita Saxena Radha Choudhary Radha krishna Radha Nashine Radhika Agrawal Radhika Agrawal Radhika Ajith Radhika Gooptu Radhika Khurana Radhika Mahajan Radhika Mittal Radhika R Ragambiga Kuppuraj Ragashree M C Ragavendra Natarajan Ragavi R Raghav Raghav Dhanuka Raghav
Raghav Kalra Raghav katyal Raghav Kothiwal Raghav Sareen Raghavendra M R Raghavendra R Rao Raghu Ram Raghu Vamshi K Raghuvendra Singh Rahul Rahul Acharya Rahul Adhikari Rahul Agrahari Rahul Anand Rahul Augustine Rahul Chate Rahul Iyer Rahul Krishnan Rahul Mehra RAHUL MITTAL
ppan RAHUL PRADHAN Rahul R Rahul Ramakrishnan Rahul Ranganathan Rahul Reghu Rahul Saju Rahul Thomas Rahul Tripathi Rahul V Rainy Jain Raj Gunashekar Raj Narayan Raj Thakker Raja Manepalli Rajagopal PV Rajan Lohia Rajas Prashant Dixit Rajasekhar Rajat gupta Rajat Kumar Rajat Nakade R
h Rajeev Annepu RAJEEV KUMAR Rajendran Rajesh Rajesh Katta Rajesh Varghese Rajeshwar Telang Rajita Varma Rajiv Berlia Rajneen Arora Rajni Yadav Rakesh Bora Rakesh Kanna Rakesh Khajuria Rakesh Kumar Rakesh Ramachandiran Rakesh Ramesan Rakesh Saha Rakhi Rakshita Rakshith Manandi
M Rakshitha S. Kamath Ram Mohan Ram Niveth K.I. RAM SAJAN NANDHA Ram Sankar H K Rama Rama Choudhary Rama Sudhakar Raman Kumar Ramandeep Singh Ramasubramanian M Ramcy Kalam Ramesh Gorantla Ramila M Ramit Dour Ramita Singh Ramkrishna Narayan Ramni Kaushik Ramya Gu
MYA MEDISETTI Ramya Narayandas Ramya Palisetty Ramya Tokala Ramyakh Jain Ramyashree Rana Niranchan Rana pratap Ranganath Vura Rangoju Yashwanth Rani Alisha Rai Ranjana Pandey Ranjana Pandey Ranjani Rajendran Rashi Ailawadi Rashi Modi Rashmeen Kaur Rashmi Rashmi Bagri Rashmi G
mi K A Rashmi Mallya Rashmi Ramesh Rashmitha Pippari Ratan raj shekhar Rathna Subramanian Ratnesh awasthi ratnim Raunak Chindalia RAUNAK JINDAL Raunaq Surana Raveena Adam Raveena Jain Ravi Jaiswal Ravi Java Ravi Kanth Kaja Ravi Kumar K S Ravi Teja Mullapudi Ravikiran Rao Ravitej k
neet sidhu Raya Hazarika Razniya Syed Re Rarrin Makan Reddy Akshay Rehan Sheikh RELANGI SATISH REMYA Remya V Renjith Ajith Renjith R Thampi Renuka Choudhary Renuka Pohankar reshma Reshma .M.Ajay RESHMA SREEKUMAR Reshu Agarwal Revanth reddy Tummala Revathi Prabhala Rev
R. Palkhiwala Rhea Shukla Rhea Soni Rhea Sydney RHEA TOMY Ria Bera Ria Maheshwari Ricardo Stephens Richa Agarwal Richa Ahuja Richa Desai Richa Dudani Richa Kanojia Richa Kapoor Richa Rao RICHA S JOSHI Richa Sati Richa Sinha Riddhi Andiappan Riddhi Puntambekar Riddhish Doshi Ridham
Ridhi Vohra Ridhima Sawhney Rijo John Jacob Rimjhim Bathla Rini Marshel P Rinky Devarapally Rishab Gupta rishabh chanana Rishabh Chawla Rishabh Dhawan Rishabh Garg Rishabh gupta Rishabh jain Rishabh Pandey Rishabh Popat Rishabh Sethia Rishi Gupta Rishi Masand Rishika M Rishika Ranka Rishik
