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core product in banking is the current account (demand deposit account).

This current account system concentrates

on the monitoring of funds payable and receivable between banks and their customers.
The current account system Bank Customer Accounts (BCA) is implemented as an open system that can react
flexibly to customer-specific requirements by the definition of Business Transaction Events.
The bank area is the central organizational unit of the current accounts system, in which complete and independent
account management and processing takes place. This means that the account numbers that exist in a bank area
must be clear and unmistakable. The bank key is particularly significant, as bank keys, along with the account
number, are used for the processing of payment transactions. An account number in all bank areas with the same
bank key must be unique.

SAP Business Partner for Financial Services

The SAP Business Partner for Financial Services (SAP BP-FS) is the SAP application for saving and managing all customer
information. Special tools are used by the SAP Business Partner for Financial Services in order to manage the business partner
position properly. You can use them to manage the following business transactions: Change documents, Document
management, Authorizations, External data transfer. The most important business partner data includes

The name and address of the business partner

Supplementary data dependent on the business partner category (for example, date of birth, legal form) for all application
areas (for example, industry keys for marketing selections or regulatory reporting)

Relationships (for example, borrower entities, group structures)

Business partner roles

Legitimation data and additional partner numbers

Credit standing data/data provided by credit reference agencies/scoring results/marketing clusters

Financial statement data or analyses

Total commitment

Business partner relationships can be linked in many different ways. Functions are available to form borrower entities and
units of risk.

Customers appear in defined roles for a bank (such as account holder, borrower or guarantor, for example). For this
reason, the role is a vital component within the concept of the SAP business partner.

Business partners are divided into different categories, which have different attributes assigned to them. The system
distinguishes between

persons (for example individuals, brokers)

organizations (for example banks, companies)

groups (for example, societies according to the German Civil Code, people living in shared apartments)

The business partner is a natural or legal person with whom business relationships are maintained. Typical business
partners are banks, a central treasury department with which financial transactions are concluded, or a customer who
has several accounts at the bank.
The functions of the business partner in the contract are determined using business partner roles such as account
holder and card holder, as well as prospect or processor. You define the rights and obligations of the business partner
when you assign the business partner role. A business partner may have several business partner roles. Business
partner roles are determined through assignment to a business partner role category.

Provided an activity group is assigned to the user master record, as well as being able to use the SAP menu (

have the additional option of branching to a role-specific user menu (

Banking. You can use them as copy templates.

). We supply the following roles for SAP

), you

SAP_ISB_ACCOUNTS_ADMIN_AG: SAP Banking BCA: Account Management Administrator

SAP_ISB_ACCOUNTS_ASSISTANT_AG: SAP Banking BCA: Assistant in Account Management

SAP_ISB_ACCOUNTS_STAFF_AG: SAP Banking BCA: Clerical Staff in Account Management

SAP_ISB_CRE_RISK_CONTROLLER_AG: SAP Banking Default Risk and Limit System: Default Risk Controller

SAP_ISB_CRE_RISK_MANAGER_AG: SAP Banking Default Risk and Limit System: Default Risk Manager

SAP_ISB_CRE_RISK_TRADER_AG: SAP Banking Default Risk and Limit System: Trader

SAP_ISB_MAR_RISK_CONTROLLER_AG: SAP Banking Risk Analysis: Market Risk Controller

SAP_ISB_PA_CONTROLLER_AG: SAP Banking Profitability Analysis: Profitability Controller

SAP_ISB_STRATEGIC_PLANNER_AG: SAP Banking Asset/Liability Management: Strategic Balance Sheet Planner

SAP_CML_CREDIT_ANALYST: Loans Management (FS-CML): Credit Analyst

SAP_CML_LOANS_OFFICER: Loans Management (FS-CML): Loans Officer

SAP_CML_ROLLOVER_OFFICER: Loans Management (FS-CML): Rollover Officer

SAP_CML_STAFF_ACCOUNTANT: Loans Management (FS-CML): Staff Accountant for Loans

SAP_CML_DEPARTM_MANAGER: Loans Management (FS-CML): Manager of Loans Department

SAP_CML_PRODUCT_ADMIN: Loans Management (FS-CML): Product Administrator

SAP_CML_TECHNICAL_ADMIN: Loans Management (FS-CML): Technical Administrator

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