mbhatt Rishitha chalasani Rishul Sethi Rishya reddy Rita Sharma Rita Sharma Ritesh Agarwal Ritheesh Shetty Rithik M Jain Rithul.K Ritika Adlakha Ritika Goenka Ritika khandelwal Ritika Sainani Ritika Shah Ritika Singh Ritu Ritvick Parikh Riya Riya Riya Kapoor Riya Narang Riya sancheti RIYA TRIPATH
aballi Robin Bahl Robin Philroy Rochelle richard Rohan Bansal Rohan Bhowmick Rohan Ganesh Rohan Giriraj Rohan Kochhar Rohan Menon Rohan Roy Rohan Sheth Rohini Juneja Rohit Rohit Khurana Rohit Myla Rohit Naik Rohit Nair Rohit Sharma Rohit Suresh Rohit Thakur ROHIT TIW ARI Rohit Tiwar
h Rohith raga Roma ROMA BISHT ROMY AGRAW AL Ronak Chawla Ronak Deepak Gala Ronak Gala Ronnit Samuel Roopal Nagaria Roopam Jain Roopam Sonpethkar Roopesh Roopsi Narang Rose mary joseph Rosemary AB Roshan Roshni Ann Roshni Keshwani roshni sekhar Roxanne Saldanha Royal Dia
i Ruchi Bhutada Ruchi Swarup Ruchika Kachhwaha Ruchika Revdikar Ruchitaa Panicker Rudranshu Samanta Rudresh Panchal Ruhani Pathania Rujusmitaa Panicker rukhsar b j RUPA BATLANKI Rupa.s Rupakshi Soni Rupali Dubey Rupali Kar Rupali Singh Rupam Banerjee Rupan Dhiman Rupanshi Mehta R
ur Rupinder Kaur Rushikesh Meharwade Ruthvik Srinivas Rutuja Anil Saraf Rutuja Bezalwar Rutuja Pande Rutvi Joshi S a manjushree S. Saran S.Pooja S.Rohit S.S.N Pavan Kumar S.s.v.b.mohan S.Varsha saachi saraogi Saandhy Ganeriwala Saba Ahmed saba khan Saba Khan Sabariram Sabariram.R Sabhri Raj Sabh
o Sachin Sachin George SACHIN KANESH Sachin Rao Sachith kothari Sadaf zaidi Sadhana Sadhana Sadhika Sood Sadhruthi Yalamanchili Sadiya Anjum s Sagar Chawda Sagar D M Sagar juneja sagar sisodiya Sagar Totlani Sagarika Jaiswal Sagarika M P Sagun Tripathi sahaja sarva Sahana Sahana Mahesh SAH
Sahil arora Sahil Arora Sahil Gera SAHIL KAMRA Sahil Sharma Sahil Sutaria Sahithi M Sahitya Sai Apurva Sai challakonda Sai divya siriki Sai Hithesh Papudesu Sai Kumar Sai Manikantesh Thadikamalla Sai Manoj Sai Mounika.Gottipati Sai Mounika.Gottipati Sai Nikhil.Y Sai Pooja R Sai Prabha SAI PRERNA
ESH Sai Rathnam P R sai sowmika.CH Sai Surya Kiran Sai Swaroop Sai Teja sai teja Sai Vamsi Saideep korrapati Saikrishna V saisandeep vuppala Saish Sarikonda Saishree Iyer saisree. G Saivinaicheithanya Sajani Narayanan Sajeed Kabeer Sajin James Saket Mule Saketh Krishna Saketh Saxena Sakhi Joglekar sa
am Kathuria Saksham Sabharwal Saksham Thakur Sakshi Anand Sakshi Arora Sakshi Batavia Sakshi bhatnagar Sakshi Choraria Sakshi Dugar Sakshi Gupta Sakshi Gupta Sakshi gupta Sakshi Kalra Sakshi Khandelwal Sakshi Malpani Sakshi Minhas Sakshi Rana Sakshi rawat Sakshi shah SAKSHI SHARMA Sakshi
kthi Krishnakumar Salma H Salman Khalid Saloni Agrawal Saloni Khatri Samadrita Chakraborty Samana Samarth Mahajan Sambhabi Chakroborty Sameeksha Raj S B Sameer Rathi Sameer Sethi SAMEER SOIN Sameera Boinapalli Sameera Rasheed Sameera Rasheed Samhita Kumar Samhita M Samira Adhar Sam
or Sample Teacher Sampoorn khare Sampurna deshpande Samriddh Tilwani Samriddhi singh Samridhi jain Samruddhi Samruddhi Kolhe Samrudhi Manohar Patil SAMUEL MANGALATHU RAJ samyuktha Sana Mehmood Sanath Sanchi Sareen Sanchita Shah Sanchita Sood Sanchu Philip Mathew sandarsh Sand
eep Kavety Sandeep khandelwal Sandeep Mertia Sandeep Potturi Sandhya Raju Sandhya Sihag SANDILYA KONDURU Sangeeta Sunderan Sangeetha Desai Sangeetha Jana S Sangita Samota Sangram Keswori Pattnaik Sanika Sanjana annu Sanjana Bajaj Sanjana chanani Sanjana Chaudhary Sanjana Giridhar Sanjan
ana Rastogi Sanjana s m Sanjay murthy Sanjay Narayanan Sanjay Thomas Sanjay Thomas Alanoy Sanjeev Sanjeev Bajaj Sanjeev Nagesh Sankalp Sharma Sanna Singh Sannidhi Surop Sanprati Sharma Sanskriti Sharma Sanskruthi kalyankar Santhoshraj.R.R Santosh Basarkar Santosh Kumar Sanya Bhutani Sanya S
nyukta Biswas Sanyukta Thatte Sanyuktha Sapan Jain Saquib Abbasi SARA Sarah Kenwar Sarah Maryam Saral Baheti Sarang Akhade Saransh Agarwal Saranya Anand Sarat Sarath Sarath S A SARATH S NAIR Sarath S Nair Sarem Imteyaz Syed Sarika M P Saroja Kondamudi Sarthak Sarthak Agrawal Sarthak A
rvagna Sarvani Murthy Sarwar shams khan Sathvik Krishna Upadhyaya Sathvika Sathvika Reddy Vennam Sathyanarayanan Satya Mani Satya Pradeep B Satya Swaroop SATYAKI PAL Satyam Deepak Ningudgekar Saud Bhoira saumya Bharti Saumya Bharti Saumya Gupta Saumya Gupta Saumya Gupta SAUMYA
mya Pandey Saumya Shah Saumye Srivastava Sauparnika R Krishna Saurabh Saurabh Agarwal Saurabh Choudhary Saurabh Ganesh Channe Saurabh jajoo Saurabh Korhale Saurabh Kumar Singh Saurabh Pandey Saurabh ratnaparkhi Saurabh Sharma Saurabh Srivastava Saurav Kansal Savisa Durani Savitha Priyada
ayali bhave Sayali Garude Sayali Tambe Sayan Bhattacharjee Sayantan Ray Sayantani Ghosh Sayli Rao Sayli Rao Sayoojya N SEEMA R Sehej Bindra Sehej Singh Bindra Seher Hashim Seher Naziya Seijal Swamy Sejal Gandhi Sejin Jacob John Shachi Bhanuda Shadma Ahmed Shagufa shagun chhabra Shagun Jindal shag
d Abrar Shahanaz Afruza Shahidha Alaudeen shahnaz Shaik khaja moinuddin Shaik Mohammed Aqib Ali Shailesh Shaily Rangrez Shalaka Sashittal shalakha nair Shalini Shalini shalini mittal Shalini Mittal Shalini Pal Shalvin Abraham Sham Shambhavi Sharma Shamish Ganpule Shamvabi Shanmuga Narayanan Shan
tre Shantanu Gontia Shantanu Mothghare shanti Shapnaa Sridharan Sharad Sharad Jain Sharad R Telkar Sharada Annamaraju Sharal Barboza Sharanya Bhaskar SHARANYA REDDY SHARATH B U Sharath Uday Shardul Deshpande Sharika Sharmishta B M SHARMISHTAA KUMAR Sharon Thomas Sharva
an Sharvil Pradhan Shashank Shashank bharadwaj Shashank S Shashank Saboo Shashank Shanu Shashank Vadrevu Shashi Kumar K S Shashi Shekhar Singh Shashidhaman Sampath Shashidhar shashidhar reddy Shaurya Singh Shaurya Singh Shayoni Seth Shazin Shafi Ahamed shazman khan Sheeba Sheenam S
ethal Maria Zackaria Shefali Garg Shefali Gokhale Shefali Saxena Sheik Akram Shekhar Gupta Shevik Bhardwaj Shibin Shifa Zoya Shijo Varghese Shikha Shikha Chauhan SHIKHA SINGH Shikhar Mittal Shikhar Talreja Shilali M S Shilpa Baweja Shilpa Gangadharan Manari Shilpa lakshmana Shilpa Rajendran shilpa
Shinsiya Hussain Shinu Mathew Varghese Shiny Shipra Dubey Shirin Dutta Shishir Shiv Kulin Contractor Shiv Shankar Patnaik Shiva Kumar Shiva Sruthi Shivakiran Shivali Pande Shivam Agrawal Shivam gupta shivam joshi Shivam Tripathi Shivam Yadav Shivangi Aggarwal Shivangi Goel Shivangi Jaiswal shi
ivastva Shivani Bhatnagar shivani chamarty Shivani Dhondiyal Shivani Gupta Shivani Joshi Shivani Marepalli Shivani Newaskar Shivani Poovaiah Shivani rabra SHIVANI SOOD Shivani Thaduru Shivanshi Tripathi Shivendra pratap singh Shivi Garg Shivi Gupta Shoba prakash Shobhit Dwivedi Shobhit Ka
homrik bhattacharya Shonali Shounak Shounak K Biswas Shourya Shikher Shrabanti Jana Shraddha bade Shraddha Gijare Shraddha jha Shraddha Navalgund Shraddha Raj Shraddha Shashidhar Shraddha Tiwari Shradha Chhabra Shradha Mour Shradha Muralidharan Shradha Ramprasad SHRADHA S Shrad
Shravani Tirumala Shravanthi Shravanthi Shetty Shrawani Singh Shreenithi Shreesha nambiar Shreety Bose Shreshtha Sinha Shrestha Deb Burman Shrestha Raychaudhuri Shrey Vats Shreya Shreya Agrawal Shreya barsaiya Shreya Datar Shreya Dixit Shreya Gala Shreya gupta Shreya gupta Shreya Jhunjhunwala S
re Shreya Malviya Shreya More Shreya Mudgal SHREYA POKHARIYAL Shreya Pola Shreya Prakash Shreya Raithatha Shreya Ramalingam Iyer Shreya Reddy Markala Shreya Sharma Shreya Suvarna Shreya Verma Shreyam misra SHREYANS JAIN Shreyans Pokharna Shreyanshi Basu Shreyas B C Shreyas Bhat S
elavadi Shreyas Rajaram Shreyash Kothari Shria Kuruvilla Shrihari SHRIHARSHA BHARADW AJ shrijeet karade Shrikant Khond Shrinidhi Shetty Shrinivas Shivkumar Achari Shriram Iyer Shrisha Amit Kashyap Shrishti Jha Shristi bhadouria Shriya Chitnis Shriya Gupta Shriya Jashnani Shruthi Balaji Shrut
uti Mehrotra Shruti nair Shruti Pandey Shruti Patil Shruti Prakash Shruti Raj Arora Shruti Sharma Shruti Srivastava Shruti subramanian Shruti Tulpule Shubh Mehra Shubha Sarraf shubham Shubham Aggarwal Shubham Agrawal Shubham Champakbhai Patel Shubham Dehariya shubham gosewade SHUBH
n shubham malviya Shubham Pandey Shubham Saxena Shubham Sharma Shubham Sharma SHUBHAM SHIVANSH Shubham Shuhangi Shubham Upadhyay Shubhangi das barman Shubhangi Gaur Shubhangi kalla Shubhangi Narang SHUBHANGI TRIVEDI Shubhanjali Chakrabarty Shubhankar Shubhankar Uchi
i Bakliwal Shubhi Kushwaha Shubhi Sahni Shubhra Jha Shubhrav Phate Shuvopriyo Roy SHW ETA ATRI Shweta Chhillar Shweta Chopra Shweta Mehta Shweta Rangwani Shweta Singh Shwetha Ravindran Shwetha Sanjeev Shwetha Srinath shwetha srinivas Shyamali Nandanwar Shyantani Saha Shyantani Saha
i Siddarth Srinivasan Siddhant Siddhant Chharia Siddhant Dube Siddhant jain SIDDHANT KATYAN Siddharth Agarwal Siddharth D'Souza Siddharth Gupta SIDDHARTH KEDIA Siddharth Prasad Rath Siddharth Raghuwanshi Siddharth Zavery Siddhi Nargolkar Siddhima Sidhant R. Seth Sidharth K Sidharth S
dharth Srinivasan Sidhini Brind Sikander Ahamed T Sima Joshi Simran Ahluwalia Simran Jashnani Simran Kaur Simran Khaitan Simran Kohli Simran Lamba Simran Sadana Simran Sharma Simran Verma Simraun Singh Sindhu Reddy Sindhu Reddy Sindhuja Sindhuja Sindhuja kriti Sindhura Karthikeyan Sin
i Ns sirisha Sitanshu Chheda Siva Sita Rama Raju Sagi Sivangi Raj P Sivaram Sivaranjani S sivasankar SIVASUBRAMANIAM MAHADEVAN Skandesh B L Sloka Akula Smakit Jain Smeet Shah Smita Ghosh Smita Nayak smita sajwan Smitha B Smitha Sheshadri smriti tomar Sneha Sneha Aggrawal sneha barua Sn
gh Sneha Kaul Sneha Krishnamurthy sneha kumari Sneha Lathaa Guru Sneha Mahendran Sneha Meriam Thomas Sneha Nemalapuri Sneha Nomula Sneha Poddar Sneha Priya S S Sneha Rajendra Sneha Ramesh Sneha Reddy Sneha sundar Sneha Suresh Sneha Tilak Snehal Rathi Snehal Rathod Snehal Sambare S
al Snigdha Kastoori Snigdha Pande Snigdha Rao Snigdha Sabharwal Snigdha Sharma Sobin Sebastian soham kulkarni Soham Shinde Sohil Hemnani Somasundaram Sombul Munshi Somosmita Mitra Somya Ashok somya khare Somya Rastogi Sonal Gupta Sonal Jharkharia Sonal Patil SONALI Hooda Sonali Rajpu
nam pirani Sonam Prakash W agh Soneet Sidhu Sonia Sonia Saldanha Soniya Dembla SONU KUMAR Sonu P Sooraj .S Sooraj K L Sooraj S A Soorya P Chandran Soubhik Kumar Bardhan Soujanya lane Soujanya patil Soumya Soumya Angadi Soumya Dhasmana Soumyaa Passari soundharya Sourjya Banerjee
ddy Guda Sparsh Sphoorthy K Spoorthi T Srabanti Sradhya Roy Sravani Alluri Sravani C SRAVANI DAS Sravanthi Sravanthi T Sree harshika Sree mol Prasad Sree Sankar P Sreedhar MV Sreelakshmi Jayan Sreelekshmi Madhu Sreepathy Palliath Sreeram N R SREERANJANI ELURI SRI CHANDANA KALA



With an estimated 31 million orphans in India, our best hope of impacting the true scale of the problem is
to work towards changing and improving the way the existing system of shelters operates.


Review impact indicators and invest in
technology to facilitate and improve
impact tracking and monitoring.
Shift towards an age-transitional
approach, and improving the design of
existing programmes.
Restructure fundraising, increase our
online and offline crowd-funding
capability, develop monthly donations,
and expand grant funding.
Increase robustness of HR and Set up
functional governance and escalation
systems including board and elections.
Develop volunteer alumni systems to
ensure longer term continuity in
Build capacity among Fellows and

Next 3 Years
Our planning is ranged in a way that ensures our annual plan
remains firmly in line with our long term aspirations. Over the next
3 years we will continue to lay foundations for longer term
systemic change by focusing on the following:

Benchmark and baseline outcomes to help us prioritize

interventions better and set more meaningful targets.
Scale and standardize quality of impact in existing
programmes and make them more age-transitional.
Stabilise operations and funding, enable systematic
replication, and improve scalability for future growth.
Expand programme touchpoints to cover all critical
intervention points, with a focus on Life Skills, Emotional
Health, Transition Readiness and After-Care.
Ensure seamless integration and cohesion between all our
programs, and more agile and responsive delivery.
Understand the true scale of the problem across India.
Formalize and expand the work we do to drive improvement
in the ecosystem around children, focusing on shelters,
public awareness and current policy.
Develop thought leadership in improving outcomes for
children in shelters, and in mobilizing and developing
young leaders.

Improve operational rigour, tracking,

monitoring & accountability + learnings
/ continuous learning.
Maintain our focus on scaling quality of
impact by increasing range of
interventions - Aftercare in particular.
Improve internal knowledge sharing and
transfer of regional best practices.
Partner with other expert organisations
to deploy tried and tested
methodologies wherever possible.
Increase Director involvement on
ground - ensure direct feedback loops
down to volunteer/ child level.
Increase operational resilience (ability
to cope with shocks) and agility
(flexibility for change).
Focus on strengthening cultural
identity, and becoming an even greater
place to work.
Expand dedicated team for researching
adult outcomes to include regional
Fellows and develop scalable tools for
managing and analysing data.



Hel p us do more
Over the next five years, we hope to invest more per child in three key areas:
- Understand their individual and collective needs better
- Provide more time with volunteers who have received extensive training
- Improve and increase our touch-points and interventions to ensure a more holistic range of support
for better long term outcomes

Hel p us hel p more chil dren

UNICEF estimates there are 31 million orphans in India. Our work has only touched the tip of the
iceberg. As we evolve, we hope to reach more children, either directly or by working with the state to
roll-out better practices in all shelters across India. Your time, skills, donations in kind and financial
support, all go a long way towards helping us achieve both of these goals.

Hel p us l ower our cost s

For Chil dren: While we are able to massively reduce our costs of delivering services through a
sophisticated volunteering model, our work of supporting children does also incur a range of
non-service costs such as Classroom Resources, Learning Books and Materials, Buses/ Local Transport
for Extra-curricular Activities and Venues for Camps.

For Make A Dif f erence: As a distributed non-profit organisation we strive to be as efficient as

possible, and one of the ways we do this is by eliminating drag as much as possible. We are always
looking for Sponsors to help us eliminate the costs of Computing Technology (Hardware and Software),
Office Equipment, Connectivity, Travel and Venues for City Team Meetings..

Donate to MAD

Find Out More

Contact Us

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Regist ered

Regist ered

Regist ered

Make A Dif f erence - Cochin is a regist ered societ y under t he Travancore Cochin Lit erary,
Scient if ic and Charit abl e Societ ies Regist rat ion Act of 1955 (Regist rat ion No: ER711/ 06)

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